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Type Site - Score Feedback / Review Date
Visit Tonight's Girlfriend

Tonight's Girlfriend
Reply of lone59's Comment

He's right, IDM is the way to go, you can even use it for free with out some minor features. I bought it after I saw how amazing it it. You just turn on the setting that allows you to capture videos from sites. I like this whole Site idea though. I mean, who hasn't dreamed of getting a porn star hooker before? And this looks pretty accurate as to how I would think a hooker deal would work so I say good for them for doing outside of the norm. And now that TBP has a discount I plan to be joining next month.

02-26-12  10:54pm

Visit VirtuaGirl


monthly membership?

So am I understanding this right, you can join at the 15 dollars a month as listed on TBP instead of buying the sets one by one? anyone know about this?

08-17-11  10:19am

Replies (1)
Visit Dream Kelly

Dream Kelly
Reply of rearadmiral's Reply

And I feel the same way but the lure of Dream Kelly is just to strong to pass. So I will give this site one last shot before I give up on it forever. In fact, I think I'll join right now. Ill let you know how it looks, just a heads up. Then I'll write my full review.

07-07-11  10:37pm

Visit Dream Kelly

Dream Kelly
Reply of rearadmiral's Reply

Thats the Thing, Zips make life easier but if they don't have them I can still use site grabber. My worry is that they use some sore of site coding that times out and renders site grabber noneffective. I'll go ahead and join next week and be sure to detail my review to let everyone know what we CAN do.

07-06-11  04:51am

Visit Dream Kelly

Dream Kelly

IDM Site Grabber?/ Updates?

The last time someone asked if this iste is updating was 2 years ago so Ill ask again, and has anyone tried to use IDM's site grabber to get the picture? does it work at all or do the links expire too quickly? Should I just bite the bullet and join for a up to date review "The Collector" style??

07-06-11  03:48am

Replies (5)
N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

WiFi is to unreliable, plus with my LAN connection at home I have a 20 megabit connection that no WiFi can compete with. I dont think I need to look at porn badly enough to have to pull out the iPod Touch and start downloading. However last week I was stuck in Chicago on a lay over and I was reading some PU/TBP reviews on the iPod lol

06-25-11  07:53am

Visit Real Peachez

Real Peachez
Reply of tangub's Reply

Thats funny, it happened to me to. Its cool because I have it all now but that must be their plan, greedy punks lol!

06-25-11  07:44am

Visit Aziani


Download limit/ download manager

You have to be careful with this site if you are using a download manager. I use IDM and the site would block me if it detected a download manager, other then that if you download normally then it will block you have you exceed 5GB for 6 hours and if you attempt to download before the time is up you will get your 6 hours reset. If they want to be all hardcore about how much you can download then they need to be clear and up front about it in the terms of service.

06-24-11  05:29pm

Replies (0)
Visit Real Peachez

Real Peachez

Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Pros: - Sarah Peachez is simply stunning
- Zip files for photo galleries
- All content is downloadable
- Newer content is higher quality
- Newer photo galleries offered im mulit sized zip files
- Site is still active and updates, however (see cons, bottom line)
- All content is exclusive
- A good amount of content
- Content is not just of her, lots of friends, Girl/ Girl
- Site offers a full trial however, (see cons, bottom line)
Cons: - Very slow download speeds
- Very small download limit, (see bottom line)
- Does not support the use of download managers
- Very poor navagation, (see bottom line)
- Messy or cheap layout and design, (see bottom line)
- Some photo galleries have broken zip download
- Some vidoe links are broken
- Videos are only avaiable in a small 640 X 480 size
- Older photo galleries have poor quality
- Does not deliver promised updates, (see bottom line)
- Site does not offer a discount for full month
Bottom Line: Over all Sarah Peachez is crazy hot, she has an amazing natural body and eyes that take your breath away. Lately she and her site have taken things up a knotch by slowly starting to move from softcore model site to hardcore site. She has some handjob videos and picture galleries aswell as a few blowjob ones.

The first major flaw you will notice is that the navigation is a complete mess. When I join a new site, the first thing I usally do is dive right into the photos. When I did I found that there arent really any useful browsing features, you just have to keep clicking "next page" a bunch of times to get at all of the content. The next thing you will notice is that the sites design and layout looks like it was made by some amature 16 year old who had very basic site buliding tools. It would be nice if they would step it up a bit or even just take the site down, redesign, and rebulid I bet they would see and spike in their sales.

Then once you get elbows deep in the site, all of the other flaws start to show their faces. Like their very tiny download limit, they only allow you to get like 16 picture zips before they block you for +24 hours. You will also find that alot of the video links are broken and some of the older photo galleries have broken zip file download links.

Another huge downside I found was that the site claims to have 4 updates per week but during my month with this site they only updated once every other week. And you cant forget about the adds, personally I cant stand adds in the members area, Ive already gave money for this site but its not enough, they get greedy. Now if the site is really good then I can forgive it but when the site lacks all that this one does then it a definite no go.

I gave the site a 77 because Sarah is amazing and this site has some potential to be great but when you are here you get the feeling that this is just a side project of hers and not to terribly important. I believe the site is at the point where they either need to give it a complete make over and pour in some serious effort or they need to just take it down and throw in the towel because as it stands now, its just another site that is a waste of money. I do not recommend unless you love her and just have to collect her content.

06-24-11  04:02pm

Replies (3)
Visit Ariel Rebel

Ariel Rebel

Zip files errors

sense December of 2008 there aren't any zip files and that is so annoying because some of her best picture galleries are after December of 08. I have tried to contact the webmaster about this horrid mistake but they have yet to reply.

06-24-11  12:12pm

Replies (2)
Visit Errotica Archives

Errotica Archives
Reply of The Collector's Review

By the way sorry to all for being so silent I have been busy with my last two sites I'm on right now: Jenni's Secrets, hot girl but not the best site at all and Katie Fey and the 85 bonus sites, most are solo girl sites and its taking fffooorrrrever to complete. My next 3 reviews that are about to be cranked out are for: Fantasy Girl Pass, Real Peachez, and of course Met-Art!!!!

06-24-11  11:48am

Visit Errotica Archives

Errotica Archives
Reply of Denner's Review

I agree with you about Olga! she is amazing and I have only found her on one other site, Met-Art

06-24-11  11:06am

Visit Errotica Archives

Errotica Archives

Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: - All of the content is all-exclusive
- A user friendly layout and model index
- Search function available
- Low, Med, and HI photo galleries
- Zip files for all picture galleries
- Most models are an ELITE level of beauty
- Photo galleries have a high avarage photo count
- Large model selection
- No download limit and they are download manager friendly
- Steady stream of updates
- There are model bios however, (see cons)
Cons: (To have a fair review there must be a few cons but all are rather minor)
- Most videos are of just the photo shoots
- They do not offer video streaming
- Videos come in a zip file, ugh!
- No discount available, (see bottom line)
- Model bios are very basic, if they could start getting interviews or something a bit more personal it would really help their cause.
Bottom Line: Bottom line

This site is an amazing for those who love glamour, if you are into more hardcore sites then I would advise you to move on. That being said, this site was one of my favorites sites, its up there with Met-Art. This site concentrates mainly on its pictures, the photographers take you to many exotic places and show amazing models there. They put on an erotic show for you and end with some stunning close ups. Most sets are full nude and some bring in light masterbation.

Most of the videos are just of the photo sets and in my opnion unnecessary. Also, They are not offered in a flash or streaming format and must be downloaded. On top of that they download as a zip file is and extra set you must take that can be highly annoying for most.

Unfortunately there isnt a discount offered for this site however a dual memberships can be purchased with Met-Art. Not a good idea in my opinion because both sites are so large and if your goal was to collect all of the content from both sites it would take just about two months. Now figure in some simple math: the dual sites monthly price is 30.00 and if it does take you two months that brings you to a total of 60.00. My advice is to purchase then seperately where Errotica Archives is 25 per month and MetArt has a discount for 20 per month.

Before I wrote this review I read all of the other user reviews in an attempt to make mine unique. I found that some reviews complain that the sets are "boring" that the models are just there smiling and not much more. I believe thats the point, the models are so stunning and the photographers are such geniuses on how the are able to use the natural lighting and geographical settings to really highlight the models true beautiful. Every set seems to be planned and executed flawlessly. If you read other users reviews who rated this site poorly, most of thier complaints have little validity. Yes I understand that the videos are a bit disappointing but this site is not meant to be a hardcore anal penetration site (not that there is anything wrong with those sites). Just look at the sites name "Errotica Archives" I believe the webmasters and photographers accomplished it precisely. They provide you with content that explores true feminine beauty, many close up shots, and many shots that show off the models amazing curves. I would say its very difficult to not fall in love with every model on this site.

Overall I do recommend this site for those who do enjoy Euro glamour, yes it could use a bit of tweaking and the videos could be given a new approach but other then that you will love this site. It is one of the best I have seen for this criteria and I look forwar to re joinning in a few months to get caught up on all of the updates. I have given this site a 93 because it isn't perfect but the effort given is flawless.

06-24-11  11:02am

Replies (3)
Visit Glamour Models Gone Bad

Glamour Models Gone Bad
Reply of PinkPanther's Reply

This is all very true, it is in fact a good site but its just not a "great" site I there was bits and pieces that i enjoyed but as a whole it lacked that special something that keeps you intrigued and excited, perhaps I just didn't have and chemistry with this site.

06-17-11  02:12am

Visit Glamour Models Gone Bad

Glamour Models Gone Bad
Reply of tangub's Reply

YES, THANK YOU! You nailed it on the dot! Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy a good hardcore movie or scene with an smoking pornstar but my passion lies with my appreciation of female beauty. So please stay tuned as I will try to give a review every day or every other day until I am all caught up. I have lots of detailed site facts and opinions to share!

06-17-11  02:06am

Visit Playboy Girls

Playboy Girls

Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Pros: - Multipliable sizes of pictures sets
- Extremely high quality movies
- Content has different themes based on included sites
- Options for upgrading to Playboy's Cyberclub for a heavily discounted price
- Zip file downloads and slide show viewer
- Includes membership to Playboy's Student Bodies, Playboy's Sexy Wives, Women Of Playboy, Playboy's All Naturals, Playboy's Fresh Faces, Playboy's Busty Babes, and also Playboy's Special Editions
- Discounted price and full trial (note that you must select one of the included sites on TBP's review page to be able to access discount and full trial)
Cons: - Not really download manager friendly
- Download speeds are a bit slow even for fast connections
- Galleries tend to have a small picture count
- user interface and model browser could use some reform
Bottom Line: I will start off with letting you know that I thoroughly enjoyed these sites. All tho it is true that the network of sites could use a few more user friendly options, the "cons" are heavily outweighed by the extreamly beautiful, excotic, and breathtaking content. This network of sites proves that Playboy contuines to uphold its standards for providing some of the highest quality nude photography to date. I will be rejoining every few months to get caught up on all of the updates and I recommend spending the 15 dollars and confirming my review for yourself.

06-17-11  01:56am

Replies (0)
N/A Reply of Drooler's Reply

The key is that it increases your blood pressure making your veins down there larger thus making it appear to be thicker. But they are all very unhealthy and can cause damage to your circulatory system, thats why most are not FDA approved. But in our society we are lazy and like magic pills that are supposed to make out life better, so people will buy them.

06-17-11  12:35am

Visit Glamour Models Gone Bad

Glamour Models Gone Bad
Reply of rearadmiral's Reply

Well before you do, i have many reviews that are coming out here in the next week including Nubiles.net. I may be new to PU but not new to the porn hobby. I take a lot of time deciding what sites to spend money on and explore a site fully then judge it. and I'll be giving very detailed and fair reviews so hang tight if its not too late. here is a list of sites i will be reviewing and was a member to in the last 4 months.
Playboy Girls network, Hanna Hilton and the bonus sites, Aziani, Real Peachez, Wild Natalie, Errotica Archives, Twistys, Watch 4 Beauty, Ariel's Blog, Hungarian Honeys, Bree Olson, Fantasy Girl Pass network, Club Kayden and bonus sites, Met Art, and of course Nubiles.net

06-16-11  10:20am

Visit Glamour Models Gone Bad

Glamour Models Gone Bad

Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: - Massive selection of models and years of updates
- 16 bonus sites
- Zip files for all picture sets
- Newer content is mostly HD
- Amazing price of 9.95 thanks to TBP
- Updates almost every day
- It does have a site search
Cons: - A lot of the content is old and in low res format
- A lot of the content is non exclusive
- Tho updates are just about daily and are date stamped some does appear to be old or created some time ago and just held for a later release date.
- Most of the content all have the same theme (Girls are in clothes or lingerie, strip, the some go hardcore.) It would be nice to see some fetish latex, classroom fantasy, or out at a club. Mix it up a bit not just all in the same setting.
- Browsing layout is very basic (Nice for some people but I like when the webmaster tries a little bit more to make the lay out look nicer.)
Bottom Line: Bottom line is that the site is nice and I do not regret it, it has a ton of content and lots of extras. The webmaster even has a post on the side of the members home page to keep you updated with site news. And it is mostly "A" or "B" list models, some sites have a vast selection of models but they are crappy, unknown, or unwanted models. This site seems to be full of favorites. However a lot of the content is older and kind of bland, they have yet to evolve with the times like for example Twistys is a very old site that figured out how to stay hot, fresh, and irresistible where GMGB seems to be stuck in the 1990's but for 10 bucks a month its worth joining.

06-16-11  03:54am

Replies (8)

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