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Visit All Gravure

All Gravure
Reply of My 2 cents's Reply

Recently signed in... completely agree that beautyleg is a very high quality site - absolutely great :) Thanks for the hint! Maybe you know also a site where we can see a little more showing or even action of the same stunning girls? That would be fantastic...

02-01-16  03:28am

Visit All Gravure

All Gravure
Reply of Twotails's Review

Thank you for your valuable replies :) Next I'll try out beautylegs and report...
For allgravure.com I found a good way (win7): "Advanced renamer" does a perfect job! However, it's REALLY sucking that there are duplicate sets under different names and all the other s*** they're doing to make it difficult to enjoy! And resolution is very poor. So is mostly picture quality. THE ONE good thing to mention are the (sometimes) beautiful girls. But really, you're investing hours here to get what you search! It's VERY BAD! I'd love to pay 20 bucks more and spare 7 hours of my time...!!
They do EVERYthing to get you off what you're looking for.
Got about 30'000 pics in Lightroom now... booooaaah! 20% are double, 30% are junk, 60 hours of getting through... mayby 10'000 beautiful, 2'000 in an acceptable quality... WHY AM I DOING THIS? Too much time... It has to be the girls...
Video quality is also poor: NO HD, something like "500x340 pixel", maybe 700x450... not nice in the age of 4K...!! Shame!
Only good thing: SOME girls (find them...) are really stunning...
Down from 65 to 60 to send a signal to the masters of the page! Needs A LOT of work, but has potential..... btw: let panties down, please...!

12-16-15  10:51am

Visit All Gravure

All Gravure

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: +++ some VERY BEAUTIFUL girls
+++ often very good style I like, nice
+ dta works most of the time (if queued to much, only dummy files are downloaded however)
+ download speed is my max (1200 kBps)
+ 4 updates a day
Cons: --- Low resolution pics! The best ones have about 2000x1400px, most much less. File size 300kB-1MB.
Most picture zips come in at 5 to 30 MB, with 15 to 30 pics only
--- It's a chaos and there is no search function! Not all the girls are in the girls section. You find the pics and vids in the respective section... You got to look all through, hundreds of pages if you wanna be sure not to miss anything. I work around this with Google...
--- Many sets and vids are divided to make it even worse. AND in the same set are pictures from different sets!!! This I never saw anywhere...
--- NO ANSWER when I wrote them that I didn't find the girl I was looking for (later discovered there are only 2 little sets, disappointing) and how to get higher res downloads!
--- File names are "1.jpg..." so they are in wrong order. Without a viewer that shows subfolders you spend an evening switching folders. I'm working at a script. If anyone has already one, please let me know. Edit: Lightroom does a good job
Bottom Line: It's a pity that a site that has such beautiful girls is on the quality downside! Makes very difficult to score. For me, the girls and style are most important. Still 70 seems too much, could also be 60.
There is also a hardcore section, with not beautiful girls, totally different style. And censored. Don't like.
If someone knows a better quality Japanese site (non-nude is ok, but also nude/hc is welcome of course), please tell me for next time.
Found a special offer for 15 bucks. Wouldn't advise to pay more...

11-30-15  10:54am

Replies (7)
N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

Only one at a time, always some break between memberships.

11-16-15  04:59am

Visit X-Art

Reply of pat362's Reply

I find the end of Kim - "Do Me Darling" very glamorous, with that sort of kissing we're looking for - perfect :D

07-18-15  03:37pm

Visit X-Art

Reply of Pyrenees's Reply

Yes, it's plain vanilla and sugar and that's what makes it perfect for my taste :)

I don't mind if there are big known pornstars, as long as they are gorgeous. And boy, HOW gorgeous some of them are :D On X-Art I found some girls I didn't see on the other sites (e.g. Belle, Kim, Kaylee, Aubrey) and had a rare but joyful encounter with known ones.

Navigation is in fact not perfect. E.g. it's difficult to find a specific model or set, the search function doesn't really function!
This is not a big drawback for me, however. Adding the girl to favorites is a good workaround. Image quality and "model flawlessness" are ways more important to me.

07-18-15  02:53pm

Visit X-Art

Reply of Jazz's Review

Absolutely agree, it's fantastic :D

07-17-15  08:31am

Visit X-Art


Best Site I know

Just signed in and feel that this is the best Porn Site I've ever signed in :)

+ 4000x2667 Pixel images (about 1 MB each) very good photographic quality ("Art" is merited, without exaggerating in any way, it's all very natural)
+ FullHD Videos
+ Only the most beautiful young girls, perfect selection (for my taste) without the need to search the pearls in a "heap of disgust". Beautiful hair, pure skin, healthy models, good shape, nice smiles - everything very stylish and neat.
+ fast download (1.2 MBps, the maximum my line allows)
+ Girl introduction set / Masturbation / Lesbian / Lovely fucking / VERY PRETTY Blowjobs / 3 BEAUTIFUL Girls, GGB
+ almost no anal
+ no tricks, no cross-selling (as far as I can tell now)
+ Files are named
+ Enormous amount of material.
+ There are nice and tasteful comments for each scene.
+ Seems they make the material themselves (=exclusive).

Nearly 100 Points!

07-17-15  08:30am

Replies (2)
Visit Club Seventeen

Club Seventeen

No Review.
06-18-15  04:52am

Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World
Reply of pat362's Reply

Thank you Pat, this is a really interesting link. I'm very new here and even quite new in pay porn.
I'll study the link and then further answer your message. Here it is middle of the night (almost morning).

07-28-14  05:27pm

Visit Just Teens Porn

Just Teens Porn
Reply of Wittyguy's Reply

I'm now having a close look into TeenMegaWorld. Of course, I found some of the same models there (some are in many sites), but not one set is on both. So my supposition of exclusiveness is confirmed.

About quality I've written a comment in the TMW page. JustTeensPorn delivers the same video quality (throughout HD720) but ways better photo quality.

07-28-14  02:45am

Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World
Reply of pat362's Reply

1. I like if a site delivers state of the art quality photos and videos of the same set.
It means for newer content FullHD Videos and for Photos at least 10 Megapixel.
I wouldn't like videos being neglected! On the contrary: FullHD is not something new. At least for the last 8 years all original content is FullHD, I'm sure. So "high quality video" does not mean 1280x720. It meant that maybe 10 years ago.
But here you will hardly find any FullHD content. There is some in the 2014 updates, but not much. As already 4K is the new highend quality available, the on video specialised TeenMegaWorld still deliver only 1280x720 HD!
I already found some sites that do provide good quality photo sets along with the corresponding video sets: 18OnlyGirls/YoungLegalPorn (here also much FullHD) and ExclusiveTeenporn/JustTeensPorn.

3. I found a solution: including the added-date yields a name like "Juliya C_2012-10-01_WowOrgasms".

07-28-14  02:06am

Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World
Reply of pat362's Reply

Thanks for your answer.

1. About ANY set :( Yeah, also just found one with 1667x2500, but most are even much below. But even THAT is very dissatisfying. I would expect something like 3500x5000. On all the other sites which I know that is more or less normal.
That's clearly not what I understand under "plus accompanying photo sets"!
These 500'000+ photos are rather useless for me.

3. Not renaming is the main problem. What name to give when you don't know the set name?
When I download set 1 of 3 of a model in a given site and give it a name, then come back in a week (or in a year), which was it that I downloaded already?
I don't mind about sounding names like "Sweet Teen", "Set 02" would already do the job.

07-27-14  10:35am

Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World

Problems with TMW

Entered yesterday.

There are huge amounts of material, that's sure.

But I'm also having some problems:

1. No high-quality pictures :( When I download the video, I can choose "watch picture gallery" and then "download zip". But with the half dozen sets I tried, pics are not above FHD resolution, total size of gallery 10-80MB.
I want to download picture sets alongside the corresponding video set.
Any suggestions how I can get good pictures?

2. All the sites look the same. Can I change that? I would prefer seeing the original look of the sites (and have the possibilities to download material as if I were a member of the sites). Or are all the sites integrated into one?

3. The sets have no name! So when there is more than one set of a Model in a site, it is difficult to have a good structure and being able to see what I've already downloaded when I return.
How can I see the set's name?

07-27-14  04:06am

Replies (6)
Visit Just Teens Porn

Just Teens Porn
Reply of Twotails's Review

Thank you both!

Following Pat's advice, I'm already exploring teenmegaworld.
The amount of content is overwhelming!

I will tell you about my experiences. So long...

07-26-14  01:28pm

Visit Just Teens Porn

Just Teens Porn

Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: - Many extraordinarily beautiful exclusive (I think) scenes with unbelievably cute girls that look very young.
- Lovely style of hair, clothing (simple neat girlstyle), making-up and action.
- Not much anal and toying, most gb, some g and some gg (for others, this is a -)
- After tubing a lot, this was one of my few "wanna-see"-sites. Everything I saw in preview pics (also on the site itself) is there, but much more and much better quality :)
- As far as I can judge it, fast download (up to 1200kps with windows downloader, 6 downloads at the same time; not tried Download Managers; my internet connection may be limited to 1200kbs). AVI and WMV, most HD 1280x720
- only paid $50 for 60 days (non-recurring).
- On day 61 I could enter also exclusiveteensporn and dug out many nuggets there..! That was a real bonus :D
Cons: - The site is not very modern. Thus, e.g. You won't find FullHD movies!
- Photo quality (see bottom line) - Some picture galleries are only made of pictures taken from the video!
- No search for models! You have to go through the video list. At least, vid sets got the same name as the corresponding pic sets.
- Different models have the same name within the site! And of course the models have different names here as in the Diesel Network.
- Not very much content compared to other sites, but it's enough for some good sessions.
- almost no more updates (1-2 per month)
- no account area (where you could e.g. renew or give a new emailadress)
- Except for ETP, the other bonus sites they promise, are not worth mentioning (though little nice content I found in MyLovelyGirls).
Bottom Line: - Most photos come in about 8MP resolution, others are simply 1920x1080 shots out of the video (but the video with this resolution is not available, unfortunately :(). Compared to some sites (TMW), this is good, compared to others (Diesel) bad. If in doubt, go to ExclusiveTeensPorn for higher resolution pics.
- There are about 200 (forgot the exact number, but really doesn't matter - quality ways before quantity, in my case) sets each video and photo.*
- Some of the girls are also to be seen in other scenes in the Diesel Network. To me it seems there are the same producters behind.
- JTP seems to be the predecessor to exclusiveteensporn (where you though can't find FullHD either, but a much better navigation structure AND better photo quality).
- It was not possible to get an offer for renewing membership by email; no problem but a little bit strange.

I gave 88 points at time of writing review. Set it down to 82 some days after because they could deliver better quality (video: FullHD, photo: at least 10MegaPixel). Would be 90 with state of the art quality, better navigation and unambiguously naming the models, 93 when ExclusiveTeensPorn was integrated and more if additionally there were more model diversity.
Had another look at the best sets and give it 84, because these sets are so lovely.

For my porn taste, it's an absolute must-see site. There are some scenes that are indispensable in (my) collection. From this point of view, I'd give 100 points.

The cons mentioned don't really spoil it. If you can't find anything indispensable in preview images, then you can easily stay away and find better sites.

*For heavy users, 1 month is more than enough to get what you want! I'd suggest the following membership plan: 1. one month ExclusiveTeensPorn, 2. one month JustTeensPorn. 60 bucks won't bring your budget off-balance I hope but YOU to new highs :)
They sell very good stuff and they know it.
But enter via ETP, 'cause of the photos - but Miriama won't be there, unfortunately.

07-26-14  05:12am

Replies (4)

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