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N/A Reply of standard02's Reply

Thanks to Tom D and the PU staff for the raffle.
And best wishes to the December raffle winners.
May we use the funds to help celebrate the holidays.

12-17-23  06:44am

N/A Reply of Wraith0711's Reply

Congrats to all the winners, including Wraith0711, for his second raffle win (I think, not sure if he won any other times).
Makes for a brighter day today. LOL.

06-15-23  11:23am

N/A Reply of PU Announcement on 03-14-25

Glad to see you're back at the PU site.
Would like to see some reviews from you.
You've written some excellent reviews in the past, well worth reading.
Wishing you well.
As for mixing mixing Pinkerton and Pink Panther, they can both win prizes.
I remember a while back, some guy won a prize at the raffle, who shouldn't have won because he wasn't eligible, and the PU site let him keep the price anyway.
So they can do whatever they want.
I see from your avatar you're still looking good.

Note: I thought Pink Panther had written your previous post. So I'm not pushing for you to win a prize until the next raffle.

09-14-22  07:14am

N/A Reply of PU Announcement on 03-14-25

After the raffle, if you haven't won a prize, I will start a thread that you should have won a prize in the current raffle.
Because so far, there are less entrants than the number of prizes to be handed out.
The regular PU staff probably missed reading our posts on this subject.
The PU police staff (self-appointed).

09-14-22  06:48am

N/A Reply of PU Announcement on 03-14-25

I believe PinkPanther should have some raffle tickets because he posted a review of Tgirl Japan on 08-31-22.

09-13-22  06:30am

N/A Reply of PU Announcement on 03-14-25

Also, avgazn86 submitted 2 reviews.

If you're going to eliminate reviews, can you drop everyone except me?

06-07-22  12:26pm

N/A Reply of PU Announcement on 03-14-25

Pinkerton submitted 4 reviews.
So he should have 20 entries, plus extra entries for some reviews.
Somehow, you mis-counted one of his reviews.

06-07-22  12:13pm

N/A Reply of PU Announcement on 05-12-22

The new rules will hopefully encourage more members to write reviews.
And the prizes seem to be a fairer way of sharing the rewards.
So it looks like a nice improvement.
I'm hoping more members will start participating more actively.

05-13-22  05:51am

N/A Reply of PU Announcement on 05-12-22

A suggestion:

How are the prizes divided up?

$150 each to the first and second names drawn.
$100 each to the third and fourth names drawn.
$50 each to the fifth and sixth names drawn.

That would mean 6 people win prizes.

Your previous post would indicate that only 5 people win prizes, with the second place winner winning twice, for a total of $150+$100=$250.

05-12-22  08:30pm

N/A Reply of PU Announcement on 03-14-25

Tom D,
Thanks for the explanation on marcdc1's raffle entries.

And for responding so quickly.

05-28-21  03:57am

N/A Reply of PU Announcement on 03-14-25

marcdc1 posted a review of Rebecca's Office on 05-22-21.
That review has disappeared from the normal listing of reviews on the PU homepage.

On the tally for June 9, 2021 raffle updated may 25th, marcdc1 is shown with only 1 entry.

Is there a reason why marcdc1's review was removed from the review list?
Is there a reason why marcdc1 only has 1 entry for the raffle, instead of 5 or 6 entries that should have been given for an approved review?

Anyway, if the review by marcdc1 was accepted, it seems only fair that he should be given 5 or 6 entries for the raffle, instead of 1 entry.

Just my opinion.

05-27-21  08:47am

N/A Reply of PU Announcement on 03-14-25

I don't mean to be picky.
But your count of pinkerton is not correct.
Currently, he has 7 approved reviews.
Plus apparently 3 extra points.
So his tally should be 38 points.

Somehow, your spreadsheet is overlooking one of his reviews.
Unless you didn't approve one of his reviews, for some reason, and it didn't earn any points.

But count the number of reviews pinkerton has submitted from 04-16-21 on. Currently, that's 7 reviews.
I'm assuming they were all approved.
But maybe one of his recent reviews hasn't been approved yet.
Or, what seems more likely, one of his approved reviews has been omitted from the tally.

Again, my apologies, I just want the count to be correct.

04-27-21  11:44am

N/A Reply of PU Announcement on 03-14-25

Tom D,

Could you check the tally scores again?

I believe LKLK should have around 21 points currently.

But pinkerton should have around 26 or 27 points currently.

Maybe you reversed the tally for LKLK and pinkerton?

04-26-21  11:31am

N/A Reply of Tom D Admin's Poll

The less rules the software tries to implement, the better.
What if they update the software, and it turns out there are no raffle winners?

02-26-21  06:59pm

N/A Reply of Will P's Poll

Less money to spend.
So even if prices are greatly discounted, I won't be buying very much, unless it's something I really need.

11-05-20  04:30am

N/A Reply of Tom D Admin's Poll

I agree with Loki that updated model index, posting date, and search are all important.
But I mainly want easy navigation.
Https is also nice. I hate it when I see the warnings that login in not secure, the member pages are not secure, that login details are easily hacked.

I also want good to great looking videos and photosets.
And a lot of content.
And good looking models.
And some heat in the videos, would be good.

So the listing is very basic, and doesn't really cover what a site should provide.

Amount of content + Quality of content.
Versus membership price.
It's hard to score a site, either subjectively, or objectively.

09-24-20  06:57pm

N/A Reply of Will P's Poll

Mainly I re-join the same sites that I have joined before, because I know that I will like the content.
When I join new sites, or sites that I haven't joined in years, I sometimes hit some duds.
But mainly, I join sites that I've joined before.
And since I became a PU member, I've joined far more sites than I did before I became a member.

08-25-20  01:44am

N/A Reply of Will P's Poll

I am watching less porn recently.
Maybe the virus has some effect.
But a lot of what is being produced is less enjoyable.
But that could also be me.
The older you get, the slower you get.
Which is natural, but still disappointing.

07-28-20  03:21am

N/A Reply of PU Announcement on 06-21-20

Re: gift card.
It's probably coming.
But the old snail mail is faster than the current movement of the PU staff.


06-29-20  04:56pm

N/A Reply of PU Announcement on 06-21-20

Tom D Admin, did you ever post the tally for the June 17, 2020 raffle?
The number of points each entrant had for the raffle?
I am curious to see that listing.

06-29-20  08:49am

N/A Reply of PU Announcement on 06-21-20

Also, instead of putting news items in the Announcements section, which most PU members and visitors probably don't see, it would be better to post the news items on a new thread, which more members and visitors are able to see easily.

Unless you are looking around the site because you have a lot of extra time, most people overlook the Announcement section, I believe, and miss the Announcements.

Sticking the news in a new thread makes the news/Announcements more easily seen.

Just my thinking.

06-29-20  08:42am

N/A Reply of PU Announcement on 06-21-20

Please make it simple to find and read the new raffle FAQ to find out more about the current guidelines, by listing the URL of the FAQ.

Just list the URL of the FAQ below the notice that the FAQ should be read.

Also, the red(pink) hot link on the PU homepage that reads: "$200 Tuesdays. Learn how to enter our raffle for your chance to win!"

should be linked to the current FAQ.

Instead, it now links to the old FAQ, which explains the rules that no longer apply.

PU staff might know where the current FAQ is located, but how do PU members and visitors find the FAQ?

Make things plain and simple, and easy to find.
Help PU members and visitors understand what the rules are.

Thanks in advance.

06-29-20  08:18am

N/A Reply of Will P's Poll

I watch most of my porn on my laptop.
Even though I also have a desktop, which has a bigger and brighter and better monitor.
The laptop is easier to use.
But the desktop gives a much better image.
Convenience rules.

06-03-20  07:41am

N/A Reply of Will P's Poll

High quality photos can definitely add value to a site.
MetArt, MPL Studios, Femjoy are basically glamour photo sites, though they do have videos, but the photos are the main attraction.
Even the lower-quality sites that emphasize photos exist, as well.
So photos can be a large part of the value of a site.

04-30-20  07:21pm

N/A Reply of FreddieAdmin's Poll

There needs to be a 3rd option, which says both models are fine or great or wonderful.

And maybe a 4th option, for PU members who don't like either model.

And maybe a 5th option, which says none of the above options, with an explanation to be provided in the reply section of the poll, for PU members that want a chance to better express their opinions on the poll.

08-03-19  03:04am

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