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Bangbros Network
Reply of
ThatSwede's Comment
I just happen to be interested in macroeconomics.
Jean-Claude Trichet has been accused, time and again, by american journalists of being behind the curve and thus not lowering interest rates accordingly. Anyway, he did lower interest rates to a worrying rate (1%) -even though the ECB's mandate is to fight inflation- due to polital pressure from France, Italy, Spain -i'm spanish and the whining here over interest rates set by the ECB has been unbearable- and Ireland.
Paul Volcker -former president of the FED- has stated that the chances of a dollar collapse in 5 years times are very high; i wouldn't rule out an euro collapse either thanks to these "easy money" policies. In short -due to my lousy command of english, lol-, this means very high inflation in the near future.
Badandy400, the european pornsites are putting forth hilarious explanations as to why europeans are not being ripped of by them. You should read them... brilliant stuff. Badandy400, don't be so hard on yourself! , the only sites that i've come across that are not following these disgusting parctices are the kink sites.
07-24-09 04:22am
Bangbros Network
Reply of
ThatSwede's Comment
Thanks Denner:
I didn't know that Epoch was being fair to us europeans.
The Kink sites are noy using regional pricing.
It is funny that somehow we europeans are to blame for The Federal Reserve's monetary policies.
07-23-09 10:50am
Hot Legs and Feet
Reply of
Raven's Reply
Hello Raven:
According to customer support i was billed: 30 Days Membership for €24.95 (US$34.36)
Thanks a lot.
07-03-09 03:48pm
Hot Legs and Feet
Reply of
nostromo's Review
Hello Raven:
The pair EUR/USD ratio as of today is 1.4009 -i'll add a link to the European Central Bank- : http://www.ecb.int/stats/exchange/eurofxref/html/index.en.html The pair EUR/UDS has not been below 1.24 for over a year -two years easy- ; again, look at the chart provided by the European central Bank, i provide a link: http://www.ecb.int/stats/exchange/eurofxref/html/eurofxref-graph-usd.en.html . if USD holders get a discount i want to join such an offer.
The videos. Videos prior to 2007 didn't look bad at all in all the sites. allinternal, asstraffic, spermswap spring to mind. Again, be it as it may, your videos prior to 2007 don't look good IMHO.
I said that customer support at hotlegsandfeet is very good, didn't i? I only stated that it could be EVEN better by replying faster to e-mails.
Euro holders ought to be entitled to the same offers that USD holders get. At least that's my take on the subject.
Thanks a lot.
07-03-09 03:31pm
Men In Pain
Reply of
mbaya's Reply
Thanks mbaya. I'm lost when it comes to technological issues.
06-24-09 10:13am
Premium Pass
Reply of
clickonme's Reply
hello clickonme:
I found that the problem was Spybot's S&D inmunization.
If you delete said program, there are files that still remain in your system which won't allow to read the access key. So, there is no need to delete Spybot S&D, just UNDO the INMUNIZATION.
You have this options INMUNIZE, UNDO, CHECK-AGAIN and HELP.
When you press INMUNIZE you'll see that it reads: Protected, and unprotected -it'll be zero- . After pressing INMUNIZE, press UNDO and you'll see that there is a six or seven digits number that reads UNPROTECTED. Then, i hope, you should be OK.
I hope that despite of my lousy english this could be of help.
05-23-09 04:16am
Premium Pass
Reply of
PinkPanther's Reply
There are few things that annoy me as much as the intricacies of the internet.
05-13-09 02:19am
Premium Pass
Reply of
PinkPanther's Reply
Hi Pink Panther:
I talked to a PC technician.
I uninstalled previously Spybot-S&D while trying to solve this riddle and it didn't work. This guy told me that it wasn't about uninstalling Spybot-S&D because there are files that remain in your system. He told me instead to undo Spybot-S&D's immunization... and, finally, i could read the access key.
05-12-09 03:13am
Premium Pass
Reply of
nostromo's Comment
hello and thanks everybody:
It was Spybot S&D which was not allowing julesjordan.com to display the access key.
Thanks everybody!
05-11-09 05:25am
Premium Pass
Reply of
nostromo's Comment
The only thing i've been able to read is "CAPTCHA". and I can see the red cross right where the string of letters should be.
05-10-09 04:04pm
Premium Pass
Reply of
atrapat's Reply
Thanks atrapat.
I uninstalled my antivirus and my firewall is turned off. It didn't work.
Thanks a lot.
05-10-09 03:52pm
Premium Pass
Reply of
Khan's Reply
Thanks Khan.
I checked Tools => Internet Options => Advanced Tab and so on. I have updated flashplayer, java and windows. I've gone through this link they provided me with: "How to fix the Top-10 Internet Explorer issues " http://www.microsoft.com/windows/IE/comm...olumns/IEtopten.mspx. ; I've deleted cookies; I've enabled them; i've tinkered with the cache; deleted temporary files; rebooted the PC time and again; turned off windows firewall; I've joined a yahoo.group to see if i could make out the access key -i did- ; I've played youtube videos -to check both java and flashplayer- ... it's been a pleasant and instructive sunday...
But, thanks a lot Khan!
05-10-09 01:00pm
Premium Pass
Reply of
Jeffrey99's Reply
I CAN NOT see the access key -nothing in the blank- in this link you provided me with http://exclusive.premiumpass.com/Login/login/
Again, thanks a lot.
05-10-09 10:46am
Premium Pass
Reply of
Jeffrey99's Reply
Hello and Thanks:
I CAN see the access key there http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z288/...ey9910/accesskey.jpg
But whenever i try to Sign in through www.julesjordan.com , www.assfixation.com , et cetera i can't see a darn thing.
Thanks for the link, i'll see what i can do.
Again, thanks a bunch
05-10-09 10:34am
Premium Pass
Reply of
lk2fireone's Reply
Thanks a bunch for your suggestions lk2fireone.
I've used another browser -Firefox, although they recommend to use IE- and I've refreshed the page a great number of times to no avail before i initially posted.
I wrote multiple times to ccbill and they replied that they have no problem whatsoever when logging in this site. My US ans PW are okay. So, with very good manners, they told me to shut up.
From my brother's PC i pushed the site's members entrance button and we couldn't see anything before or above the access key blank.
CCbill is everywhere, and if i reject a charge from them i don't know how would that affect my future plans to join sites, since they run 40% of them. It could be a bad move.
Thanks a lot lk2fireone.
05-10-09 07:00am
Premium Pass
05-10-09 05:59am
Replies (20)
Reply of
wiild1's Reply
Thanks for replaying wiild1.
I can't follow their reasoning either.
05-31-08 10:44am
Reply of
nostromo's Comment
This is brazzers' reply to my question:
in European countries we charge in Euros and we do the same for any foreign country and charge them in their local currencies as well.
For any more enquiries about this matter, please contact support@brazzers.com .
Best Regards.
03-29-08 06:31am
Reply of
Monahan's Reply
I've been a member to countless sites since March 2007 and i've always been billed accordingly to whatever the USD/EUR exchange rate was at the time.
Thanks Monahan.
03-27-08 03:23pm
Reply of
nostromo's Comment
I just sent an e-mail to the webmaster.
Thanks badandy400
03-27-08 12:22pm
03-27-08 03:33am
Replies (7)
Club Red Light
Reply of
llaurell's Reply
Thanks for your reply Laurel.
03-09-08 11:45am
Club Red Light
Reply of
jd1961's Reply
Thanks for your reply jd1961.
03-08-08 02:45pm
Club Red Light
03-08-08 11:40am
Replies (5)