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nostromo (0) 03-27-08  03:33am
Rookie Badge  Pollster  Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)

Membership fee.


i was thinking about joining brazzers through your site and, to my surprise, the price offered to me for a month's membership was 19.95 euros. Given the fact that there is a special offer to join brazzers for said period of time at 19.95 dollars this doesn't fit, due to the current exchange rate from euros to dollars this definitely doesn't fit. Do they charge you a different fee if you live and work in the eurozone?

Even their regular price -24.95 dollars per month- wouldn't account for the aforementioned 19.95 euros; again, given the current exchange rate. I don't get this.

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks a lot.

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Msg # User Message Date


badandy400 (0) Try emails the company and ask them why there is a difference. Let us know if there is any resolve.
03-27-08  10:35am

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nostromo (0) I just sent an e-mail to the webmaster.

Thanks badandy400

03-27-08  12:22pm

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Monahan (0) Just FYI, I'm a member of Brazzers and live in the USA. I am billed in dollars and I am paying the USD19.95 rate.

I see no reason why you should be paying at par in Euros. By my calculation, the Euro price should be Euro13.12 at the current exchange rate of USD1.52 per Euro1.00.

Please post the reply you get from Brazzers. It should be interesting.

03-27-08  02:27pm

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nostromo (0) REPLY TO #3 - Monahan :

I've been a member to countless sites since March 2007 and i've always been billed accordingly to whatever the USD/EUR exchange rate was at the time.

Thanks Monahan.

03-27-08  03:23pm

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nostromo (0) Hello.

This is brazzers' reply to my question:


in European countries we charge in Euros and we do the same for any foreign country and charge them in their local currencies as well.

For any more enquiries about this matter, please contact support@brazzers.com .

Best Regards.

03-29-08  06:31am

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wiild1 (Unverified) REPLY TO #5 - nostromo :

This is not OK for an internet company to do and in Europe I think it is illegal:

It is OK to bill in the local currency but you can not have a euro or dollar eqvivilant price that is higher in one country than the other: It should be the same dollar/euro price.

I think Apple's Itunes Europe had to change their pricing in Europe after they trid to charge some European customers more than others.

European Union competition law states that all European customers should be charged the same price no matter where they live: Brazzers want to charge French euro customers more than UK (£) or Swedish (skr) customers.

Of course we consumers hsould not accepts this!!

05-31-08  04:50am

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nostromo (0) REPLY TO #6 - wiild1 :

Thanks for replaying wiild1.

I can't follow their reasoning either.

05-31-08  10:44am

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