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N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

As a niche I've always found it a silly distinction. I understand how it used to be taboo as little as 30 years ago but these days the fact that it is still considered an important fetish amazes me. I'm much more interested in attractiveness and skill of the performers - granted their skin color can be a factor in their attractiveness but not hinging upon its relation to their partner's skin color. So while I have found many scenes that I love that fall in the Interracial category, I don't by any means specifically hunt for that content.

11-19-08  09:10am

N/A Reply of Duante Amorculo's Poll

Well, Mr. Kinsey, usually I find it's when the circus midgets begin slapping the horse's rear with the bag of meat. This is anonymous, right?

11-17-08  08:39am

N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Poll

Hard to give a precise count right now because I'm actually downloading photos at the moment, but a rough estimate puts it around 60k. Give or take a few 10k. When push comes to shove, I'd generally take photos over videos, but by their nature, I've got more space dedicated to videos than photos.

11-16-08  04:51am

N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Reply

Nice - I hadn't seen a John Waters emoticon before, lol

11-13-08  05:17pm

N/A Reply of dghillza's Poll

Seriously? You really want to know this? Are we now posting questions from the Kinsey report?

11-13-08  01:08am

Visit American Vice

American Vice
Reply of Wittyguy's Reply

Glad you liked the review :-) The commentary goes along way for making this site what it is, just browse through their catalog (since they are also a token site, everything is on display). I was ignoring the commentary at first glance but once you start reading them it really becomes addictive, lol

11-11-08  03:59pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

I once forgot to cancel, but more importantly forgot to write down the billing company (back when canceling was much more difficult). I haven't had much in the way of mistakes though, I've been lucky with the pre-checked trial sites, they were very cheap and I canceled them immediately. No virus laden sites either. I did join one site that was entirely made of crap bonus sites, that was disappointing, but at least I didn't pay much for it.

11-11-08  01:34pm

Visit American Vice

American Vice
Reply of atrapat's Reply

LOL, #1 Reviewer? Wow! Haha, that is quite the compliment though I'm sure the accuracy of it is debatable, lol Still, I can't say it doesn't put a little spring in my step :-)

Anyway, I gotta say, prior to this site I sort of felt all DVD sites were basically copies of each other. Hell some sites were just clones with only a different header graphic, see BrazzersBox as an example. So I used to keep a membership with the leader site just because it was cheap and easy. But these guys have managed to do something different within such a restrained niche, and that is really something of an achievement.

11-11-08  12:19pm

Visit American Vice

American Vice
Reply of The Clyde's Reply

Glad you liked the review! I was genuinely blown away by their search engine - and as folks may know, I have a serious search engine obsession, so that is saying something, lol

Their DVD collection really is remarkably diverse, the fact that they can catalog 15 individual fetishes I think illustrates that pretty well. I was checking the previous reviews here and it seems they've tripled the size of their collection in a year, that ain't bad progress at all. 50 DVDs a month really should be enough to keep anyone entertained presuming the diversity remains catered too.

The Editorial picks and commentary were the unexpected bonus that really endeared me to this site. The picks genuinely haven't let me down so far; scenes with that honor always have something special that makes them memorable and that is saying a lot in current porn. The commentary though, god is that stuff funny, and so very tweaked most of the time, lol

Yeah, you really can't beat that year deal - I'm not one to usually recommend dropping a Benjamin on porn, but if you can honestly download their entire collection in under a year, at the rate they are adding DVDs, then you have too much time on your hands :-P

11-11-08  09:43am

Visit German Goo Girls

German Goo Girls
Reply of The Clyde's Comment

Try a download acceleration utility (DownThemAll! for Firefox is great). Some sites basically require it to get descent download speeds. Though many sites don't support it all, which is unfortunate.

11-10-08  03:09pm

Visit American Vice

American Vice

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: * Best Porn Search Engine in the World
* Standard Search Filters: 10 Female Types, 9 Female Attributes, 16 Scene Types, 9 Light Actions, 13 Hard Actions, 15 Fetish Actions, 4 Male Actions
* Add Director, Male Star, Female Star, and Studio Filters or write your own filter
* Editor’s Choice Selections and humorous written commentary for EVERY scene
* Male & Female Talent Lists, some with humorous bios
* Very Diverse Catalog of DVDs: Sizeable Collection of Specific Fetishes
* Customizable "My Catalog" of favorite DVDs and automatic Download History
* 1670 DVDs, 10,061 Scenes
* DVD Quality, No DRM, No Watermarks, Single File, Full Scene Downloads (WMV, +2000Kb/s, 720x480)
* WMV Streaming of Full DVD or Scene (2000Kb/s)
* 5 DVDs added every 3 days
* Download Accelerator friendly (multi-connections & resume)
* Fast Downloads (+1 MB/s)
* Free Video Preview Samples and 9 hi-res screen-caps for each scene
* Payment with Token System or Monthly Fee (better)
Cons: * Steep learning curve for full grasping the breadth of the search engine and the intricacies of the general site design
* Search engine doesn't support exclusion filters
* Flash Streaming Video would have been better
* "Customers who browsed also viewed" section easy to miss (at bottom of page)
* Some not yet implemented features bring up "Coming Soon" pages with error messages
Bottom Line: The sheer complexity of the search engine around which American Vice is built is daunting. I oft forget some useful feature when using it because there are so many to choose from. The layout is a JavaScript menu system that you click to add any of the 76 standard filters. Once you're happy with your basic search, you can organize it by date added or by title and choose how many items are displayed per page.

Then you can refine it further by star, director, studio, and series or even by if you've watched the scene or not – the site keeps track so you don't have to waste your brain on such things. Add to all this that you can make your own text string filters and the only limitation of this amazing engine is all the filters are Boolean AND functions – but since most users are perplexed by full Boolean search engines, this isn't much of a fault.

Browsing the content your search has found is easy with screen caps for each scene and WMV streaming that lets you search through the video. Hit the download button and this site's next strength becomes apparent. With full support for download managers and accelerators, speeds of +1 MB/s are not hard to reach you and you can keep browsing the site as the downloads are handled by separate servers.

The site has an undeniably huge collection, though not the biggest it must be said, and excluding the atomic ace of its amazing search engine, it has yet another important difference: The DVD catalog is abnormally diverse. You will find a lot of the standard studios but the site has a strong collection of nearly any fetish you can name (even John Thompson's Sex Box films). Due to that I'd recommend the site to those testing the waters of a fetish, as it will be reasonably represented here and at great value to boot.

The oddest plus of this site is a feature that's been abandoned by all of its competitors: Full written Editorial commentary on every scene and each DVD as a whole. More than just a run-down of the action, they honestly critique everyone involved. It often goes off topic in outrageously funny rants or references to whatever the scene brings to mind. It is all very stream-of-consciousness in a style reminiscent of MST 3000. Without their insightful commentary I might not have noticed how Katsumi in a specific DP scene was tied to the geo-political history of Vietnam in regards to France and America. The commentary gives a personality and voice to what otherwise would be a cold, efficient site. Sometimes I purposefully search for bad scenes just to see what the Editor said about them.

In the category of DVD content sites it is hard for a younger site to step out from under the shadow of the undeniable giant at the top – but I think American Vice does just that. Having tried many of the popular DVD content giants, I can honestly say that American Vice is better than all of them. If they can enlarge their catalog to match their competitors, nothing will stand in their way.

11-10-08  03:06pm

Replies (10)
N/A Reply of Pinche Kankun's Reply

lol - I'm interested to see if badandy400 will answer this query precisely. Since the man calls a +3 Terabyte collection modest, the final number should be impressive. Perhaps he's counting right now? I'll check back in a week, lol

11-09-08  09:32pm

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

1,616... but who's counting?

11-09-08  01:52pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I once accidentally placed an anonymous rating (before I changed the default setting) but with Khan's guidance I fixed it. I always put a comment in my trust rating and even if it is a negative rating, I try to make the comment helpful and constructive. If the user I rated bad gets better, I'll switch my rating to a positive. I don't do anonymous ratings because I want the user to visit my reviews as they are examples of how I believe reviews should be done.

11-07-08  02:24pm

Visit Yummy Mama

Yummy Mama
Reply of Wittyguy's Reply

lol - yeah, I don't sleep at the same time as normal people - always been a night person at heart. To compound that I work for a computer accessories company, so despite our unfortunate East Coast location (leaving us several thousand miles from most of our suppliers), we still have to keep West Coast hours so we can actually do business with the West Coast on a daily basis. Our normal business hours are 10am-6pm EST, I adjust my hours all over the place, but these days I've been working 12-8pm, so I frequently go to bed at about 3-4am.

11-05-08  09:50pm

Visit Yummy Mama

Yummy Mama
Reply of Wittyguy's Reply

Thanks :-) Yeah, much of my Porn Users time has been dedicated to the Forums rather than reviews, I just find I'm more inclined to write little bits here and there on the forums rather than sit down and do the work required for a proper review - lazy at heart :-P I have 5 possible sites I could review right now, (not counting ol' Videobox which I won't review as I think that is rather thoroughly covered at this point) so perhaps I'll get off my haunches and do those...

11-05-08  09:30pm

Visit German Goo Girls

German Goo Girls
Reply of ace of aces's Reply

Damn - seriously?? That is fucking lame - if I were you, I'd take those $20 and spend it on an IP spoofing program so you can port through an American IP, lol - you know, just to spite them :-D

11-04-08  09:44am

Visit German Goo Girls

German Goo Girls
Reply of ace of aces's Reply

According to EuroRevenue's news page, on September 23rd, GGGSexBox.com went 100% DRM-Free - not just some, all! :-D

You can see the news announcement here:


11-04-08  08:35am

Visit German Goo Girls

German Goo Girls
Reply of tobi's Reply

A healthy start - cool, thanks for the info :-)

11-03-08  06:12pm

Visit German Goo Girls

German Goo Girls
Reply of tobi's Review

Sweet, I was hoping they'd remove the DRM from GGG soon as I saw that one of John Thompson's other sites, GGG Sex Box - went DRM-free back in September.

Any guesstimate as to how many videos were DRM-free when you were a member?

Btw, I had run into the corrupted uploads when I was member as well, but I found if you emailed customer service they usually fixed it within a few days. Of course, if they are re-converting the older DVDs, they might not worry about an older corrupted file.

11-03-08  05:55pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I occasionally follow Professional Cycling. Didn't follow it as much last year as they suspended all of my favorite big name riders due to the damn drug scandals. The UCI dictated the teams couldn't modify their bicycles to ride faster, so the logical conclusion is that they would start modifying the riders to ride faster - what did they expect would happen?

10-30-08  08:27am

Visit ALS Scan

ALS Scan
Reply of badandy400's Reply

Interesting - perhaps it was the time at which I was downloading that was a factor, more than their servers. Still, nobody should complain about their servers being slow, that's for sure, lol

10-22-08  02:34pm

Visit ALS Scan

ALS Scan

Impressive Download Speeds

While I hardly ever have complaints about download speeds, this site is moving bits so quickly that I thought it worthy of comment. Since all of their new video is High Definition, the size of the videos means downloads could be lengthy, but right now I'm holding a sustained download speed of:

1.10 MB/s (8.80 mbps)

It is also important to note that this is without any form of multiple connection download acceleration. I rarely see speeds this high from anything other than large businesses like Microsoft. Granted this is occurring at a very low traffic time for my area and I'm not using my internet connection for anything else, but even when traffic spikes up some I still maintain speeds above 700 KB/s (5600 kbps). Really impressive speeds.

10-22-08  04:13am

Replies (6)
N/A Reply of asmith12's Poll

My current monitor is a simple 19" ViewSonic LCD. It was considered a gaming monitor back in its day with a refresh rate of under 3ms, but these days that is rather common place. Its native resolution is 1280x1024, so that's what I keep it at. Anything lower it looks fuzzy, and anything larger wouldn't look better - it would simply grant me more desktop space.

One of these days I plan on upgrading to a widescreen LCD capable of above 1080p resolutions (1920x1080) but the prohibitive prices matched to these products has kept that from becoming a reality. For the time being this monitor is doing just fine.

10-22-08  04:01am

N/A Reply of elonlybuster's Poll

Simply put: I don't go to action movies to see people jump cars over exploding mountains while wearing a fire-retardant suit and a crash helmet.

Models in porn are in many ways more similar to stuntmen than traditional actors - we pay them to perform various sexual feats that are usually considered outside the norm and even dangerous. I understand that stuntmen often do wear protective gear - but they take great strides for us not to see it. So if porn figures out a way to hide the condom from the camera, all the power to them - until then I think there will always be a market for condom-free porn.

10-20-08  01:09pm

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