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N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Reply

The Gremlin all the way! I've never seen a Camaro shoot an old lady out of a house on her electric stairs chair.

04-28-08  03:05pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

Excellent, excellent! The serial number idea is gaining momentum. Now to step it up one more - all models that work in the industry longer than 3 months required to get a RFID chip implant. A very small one, and the content producers can just scan it when the model walks through the door, make a note of it and then display it on the screen when they first show the model. The number could also be tied to all sorts of industry things. It could fill out most of the model release paper work - the producers would just have to bring their laptop and a small printer to the shoot. It could give them the latest dates for the models tests, pull up her 2257 age information and so on. Of course the producers would have to subscribe to the industry database to get that info, it wouldn't be open to the public - but it really could be a huge time saver for the models, producers and public alike!

04-27-08  10:35am

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

My suggestion is for all porn stars to be registered with a serial number, they could have a bar code tattoo like Hitman or just wear porn dog tags. So at the beginning of a scene, like a captured soldier, they can read out their serial number and then the producers can call them whatever they want. We'll be able to tell who is who though because of the unique number they are identified by.

Now the question is, how much am I joking with that suggestion? You know it would be less confusing...

04-27-08  06:00am

N/A Reply of messmer's Reply

Haha, they also say that for cheese and I'm not sure anybody ever wants to be compared to cheese, :-P

04-26-08  01:57pm

N/A Reply of Pinche Kankun's Reply

Don't forget to stop by the forum - it is rife with topics of discussion, lots of interesting commentary. I spent the better portion of last evening writing up an article of sorts on my views about reviews, the function they serve and what I consider the proper creation of a review.

Check it out and join in - don't forget we can all do nifty Avatars now as well. I think Wittyguy was suggesting an Avatar gallery for the forum, lol

04-26-08  01:56pm

N/A Reply of messmer's Reply

Cheers to that! I do prefer the term Mature as well - Cougar would be my second fav - though perhaps that is just because I like the idea of the so called Cougar (and that it has no bearing on the status of the woman's offspring).

Maybe Porn Users needs to create the next term ourselves?

How about: Sagelet

04-25-08  08:03pm

N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Reply

According to some pop-culture t-shirts and an episode on Brazzers, the term you are looking for is DILF (as in Dad I'd Like to Fuck). I am totally unaware of the status of this term in the gay community though - hopefully someone can chime in on that.

EDIT: LOL, Porn Users answered the question for me. Apparently DILF is a gay porn site, so I guess the term IS alive and well in the gay community!

04-25-08  07:49pm

N/A Reply of Pinche Kankun's Reply

Hey Pinche! Welcome back! :-)

04-25-08  07:47pm

N/A Reply of JBDICK's Poll

People get to hung up on the actual meaning of the abbreviation "MILF" - for the most part, it is just in vogue right now. The term "Mature" is out. Something else will replace MILF in time.

As for my response if I found my own mother on a Mature or MILF site? Laugh and laugh and laugh - because I'd know she was only doing it for kicks as she sure as shit doesn't need the money.

04-25-08  08:08am

Visit Gagging Whores

Gagging Whores
Reply of Lionheart's Reply

Thanks - hopefully she'll turn up on some other sites

04-24-08  08:40am

N/A Reply of Vegas Ken's Poll

While I don't count the cost of the membership into my reviews, the truth of the matter is it sometimes plays a major factor in deciding what sites I join. I keep a listing of sites I'm planning on joining - and usually the cheaper ones get joined quicker. So the discounts are really helpful by making sites financially accessible and always appreciated!

04-23-08  12:18am

Visit Little Mutt

Little Mutt
Reply of apoctom's Comment

I know this reply is a little late, but the front page now distinctly shows anal play. Solo, but anal play none-the-less.

04-22-08  07:49pm

Visit Gagging Whores

Gagging Whores

Leah Leoni?

I was just checking out the preview page for this site - due to Lionheart's review I doubt I'll be joining soon, but I was curious - and I saw a model listed as "Leah Leoni". As they said in the trailer, it looks like she has the body of a runway model: tight, thin and rather tall. Very nice. The problem is this:

I can't find anything else with this girl. Does she use a different alias? Has anyone seen her in anything else? Any help would be appreciated. She is right on their front page, the 3rd scene from the top, last I checked.


04-22-08  07:44pm

Replies (2)
Visit POV Network

POV Network
Reply of Wittyguy's Reply

Haha - now that is quite the variation on the "Girlfriend in Canada" - the Webmaster in Canada, I love it.

04-21-08  09:44pm

Visit POV Network

POV Network
Reply of Wittyguy's Review

Yikes, that network sounds pretty rough. Thanks for lying on the grenade for us all.

I love how webmasters think if they place the blame for site faults on the rest of the world, that their customers will rally behind them. It really just doesn't work that way. Customers want to see results and only a simple, straight forward apology if things go wrong. Just say "sorry" and then tell us what you are doing to fix it.

04-21-08  07:24pm

N/A Reply of WeeWillyWinky's Poll

Well, as I've basically never watched Gilligan's Island I'm not sure how accurately I can answer the quiz, but looking at images on Google I'd probably prefer Tina Louise ("Ginger Grant") to Dawn Wells ("Mary Ann Summers"). Also, in regards to Khan's generalized variation of the poll - I generally prefer the glamor model type to the the girl-next door look. That is a major reason why I'm fond of Eastern European porn.

04-21-08  08:55am

Visit Rocco Siffredi European

Rocco Siffredi European
Reply of exotics4me's Comment

Thanks for the quick summary, though I gotta say, Rocco is the man. He's got a helluva lotta personality. And yeah, he is bi, but whatever, he's Italian, so it's OK.

Plus, as for the spitting, stomping and so on - in my experience the only time Rocco didn't do that stuff was when some one else was directing the action. (Anytime he was in an American film he toned it down quite a bit.) Generally his own productions were alway fast-paced, aggressive sex - don't forget that Nacho Vidal was his protégé for quite a while. Hell, his catch phrase was "Nasty, Nasty". As Rocco said: "You might call it rough, I call it fun!"

As for the hellishly expensive and bad video quality, that is sad and I hope that will change.

04-20-08  08:57pm

Visit DVD Tube

DVD Tube
Reply of apoctom's Comment

Ok - seeing as how it wasn't a virus warning, I had to visit the site, and yowza - they did a pretty good job and making those bloody pop-ups keep going. Fortunately I've got setup in Firefox that New Windows should open as Tabs (Tools / Options / Tabs, it's a radio box) so it wasn't a big problem, closed the message boxes about 20 times and then the pop-up chain finally broke. Pretty annoying though. Trying to exit Firefox wouldn't even work - thought I was going to have to kill the process like suggested above. Ah, it has been a long while since I'd seen one of those - almost makes me nostalgic for the late 90's internet... back when there actually was good free porn and pop-ups ruled the world.

04-17-08  08:51pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Reply

Well they could have stuck with the 6 traditional continents, simply exclude Antarctica because Penguins make their own porn. Or perhaps this is the heralding for more poll options - if even the masters of Porn Users are getting constrained by it then something must be done! ::cue dramatic music:: ::a crowd of people point to the sky as a fleet of airplanes fly overhead::

04-17-08  03:32pm

N/A Reply of Denner's Reply

Ah, but if Greenland's colonial status with Denmark makes it a member of Europe, is Israel then a member of North America? I mean, they might as well be our colony... Well for that matter, I don't think Canada ever officially segregated from the UK - they still have "relations" if you will.

04-17-08  03:27pm

N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Reply

The other category really offers up quite a large number of locations:

*Africa and its many nations
*The Middle East
*Australia and New Zealand
*Antarctica (as you pointed out)
*Central America (if it is still considered a valid subcontinent)
*South America
*Any of the various mid Pacific and Atlantic island nations
*Russia (though some would call it part of Asia or Eastern Europe so maybe not...)
*The North Pole (and its surrounding international waters)
*Iceland (almost qualifies for above island nations category)
*The International Space Station
*The Lost Empire of Atlantis
*and lastly Andorra because I think the country we know as "Andorra" is really just an Embassy for the Andorran people on Earth and one day they will reveal their true nature, clad in silver skin suits and carrying phallic rifles and offer to sponsor us in our bid to join the Empire of Planets.

Oh - and I agree, Antarctic porn is an excellent idea - if researchers really want funding to work down there - they should just install web cams in all of their huts and only send down pretty female research students to have them perform any indoor research in the nude. They could also do Penguin on Penguin porn as well.

04-17-08  02:17pm

N/A Reply of Monahan's Reply


04-17-08  09:06am

Visit European Glamour Girls

European Glamour Girls
Reply of Denner's Comment

Johnny Winter, eh? Ah, just looked him up, Blues - famous album, gots it. Can't say I knew that reference - I immediately thought of the musical "Jacques Brel is Alive and Well & Living in Paris". Anyway - glad to hear this site is still putting out good content, might have to check it out one of these days.

04-15-08  03:33pm

N/A Reply of williamj's Reply

I'm curious by your definition of plenty - I've researched on the web about female ejaculation quite a bit - and while there is a lot of material written up about it, I find very little of it is based in actual scientific fact. It isn't hugely surprising as it is an area of study that isn't going to be real easy to get funding.

It wasn't more than 80 years ago when people were going on about the "Myth of the Female Orgasm" - so getting an organization to donate money for research into Female Ejaculation is going to be a bit difficult. If you do find those links, I would be interested - but as far as everything I've read on it - the medical community isn't at all settled on the topic. Some people believe it to be real, others believe it to be fake, and most simply aren't decided or care.

04-15-08  01:06pm

N/A Reply of williamj's Reply

Indeed - all the material I've read about it has stated that it is not pee, any amounts of urine detected are such trace amounts that it rules that out. I did read about lab that did a chemical analysis of several samples of ejaculate - it was interesting but mostly what they said was - it isn't urine and it is basically water. Interesting but not wildly helpful.

04-15-08  01:02pm

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