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Reply of
Khan's Poll
I haven't used anyone else’s computer to surf porn. Actually, I am overly careful when using another’s computer. I would feel embarrassed if they found out I was using there PC for porn and I would feel lousy if I somehow caused a problem that required professional repair.
07-07-08 08:14am
Big Sausage Pizza
Reply of
MiztaBlu's Review
Thanks MiztaBlu for the review. I was thinking of joining this network for this site and other sites like Milf Cruiser. But... I was a little leary. Now that I have read your review, I know that I would of been pretty pissed off to hand over my hard earned money only to have issues like DRM and the inability to download a scene in a single clip. Seems like these folks seem to be lacking when it comes to Customer Focus. Interesting that most of the top sites offer videos up without DRM and multiple download options. I will keep my money flowing to sites like Naughty America, Bang Bros., and Reality Kings.
07-03-08 08:53pm
Reply of
Vegas Ken's Poll
I am a fan of all women but especially like the realistic MILF types over the age of 40.
06-28-08 09:46am
Incredible Pass
Reply of
spl00g007's Comment
I feel your pain spl00g007. Same exact thing happened to me with this site and I had to cancel my credit card. This site should be shut down.
05-22-08 09:11pm
Mom's A Cheater
Reply of
PaulCS's Reply
Thank you for the feedback. I haven't signed up yet, but may in a few months. I will continue to monitor the reviews/comments posted here on this site to see if others report any further issues. I had to cancel and close out one credit card the last time I joined, so I don't want to have to do that again.
04-29-08 11:11am
My Mom's Fucking Black Zilla
Reply of
cerebral's Reply
Cerebral, Thanks for the reply. I've been cautious of this site and haven't signed up at this time. Have you been a member on this site or have you just seen the DVD's for sale? I was wondering if new scenes were being added, it sounds like they are not. It's feedback provided by people like yourself who help me identify where to spend my hard earned money. Thanks again.
04-27-08 07:17pm
Exploited Moms
Reply of
malikstarks's Reply
Thank you for providing your feedback. Good to know about the improvements like weekly updates and video quality. The fact that they still do not allow users to download files in a single clip will likely keep me from joining (atleast for now). Perhaps down the road they will get on the bandwagon with this like many of the high quality sites out there. Thanks again.
04-24-08 11:31am
Exploited Moms
Reply of
williamj's Reply
Thanks for the feedback. I know sometimes providers will make updates / improvements in an attempt to improve the site and generate additional revenue. I did read the previous reviews but wanted to see if any current or recent members could add further insight. Cheers!
04-23-08 12:04pm
Exploited Moms
04-23-08 09:04am
Replies (4)
Lusty Grandmas
Reply of
messmer's Review
Glad to see your review of this site. Can you advise if the videos are available for complete download in one single file (i.e. can you save full movie with one click)? Are videos available in Windows Media format? Appreciate your insight.
03-29-08 12:22pm
Incredible Pass
Reply of
badandy400's Comment
I can only hope as many people as possible who consider the Incredible Pass membership first see all the comments posted on this sites. So many negative comments, you would think the site owners would get a clue.
03-29-08 12:14pm
Milf Seeker
Reply of
topbucksGina's Reply
Thank you for the reply. Just to confirm, are the 50 movies available to download in one single clip, or do they have be downloaded in small clips and then "patched" together to make one single clip? Appreciate your feedback.
03-28-08 01:18pm
Milf Seeker
Reply of
topbucksGina's Reply
Hello, can you clarify how many of the MilfSeeker episodes are currently available for download in one full, single clip. I know only a select number are availble for download. I am interested in signing up, just want to know what is available to download.
Thank You!
03-28-08 11:55am
My Mom's Fucking Black Zilla
03-20-08 09:50am
Replies (3)
Incredible Pass
Reply of
Ergo Proxy's Reply
Ergo- Thanks for your reply. I'm receiving quite a bit of feedback from other users who unfortunately have experienced the same issues with multiple unauthorized billings. Most of these complaints have been coming form the folks over at Incredible Pass (and their huge network of sites).
03-19-08 01:33pm
Incredible Pass
Reply of
scanner's Comment
I feel your pain as I experienced the exact same thing (I posted a comment on the Moms a Cheater site as well). I just received my new credit card in the mail today. I hope owners of this site realize all the frustration they have caused to their customer base. I would like to see their business shut down as most all other online providers are ethical and upfront with customers (at a minimum). I hope everyone reviews all the negative comments related to the Incredible Pass sites.
03-19-08 10:31am
Incredible Pass
03-17-08 09:01pm
Replies (4)
Mom's A Cheater
03-15-08 08:29pm
Replies (5)
My Mom's Fucking Black Zilla
Reply of
mediafan's Review
Hello, thanks for the review. I have been cautious to join this site because I didn't think they offered full movie downloads. Can you advise if most all of the scenes can be downloaded in one single clip, or if it is primarily just the newer scenes? Per your review "Just re-joined this site, it now provides downloads for 44 of its Blackzilla Movies" - Is that 44 scenes out of how many (estimate) and are you only talking about "My Mom's fucking Blackzilla" scenes?
I just want to be careful not to join a site that doesn't allow full movie downloads (in one single clip).
03-14-08 07:22pm