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Type Site - Score Feedback / Review Date
Visit Exploited Moms

Exploited Moms
Reply of james4096's Comment

This site has potential but it is pathetic that they do not yet have full scene downloads. Content is decent, but seriously, who wants to download 2 minute clips? Too bad, a real shame.

06-29-09  10:17am

Visit Karup's Older Women

Karup's Older Women
Reply of james4096's Reply

Thanks James for the prompt feedback. At 41 full scenes for download, I will have to pass on this site (at least until they build up a larger amount of full scene downloads). It must be difficult for sites to go back and update old scenes for the full scene download option? I can think of another site (pink visual) that also has a large vault of scenes unavailable for for scene downloads.
Again, thanks for the clarification.

06-24-09  06:45am

Visit Karup's Older Women

Karup's Older Women
Reply of james4096's Review

Thanks for providing up updated review of this site. I've been keeping an eye on this site and recently read somewhere that all hardcore movies had been updated to allow for the option to download the full movie in a single clip. Based on your review, it appears this is not the case. Can you identify a transition date as to when the Karups "Hardcore Movies" began to allow for full scene download? I'm trying to determine the amount of hardcore movies only available for downloads in multiple clips. This may determine whether I give this site a try or not. I typically prefer sites that allow for full scene downloads.

06-23-09  08:24pm

N/A Reply of surferman's Poll

I like it. It's kinky and something I most likely would never see in my "real" life experiences.

05-08-09  04:40am

N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Poll

From what I have read, I think they all do a very good job with their reviews.

05-04-09  08:38am

N/A Reply of Monahan's Poll

I actually trashed all my VHS tapes (probably over 50) except for 1. Prior to purging my collection, I transferred all of the Shanna McCullough scenes I had over to a single tape (I'm obviously a huge Shanna fan and was able to put together a few hours worth of material). Anyways, its about time I figure a way to get those scenes over to my external hard drive.

05-03-09  08:49pm

N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Poll

Wish I could manage longer than 6 months! I would certainly save some $$$.

04-29-09  11:13am

Visit MILF Cruiser

MILF Cruiser
Reply of mediafan's Comment

Hi, thanks for providing the update to this site. The fact they now offer full movie clip downloads with no DMR (about time they caught up with the competition) is a good thing. My question is how many of the Milf Cruiser scenes are available for full scene download and roughly how many are not? Is there a "cut off" date that scenes are now available as a full download? I wish they would just update all scenes for one click full download and be done with it.

04-09-09  06:24am

N/A Reply of ramscrota's Poll

I look for two things regarding cum shots. I look for the facial (money shot) and hopefully a decent amount. Seeing how my wife isn't a big fan of the facial, I enjoy the "fantasy" aspect of a women receiving a "big" facial. It dosen't matter to me if the cum shot is induced by the male or female, as long as it ends up as a respectable facial shot.
I am not a fan of large, fake cum shots.

03-30-09  05:35am

Visit Naughty America

Naughty America
Reply of Vegas Ken's Comment

This is a GREAT price for the Naughty America network!

03-09-09  05:53am

Visit All Reality Pass

All Reality Pass
Reply of TrashMan's Review

Thanks TrashMan for a very detailed review.

01-19-09  01:08pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Much less during the holidays for me.

12-29-08  01:07pm

Visit Exploited Moms

Exploited Moms

"Full videos are available for download" ???

Hello everyone. I just revisited the login page for Exploited Moms and noticed they now have the statement that there are full videos available for download. Just curious if any fellow PU members have signed up to this site recently and can confirm. Your feedback is appreciated.

Happy Holidays!

12-19-08  08:46am

Replies (0)
N/A Reply of elonlybuster's Poll

Don't mind the use of condoms in videos (although I prefer without) as long as the scene ends with a facial.

10-20-08  02:15pm

Visit MILF Cruiser

MILF Cruiser

Question about full scene movie downloads

Hello everyone,
I'm hoping someone can assist on this site as I have been thinking about joining now for some time. Any recent members to this site that can explain if they now allow full scene single click downloads (WMV, no DRM)? I would be most appreciative of feedback from any recent members. In these tough economic times, I don't want to spend my money on streaming or downloadable clips only. Thanks!

10-15-08  02:06pm

Replies (0)
Visit Incredible Pass

Incredible Pass
Reply of messmer's Reply

I had to cancel my credit card (one I owned for +10 years) when I signed up for one of the their sites earlier this year. So, I am interested to see if a response from the webmaster is given.

10-13-08  10:44am

Visit Incredible Pass

Incredible Pass
Reply of messmer's Comment

I sent an email to the Webmaster (PaulCS) for this network requesting that he respond to the comments regarding billing practices. We will see if he responds.

10-13-08  08:43am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I think it is fine.

10-10-08  10:54am

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

I have cut my budget in half. Tough economic times call for tough measures.

10-08-08  05:05am

N/A Reply of Duante Amorculo's Poll

MILF all the way. I like other niches, but usually search for MILF/Mature scenes before anything else.

09-19-08  08:03am

Visit Homegrown Video

Homegrown Video
Reply of hgdan's Reply

Hello, can you please confirm that all scenes can be downloaded fully in a single clip? Or, are the downloads broken into clips?

09-10-08  11:01am

Visit Incredible Pass

Incredible Pass
Reply of bjorn7's Comment

Good post bjorn7. I was wondering the same thing.

08-23-08  06:27pm

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

Porn Addict for sure. Probably should spend my money on other things!

08-11-08  10:34am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I voted no. Its always about the girl or girls for me.

08-06-08  09:26pm

Visit Naughty America

Naughty America
Reply of Wittyguy's Reply

Hello Wittyguy,
I honestly pay very little attention to the pictures and focus mostly all on the video quality (regardless of site). With that being said, the picture quality here is "ok", but not HD type quality. The site offers 2 options (a high res. and a low res.). I will investigate a bit and see what I can find out for you. I think you will find other sites with better picture quality.

07-17-08  09:47pm

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