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N/A Reply of lk2fireone's Reply

I definitely agree photos are getting pretty big, especially when you consider the vast majority are 72ppi JPEGs (web standard, intended to reduce load times), which are still compressed files no matter how well they were shot or edited. I still spoil myself and go for the biggest sizes when they are available but sometimes sites fall short of my screen-filling demands. Like my recent subscription to SimonScans which is really surprising me in the size, or lack thereof, in its photos.

01-29-10  02:26pm

N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Poll

Without question, the absolute highest quality option available!

01-29-10  09:31am

N/A Reply of Duante Amorculo's Poll

I wish I could say I don't give a fuck, but after hearing about Holly Sampson (ALS' 'Zoe') I must admit I actually almost admire the guy. I mean he still has the mark on his permanent record of being known for playing the alleged "sport" of golf professionally--honestly still my biggest problem with the guy--but c'mon! I still remember when I first laid eyes on Zoe way back when, and I definitely did not (and still don't) have the money to show her how I swing my favorite club. : ( But I can still dream can't I?

I am not really much of a fan of Holly/Zoe anymore, especially after seeing her in the truly atrocious "Emmanuelle 2000," not to mention her plasticized breasts, but I am still loyal to the perverted geniuses at ALS. Still why couldn't TW have picked a somewhat newer and even crazier model, like Amy Lee or Nella? That would have been my kind of news story!

01-28-10  01:16am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

"Not my thing"

I have to admit I don't find them that attractive and more than just a little intimidating. I am also not a fan of girls who look somewhat muscular even if they're not bodybuilders--I want to at least believe that a woman couldn't beat me up too badly, which is pretty hard if she's got bigger biceps than me. : (

Come to think of it, I don't even like it when the male talent look like bodybuilders because it makes them look like abnormal steroid-fueled mad men who just broke out of prison. I'm not saying they all need to look like Ron Jeremy (one is more than enough) but somewhat normal would be appreciated.

01-25-10  10:48am

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

Join a site from a country whose porn models you are not too familiar with and you can be swamped with new names and faces. For example, I recently joined Simon Scans--almost all British girls with a few Eastern Euro ones thrown in--and I can honestly say I have never seen any of them before (minus a couple of the Euro girls). I haven't joined AbbyWinters yet (supposed to be nearly all amateur Australians) but I am sure once I do then I will once again be overwhelmed since I can't think of any models I have seen from that part of the world.

01-16-10  03:19pm

N/A Reply of dracken's Reply

I'll step up to the plate and agree with you, dracken. The difference between a 17 year old and an 18 year old? You could be talking months or even just a few days. Yes, it's black letter law here, but there are plenty of cases of girls literally trying and succeeding to get into porn within a short time after having turned 18 (our debate over Sasha Grey's 'It girl' status mentioned her doing this). How exactly, beyond a few weeks age difference, is she anymore ready than someone a few weeks younger? I understand in the eyes of the law that those few weeks are all the difference and not knowing that fact will basically ruin and blacklist you for life but I am still offended by the idea we are all automatically and equally mature the second we hit 18 (except to drink, but that's another debate).

I am not encouraging anyone to break the law, as there is no leniency in underage porn and the vast majority of it is done by force, not the Traci Lords lie-and-fake-your-age tactic (still got a lot of people in trouble, and a lot of porn destroyed), and the last thing I want to see happen is another aspect of adult life delayed until 21, but a little honesty about the situation would be nice. And why is 21 such a magical age anyway?

You also mentioned an 18 year old getting charged with rape for having consensual sex with his 17 year old girlfriend; you're right, this is the epitome of stupid. A boyfriend is not a porno. For one thing he probably couldn't last through a whole 30 minute scene, but on a more serious note he is not trying to sell her (i.e. her body) for profit, he is engaging in a relationship, and there's a big difference. Age of consent is determined by state, so it could be as young as sixteen in some areas, but porn is federally controlled and the limit is 18, no ifs, ands, or buts. Some states have a little common sense and apply close-in-age rules which can give exceptions to a few years difference between an underage partner and a partner of age, but many do not.

01-13-10  01:32pm

Visit Simon Scans

Simon Scans

Any current members?

I recently joined and will soon do a review, but in the mean time I was wondering if there were any current subscribers? The latest review was from last summer (and it was a short one) and the last comment was from over a year ago. I haven't found any of the problems mentioned in the last few comments (which are pretty much outdated) so I was wondering how other members are doing.

01-11-10  06:04pm

Replies (0)
N/A Reply of PinkPanther's Reply

Sounds just as bad as trying to talk about politics, at least without everyone yelling or getting atop their respective soapboxes. Maybe viewing porn is like voting; you either do it or you don't, but you generally try and keep your choices private. And like politics you probably not going to change anyone's mind very easily, if at all.

01-07-10  11:32pm

N/A Reply of Duante Amorculo's Poll

I like to be organized so I get frustrated when sites are not consistent, especially when they use a different name in a video than what a model is called on the site or even in the file name itself. Make up your mind!

01-05-10  12:28pm

N/A Reply of pat362's Reply

"Normal as possible" might make for a very short scene for many of us, plus like others have said here try surprising a girl by cumming on her face without her getting upset.

01-04-10  09:40pm

N/A Reply of pat362's Reply

"I want the cum shot to be near where the penis is located"? Where else is the cum coming from? Is there teleportation involved? I thought that only occurred in photo shoots where in one photo the girl is clean and pretty and the in next her face has been completely desecrated. ;)

Yeah sorry, I know what you're talking about though. So many scenes are ruined when the couple is going at it good and strong only to suddenly break rhythm and have them change positions for the grand finale. If the girl's lucky she has time to pull her hair out of the line of fire and the guy is still somewhat spontaneous. Other times we are not so lucky and she keeps opening one eye waiting for the guy to finish until we are finally treated to an awkward jump cut with a bored girl and a guy who's about to sprain his wrist.

01-03-10  06:34pm

N/A Reply of RagingBuddhist's Reply

Ugh, no I would not say she has a very attractive voice at all. Sorry Drooler, I'm going to have to go with RB on this one. Don't you prefer photos anyway?

01-01-10  01:43pm

Visit Moms Give Ass

Moms Give Ass
Reply of Sandfly's Review

Just out of curiosity, did you actually sign up for a full month or just a trial membership? Also a more thorough bottom line would help explain things a little.

01-01-10  01:38pm

Visit Zoliboy

Reply of turboshaft's Review

(review continued)

I have only been a member for a few weeks so I don't know the historical layout and navigation of 21st but it is currently a main network site with pull-down menu access to the individual sites and then a huge assortment of check boxes on the side for finding what you want; body type, camera position, location type, genre (over 55 choices here), sex type (hetero, lesbian, bi, etc.). You can also look for scenes by model name or using an update calendar, and then sort the results by rating or release order.

My main problems with this newish (might even still be in beta) navigation are the amount of crossover when you search by model and it's not always clear what exactly is in a scene when you search by genre, making you have to browse the photos or watch some video. Clicking on an individual model brings up her page with scenes and photo samples. When you browse all of a model’s scenes you only get five scenes per page and so many of the models have a lot of pages to click through. On the plus side you get video time, number of photos, and a brief synopsis of each scene to help you choose.

By itself Zoliboy may not have the crème de la crème of hot girls but they are not shy is saying so; something like “Normally we wouldn’t hire her, but she does a great fisting scene!” is typical. But the network overall has plenty of choices as far as hot models are concerned (including, as exotics4me would happily tell you, such goddesses as Eve Angel) and other niches are for the taking as well.

12-31-09  01:27pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll


At most a national call to my credit card company, but that was unrelated to porn. If I have had a customer service problem with a site I use e-mail and never even thought of actually calling them.

Canceling an online service provider however(always had to do it over the phone)...holy fuck, worst calls in the world. The assholes on the other end should be working at suicide hot lines--you would die of old age before they let you go.

12-28-09  02:43pm

Visit ALS Scan

ALS Scan
Reply of mr smut's Reply

Thanks, mr smut.

Clearly Alex knows this is new ground for ALS and thus the "fair warning" comment. As much as I don't want to see boy-girl shit on their site they make it up with the no more lollipop promise. Hooray! They have left the candy store! No more lollipops for 2010 (though the sex toy stores will still get their business apparently). I wonder if any other site would have the guts to say goodbye to their lollipop fetishes. I sort of liked the strap-on scenes ALS did so I don't care too much whether they keep them or not, but I always hated the damn lollipops so this is good news.

12-28-09  02:31pm

Visit ALS Scan

ALS Scan
Reply of mr smut's Comment

I just saw this the other day when I was checking around their tour pages. I was thinking of rejoining but now I don't know--I find all this BTS shit to get irritating, plus the last thing I want to see on ALS is boy-girl material. I always trusted them to be reliably boner-free, but now I have to look somewhere else.

Did Alex say anything in his blog about why they are putting this on their site? On the preview page for the release they said "Trust me, you don't want to miss this one of a kind treat!" but I bet there are more than a few members who could care less. It seems that by now they would have more than enough of their own material to not have any reason to post this stuff from a Club Sandy shoot.

12-27-09  08:35pm

Visit Vintage Erotica

Vintage Erotica
Reply of Monahan's Reply

Yeah, I read that if the country's age of consent is lower then they can show her earlier stuff.

12-26-09  02:19pm

Visit Vintage Erotica

Vintage Erotica
Reply of Monahan's Reply

I thought most of Traci Lords' work was illegal (at least what she did when underage) and no site would even think of running the risk of offering it.

12-24-09  08:24pm

N/A Reply of nadiencendia's Poll

"It depends" because I think it's getting better with technology, access, and choice, but at the same time also getting worse for the same reasons. The economy hasn't helped and it just had to go south right when everyone started to go high def and hard drives started getting cheaper!

12-22-09  12:12am

N/A Reply of anyonebutme's Reply

Really, it's not? Maybe you don't live in America--land of the free, home of the prudish--considering the way we demonize sex and defend things that do end lives like guns and the death penalty.

12-21-09  01:06pm

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

"Yes, I sure would"--if I had my own private theater and film projector, though if I was that well off I could probably afford to privately finance my own dirty movies (this is starting to sound like "8MM"...).

But until I get my own theater, no. Isn't this the whole reason they invented VCRs, the Internet, DVDs and external hard drives? People didn't like going to a theater with a bunch of strangers who may or may not have been jerking it, so why would they want to go back? The cost of distribution alone (transferring to 35mm, making prints, the list goes on) makes theatrical releases prohibitively expensive to even the big companies.

Reminds me of an article I read recently about people who were giving up their toilet to go "green", i.e. literally shitting in a bucket. I am not joking, as they think it's best to use a waterless bucket, uh, "toilet." All I could think was "isn't this why we invented indoor plumbing and toilets in the first place, so we wouldn't have to shit and piss in a bucket?!"

Still, it must be something to see a cumshot on a 25ft+ projection screen.

12-20-09  06:49pm

N/A Reply of GCode's Poll

In this day and age Photoshop is inevitable, whether it's cropping, fixing white balance, blurring out the owner's license plate number on the car the model is posing in, and of course the long list of natural skin ailments, not to mention the bruises, track marks, and all the other unpleasant things that get left behind.

But c'mon, what can "pass muster"? I say you better be prepared to go the whole way--no makeup, no hair dye, nail polish, etc. I mean if a hot girl needed to have her appendix taken out, who are we to judge the scar that it left behind? I just don't like the bizarre, over-touched shit that you see on so many sites, especially their intro and tour pages.

12-16-09  07:05pm

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

...call them out for being prudes and hypocrites!

Just kidding, but seriously you can't please everybody everywhere, so why bother worrying about what some morons think at a party? And like Jay G mentioned there are plenty of places where everyone else thinks (or has no other choice) that porn is "bad" and sex should be totally expunged from the public forum -- Saudia Arabia, Iran, Afghanistan, Utah...

12-08-09  08:45am

N/A Reply of RagingBuddhist's Reply

I agree with this view most of the time, though a good scene doesn't necessarily have to have penetration or any toys...but it certainly doesn't hurt.

Also, I would be inclined to call these scenes girl-girl instead of lesbian as I think there is a significant difference, especially in the target audience being primarily straight (if still pervy) men, not homosexual women. 'Real' lesbian porn tends to be less of a girl-only interpretation of hardcore porn and more of a focus on intimacy and emotion -- and it can still involve toys.

12-04-09  03:14pm

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