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Type Site - Score Feedback / Review Date
Visit Porn Pros Network

Porn Pros Network

The home of plastic cocks and fake cum

Because of their reliance upon fake cocks and gallons upon gallons of fake cum, this is one porn network I will never pay for. Every video I find on streaming sites gets a downvote and a comment explaining their lying. It would have been okay if they didn't try to pass it off as real. Some like watching fake cum, and that's okay with me, I just don't want to watch it, and I don't like to be fooled. They don't deserve to be in business when lying like that.

10-07-15  04:17am

Replies (2)
Visit Backdoor Lesbians

Backdoor Lesbians
Reply of PornoPro's Review

Having to download a driver to watch your movies? That's an automatic 20-30 points score reduction. You have no idea how that driver accesses your information, how it opens up your firewall, how it accesses the network, what information it stores.

Taking the rest of your review at face value, this site deserves at most a score of 69, and should probably be somewhere in the 50's

09-01-13  08:45am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Too much trouble keeping BluRays or DVDs organized to even consider owning one. It's so much cheaper to buy harddrives in the long run

09-01-13  08:29am

N/A Reply of ramscrota's Poll

As Jay G said, too much is too much. Freaks Of Cock comes to mind when I read his reply.

However, I am a fan of multiple shots/bukkake, so a lot of it is great with me. As long as it isn't fake.

03-29-09  04:04pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

I believe there are possibilities for material to be "lost"/lost for a time.

I don't remember which show it was, but I believe it was a BBC show from the 60's. It was an in-house production, and due to a clean-up, they had lost the master tapes of the show. I believe it was in October of 2008 that a listener/viewer of the show came forth with the missing episode, enabling the public to view the entire show for the first time in more than 40 years.

With newer stuff, like the Cameron Diaz S&M sextape, the material might be "lost" due to bribes/sales by/to the actor/actress in question, and then a customer finds it again.

Or the webmaster(s) simply have too much content for one star at one time, and eventually interest runs out for a time.

Many reasons why material gets lost. Sometimes it's just hype, sometimes it's genuine. Most of the time it can be spotted in the way it's presented if it's genuine or not.

01-17-09  04:43pm

Visit Ten.com

Reply of TrashMan's Review

You claim Videosz doesn't have 640x480 videos. Not true. I have been a member of Videosz for quite some time, and I have downloaded several scenes in 640x480. And now they have upgraded yet again: (News listing from the front page)

"NOV 05 2008 - New H.264 Format + New Features!!

We're happy to announce a lot of upgrades:

New H.264 - True DVD resolution format

We now encode all of the new movies in True DVD resolution (720x540) in this new H.264 Mpeg4 format - it doesnt get any better than that! The quality of the AVI files is now going to be better too. This new format is only available for some of the new DVDs for now but we started encoding all of the current DVDs in this new format."

01-03-09  01:25pm

Visit VideoBox

Reply of moonbyrd's Reply

I have just finished testing what you claim about the ability to compound genres in Videobox. I have used five different browsers to do so: Opera (my main browser), Firefox, Epiphany, Galeon and Midori. All were latest stable version.

Not one of them were able to reproduce the pattern which you describe. It may be that the pattern/ability you describe is specific to a certain operating system or browser (which in the case of Internet Explorer at least, is one and the same). Running this informal test on an Ubuntu 8.10 system is not reproducing the results you speak of.

If that feature is specific to a single browser or operating system, it is definitely a con against Videobox in my opinion. More oppinions on the matter are definitely welcome

The faulty aspect ratio is a bit puzzling, as I have watched movies in several different formats and aspects from Videobox in several players, including VLC, and I have not found any of them to have this problem. If you are running Windows, it may be due to an incorrect codec, but in the case of VLC, where the player has built-in codecs for almost everything, that is still really puzzling.

01-03-09  12:57pm

Visit VideoBox

Reply of moonbyrd's Reply

What I meant by compounding genres:

I find a clip of an Asian brunette in a gangbang performing double penetration, blowjobs and cumshots. I have never seen the actress before, but she is HOT! and I want to see if I can find more of her. Having no name, I have no way of finding this actress at Videobox. Except go through all those genres scene by scene and see if I find the actress that way. And that could be 10,000 scenes. If I could compound those six genres/tags into a more specialized listing, I could have as little as 20 scenes to choose from, with a much greater chance of showing one with the actress I want.

As for the exclusion of genres/tags, Videosz has that.

What, more specifically is your problem with the aspect ratio? You might send me an e-mail to explain and ask questions, or use the forum.

01-03-09  04:12am

Visit VideoBox


Status: Current Member for over 3 months (at the time of review).
Pros: +A very large library
+Recommendations can be personalised with great detail through a slider-system
+Several qualities and formats of download
+Ability to edit a personalised clip for download
+Favorite listings for genres
+Good download speeds
+Ability to use download managers
+Decent choice of genres (also cons here)
Cons: -I feel the genres are too general
-You can't compound genres onto eachother (more)
-There are no pictures of actresses in the listings
-There are no image sets
-It doesn't work very well with Opera
Bottom Line: As a member of Videosz previous to my membership to Videobox, I had the chance to directly compare the two. My first impression was that this site had a less inviting interface. It was rather dull. The size of the library was, and still is, impressive to say the least.

The next thing I saw was the genre-listing. It was all the usual genres, but in my view it was very general after having so many more genres to choose from over at Videosz.

The next I looked for, was how to identify an actress I saw in a clip. With such a large library, it was a decent chance of them having at least one scene and a name to go with that scene. This didn't seem possible as there are no pictures to go with the names in the listings of the stars, and you get too many scenes when choosing a category, without the possibility of compounding categories such as brunette and gangbang to get only scenes with those tags. The only way to compound categories is to first have an actress name, and then go from there. Not really helpful in my opinion.

I recommend this site to everyone who wants to build a pornlibrary of their own, but for porn-seekers like myself who might encounter scenes with unknown actresses without getting the name, this site isn't helpful enough.

This site doesn't work too well with my web-browser Opera either. (See my profile)

Bottom line: A really good site which needs a few upgrades to keep my interest

01-02-09  03:55pm

Replies (7)
N/A Reply of messmer's Poll

DRM is THE one thing I will not put up with, be it music, videos or any other digital media. DRM is hurtful only to the legitimate customers anyway, and I believe it may be illegal by the laws of my country. (It hasn't been tried, but that is my interpretation of our copyright laws)

I am hesitant in the extreme if the cost of a site is above $40.

If I see an onslaught of bad reviews about a site, I won't join either, but if it's approximately 50/50, I read the reviews in greater detail and decide.

Download limits haven't been an issue for me in the past, but it would give me a reason to reconsider if I should join.

If image files are zipped or not isn't really of a great consequence to me. Most image sets compiled by any website isn't to my liking anyway. And the few that are, I can download it myself.

Other... Well, fileformats is actually second on my list of things that would discourage me. If they offer only Real-media, WM-media or Quicktime-media, I won't join. AVI, MPEG, OGG, and a slew of other formats is OK, but not if only ONE closed format is the choice.

01-02-09  02:26pm

N/A Reply of elonlybuster's Poll

I subscribe to the norwegian edition of FHM (For Him Magazine), and a few years ago, they had an article about what it's like to be on the set of a porn movie. After several months of petitioning, a Norwegian photographer was permitted to take pictures and write about his experience.

One of the things he told in his article was that the (at least the female) pornstars had two types of paper: One paper not older than three days with the results of their last STD-check, and Kleenex. All had that.

So, I don't think there is a HUGE chance of catching anything if you fuck a pornstar without a condom. Probably a better chance of catching something from a girl you pick up at a local bar. (My opinion)

As for whether a condom is a turn-off for me: Depends. If the movie is about facials, fucking with a condom until you're ready to go isn't a mood killer. If it's about just sex, like vaginal and anal sex, it sometimes put a damper on things, other times it isn't even noticed. It really depends on the setting of the scene.

10-20-08  09:23am

Visit Incredible Pass

Incredible Pass
Reply of pornagain's Reply

Thanks for your sympathy, but please read the first lines of my comment again: I never joined any site owned or run by Incredible Pass.

And I haven't been a member of this site long enough to have read the warnings in advance of finding the deductions on my account.

I am sorry for sounding harsh, but your reply makes me feel like you think I brought this on myself, which I didn't.

10-18-08  04:03am

Visit I DeepThroat

I DeepThroat

About not updating

This is a RUMOR I heard on another site in regards to Heather and Jim's site: She got pregnant! With a little toddler running around the house, it usually isn't that easy getting time and energy to do porn, is it? And she put on weight as a result of the pregnancy, and while never skinny, it got to be a bit too much it would seem.

As I stated earlier: This is a RUMOR, but one that was repeated on at least two other sites, and one claimed she stated something about it on her site. Never having been a member, but I did buy the CDs, I can't confirm nor deny.

BTW, the CDs were sent promptly and without delay, and no mess with payment at all.

10-16-08  06:49pm

Replies (1)
Visit German Goo Girls

German Goo Girls

No Review.
10-16-08  06:40pm

Visit Adult Friend Finder

Adult Friend Finder

Not worth it for Norwegians

If you live in Sweden, it seems this site might be OK for getting some. I live close to Oslo in Norway, and I could have gotten laid several times if I didn't have any standards. All the people that contacted me were couples 35+ from Goteborg, Malmo and Stockholm in Sweden. And even though I had stated I was heterosexual, they all wanted me to get it on with the man too. No way, not ever!

I recommend this site to bisexual/trysexual people only, with a fat wallet.

It's impossible to do anything at all except wait if you don't pay. You even have to pay to answer people contacting you, unless THEY pay to allow you to contact them.

Ads on the Net saying that this and that girl from your "neighborhood" awaits you, are NEVER of girls in your "neighborhood"

My rating would be somewhere around 65-70 for this site.

10-09-08  05:17am

Replies (0)
Visit Adult Friend Finder

Adult Friend Finder
Reply of PowerGlide's Review

I was a member of this site, and I could have gotten laid several times if I wanted to. Problem is, living near Oslo in Norway, all replies/contacts I got were from couples 35+ living in Goteborg, Malmo and Stockholm in Sweden.

I even paid for a Silver Membership for one month, and nothing came out of it.

10-09-08  05:08am

Visit VideosZ


Status: Current Member for over 3 months (at the time of review).
Pros: +Website layout is easy to navigate
+Preview of the real site before joining
+Extreme amounts of content
+Genres can be combined (more later)
+Actors can be searched
+Tags/genres can be searched
+Daily updates of 5-6 DVDs
+Scenes & DVDs can be added to collection
+Actors/Actresses can be added to favorites
+Online Flash-preview of scenes in two sizes
+Newer AVI-movies in 640x480
+No full DVD-download (split into scenes)
Cons: -No full DVD-download (split into scenes)
-Only one format for download per movie
-No bios on actors/actresses
-Always displays scenes listed by numbers of downloads after a search
-Actors/Actresses may share the same listing or have multiple listings
-Search engine spits out the same recommendations if it doesn't find anything, no matter what you searched for
Bottom Line: I want to say too much about this site, because I love it. First, the rating: There are a few minor cons here, and it isn't as much content as VideoBox, and the price is a bit higher: $29.95/month

The best feature of the site is that you can combine genres. If you want to find a scene with a Teen doing a Blowjob, getting One-On-One sex with Anal and Facial Cumshot, you can combine all these genres into one listing of scenes. Unique to Videosz?

Videos are in either great-quality (no HD) WMV or AVI-Xvid at 250-350 MB per scene for a "normal-length" scene.

There are two sizes for previewing Flash-movies of the scenes, and it's a fast player.

If you should happen to need codecs, links are provided in the sidebar, which is one of the best I have ever seen. Practically everything can be done using the sidebar, searching for Titles, Pornstars, Genres, Studios, DVD of the Day, Account, Collections, etc.

New Releases are displayed on the main page for a few days, and Today's Updates have screencaps and description.

The biggest con of the site is that Pornstars may share a listing if they are "unknown", or have multiple listings. Brandy Lyons can be found under three listings.

If this site gets a PU-bargain like VideoBox, and catch up to its amount of content, I will gladly up my rating on this site. I also like that it uses Epoch for billing. I'd say: Join now!

10-09-08  04:13am

Replies (0)
N/A Reply of badandy400's Poll

It is illegal to ask me that question. If I don't like the boss, I will sue. If I like him, I'll ignore the whole question and lecture him about privacy.

10-06-08  01:20pm

Visit Anal Destruction

Anal Destruction

No Review.
10-05-08  02:10am

Visit Anal Destruction

Anal Destruction

Too long since I've been a member

-This site is part of a larger network which focuses solely on amateurs.
-The girls are good-looking, but not supermodels
-The content is decent-quality, but filesizes varies ALOT (12 MB - 150 MB), due to the clips being of very different lengths
-There is one network site that guides you to all the other sites, and you only have to enter the password once.
-24 sites from pantyhose through facial, cheerleader, plumpers, lingerie and to pregnant.
-No DRM, no download limit, and there are pictures on all sites. Some ARE only pictures, but no zipsets.
-AnalDestruction is the only site I know where I don't doubt they are first-timers.
Bottom line: Don't go for an extended membership to this site. With a reasonably fast connection you will empty the well of the entire network within a month. But, I believe it's worth it for a month.
79 on score due to very slow/nonexistent updates, lower-end resolution, variable scene lengths and a bit high price for the content.

10-05-08  02:08am

Replies (1)
N/A Reply of PaulCS's News

Still doesn't explain how I got defrauded by your site when I never joined....

10-04-08  03:57pm

Visit Incredible Pass

Incredible Pass

SCAM!! Never joined, got deducted

I never joined any of the sites of IncrediblePass, or any site known to affiliate with IncrediblePass, yet I found 8 transactions deducting money from my account on behalf of IncrediblePass. The thing that tipped me off was that I have never been a member of more than ONE porn site at the time, and that the deductions were from 8 different sites online. Which, hmmmm....., linked to the same billing agency: FindSupportOnline.com. I would never join any site that didn't use one of three billing agencies: Epoch, CCBill or PayPal. I trust no other agencies.

And the threat that I would be added to a database disallowing my credit card from ANY internet transactions? Scare tactics.

To TBP: Lower your rating on this site to the absolute minimum, and update your review to reflect the fraudulent nature of this site. And please hurry!

10-04-08  03:55pm

Replies (5)
Visit VIP XXX Pass


Not exclusive to this network

I just viewed the mainpage of PornPassForAll and this, VipXXXPass, and they are IDENTICAL. Same sites, same order of listing. Only difference is the picture on top.

IMO this qualifies as a scam, trying to get people to sign up more than once

10-04-08  02:24pm

Replies (1)
Visit Deluxe Pass

Deluxe Pass
Reply of Cybertoad's Reply

Thanks for the encouraging words, they sure help a newb like myself. I have now updated my review some, but on the part of numbers for download quality, I can't remember exactly, therefore I added a general description of the movies' quality.

I also listed some genres I remember from this site.

Thanks for your input, and I will try my best to remember this when I review another site.

10-04-08  10:10am

Visit German Goo Girls

German Goo Girls


This was the first site I ever joined, and BOY was I amazed at this shit! As others have pointed out in reviews, there are some serious pros and cons. Biggest pro: Nastiest Bukkake site ever!! Even the Japanese have a hard time following this. There are hundreds of movies for download, split into scenes or as a whole movie. And all of the movies have descriptions, article numbers, front- and backcovers and vidcaps for each scene.
The biggest con: DRM. This means that all videos are in WMV-format and can't be played in anything other than Windows Media Player. You also lose the ability to watch the movies a month after your membership runs out, unless you remove the DRM. (Can't access site, but watch movies for another month) Another con was that not all movies were available for full download and you had to do scene-by-scene. You can't search for models, and I could never get to any of the bonus content.
Still, I would recommend this site to anyone who loves bukkake. One thing John Thompson does that I have never seen anyone else do: In the videos he advertise that you can join the fun. Just call a number to get the time of the next shoot and hop on a plane, and you can be a porn actor if you want to.

10-04-08  07:10am

Replies (1)

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