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Visit First Anal Quest

First Anal Quest

Gone all arty?

I was thinking about coming back to this site after a year or so's break and by the look of the latest scenes it has gone all artsy fartsy, something like what the Porn Pro network did a while back. Is this the case or is it just a massive overuse of white décor that gives it that feel?

03-15-13  06:44am

Replies (0)
Visit Brazzers


New design made me cancel

I just rejoined after a few months break to discover they have redesigned the user interface and in the process have created one of the most counter-intuitive, clunky, slow and unfriendly POS I have ever had the displeasure of using. A site that used to be simple, fast and fully featured (a combination that is very hard to get right) has now just thrown all that in the bin in exchange for a complicated mess.

Major disappointment :(

09-28-12  08:11am

Replies (1)
Visit Evil Angel

Evil Angel


At the risk of sounding like a complete dullard, how the hell do I enter the competition in the newsletter to win a membership to EA? It says something about following on Twitter or liking on Facebook and while I do have accounts on both of those sites the usernames in no way resemble the username I have on here. How will you know its me?

May be a silly question but I very rarely use social media sites so I'm unsure how it all works. It also says something about 4 ways to enter, what are the other ways????? If I can avoid logging into Facebook again I would be very happy as as soon as I do they set their spam email bots on me.

09-01-12  12:42am

Replies (4)
Visit Pornstars Punishment

Pornstars Punishment

Another one bites the dust

So I just logged in to Brazzers expecting to grab the last few updates from Pornstars Punishment only to find it has disappeared from the sites list! Going via a bookmark to the scene list displays the site title as Pornstars Punishment but no scenes are displayed. Even stranger is if I go to PornstarsPunishment.com and click on the instant access button I get the cryptic message "THE SITE IS NO LONGER ACCEPTING TRAFFIC FROM THESE ADVERTISEMENTS". Please don't tell me that my favourite Brazzers site has died!! Anyone else seeing the same?

07-18-12  05:45am

Replies (2)
Visit Tainster


Fisting In Action dead and gone?

Seeing exotics4me comment below prompted me to look up one of my old favs, FistingInAction.com, only to find it has disappeared from the web. I checked the sites included in a Tainster membership but this one is not is not there. I seem to remember that it used to be included, does anyone know if the FistingInAction.com content is still available via Tainster?

07-17-12  01:25am

Replies (0)
Visit Fisting In Action

Fisting In Action

Dead and gone?

Seeing exotics4me comment below prompted me to look up one of my old favs, FistingInAction.com, only to find it has disappeared from the web. I checked the sites included in a Tainster membership but this one is not included. Does anyone know if the FistingInAction.com content is still available via Tainster?

07-16-12  05:47am

Replies (0)
Visit No Rest Network

No Rest Network


After no updates in years they seem to be updating again some of the best sites on the network. My old favs No Rest For The Ass and Dildo and Fisting have both received updates as well as a few others. I'm really pleased they have started again as they were, IMHO, the best at making hard nasty anal porn. Being cautious I dont think I will join just yet as the updates are few but maybe in a month or 2 if the updates keep coming I definitely will.

07-02-12  05:35am

Replies (1)
Visit Fuck My Jeans

Fuck My Jeans


Has anyone managed to get on this site recently? I have been trying for the last couple of days and this as well as other sites on the network seem completely dead. Any current member able to log in?

06-29-12  12:50am

Replies (5)
Visit Ass Traffic

Ass Traffic

Still updating?

I just got a email with a special offer to join this site. I thought they stopped updating years ago. Anyone know if they have started back up again!???!!?? I certainly hope so as their content was bloody good.

Edit: Just found they use regional pricing so I wont join anyway :(

05-16-12  05:11am

Replies (5)
Visit Porn Pros Network

Porn Pros Network

Photo sets don't always contain photos

One of the things I used to really like about this network were the great quality photo sets that accompanied each video. Not only were they very high quality but also well lit and framed and obviously taken by someone who knows what they are doing. Unfortunately since the style of the scenes switched from colourful to arty farty, the quality of the photos has bombed. Most of the sets contain a few low quality candid shots and then 500 or so screen caps. The screen caps are totally pointless as I can see the same as in the video and the candid shots are awful and amateur. Please get the photographer back!

05-14-12  07:05am

Replies (1)
Visit Piercedaspid.com



The other couple of new sites from this company have crazy restrictions on downloads and only have streaming videos. While I did manage to download the streams from DirtyGardenGirl it was a pain and I dont fancy pissing another $30 up the wall in order to find this site too is still stuck in the stone age of digital content distribution. Does anyone know if videos are available for download?

05-07-12  02:11am

Replies (0)
Visit Beshine


Make your mind up woman!!!!

A couple of months age beshine.com ceased to exist as Beshine decided to rename herself Mayra Hills. Now she has changed her mind, apparently Mayra Hills sounds too much like Russian pornstar Maya Hills and now she has decided to kill off Mayra Hills. Guess what she will be known as now? Thats right, she has come full circle back to Beshine! All that saline must be seeping into her bloodstream and affecting her brain, this has to be one of the worst examples of marketing I have seen in porn.

04-30-12  03:49am

Replies (4)
Visit Disgraced 18

Disgraced 18

Recycling (and not in a good way)

In the last 5 months or so there have been 16 updates. Of those 16 updates only 6 are actually new material, the other 10 are recycled from older content, mostly from 2010. This network has been doing this for quite a while now but on most other sites you would get about 80% new vs 20% recycled. Its a lot worse here which is a shame as this was one of my favourites on the network.

04-27-12  07:07am

Replies (5)
Visit Fuck 'N Drive

Fuck 'N Drive

Fucking with dates

This site has only been live for a few months and they are already fucking about with the dates on the content and reposting some old stuff as new. It's already a time consuming enough process to organise my collection, when sites do things like this it just means I would have to waste more time re-organising. I'm not prepared to waste the time with them so I'm done, membership cancelled.

04-20-12  05:14am

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Visit Beshine


Renamed/rebranded to Mayra Hills

Along with having even more work done to her tits making them now comically large and boosting the size of her lips Beshine has also decided to ditch that name and become Mayra Hills instead. While beshine.com still exists her real site is now MayraHills.com.

03-07-12  11:47am

Replies (0)
Visit WTF Pass

WTF Pass

Interesting discovery

A membership to chickiporn.com costs $35 and gives us access to 6 sites. A membership to WTFPass.com costs only $20 and gives us access to 9 sites. So what I hear you cry, prices vary and so does content. Well the thing here is the sites are clones with exactly the same content just with different titles and descriptions! I don't know which site is the clone and which is the original but they have identical content.

dollsporn.com = chickiporn.com
collegefuckparties..com = studentsexparties.com
pickupfuck.com = mypickupgirls.com
privatesextapes.com = cashforsextape.com
hardfuckgirls.com = hardfucktales.com
porntraveling.com = pornweekends.com

And WTFPass gives you access to another 3 sites not available when joining the other site:


So for $15 less we get access to a more! Apart from the downright weird panda site the rest is very good and well worth $20.

02-29-12  01:00am

Replies (2)
Visit Panda Fuck

Panda Fuck

What in the name of jebus is this?

I think this site is officially the most fucked up thing I have seen. Take one teen, put her in a child's room and have her play with toys for a bit while loud horrible music plays in the background. Then get some guy dressed as A PANDA to come along and fuck said teen with a fake plastic dick before spraying fake cum all over her all the while making what I can only assume are panda noises. This is just wrong on so many levels.

02-28-12  12:48am

Replies (9)
Visit Double Teamed Teens

Double Teamed Teens

Updates are now on TryTeens.com

Although the sites that Teen Core Club produce are very similar there was at least some variation in the action going on, with DoubleTeamedTeens.com the only place to find DP action. This seems to have changed, DoubleTeamedTeens.com has not been updated in months and some of the latest scenes on TryTeens.com feature two blokes and one teen. In short, dont bother joining this site, join TryTeens.com instead.

02-10-12  02:04am

Replies (1)
Visit My XXX Pass

My XXX Pass

Recently oral only updates

Even though the network contains 14 sites focussing on a range of niches such as anal, big tits, milfs and skinny girls only 4 of those sites have received any updates in the last 3 months. The updated sites Only Teen BlowJobs, 1000 Facials, MommyBlowsBest and Throated are all oral sex only sites. Good if that's what you like but if you want some variety in your network of porn then its best to join something else.

01-25-12  10:10am

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Visit Beshine


Half the content has disappeared...

Last time I checked this site out it had almost 120 HD videos and 190 photo sets dating back to January 2010. I look today and it looks like the site has undergone a redesign but in the process the number of videos is down to 60 and the number of photo sets is 150. It seems the first 6 months of content from the original site is gone. Part of the appeal of this site was seeing how the boobs of Beshine grew from large, to mega large to freaky large. This appeal is now gone. Hope they bring the older stuff back at some point...

12-22-11  04:25am

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Visit Prolapse Party

Prolapse Party

Just when you think you have seen it all...

I have seen a lot of very extreme stuff in porn, I even like the harder stuff, but never in all my ~20 years as a perv have I seen something quite like ProlapseParty.com. I am not judging it but seeing stuff like this on a mainstream pay site makes me wonder if anything is beyond the pale anymore?

12-15-11  03:25am

Replies (7)
Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network

Outragously dishonest HD

I am normally a HD whore and download the highest quality versions of all scenes that I can get my hands on. This is usually simple, when a scene is marked HD it is, if not HD source, at least high quality. At BangBros, however, I am dumbfounded by the dishonest use of HD labeling.

Every scene in the network has a download labeled HD. While technically they are HD videos being 1280 x 720 or 1024 x 768 @ 3 MBPS the reality is very, very different. For all of the older scenes that were not filmed in HD or no HD source is available they have just taken the god awful 320 x 240 WMV files and re-encoded them to h264 HD resolution. As anyone who knows anything about video encoding will tell you, you put garbage in, you get garbage out. So what does this mean? Well, not only does the HD video look awful, but some scenes are up to 2GB in size! The "HD" video looks no better than downloading the WMV, which is 10 times smaller by the way, and watching it full screen which looks so bad it makes my eyes bleed. To make matters EVEN worse, there is no way of knowing what videos truly are HD and which videos are these hack job re-encodes.

Bottom line:
WMV SD - 200 MB - Looks awful
MP4 HD - 1300 MB - Looks even worse, wasted 1100 MB bandwidth.

I have seen dishonest practices but this really does take the piss. I have lost confidence in them as I cant download the scenes with confidence that the quality will be good without wasting massive amounts of bandwidth. With other networks like Porn Pros, Brazzers or Naughty America producing similar content without the HD lie I wont be keeping a membership here and I urge anyone that cares about quality to think twice before joining. I used to like BangBros, this is such a huge disappointment :(

10-20-11  01:12am

Replies (1)
Visit DDF Network

DDF Network

2 new sites

DDF have added 2 new sites to the network first one for the hairy lovers hairytwatter.net and the other sandysfantasies.com/ which is a lesbo site. As I'm not into hair I will pass on the first but the second site already advertises almost 150 scenes but has a big label at the top stating "archive site". Anyone know what its a archive off?

09-06-11  01:26am

Replies (5)
Visit Teen Core Club

Teen Core Club


The front end sites of the whole network seems to be dead. This is only affecting the tour / join pages as far as I can see so if you are a current member you should be able to log in as normal. Obviously they wont be getting any new members until the get their act together...

08-28-11  02:48am

Replies (1)
Visit Teen Porno Pass

Teen Porno Pass

Update date shenanigans

The TBP review is spot on, the update dates on this network are all over the place. That said, there is a fair amount of decent quality content available so a first time member should get value for money. Long term memberships are a TBC, full review coming soon. FYI, Google as a spellchecker is bloody fantastic, my original spelling of shenanigans was WAY off yet Google helped me save face :) God bless Google and all who sail in her :)

08-04-11  01:10pm

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