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Visit Sex Fight Divas

Sex Fight Divas

To be avoided.

This site and any associated with them should be avoided because even if they only charged you a dollar to join. That would still be one dollar too many. The content looks old and grainy. I'm sure anyone reading this can find something better to do with their 20$ and if they don't then I'm confident a PU member will gladly steer them in the right direction.

09-21-14  05:21am

Replies (0)
Visit Porn Megaload

Porn Megaload

Goodbye ScoreHD

I discovered this week that Score has converted their popular site Score HD into the new site porn megaload and basically changed the content on score video to only large breasted women.

The cost for the new site is 50$. That's a pretty expensive increase when you consider that the other one was only 20$

08-30-14  09:09am

Replies (1)
Visit Busty Buffy

Busty Buffy

Not Lucie Wilde's site

Some of you may recognize Lucie Wilde as being the model on Busty Buffy and you are be correct but Although it does star her. She said in an interview that she only shot for these guys and does not own the site. My guess is that what you see is all that you get and don't expect to see much more (if any).

08-27-14  06:12pm

Replies (12)
Visit Everything Butt

Everything Butt

It's starting to smell bad at EB

I took a look at this weeks EB update and the star of the scene is none other than Sarah Shevon. A very attractive young woman who has an amazing ability to stuff large objects in her anal cavity so that makes her the perfect candidate for an EB shoot. Now that would be a great piece of news if it wasn't for two very important things. The first is that Sarah has for the last few times had the rather nasty habit of showing her rosebud exposing talent. Now I hope that this is because she is happy to do so and not because she can no longer hold her innards inside her body. I don't know which it is but I do know that a rosebud is definitely not something I enjoy looking at and even less see people play with it. The other thing is that this latest shoot is Sarahs 9th appearance in an EB shoot as a one of the participant. I'm glad that she is still getting jobs but I don't need 8 separate EB videos starring Sarah.

I don't know if this is a fluke or if Kink is running out of new blood but I know that I will not pay money to see the same performer do the same thing with more or less the same people for that many times.

08-19-14  06:12pm

Replies (2)
Visit Brazzers


Brazzer membership

I'm wondering if anybody else has had a similar problem with their Brazzer membership in the last few weeks or months. I had a recurring membership for the last couple of years and last Thursday I tried to log in and was told that my membership was no longer active. That was news to me as I hadn't actually cancelled it and even more importantly I never got an email stating that my membership was cancelled. I emailed their help desk who was suppose to get back to me within 48 hrs but that was yesterday.

06-29-14  10:38am

Replies (3)
Visit The Classic Porn

The Classic Porn

Site may now be dead

I'm a current member of the site and it has an option to see upcoming updates but I noticed a while back that the updates stopped at a certain date and at first I just thought that they would start adding new updates later on but I just checked and the last update was 2 days ago and you can't see any new stuff on the update screen.

They may have had a serious computer problem because they have now started updating again and there are more updates to come.

05-15-14  06:23pm

Replies (2)
Visit Everything Butt

Everything Butt

something stinks at EB

I was really hoping that I wouldn't have to post this comment and that Kink would have fixed a serious problem with this site but todays updates has forced my hand. I've been a huge fan of EB since it first went online and I still consider Kink to be one of the top porn studio today but this may change as of today.

I cancelled my membership last week but I will have access for a bit longer so this is not third party information. The last original update on this site goes back to December 17. We did not actually get any last week so I was hoping that we would get at least one this week but instead what we got was two very old updates from 2011. That's not just laughing in our faces but actually taking a huge dump on it. Who won't notice that they are old updates when they already have them on their drive and worse why pretend they are new. To add insult to injury. We did not get one piece of news about why there were no updates last week until someone at Kink posted a comment stating that they had a serious meltdown last week. The comment was posted on Dec28 which was 7 days after when there should have been an new update. We are now the Dec 31 which is 3 days after that post and they update with this crap. The funny thing is that I got an offer to join EB and they were advertising a Christmas special shoot which I guess is now dead. Hopefully that's not what is happening with this site.

Some of the other Kink sites didn't fair as badly but they also suffered from lack of updates last week because whipped ass, sex & submission, hardcore gangbang to name a few didn't have any last week they at least added one since then.

I was planning on joining at least one or two Kink sites in the next few days but I'm now going to put this off until I hear from them or see some multiple updates. These are after all not sites that update more than once a week.

12-31-13  10:53am

Replies (10)
Visit Legal Porno

Legal Porno

scam site

I wanted to take this time to warn everyone to stay far away from these scam artist.

I found a newbie on EBI and I noticed that she had a scene on their site so I thought it was time to give them a chance.

Man was that ever a bad idea. Joining isn't very difficult but when you assume that you are getting a full access membership then what you are really getting is a ticket based system where you are assigned (in my case 35 tickets) a certain number of tickets for the bulk of the library and access to about 24 or so scenes that can be downloaded without any tickets.

I was pissed when I found that out but that was just the tip of the iceberg. Let me now give you the rest. The navigation is rather convoluted and a major pain so finding a specific scene is really hard. I only got 35 tickets but even worse is that some scenes cost at least 3 tickets so in fact there is no way I could download as many as 35 scenes and it's likely that I could only download about 11. Now I paid 30$ for my membership and I was under the impression that I could download everything. Be advised that a large chunk of their library is content available on many other sites like Videobox since the content is from the studios Sinsational and Sineplex to name two. Of course that wasn't the scenes I wanted and even those are ticket based scenes.

I was pissed but since I had already paid my money then I was at least going to get as much as I could for it but when I tried to download a scene then I was met with another system where you need to confirm your credit card information by authorising them to charge an amount from .20 to 2$ but where you need to verify what the amount you were charged and then entering that amount in a special box... W.T.F. I mean I've already used my card to access the site. I've already paid 30$ and now I need to verify this by paying more money. I know they said that the amount would be credited after the transaction was confirmed but F..k Them. I'm not going to play stupid games to download porn.

I immediately contacted their support desk to tell them to cancel my membership and credit me. That was also a pain but it was the kind of pain I was willing to do. I didn't get an answer by email so I decided to go on their site and my only two option are to get only 30% back or keep my membership but not be able to download anything. I picked the 30% credit as I will not be able to download anything and I'm writing this to warn others.

12-02-13  08:27am

Replies (6)
Visit 50Plus MILFs

50Plus MILFs

videos can all be downloaded

I have some good news about this companies policy in regards to downloads. I don't exactly know when this happened but it has to be quite recent. All I know is that you can now download all of their library as opposed to only their most recent videos.

I read somewhere that this is for all of their sites but I can only confirm it for this one and 60 plus.

I can confirm that 40 something mag offers full downloads.

10-19-13  10:46am

Replies (7)
Visit Elegant Angel

Elegant Angel

avoid like the plague

I've been meaning to do a new review for this mess but it's so hard to access the site that I may not even be able to do so before my membership runs out. If I do finally get access to the site then I will post a more recent review but for now please, please don't join this site because you will regret the loss of that 20$.

09-07-13  06:20pm

Replies (16)
Visit Gang Bang Dee

Gang Bang Dee

mini review

I was thinking of again joining this site then I got a special offer by email so I couldn't pass up the opportunity. little has changed since my last membership so I didn't feel the site deserved an actual review.

The content is not dated and I know the videos are not in any chronological order because Dee changes physical appearance in some of them so that older content might be ahead of newer stuff.
II still find her to be quite attractive but no real way to be sure how old the bulk of the content is.

There are now 190 videos and 258 photosets and although many of the photosets look like they should have an accompanying video. I didn't find them anywhere on the network. Maybe one day these will be added but I don't know if or when. I know that nothing has been added since I was a member and that is almost one month now.

Her site is about the only one I find worth joining but the only site that I know is still updating is my sex life. It's just not a site I ever really cared for.

05-27-13  06:03pm

Replies (0)
Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World

false preview section

Has anyone else noticed that although the dates posted on the more recent scenes keep changing to newer ones. The actual content posted on the preview sites hasn't changed in quite a while. I make it a point to visit the site at least once every couple of weeks(if not sooner) and I didn't really notice it at first but I went this moring and it's the same scenes that were there last week but they now have a date starting today March 29.

It's bad enough that the preview section sucks but to lie about updates smacks of bad business practice to me.

03-29-13  10:43am

Replies (5)
Visit Mr. Skin

Mr. Skin

can you download?

Can anyone confirm if the site has started to allow downloads of their videos? I'm getting some info that you can and I'd rather be sure before making an investment.

01-19-13  09:53am

Replies (4)
Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World

recent changes for the worse.

I decided to join Teen Mega World again tonight because it was always an excellent site in the past but it didn't take me long to realise that it isn't at the moment. I'll post a review in the next few days but I wanted to give you a warning now just in case you were tempted to join. My suggestion is that you wait until my review is posted and then you can make up your mind if it's worth it or not. The quality of the videos in the last 2 months seems to have gone seriously down and there most recent update is leased material that was released on another site in March of this year.

Here's the breakdown for each site since August 1.

Teen Sex Movs: 10 scenes
Teen Sex Mania: 11 scenes
Creampie Angels: 10 scenes
Anal Angels: 2 scenes

Normally anal would be included in the content in some of the above sites but there have only been 3 anal scenes added to the network since July 21. Now anal isn't the only thing in the world but for a network that used to have at least a couple per weeks to almost none is a major change and I'd also like to add that their brand new dirty doctor site stopped updating on July 23.

10-04-12  09:42pm

Replies (6)
Visit Teen Core Club

Teen Core Club

Full downloads

Can someone who's still a member confirm if it's true that they don't allow full download of most of their scenes.

05-19-12  08:44am

Replies (4)
Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World

don't click on special deal link

I was checking their "Specials Deals" page yesterday to see what kind of deal they have and when I clicked on one of the link on that page then I got a confirmation that I had joined casual teen sex but I never asked to join. I chcked my email and I was indeed signed up for a month so i quickly contacted Epoch to advise them of the situation and they immeduiately cancelled the membership and returned the money. I have advised
TMW about the situation but i thought that also post a comment so that no one else gets burned.

04-04-12  09:08am

Replies (3)
Visit Shy Angela

Shy Angela

Angela has stopped doing porn

I wanted to give everybody a heads up that you should not join her site since she has stopped doing porn. She met someone and he doesn't want her to do porn so she will keep hr site active but no longer do porn.

02-21-12  01:33pm

Replies (0)
Visit Fuck 'N Drive

Fuck 'N Drive

quick review

The site is not worth a full review because it's just too new.


+You also get access to first anal quest, double view casting and wanted gfs.
+Videos can be downloaded in wmv 800x452, HD 1280x720 and also for mobile devices.
+photosets can be downloaded as zip file and resolution is 1500x1000.


-A tiny site with only 17 videos and 16 phototsets.
-The same model appears in 5 videos and another one appears in at least 2.
-Some of the videos is solo model.
-They had a lot of updates last month but their last update was Dec 1 and that`s a video and no accompanying photoset.
-No model info so no way of knowning who`s appearing in the vidoes unless you recognize her and most of the models on this site have done a video on one of their other sites.
-The site is filled with banners to other sites and some of these sites are dead sites where there hasn`t been an update in over a year.(that`s a major Con in my world.


This is a new site just coming online at the end of the year so that could explain why their update schedule is a little off and also why the site looks less than polished. Because of that then i can`t recommend it unless you want access to the other sites.

12-17-11  10:23am

Replies (1)
Visit Hard Fuck Girls

Hard Fuck Girls

new network for hard fuck tales

I was on the EBI forum and someone mentioned this new site so I decide to do a quick visit and I noticed that it's a clone of hard fuck tales. The parent company is also different and they have renamed all the sites but as far as I can tell. It's all the same content plus they have added the site public sex adventures to the network.

10-25-11  11:34am

Replies (0)
Visit Mandingo Girl

Mandingo Girl

shared content.

I did a review of redheadinheat and while I can't be 100% sure. I suspect that they share most if not all their content so please check out my review of redheadinheat before joining this site.

08-25-11  06:38pm

Replies (2)
Visit Barbi's Slutty Adventures

Barbi's Slutty Adventures

video download not available

I would recommend that anyone thinking of joining Barbi's site for the videos wait a while. I'm a current member and you can only stream the videos. She explains in her diary that they are doing major changes to the site and what she thought was going to be a small task as turned out to be much worse. She has also had medical issue that compound the problem.

07-10-11  11:30am

Replies (0)
Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network

can't view or download content

Is anyone else having major issues with Bangbros lately. I can log in and I see the main members pages but I can't view pics or download anything.

04-23-11  10:55am

Replies (4)
Visit Amateur Violations

Amateur Violations

Save some money.

I noticed that TBP just added this site to their "What's Hot" section. If anyone is interested in the content then join through porn pros network instead since the join price is only 17.95$ for TBP/PU members as oppose to 24.90$ if you go through amateur violation.

04-17-11  08:53am

Replies (0)
Visit 21Sextury.com


changes coming to 21Sextury

There is a poster at EBI's forum that claims there are some major changes coming at 21sextury in November. There will no longer be any waiting time to get acces to all the sites on the network like it is right now. Instead you will have different packages to choose from and these might be something like glamour where you would get a certain number of sites that fall under that heading. I asked him if he new what would happen to existing cutomer like me who already have a membership. The details are too new so he didn't know. If anyone is thinking of joining them then it might be good to wait and see what that will mean.

10-28-10  06:52pm

Replies (7)
Visit Naughty America

Naughty America

special offer at naughty america

I visit Naughty America once a day to see their updates and I noticed that they have a special offer of 9.95$ for a monthly membership. It says for a limited time so don't wait too,long to make your decision.

07-12-10  07:02pm

Replies (19)

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