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Teen Core Club
Reply of
hardog's Reply
Thanks for the advice. I checked that out and given the amount of anal I think I will join. "Teen anal" pretty much sums up my biggest porn interest...
12-28-13 07:22am
Teen Core Club
Reply of
elephant's Reply
Since it would be my first time joining the lack of updates don't bother me. But the price is a bit steep. I've paid that before but that was for a fetish site that had all exclusive stuff so I didn't mind spending that amount. But the teen niche is well served so I can probably get better value elsewhere.
12-26-13 11:08am
Teen Core Club
Reply of
pat362's Reply
Thanks pat. I haven't joined yet and will take your advice and look at Try Teens instead.
12-26-13 11:06am
Teen Core Club
Reply of
pat362's Reply
Thanks pat. This is helpful information. I think I'll follow TheSquirrel's advice and join a single site (with free ones added) rather than the whole network. Since this is my first time joining the lack of updates won't be an issue, though that will also mean that I likely won't rejoin. I'll probably join in January since I've got three Kink.com memberships on the go as of yesterday with more planned. I haven't been to a Kink site in almost two years and I can't explain why since their material is among the best on the internet for that niche.
12-26-13 05:48am
Reply of
graymane's Reply
But no Tanner Mayes under the tree is sad, not funny!
12-25-13 06:37pm
Reply of
graymane's Reply
I'm with you on this, graymane. But I don't think it's just age. I haven't been a big fan of Christmas for years. My wife is insane about it and I think that's part of the reason I dislike it. But I do cook a traditional Christmas dinner and invite friends and family. A man's gotta eat.
As for Santa not handing out what's really wanted, I'm saddened to report that as with the past few years, Tanner Mayes has not appeared under my tree.
And to answer the poll question, that's a definite yes. I'm a bit disappointed to see that there are no holiday deals being offered through TBP though. Maybe tomorrow...
12-25-13 08:26am
Babes Network.com
Reply of
graymane's Reply
I think you're being a little unfair to yourself, sir. As much as we all try to be objective when writing reviews the reality is that whether you like a site is usually a subjective decision - as long as the site isn't a fraud, of course. And in that light, the more reviews the better. Many will find your information more useful when they're trying to determine whether what Babes Network offers is to their liking. Any ay you look at it, people are far more likely to forgive a slow download speed or a messy site design if they like the porn rather than the other way around. A well-designed and run site that offers nothing you like is of no value to anyone.
Keep up the excellent work. Have a great Christmas too.
12-25-13 05:47am
Teen Core Club
Reply of
Tree Rodent's Reply
Thanks for those really helpful tips. I'll definitely follow your advice.
Have a great Christmas!
12-25-13 05:38am
Babes Network.com
Reply of
graymane's Review
Great review graymane. I must have received the same email offer that you did because, like you, I joined this site not realizing that it is a clone of Babes Network. I emailed Khan and he pointed me to a forum post where he explained that for unknown reasons Manwin doesn't want Babes.com listed.
I liked the site a lot and will likely score it higher than you did when I post a review. I also didn't have the same username/password issue that you mentioned. I got to pick my own.
12-24-13 09:09am
Lightspeed World
Reply of
elephant's Reply
I've never been a member to any Lightspeed site but way back in my early days of downloading porn I suspect my interests were a lot like yours. I joined several "Little" sites, like Little April and Little Summer. Like you, I've kept some of the videos even though they are almost unwatchable due to being such low resolution. Little April is 400x300! The strange thing is that these sites seem to still exist. I can't imagine anyone who joins now would be terribly happy to find the quality that low. One solo site that I still have a lot from is Brooke Skye. I see the site is delisted here due to some shenanigans on the part of the site owners, but I've also heard that the site was taken down when Brooke called it quits. At least that site offered some decent video resolutions.
But it seems that Lightspeed is trying to survive in 2013 with a 2003 business model. And I'll bet that if/when the business fails the site owner will blame piracy and ignore the fact that his site is woefully out of date.
I agree 100% that this is an entirely reversible problem. All Lightspeed needs to do is get some new models and start shooting in updated resolutions. And while I don't like download caps, I can live with them if the site is honest about them and they are reasonable. 4GB/day in 2013 is definitely not reasonable.
12-18-13 05:10pm
Reply of
Arlen84's Review
I'm a big fan of this site too - and this genre. Since you like artistic porn I recommend you check out EroticaX. It's new and small-ish, but if you have a decent internet connection you could probably get away with the two-day trial membership. The models in EroticaX are similar to those in X-Art, and there is no real variation, but I'm a fan of that body type so I don't see that as a negative.
12-17-13 03:42pm
Reply of
Khan's Poll
I rely on both. I find that the space for a PU member writing a review isn't large enough to include all the stats that TBP reviewers include, and I doubt that many of us PU members would ever go into that much detail, so the information I get from TBP is valuable. The information that I get from user reviews may point out some hidden gems or flaws so those are valuable too. I always use both.
12-17-13 02:13pm
Erotica X
Reply of
graymane's Reply
Thanks for your comments graymane. I hope someone finds this information useful!
12-16-13 02:36pm
Erotica X
Reply of
Parsnip's Reply
I agree, especially if they keep the TBP/PU discount.
12-16-13 02:35pm
Nebraska Coeds
Reply of
littlejoe's Comment
I'm glad you asked this and got a reply. This is a site I've been wanting to join but was reluctant to for fear of having 320x240 videos. I suspect that I'll join this weekend now that I know this information.
12-13-13 02:19pm
Reply of
pornpundit's Review
Thanks for reviewing this. I'm a big fan of BDSM stuff and might have considered joining this but, like you, I don't see the point if there is no sexual contact. You may have saved some of us some money here.
12-13-13 02:12pm
Reply of
Khan's Poll
iPad occasionally but never on a phone.
12-13-13 02:11pm
Reality Junkies
Reply of
Tree Rodent's Reply
I agree, but even with limited anal scenes and MILFs I still found lots to like about it.
12-09-13 06:04pm
Reply of
Khan's Poll
I like it, but it has to be for the pleasure of the sub woman. Kink sites do it right.
12-09-13 01:26pm
Reply of
Tree Rodent's Review
A great review, TheSquirrel. It is both entertaining to read and informative.
12-08-13 03:01pm
Reply of
Tree Rodent's Reply
I'm not glad to hear that you had problems, but it does give me some comfort to know that the site is the problem and I'm not. I really don't understand this practice. I agree that they may make a bit extra money by fleecing unsuspecting customers, but when a site offers good material (which Private does) and they are trustworthy, then I'll rejoin again and again and again. They make more money from me by being honest.
I think I'll be watching my credit card for a while. I wish I had taken a screenshot of the cancellation page...
12-05-13 04:00pm
Evil Angel
Reply of
snickelb's Comment
I agree with pat. I've joined EA through TBP / PU several times and I'm also on their mailing list. There are times when I can have 10 or more emails from them with the same offer. While it can be a bit annoying, some of the offers are unbeatable (like the seven days for $5) so I just delete the duplicates.
You can probably get deleted from their mailing list but that would also end the offers. They (along with many other Fame Network sites) are constantly making decent offers.
12-05-13 01:14pm
Reply of
RustyJ's Comment
I'm a current member and can sort of answer your question. I wish I could give you a straight answer but the problem is that something strange happened with my membership. When I joined I first accessed the site using the link provided when my membership was confirmed. I didn't save the link or even note what it was because I had no reason to think that I'd need to. That site did have magazines available and my plan was to go through them later. But the thing is that the next time I went to log onto the site using private.com it was a different site. The site looked different, the navigation looked different and there were no magazines. The videos were all the same though. I don't know if I just happened to join just as they were updating the site but I can say for certain that with the site you access through private.com there are no magazines.
As for photos, there's bad news there too. There are no photo sets that I can find. There are photos available but they are related to the videos (though they don't look like screenshots). They also open in the same viewer that the streaming videos use so there doesn't appear to be any way to download them as zips.
I wish I had better news for you...
12-01-13 07:54am
Perfect Gonzo
Reply of
Tree Rodent's Reply
It's a great network and I'm confident that you'll enjoy it.
11-30-13 06:13am
Perfect Gonzo
Reply of
graymane's Reply
Thanks for the kind words graymane.
11-30-13 06:12am