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N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I use it as an indicator, like the other commenters have mentioned, but if the site has recent good reviews I might still pull out my wallet. Perhaps a bigger issue than a broken link or two on a tour page is having no tour at all. I don't think I've ever joined a site that won't let me see what's inside without joining first.

11-25-13  12:34pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

I'm not really a big fan of solo or lesbian stuff and I only download it if it has a model I really like.

11-24-13  02:12pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Porn collection?? What porn collection???

11-19-13  03:42pm

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

Fully dressed and preferably with normal clothes rather than some PVC outfit with 10" heels.

11-18-13  03:11pm

Visit Private.com

Reply of Tree Rodent's Reply

I've been a big fan of Private's stuff since I became aware of it 15+ years ago. I don't normally collect Euro porn but I've always made an exception for Private because of their high production values. (You'll notice that they somehow managed to get access to a cruise ship and shot several titles on board with no passengers. That's in stark contrast to so many other studios who won't even spring for a new couch!)

I was a bit reluctant to join because there were a lot of negative comments, but since those were quite old I took a chance and I'm glad I did.

Enjoy your membership. I know I am.

11-13-13  05:10pm

Visit Mofos Network

Mofos Network
Reply of grrt's Review

Great review. Welcome to this site. I think you'll find that things seem a bit slow around here but that's partly due to the owners preparing for a major re-work soon. But there still are a group who add reviews and participate in forum topics and I hope that you stick around and do that too.

11-13-13  10:13am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I'm a big fan of these and have joined several massage sites. I like the sexual tension that gets created and then released.

11-12-13  06:55am

N/A Reply of jberryl69's Poll

Several times. Usually to get a first anal scene or a rare anal scene from a model I like.

11-09-13  05:04am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I think if you're a guy it's impossible to overrate sex appeal.

11-05-13  05:35pm

Visit Reality Kings

Reality Kings
Reply of Buckhead's Reply

I wish their policies were more clear because I got cut off some days at 8GB. But your experience isn't unheard of here either.

11-04-13  05:54pm

N/A Reply of atrapat's Poll

83.5 for me and that's the first time I looked at it.

I'm actually surprised that it isn't higher because I seem to give some high scores. I don't think I'm overly generous with the scores rather I think the high ratings are thanks to PU and TBP giving me good information that means most of the sites I join I already know will be good. But with the average at 83.5 that means I have reviewed some real duds too.

11-02-13  08:20am

N/A Reply of pat362's Reply

Agreed. But I still can't imagine a world without facials!

10-31-13  11:04am

N/A Reply of pat362's Reply

That surprises me about you. You and I have a lot of the same interests so I just assumed that you were into facials and cum play too. I learned something new...

10-28-13  04:48pm

N/A Reply of graymane's Poll

I chose 'watch it all' because there is nothing that I don't watch, though that isn't the same for every scene. My favorite parts are usually the scene set up if that's well done.

10-28-13  04:47pm

Visit Casting Couch X

Casting Couch X
Reply of graymane's Reply

Thank you for the glowing assessment, Sir.

One obvious problem with comparing me, as a "Butt-lover" to Roger Ebert, is that when I give two thumbs up, just what (or who) are those thumbs up in?

10-25-13  03:41am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I have to admit to liking it. I find it adds an element of realism.

10-24-13  08:39am

Visit WD Girls

WD Girls
Reply of turboshaft's Reply

I agree that it does seem consensual and the webmaster's comments confirm that. I guess what surprises me most is that there is actually a niche with hot, young women that doesn't interest me. I guess there's a first for everything.

10-22-13  06:06pm

Visit Evil Angel

Evil Angel
Reply of jberryl69's Reply

I've been meaning to ask a question about all the Evil Angel BTS/outtakes scenes because I first noticed maybe six or eight months ago that they were locked. That seemed odd to me since all they were are fluff. It never occurred to me that I needed to upgrade. That is certainly some serious nickel and diming!

10-22-13  06:02pm

Visit WD Girls

WD Girls
Reply of Anth's Review

Interesting review of a unique site. Never in a million years would I have guessed that this would be a porn niche.

10-21-13  02:37pm

Visit Evil Angel

Evil Angel
Reply of jberryl69's Reply

Thanks for the information on the fisting scenes. I'll definitely rejoin when those get posted.

10-21-13  02:36pm

Visit Broke Amateurs

Broke Amateurs
Reply of itsjustme's Reply

This pretty much reflects my thinking about this site, except this was my first time joining. I'm new to the amateur thing and it sounds like we like the same things, so I hope someone suggests some other sites.

10-18-13  07:34am

Visit Broke Amateurs

Broke Amateurs
Reply of softspoken's Reply

Interesting information. Thanks for adding it. This is my first membership here and among my first forays into amateur porn and I was really impressed with some of the scenes, but they really need to make key improvements in how the scenes are made available to paying members.

I have a mixed reaction to hearing that your emails weren't replied to either. On one hand, it means that it wasn't just my questions that were being ignored, but on the other hand, it's sad that a small site like this can't even be bothered to reply to member's questions.

10-16-13  02:19pm

N/A Reply of Monahan's Poll

It's a bit of a mix for me. Most of what I had was either converted to digital, or I was able to source it online and buy it there. The only things I have left from the old days are about 50 DVDs. I dumped the cases a long time ago to make for easier storage so that pretty much makes them unmarketable now. They'll be in a dumpster someday.

10-16-13  02:10pm

Visit Jules Jordan

Jules Jordan
Reply of Roberto281's Reply

Amen to that. But I'd add to this that the fact that Jules Jordan's DVDs are divided between two $30 sites is also part of the scam. But then this isn't the only site that uses this tactic. They have the basics covered well: they shoot excellent porn, they make it available in a variety of resolutions up to and including true HD, they have great download speeds, they update regularly and the price is fair. So why, why, why do they feel the need to do this to customers???

10-15-13  04:12pm

Visit Jules Jordan

Jules Jordan
Reply of Tree Rodent's Reply

I agree 100% with what you wrote. Like you, I'm an active and paying porn buyer and it really bugs me when I get fleeced. Guys like us should be seen as valuable customers and not mere marks in a scam. Dammit, I WANT to give these companies my money so they can continue to make more porn.

10-15-13  04:08pm

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