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Reply of
LPee23's Poll
I know this is odd, but I like watersports but not squirting.
07-22-13 02:13pm
Mike Adriano
Reply of
Tree Rodent's Reply
I hope that I didn't mislead you on the streaming thing. It only lasts a few days and then they open the scene up for downloads. It is a little annoying when its a scene you really want, but you can watch it and then come back in a few days and download it. Honestly, it is just a minor annoyance and I wouldn't let it stop you from joining. It really is just a blip on an otherwise great site.
Thanks for taking the time to comment on my review.
07-21-13 06:20pm
GF Revenge
Reply of
taken4granted's Review
This is another example of TBP / PU saving me money. I was seriously thinking of joining this site until I read your review. The preview pages make no mention that the site is streaming only and that's a deal breaker for me. Thanks for the review and warning. You definitely saved me some money and disappointment.
07-21-13 08:25am
Pink Visual Pass
Reply of
RagingBuddhist's Reply
To their credit, it is mentioned clearly in the Terms of Service. But 15 downloads per month??? That's insane. It looks like another attempt to foil pirates that only hurts legitimate paying customers.
07-21-13 08:13am
Reply of
Denner's Comment
Damn! To make matters worse, I see they have pics of Sasha on the preview pages both before and after her implants. That sort of highlights the issue. At least they aren't cartoonishly big, but she looked almost perfect before them and didn't need new breasts.
07-21-13 08:11am
Girls Next Door Club
Reply of
RLane's Review
This site looks pretty good. I hope it continues to grow. Thanks for posting the review.
07-21-13 08:08am
Reply of
jberryl69's Comment
The inability to preview anything is a big flaw and whoever made that decision at VB should be tarred and feathered. I always used VB as an example of how to make a site user-friendly and allow a prospective customer to see everything that was available. This is bad news.
07-19-13 12:04pm
Reply of
Khan's Poll
I've taken my computer in before but I don't really have much porn on it. I keep everything on removable drives. Now if they checked my browsing history then that might be a bit embarrassing... But I'm sure they've seen worse.
07-19-13 11:59am
Woodman Casting X
Reply of
graymane's Reply
Thanks for the kind words, graymane. I hear ya about being jealous of all the young lasses that Pierre gets to work with!
07-16-13 06:02pm
Woodman Casting X
Reply of
elephant's Reply
Thanks for the comments. It was pricey, but I think it is worth it too considering that it is exclusive stuff. Both the Casting and WUNF sites are great and I'd recommend both if you ever change your mind.
07-16-13 06:00pm
Woodman Casting X
Reply of
pat362's Reply
Thanks for that tip. I checked that out and it seems that she is pretty messed up. It was weird that Pierre kept mentioning he wanted to set her up for a gangbang. I figured he would have a bit more compassion...
07-16-13 05:59pm
Woodman Casting X
Reply of
pat362's Reply
I did notice the addition of WUNF scenes to the Casting site but I figured I was seeing those since I had a membership to both. I hope he isn't running out of material.
As an aside, there is some stuff that he probably should have not uploaded. Today I downloaded and watched a scene with a German model with a strikingly beautiful face. She says her name is Mika or Mikki or something like that but she listed as "Leylou." She does a scene with no hardcore and while she's likely too thin for most people she might even be too thin for me. But when she undresses there is something that I've never seen in porn and I've seen a lot of porn. Her arms are covered, and I mean COVERED in scar tissue from where she has obviously been cutting herself for years. I like rough porn, I like 'dirty' porn, but this made me uncomfortable. I suspect the last thing this beautiful young woman needed in her life was a porn career. This is her only scene on the site, so I'm guessing Woodman didn't use her for anything else. It might have been best if this scene never saw the light of day.
07-11-13 06:04pm
Woodman Casting X
Reply of
Tree Rodent's Reply
I agree, but having the 'amateur' feel to it does add to the overall heat of the site. I suspect that a director of Woodman's ability and resources could use a full crew if he wanted, so I wonder if the amateur feel he creates in intentional. I suspect that it might be.
Thanks for the comment on the review.
07-11-13 05:55pm
Reply of
Drooler's Poll
Cons can be hardest for me since I spend some time researching the site using TBP and here and know what I'm getting. Most times I don't like a site it is for subjective reasons and I try not to let those creep into a review.
07-10-13 03:46pm
Anal Pantyhose
Reply of
pat362's Reply
Thanks for the information. I'll browse that network.
07-03-13 05:52pm
Anal Pantyhose
Reply of
pat362's Review
This sounds like an interesting niche site pat. But pantyhose are one thing I've never been interested in. I don't know if that's because I associate them with grandmotherly types, but I just don't find them sexy. I'm not saying I don't understand the interest, I just don't share it. Good review, BTW.
07-02-13 06:30pm
Reply of
taken4granted's Comment
Look at the bright side though, if law enforcement raids your house for porn usage all the rest of us PU members will be in jail too. It'll be like a Pornusers convention!
Seriously though, I'm glad to hear you got your access back. Met Art seem to be a reputable site so anything less would be troubling.
06-19-13 05:32pm
Reply of
Khan's Poll
I'm not sure of the exact number (which might say something there) but if you count primary drives (those that only require a USB plug) I have probably 19 or 20. Most of those are 1TB drives, with a few older being 500GB and 750GB and at least three 2TB at the newer end. Then, if you want to count in my backup drives (those that require both a USB and AC plug) I have nine or 10 of those. One of the oldest is only 320GB but there are at least three and maybe four that are 3TB.
The good news is that I've decided to purge the collection this summer.
06-18-13 05:04pm
Reply of
Capn's Reply
I agree that there seems to be a significant drop in activity. I hope that's only temporary.
06-16-13 05:30pm
Reply of
Wittyguy's Poll
Not that this is necessarily related, but I feel bad that I haven't been contributing much lately and that just happened to coincide with the end of $200 Tuesdays. I've undertaken a massive project to rebuild my porn collection and delete low res files and delete stuff I'll never watch. I'm also joining sites that I've been to recently just to download HD versions of everything I want so the bottom line is that with noting new to contribute I'm not writing reviews. But it has nothing to do with the end of the raffle.
06-16-13 05:29pm
Reality Kings
Reply of
scharrukin's Comment
That's insane. I had an email offer from them last week and thought of joining but then I remembered the download limit. I'm not entirely opposed to limits, but a 5GB limit in 2013 with HD files isn't acceptable. I'd like to rejoin, but not under these conditions. Thanks for the heads up.
06-11-13 02:13pm
Teen Models
Reply of
BenW's Reply
Too bad the site isn't better on the technical stuff. No matter how great the porn is, if the members can't access it that makes the membership a bit pointless.
06-09-13 08:53am
Teen Models
Reply of
BenW's Comment
Thanks for the warnings. Too bad about that because it looks like a decent site otherwise. Is there any b/g hardcore or is it all solo and g/g?
06-09-13 07:14am
Reply of
RustyJ's Poll
I far prefer normal 'street' clothes to start. I really don't like the tarted-up look with stripper clothes and heavy makeup.
06-09-13 07:11am
Dare Dorm
Reply of
BabyGetReal's Review
Great review. I was looking forward to joining this site a while back when I first read about it, but the lack of downloads killed that idea for me. I know that webmasters want to combat piracy but it bugs me that they have to do it at the expense of paying customers.
06-05-13 04:52pm