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Visit Elegant Angel

Elegant Angel
Reply of pat362's Reply

Thanks pat. I figure that I'll have to see her first anal on VOD and I'm fine with that.

I agree with you about Evil Angel. They're one of the best sites on the 'net and the best studio site I've ever had a membership to. I join them more than I join Videobox.

09-24-12  06:15pm

Visit Elegant Angel

Elegant Angel
Reply of hodayathink's Reply

Thanks pat. I can live with that. I was worried that it might be months before a DVD got posted. Although with the buzz around Lexi's anal scene there are pros and cons for them putting it on their site. The pros are that it will drive memberships for a while, but the cons are that it might divert DVD sales. I'm still surprised at how healthy the porn DVD market seems to be. A lot of guys still seem to avoid porn pay sites - but then just having my credit card deactivated due to fraud might indicate the reason that some stay away.

As for Lexi's anal scene, I suspect I'll have to watch it on a VOD site first anyway.

I've also read that Jenni Lee did an anal scene. Brazzers, I think...

09-24-12  05:08pm

Visit Reality Gang

Reality Gang
Reply of nygiants03's Reply

Thanks for the comment. To be honest though, none of the sites here are true gangbang sites. Hardcore Partying is probably the closest to being a gangbang but while there may be dozens of people in the room only a few are fucking. In most cases there are three to five girls and they each take on two or three guys. Their fun to watch, but not true gangbangs. Think of them as mini-gangbangs with some exhibitionism thrown in for good measure.

09-24-12  05:03pm

Visit Elegant Angel

Elegant Angel
Reply of pat362's Review

Thanks for the informative review. It isn't a question of if I'll join this site, but when. I've had some questions about the site and your review has answered a lot of them. I'm surprised that the site is this small given the huge amount of porn that Elegant Angel could upload. That's a bit of a disappointment to hear.

Do you have any idea of how long the time is between a street release and the DVD being uploaded? Their new title "Lexi" is due out soon and as it contains Lexi Belle's first anal scene I'm looking forward to seeing that. I suspect that I'll wait to join until they upload that. But I suppose they could never upload it or do so a year from now. And from what you say, just because the DVD is in the preview section doesn't mean it is on the site.

After a few really bad site membership choices lately I need a good one.

09-24-12  02:17pm

Visit The Universal Daddy

The Universal Daddy
Reply of gaypornolover's Comment

Valid point. Why do porn at all if you want to hide your identity?

09-23-12  05:19pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I don't usually look for pee content, but I'm not as opposed to it as some others here.

09-23-12  01:51pm

Visit Hotkinkyjo

Reply of kalo's Reply

I hope that the webmaster changes this policy someday. I'd rejoin if he did.

09-23-12  01:48pm

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

Watching porn on TV is rare for me, but on one TV I had a WD HD thingy that I use and on the other I have a 20' SVGA cable that I plug into my laptop. I prefer the laptop because the WD thing only reads codec 9 in WMV files. Many of the scenes I have use older codecs.

09-22-12  12:52pm

Visit Reality Kings

Reality Kings
Reply of lk2fireone's Reply

Probably a good idea. I like their material but found myself frustrated by the site.

Interesting note on the RA thing. I wasn't aware of that. Even though I have a naval name, I wear an army uniform. I just couldn't think of any army-oriented, ass-related pun for a name...

09-22-12  08:31am

Visit Reality Kings

Reality Kings
Reply of lk2fireone's Comment

When I was a member the limit was imposed on me and was usually imposed lower than the 10GB limit. I reviewed the Terms of Service and found the applicable clause to be vague. I still do. I contacted the site and asked for clarification on how they interpret that clause and did not receive an answer. Even if they didn't respond to my specific email, you'd think that if they saw the confusion here they'd weigh in and provide some clarification.

The vague element of theTOS is what are "big movies". The TOS makes it sound like the daily limit is 25GB, but I never experienced that. To further complicate matters, the way you're downloads get reactivated is also confusing. My recollection is that after 24 hours I didn't get my 10GB back, but only got it back over a period of hours. So if I hit the limit at 10PM on day one, I wasn't given 10GB at 10:01PM on day two. I was given some download ability but would quickly hit the wall again and have to wait an hour or so before I could download more. That was frustrating enough, but to add to my frustration was when I would read comments from other PU members who reported no limits.

I don't think I'm an unusual PU in what I download, but with file sizes approaching 1GB and fiber op connections becoming more common I think a lot of people would find a 10GB limit low.

I'm not opposed to limits, but they need to be realistic, clear and evenly applied. This site lacks those elements. That's too bad too, because I liked the content and would rejoin otherwise.

09-21-12  03:07am

Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network
Reply of Capn's Reply

I agee 100% with that!

09-20-12  09:48am

Visit Lightspeed Sorority

Lightspeed Sorority
Reply of slutty's Reply

Good point. When I heard the story on the radio I assumed that the sites were updating regularly. If anything, a site that doesn't update should lower their prices.

09-19-12  07:06pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I'm not enough of a fan to search stuff out, but if a favourite does a handjob scene I'll probably download it in hopes there may be some teasing BJ stuff too.

09-19-12  07:04pm

Visit Boy Crush

Boy Crush
Reply of Ambition's Review

I agree with gaypornlover. This is an excellent review and even though I'm into straight sites I appreciate the effort that goes into a good review. I really hope you find this site useful and friendly (and it is friendly) and decide to hang around.

Welcome to the site!

09-18-12  06:33pm

Visit Magic Porn

Magic Porn
Reply of lk2fireone's Review

Great review. I wouldn't consider myself a video 'snob' by wanting decent quality, but this stuff from years ago just doesn't cut it anymore. Like you, I wouldn't download anything with this low a resolution unless it was something I really, really wanted.

09-18-12  04:22am

Visit Butt Naked In The Streets

Butt Naked In The Streets
Reply of marcdc1's Reply

Glad to help. Give Teasers VOD a look. They're the best I've found.

09-17-12  05:54pm

Visit Butt Naked In The Streets

Butt Naked In The Streets
Reply of gaypornolover's Reply

I find that I generally don't rely on a raw number score that a lot of sites give, including TBP and our own reviews here. With TBP and the detailed reviews here I much prefer an explanation about the site. I figure that I might score a site low just because I don't like a particular niche but another PU member might score it high because they do like that niche. I try to remain objective in assigning a score. I've reviewed sites that I really didn't like but that had high-quality videos and pictures, decent download speeds and were well laid out. I still scored them high because they were good sites regardless of the fact that I didn't personally like the material.

And I agree - PU is a great place to hang out. This is probably among the most civil user-driven sites on the internet!

09-17-12  05:53pm

Visit Hush Pass

Hush Pass
Reply of Capn's Reply

Thank you Sir! The rules here require that I try to give a balanced and measured review and I agree with those requirements. But it was hard to find anything good to say about this network. In that case I just make sure to document and justify my criticisms.

09-17-12  05:48pm

Visit Butt Naked In The Streets

Butt Naked In The Streets
Reply of marcdc1's Reply

I've been a member at Teasers VOD twice and highly recommend them. For me I prefer certain elements in public nudity: 1) stars I know, 2) U.S. settings and 3) not too much editing. The reason for 2 and 3 is because I think a huge part of the allure for these sites is how nervous the model is, and a model in Budapest is likely to be less nervous than a model in Los Angeles just because in the U.S. the risks are higher. Teasers has all three of these elements. But there is one warning - if you want to join Teasers I recommend that you do it soon. They've stopped updating due to a cease-and-desist order from the City of Los Angeles. There is still a lot of material though that makes the $30 fee an excellent value. Part of the reason I recommend joing now is that another site, Nude in L.A., shut down completely. That site had my #1 and 2 requirements but the shoots were edited in such a way that the nervousness was gone so the shoots lost a lot of 'heat.'

Another choice is ALS Scan. They haven't done any public nudity stuff in several years, and admittedly they did shoot that in Europe, but some of the shoots are great. I especially like the shoot with Ashley Bulgari - she is SO nervous. It's a fun shoot to watch. ALS Scan isn't a public nudity site, so I wouldn't suggest that you join just for the public stuff, but ALS Scan is one of the best porn sites on the 'net so the public stuff is just icing on the cake.

Public Flash is also good, It has my #1 and 2 preferences but can be a little more tame with usually just flashing rather than full nudity.

FTV Girls usually has some public stuff in each scene, and some of them can be pretty daring, but they're usually more tame than Teasers.

There's also Public Disgrace. This site is in a league of its own in combining BDSM, public nudity and public sex. If you're looking for degradation and humiliation (but with full consent) along with the public nudity I'd definitely try this one.

I've reviewed all of the sites I've recommended so you can get more details there. I've also reviewed a few I didn't like too so that may be of some use to you too.

Good luck!

09-17-12  05:46pm

Visit VideoBox

Reply of Goldfish's Comment

I always go straight to VB2 to avoid a lot of the gimmicks in VB3. My concern about this is that it would probably hog a lot of bandwidth for stuff you likely don't want to see. Is that the case?

09-17-12  09:16am

Visit Hush Pass

Hush Pass
Reply of BadMrFrosty's Reply

Thanks for the comments, BadMrFrosty. I walked into this disaster with my eyes wide open so I can't blame anyone but myself. This network could really have been a home run with some of the themes they have, but they really fail to deliver. I'm sure developing and running a good porn website is difficult, but that's why you hire people who know the technical stuff. But since they appear to have been around for years I'd guess that they don't intend to change, and they don't rely on repeat business.

09-17-12  09:14am

Visit Butt Naked In The Streets

Butt Naked In The Streets
Reply of gaypornolover's Reply

Thanks for the comments, gaypornlover. This was clearly my own fault given that there weren't many positive comments about the site from anyone. I got burned, but I don't feel too bad since I knew that I was likely to get burned. I had a recent experience where I signed up for a site expecting to be able to download scenes and learned it was streaming only. That site, including the Terms of Service, was pretty vague so I did feel cheated there.

I'd guess that a serious disadvantage that you have, as one of the few gay PU members, is that you're breaking the trail more than the rest of us. For most of the sites I've joined some other PU member has likely been there before. I probably haven't said this loudly enough, but I'm glad you stick around and contribute as much as you do. I may not have any personal interest in the sites you review (but I always read them!), but I am interested in your perspective and you write excellent reviews that will form a great basis for new gay members as they join PU.

09-17-12  09:11am

Visit Lightspeed Sorority

Lightspeed Sorority
Reply of slutty's Reply

It's odd that they'd use a tiered price structure that creates a dis-incentive for new people to join. I heard an interview on a canadian radio program with the site owner's lawyer. At that time they were one of the few websites that were actively going after pirates, and one of the messages i got was that Lightspeed and other smaller sites are really being hit hard by piracy. The cruel irony of most anti-piracy prevention measures is that it likely only hurst the paying customers who support the site and would never post the material on a torrent or tube site.

09-17-12  09:04am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I can usually tell, but that's more a result of bad boob jobs rather than my skilled eyes.

09-17-12  09:00am

Visit Lightspeed Sorority

Lightspeed Sorority
Reply of slutty's Comment

I checked their FAQs and they still talk about downloads, but only in the context of not allowing download managers. If they've changed the site to eliminate downloads they really need to be upfront about that.

09-16-12  07:03am

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