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Visit Kinky Family

Kinky Family
Reply of Wraith0711's Comment

What's their angle with this one? Why create a site only to have it become a hassle to join? Unless my initial thoughts of getting BitCoin is incorrect and misunderstanding it completely, but still...

03-24-25  03:46am

Visit Adult Time

Adult Time
Reply of BatorAly's Review

This site has been on my "want" list for awhile now, but knowing how expansive the site is and the surreal amount of content contained is a bit overwhelming in my view. Although, I have always been a fan of sites like 21Naturals and the like. Is the 3-year option the only thing that is made available or is there a hidden "lifetime" option (even though lifetime could mean anywhere from 5 to 25 years) like some other websites are now starting to do?

12-23-24  12:05pm

Visit Porn Plus

Porn Plus
Reply of Wraith0711's Reply

That's what I have noticed when looking at the previews for the site. I have had a membership to the PornPros site previously, and I saw that this site had came out and was being promoted by PornPros as a "new" thing. It just looks like a conglomerate of different sites. I don't necessarily think that is a bad thing, but if it is coming out as being billed as "exclusive" and "new" then that is incredibly misleading.

I have had the thought that it would be nice to have a "one-stop shop" site to get everything, but I don't think this is what I would consider it to be.

10-09-24  03:19am

Visit Porn Plus

Porn Plus
Reply of Wraith0711's Comment

It is incredibly dissatisfying to get signed up for a site based on the previews and how well done they do with "getting you through the door" only to find out that the site is basically a composite of multiple other sites with little to no originals. I'm starting to see this trend with a couple of other sites, and the ads that are sent via email or in banners from other sites that are pushing this almost dances on the line of scam. I don't know what is worse, signing up for sites that don't create anything new or sites that make you pay for downloads...

09-24-24  03:30am

Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network
Reply of Wraith0711's Reply

Seems like it. They have maintained their brand and style of videos, but I'm still not liking the extra fees tagged to downloads which was something that came with a membership before the takeover.

I had my download privileges removed when that happened and they didn't grandfather members in or reinstate them. That was something that was just taken away.

09-02-24  06:11am

Visit JOI Babes

JOI Babes
Reply of BatorAly's Review

Good review! And nice to see you back again. JOI sites aren't exactly in my catalogue of things to go to, but your review does give me a slight pique in interest. So, thanks for that! lol

Always enjoy reading your reviews; keep it up! (Metaphorically speaking)

12-18-23  04:20pm

Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network
Reply of exotics4me's Review

This site quickly became one of my favorites. Although, I do have my reservations about them being a part of the Mind Geek group of sites. I don't want to say that the quality will slip because of this transition, but it's hard to ignore based on what I have seen from the other sites in the group. I know that I also may be alone in this opinion, but it's just that, an opinion.

12-18-23  04:13pm

Visit Ultra Films

Ultra Films
Reply of LKLK's Reply

It does help, as always.

Thank you, my friend!

10-21-23  10:37am

Visit Ultra Films

Ultra Films
Reply of LKLK's Reply


I see that they have added a new site since the last time I had a membership. Did they include that site in the package on sign-up or is it still the same 4 sites with the membership with really only 2 of the 4 still updating?

10-21-23  07:34am

Visit Anal Only

Anal Only
Reply of Wraith0711's Reply

That could be a possibility. I only said that based off of some of the model posts I have seen in the past month with Anal Only twitter handle tagged. And those are some new models that are barely in the industry for a year. So, it's a maybe, but knowing that they still have not taken down that notice I have seen myself when it first went up, then I would say it is leaning towards doubtful.

Like you, I do wish that they start to have regular updates again, but I'm not holding my breath since they are just reposting scenes across all platforms.

06-01-23  06:14pm

Visit Anal Only

Anal Only
Reply of Wraith0711's Comment

It has been a few months since the last time I was a member to any of the sites on the "network," but it looked like all of them with the exception to Dirty Auditions were putting a hold on updating with an undetermined date of return. However, based on some of the posts I have seen on Twitter, it does look like they are shooting again. I have no idea when consistent updates will resume. I want to say this site was one of them, but since they have 3 sites that are similar, it is hard to say which one will resume updating.

06-01-23  04:41am

Visit Joy Mii

Joy Mii
Reply of LKLK's Reply

Thanks for the insight! It is something that I have been mulling about in my list of choices. A yearly subscription would be the most logical choice knowing how vast the library is.

10-11-22  06:52pm

Visit Joy Mii

Joy Mii
Reply of LKLK's Review

Another great review.

I have not yet tried Adult Time network yet. Knowing how large of a collection of studios it is, the task of just simply browsing a couple of sites is a bit daunting to me, if I'm honest.

If anything, I think, from the clips I have seen, Joymii and 21 Naturals stand out to me. I'm sure there are more within the umbrella's shadow, and I'm also sure that you can inform me thusly as well!

Keep it going. Happy reviewing!

10-05-22  07:06pm

Visit Daddys Lil Angel

Daddys Lil Angel
Reply of LKLK's Reply

I completely understand you on this one. Speaking for myself, review sites are handy when making choices on what sites might be of some value to me, however, I feel like having actual planned and written reviews from the Average Joe carries more weight in my choice making. And I don't mean the typical pedestrian comments of, "The site is good and lots of models, 5 stars," or "Had a bad experience" with not further explanation.

I do wish there was more active users on here, or at least more participation on the communication between users to help with building a positive community. Seems there are quite a few one-way streets running around.

09-12-22  02:47pm

Visit X-Art

Reply of DanielTheManiel's Review

This site may go by the wayside like some others like Reality Gang. Could have its light snuffed out altogether in the near future.

Kind of a shame that things have fell through the cracks and doesn't resemble anything of its former self.

09-11-22  05:54am

Visit Daddys Lil Angel

Daddys Lil Angel
Reply of LKLK's Review

As much as I feel as though that particular niche is over done and is quickly becoming over saturated with every major pay site doing those types of scenes, I agree with you on NS doing it better. Where we may differ in opinion is that compared to a site like TS, I feel as those NP does it a little better. The writing is a little laughable, but the choreography and cinematography is better, IMHO.

Another great review LKLK.

09-11-22  05:50am

Visit Brazzers

Reply of Wraith0711's Reply

Okay, thanks for the update.

I won't be holding my breath, if I'm completely honest, but I will be on the lookout for some of those "classic" scenes. There are two in particular that I would like to have back: the shower scene with Lichelle Marie, and "The Return of the Mooch" with Topanga Fox. They aren't exactly "new" scenes by any stretch of the imagination, but they are rememberable for me and would like to have back.

09-11-22  05:45am

N/A Reply of PU Announcement on 03-14-25

To piggyback on Pinkerton's response, I submitted one yesterday. Please let me know if there's something that I have missed or need to change if it does not qualify!

Thanks Tom!

06-07-22  08:10am

Visit Brazzers

Reply of Wraith0711's Reply

I'm glad at least one person agrees with me on the pictorials. lol

Looks like they compressed the files down by 50%? But that won't be the same for all files, so let's say the compression range is 45% to 55%? How is the quality? Is there that much of a difference? Same? Can you see a frame rate change? Coloring?

I will say from my own preferences for the older models, Lichelle Marie is one of mine. There are 3 scenes missing from her. Topanga Fox has a scene missing, and from the newer side of things Athena Palomino has one that is missing.

06-07-22  08:07am

Visit Crash Pad Series

Crash Pad Series
Reply of KayTBuffs's Review

KayTBuffs, thank you for your review and insights.

Just from my brief look at the site, I can understand you statement regarding the models. I can see where the "attractiveness" may draw some in and others away. However, I will say that there should be a handful of niche sites like this and have more of a presence in the industry to help promote more positive body and sex image. I think sites like this will help people who tilt towards the negative side to change their views and help with their self image and attitudes towards sex and porn in general.

06-06-22  08:55am

Visit Brazzers

Reply of Wraith0711's Reply

The goofy stuff they seem to have in spades, quite frankly.

Certainly nothing bad about having that characteristic in their videos. One thing that had been a displeasing item for me is the lack of care and the decline in their photosets. That was one aspect that helped enhance the scenes for me, but that has been on a slippery, downhill slop for the past few years in my opinion. There have been a handful of sites that are on this trend which is disappointing in my view.

I hope that I am not alone in this thought, but I probably am in the minority on this one.

With the file size changes, is this to all videos or just the new ones? Have there been even more scenes that have mysteriously disappeared due to this?

06-06-22  08:49am

Visit Mylf

Reply of LKLK's Reply

I appreciate the comment and information, my friend!

06-06-22  08:44am

Visit Brazzers

Reply of Wraith0711's Reply

Thanks for letting me and all those who see this reply Wraith. Much appreciated my friend. However, with the company changing their stance on how content is used and the pricing changes, I'm not sure that having 4K videos will be enough to get me to become a member again. I probably should have kept my yearly renewal rate when I had it at the end of February 2021.

I wrote the update after an offer that was given at the time, and I was shocked to see what changes they had made. Needless to say, in my honest opinion, I was very disappointed in their approach.

05-31-22  05:10pm

Visit Mylf

Reply of LKLK's Reply

Hahaha, nice.

Yeah, I don't always come up with one-liners like that one, but when I do, they are memorable... For a few days. Haha

That's an interesting spin on the whole teen idea, however, I find myself searching for content in that area to fulfill the fantasy I never lived through college. Now that I have that typed out, it reads in a more somber manner than I thought it would...

05-31-22  05:06pm

Visit Naughty America

Naughty America
Reply of Trump2020's Comment

I don't know if you have seen some of the things I have written about this site on here, but I agree with you. Just looking at the site alone, it is completely watered down and just wears on your patience just to find a scene. Seems like they fell into the trend of other sites of needing to be "new and improved" but forgot how to get that translated into navigation.

Plus, the ridiculousness of having to fill out a captcha every time that you download a video, and if you are downloading photosets only, they will have you flagged and locked out until you email customer service.

It's like they are caught between the dilemma of not wanting to charge extra for downloads like some other sites, and keeping people from, or at least inconveniencing, downloading there content.

04-02-22  07:24am

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