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N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Like the handjob scenes where it turns into a blowjob / hardcore scene. There's something pretty hot about crossing those boundaries. That being said, pure handjob scenes aren't very exciting.

02-07-10  09:12pm

N/A Reply of surferman's Poll

I'm all for oral cumshots, but there's something really off-putting about the girl drinking it out of a glass. I think that's because coming in a girl's mouth implies a connection between two people, but a girl drinking cum is just, like someone else said, a stunt.

01-19-10  11:05pm

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Reply of DpornGuy's Reply

I'm hoping it's a temporary thing. They still have some good scenes, but it's pretty uneven. Too bad: it used to have some personality, and now it's overall a weak offering.

01-07-10  11:45pm

N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Poll

VERY rarely it can work. There's a recent RealityKings episode with some girls dressed as elves that's hot. Mostly it's like Christmas music though - ubiquitous and irritating.

12-27-09  07:43pm

N/A Reply of careylowell's Poll

There was an article recently about people watching porn on trains and planes and such. To me, there are two things wrong with this: first, it doesn't seem so exciting just to WATCH porn, the same way you watch a normal movie. And second, if anyone else can see or hear, it's just disgusting and inconsiderate. Porn's great, but subjecting other people to your taste in porn is just unacceptable.

12-27-09  07:40pm

N/A Reply of GCode's Poll

It's a nice idea, but the fans, not surprisingly, are generally ugly and poor performers, so I don't particularly like these sites.

One thing I hate is that, every time someone raises the topic of pornstars escorting, it turns out no one has actually been with a pornstar, but everyone wants to talk about it. I think I'm going to hire me a pornstar one of these days just so, when the topic comes up, I can be like "yeah, I slept with X. It was [amazing/terrible]. Now shut up."

12-11-09  07:53pm

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

I guess they should do it just in order to be public-spirited, but honestly I can't think of any audience more in need of quality porn than teenage boys. In an ideal world, there wouldn't be some crazy notion that letting a 16-year-old watch porn is going to ruin his mind or turn him into some woman-objectifying monster. I mean, should we force boys to watch The View or something, so they'll be perfect little woman-respecting gentlemen? Or maybe that's a good idea - maybe I'd get more chicks if I watched more daytime TV and less porn :) I'm just jealous of teenagers these days, who can hit up Bangbros from their rooms. Didn't have that back in my day. Of course, they can also bang 15-year-old girls, which I can't legally do.

12-11-09  07:48pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

Sometimes I get obsessed with a girl for a while and download anything she does. Then I have kind of a mental list of girls whose scenes I'm interested in. That tends to be limited to girls who came on the scene in the last few years, then they fall off my radar. Not that I don't go back occasionally - I'm glad to see so many Silvia Saint fans out there!

12-11-09  07:41pm

N/A Reply of marcopolo's Poll

Have to admit to fond memories hitting up Wendy's on the way home from my regular thing :) I've only had a few times where I would actually have preferred a Wendy's double to sex (though I've been with a few women who earned this dubious distinction), but it's never a bad thing to have both! Honestly, not really into the whole Tom Jones food/sex thing though - too sticky. Although, now that I think about it, I have at least enjoyed a nice glass of red wine while a woman twice my age went down on me ...

11-20-09  09:37pm

N/A Reply of GCode's Poll

It is kind of strange, but the polls are great. They're an interactive way of thinking about your porn habits (!) and the discussions are a lot of fun. Sure, some of the polls are more interesting than others - to be expected.

But yeah, it is probably not good that we spend our time voting on (to take a recent example) how much of a typical porn scene the BJ should consume ...

11-10-09  09:55pm

N/A Reply of GCode's Reply

So first of all I want to go to the parties GCode goes to, where porn sites are brought up in casual conversation!

But I definitely agree with the discussion that excessively rough and dramatic BJs are silly, while slow and sensual is the ticket. I especially dislike performers like Sadie West who seem to treat it as a stunt. On the other hand, I have to admit, as a BJ lover, I am surprised how many people said they really don't like this part of a scene: an object lesson in how people's tastes can differ, and that's fine. So if there are some real rough-blowjob enthusiasts out there, they deserve the kind of porn they like too.

One thing I really like, and wish there was more of in terms of the oral component of the scene is the way Japanese porn frequently does the cumshot, where the guy comes in the girl's mouth, and then she drools it out into her hand. It seems a lot more intimate to come in a woman's mouth than on her face, and especially much better for the woman to make the guy come with her mouth, rather than him just jerking off onto her face. I think it's another symptom of the fact that - in contrast to the Japanese and the Europeans - even American pornstars and porn directors are hung up about sex; while we're prudes in normal life, our porn is a mechanical over-reaction.

11-10-09  09:50pm

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

I love blowjobs! A lot of the time I watch the whole bj and not much of the "actual" sex. My only complaints are that shot from below (who wants to look at the male talent's balls?) and girls who turn a blowjob into a handjob (yes, I'm talking about you, Natalia Rossi). But in general POV blowjobs are as good as it gets!

11-08-09  01:06am

N/A Reply of alexmedia's Poll

I have to admit, for all her other faults, Paris makes a great pornstar. She's got skills, she's hot, and the tape (at least the BJ) is well-shot and well-lit.

But mostly sex tapes aren't that great. I like the public accidents, like the Tara Reid clip where her dress slipped down. Love how the cameras immediately went crazy :) We need more of those - Megan Fox, please wear flimsier clothes!

10-22-09  06:11pm

N/A Reply of nadiencendia's Poll

What I find really hot is a girl - probably one of the younger thinner ones rather than a MILF - wearing only a pair of tennis shoes. Just reinforces that whole schoolgirl thing. Watching a girl otherwise stripped down but getting railed still with her sneakers on - wow.

10-22-09  06:07pm

N/A Reply of asmith12's Poll

Giving oral is cool. I love it when a girl's demonstrative. And I definitely have a list of my top bj's received. I really can't think of anything better than that feeling after getting really great head.

07-17-09  06:43pm

N/A Reply of careylowell's Poll

Like turboshaft, I spent some years in an all-male combat arms unit. I completely agree with his characterization of military repartee, which is too homophobic for words, among other things. Having had some serious conversations about this with various people in the military, however, I was surprised how many were very open to having openly gay people serve, even in the combat arms (which raises the issue - should physically qualified women be next?). I think the military's ready for a carefully done end to Dont't Ask Don't Tell.

04-10-09  06:06am

N/A Reply of Lionheart's Poll

It can certainly be overdone (see jizzonmyglasses.com). I thought the best was a series called something like Specs Appeal, a while ago. They made it really hot. Also, Jules Jordan has a scene with Natasha (Dolling?) where she's wearing sunglasses while giving head outside - wow.

05-09-08  02:13pm

N/A Reply of JBDICK's Poll

OK, I grant that Hillary's looking good these days, but how is she getting half the vote that Jessica Alba is getting?

I think we can all agree, though, that if Hillary and her primary opponent were in a porn video, there's no doubt about who would be doing what to whom ...

05-09-08  02:11pm

N/A Reply of nygiants03's Poll

Have to join the great middle on this - hot when a girl gets a good few inches in her mouth, definitely not hot when there's vomiting involved. The hottest scene I've seen along these lines is Isabella Dior's 18YearsOld scene, where she does these super-hot squeaking/choking noises. That's my ideal.

01-24-08  07:13pm

N/A Reply of Getreal's Poll

I have an Asian fetish, so it was an easy question for me. Those European girls (from Europe, not all white girls) are pretty freaking hot though. The Indians are coming on strong - Priya Rai blows my mind. There has yet to be a really smoking Middle Eastern girl, although I really like Leah Jaye. And once in a while a super-hot black girl pops up, like Shi Reeves.

12-26-07  09:07pm

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Amateur Allure
Reply of Allureman's Reply

Yeah - looking back, I put up that comment during a bit of an AA "dry spell" when he wasn't putting up the hottest girls, and I must have been a bit annoyed. He's been doing really well recently, so I apologize. In general, Thomas brings a lot of personality and creativity to AA - let me say again how much I like those fantasy episodes. Since there are plenty of sites out there with little personality OR creativity, even if their male stars are in better physical shape, I'm happy to have AA the way it is. Not a perfect site, of course, but one of the top few.

12-16-07  11:11am

N/A Reply of Pinche Kankun's Poll

Generally I join a solo girl site, because I see the preview and get obsessed with the girl - but there is not content of her elsewhere. So I have never, for example, joined the solo site of a girl who had already been in porn. Most of the time I download what I want, then cancel the membership - can't really imagine keeping the membership long-term. I really like the trend for a girl with a softcore site to do one or two bj or hardcore performances; there's something very exciting about crossing that line.

11-11-07  12:57pm

N/A Reply of williamj's Poll

POUR - we may be porn freaks, but let's at least be literate porn freaks!

11-03-07  07:26am

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Hush Pass
Reply of meatwad's Reply

I haven't found a video I couldn't download, but I haven't checked every site, so there could well be some that aren't downloadable. The download option does not work particularly well though.

09-22-07  09:06pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Reply

Do or do not, there is no try :)

Sorry, even on a porn review site, it's probably pretty geeky to quote Yoda.

Anyway, luminous beings are we.

09-15-07  11:38am

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