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N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

The trouble with the holiday period, spending time with family.

If you give yourself the present of a site membership, then it sits there doing nothing until you can finally get rid of the people that you didn't want to see in teh first place. *xmas rant*

12-24-11  03:53am

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

Jessica Rabbit by a mile.

Of course, my decision may have been influenced a little bit by the POV roleplay feat. Gianna Michaels.

12-22-11  01:21am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

If the site is specialist in some way (niche, performer etc.) then signing up as a one off is no bad thing.

12-22-11  12:53am

Visit Torbe Network

Torbe Network
Reply of JustThy's Reply

Yes, it was one that you have to manually activate yourself.

However, I mention it because in the rush to complete the sales procedure people can misread an invitation for an opt-out.

It kinda covers all bases and is kinder than "Read what you're doing, numbnuts!" :)

04-09-10  03:41am

N/A Reply of littlejoe's Poll

Hi res is great, but there has to be something to give.

By that I mean the models. There are models who have hard bodies and figures of a goddess, but in real porn there is a huge cross section of models, from goddess to average.

Natural markings (stretch marks etc) make little difference to anyone in standard def, but give high def with a poor camera operator and you will rapidly find yourself staring at things that you really don't need to see.

04-07-10  06:28am

N/A Reply of RagingBuddhist's Reply

Though, to be fair, it could have been any number of different reasons.... guess we'll never know what it was that prompted them to choose you.

I get picked on a lot at security, though nearly always in lands foreign to mine. Guess I just have that kind of face......

03-17-10  12:00pm

N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Poll

Considering the sheer amount of data and the general ineptitude of my (British) govt to actually keep hold of data without it being misplaced on public transport, I highly doubt it.

There will be intelligence gathering on individuals if they fit a certain criteria to be a person of interest, but in general they couldn't give a bollocks as long as you are paying your taxes.

The people who issue store loyalty cards have more personal information on you than the govt ever will.

AND, we brits really have the edge when it comes to snooping on our own govt, search "secret bases" and see how we identify our own installations!!!!! Try that in the US and you'd never be heard from again.

03-17-10  11:57am

N/A Reply of Duante Amorculo's Poll

Reality shows are essentially voyeurism without actual sex/porn.

Why would I want to watch a show about a Porn* that doesn't involve porn at some point?

11-02-09  02:17am

Visit Nadine France

Nadine France
Reply of turboshaft's Reply

I wouldn't like to speculate as to the exact reasons, for that I'd recommend e-mailing the webmaster and asking them directly.

Judging by the content and the time span that it covers, it is simply a case of the site coming to a natural end. Which with a site which is exclusively personal content, it is incredibly impressive that Nadine has been so busy to have such a varied range.

I'm very respectful of the decision, there are many out there who would simply keep things going without update until dwindling subscription fees no longer covered server upkeep costs. I would be very surprised if NadineFrance was no longer profitable for two reasons. Firstly, in many respects it sets the benchmark for others to follow in this particular niche. Secondly, there isn't that much said about the site in English speaking nations (in fact I only fell across it by accident.)

There is still material being uploaded though this is now on an "as and when" basis and there will no doubt be notification of the final date of shutdown.

10-28-09  11:54am

Visit Nadine France

Nadine France
Reply of mbaya's Reply

Yeah, she's still uploading vids that she hasn't had time to previously put up.

10-27-09  08:55am

Visit UK Flashers

UK Flashers
Reply of RagingBuddhist's Reply

I'm glad to be of service!!!!

I thought personally that the score I gave was fair as a gesture towards the fact that the site had stuck to it's niche. The quality beyond that dragged the score down heavily.

Another site I reviewed bore little to zero resemblance to its niche and that got a worse score.

10-26-09  06:41am

Visit Public Flash

Public Flash
Reply of mbaya's Reply

yeah I agree and I think that it is a great pity that a site with such great potential has been allowed to stagnate.

09-10-09  04:56am

Visit Real Sex Pass

Real Sex Pass
Reply of Denner's Reply

Yeah, used to be a member of Killergram. If I remember back I think I gave them a very favourable review.

07-28-09  04:24pm

Visit Real Sex Pass

Real Sex Pass
Reply of Denner's Reply

I see what you are getting at, and it did take me a while to come to my decision to give RealSexPass such a low rating.

I respect that there are a couple of things you enjoyed, and there are the collectables, but do you really think that it is worth so much for only a few things?

It has been asked what I would rate it if it were half the price....... my answer was that it would be 70+.

But for the price that I paid, I am NOT getting value for money, and that is what prompted me to be so critical......... I paid a lot for it, I expect a lot from it, and I'm simply not getting what I paid for, and that is the basis of my score.

07-25-09  04:36pm

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

I think that the poll is interested, but fatally flawed as the answers don't cover enough of the options.

If the site has a good review, then sure I'll consider it, but for $35 or more p.m. it would have to be more than just reviews that'd do it for me.

Quality of content
Quantity of content

To name but a few of the things that I'd be demanding in return for my hard earned cash

02-21-09  08:10am

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