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User : bacardiancoke (0)  

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Ratings & Reviews

All the reviews and ratings from this user.
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Type Site - Score Feedback / Review Date
Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network

Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: - Well planned, well executed site
- Good, logical, easy navigation
- Always high standard of content
- Good value for money
- Regular updates
Cons: - File sizes for pics / vids
- Stop bothering us with x sales...
- Some sub sites stopped updating. Why?
Bottom Line: Welcome to the infamous BangBros, a male driven hedonistic landscape where the men are purile, and the women are hot.

What comes of this coupling is mainstream, but still unique and consistently high quality content.

Whether you want to fill your boots with the Boys of Bang Bus picking up hot girls to fuck around town (literally) to watching some well known faces taking hot creampies, this is your testosterone powered wank material....

There are a couple of things to pick at:

The picture zip files are huge! (the same size as the videos in some cases.) Why not offer us a stripped down version instead? I mean, when you're looking at pics on a mobile device, why do we need something ~4000 pixels in size?

Some of the sites have stopped updating. These tend to be the more niche sites or behind the scenes efforts. That's a pity, as (behind the scenes esp.) is a simple and effective tool that keeps viewers interested, and would certainly keep my subscription for longer.

The bottom line: One of the market leaders, and rightly so.

12-22-11  01:10am

Replies (1)
Visit Teen Sex Couple

Teen Sex Couple

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Genuine amateurs
- Exclusive content
- Regular updates (at least 1 per week)
- All videos available in HD
Cons: - No pics, only video menu
- No screen caps offer for videos
- No biog other than quick site overview
- No interactivity on site (other than e-mail address.)
- No categorisation of videos, just chronological order
Bottom Line: I have come to Teen Sex Couple with an open mind. It is a brand new site billed as run by the couple (Jessica and Dave) themselves with only their content.

This has come to pass, and the collection of content is their own, and won't be found anywhere else.

There is a full range of activities available (outdoor, anal, facials, creampies etc.) so this is definately a well planned venture for the couple who are happy to show off the sexuality, making this a very refreshing site to see.

But, there are also downsides to how they have presented both the site and themselves.

The member's area exists on one page, there is no categorisation of videos and no interactivity at all.

This is a great shame as they have an opportunity to make the site about their lifestyle as a whole as well as their exhibitionism.

Whilst the content of the videos is generally high, the method of shooting (from wherever Dave is holding the cam) is more of an acquired taste, a sort of gonzo meets POV and can get the worst of both worlds rather than the best. I'm not suggesting that the shooting of the vids is poor, but tends to focus very heavily on close ups, especially on Dave's cock, which is a great pity as it prevents the viewer from seeing more of Jessica.

In the videos (and site in general) interactivity is paid lip service with a few quotes from other members and a couple of videos at member requests.

Considering the site is presented to you by Jessica and Dave, it can be confusing at times that it is shot in a manner to give the viewer the impression the POV impression that they are fucking Jessica. Take for example, Dawn's Place, where the site is presented to you by her and little is mentioned of her partner. By contrast, Jessica and Dave seem to operate in a perspective no man's land.

In general, this site has solid content, which has the opportunity to be great content.

As the site develops, I really do hope that Jessica and Dave work on their sometimes questionable camera shots, introduce screen caps and photoshoots and work on interactivity which is frankly the standard for amateur sites like this to survive.

The bottom line: for a new site with genuine amateurs; not bad, not bad at all. I hope to see it develop further as I'd love in the future to give it a much higher score.

12-21-11  06:43am

Replies (2)
Visit Sarah 4 You

Sarah 4 You

No Review.
05-02-10  07:24am

Visit Torbe Network

Torbe Network

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Good selection of models
- Good amateur content
- Good download speeds
- Exclusive content
Cons: - Odd navigation
- Updates are bitty
- Some sites haven't seen updates in a long time
Bottom Line: The Torbe Network is a collection of sites that range from solo models to bukkake and the old chestnut "meet a chick on a street, offer her cash and take her back to your place to fuck"

Not hugely different to other network sites, Torbe has its strengths and its weaknesses.

Going for it is some originality in some of its content mixed with a great ability to get real, amateur, attractive models. Well done there.

Downloading content is easy enough and fairly quick. Pic sets come in .zip form. Various vid types (wmv, mp4, mpg and mov available.)

On the downside, pic sets are few and far between and vidcaps and only available on some sets which is a pity.

The only thing that lets it down for me is the male models. I am of the opinion that the male models (unless in a specific storyline) ought to be like spooks - unobtrusive, invisible etc. Unfortunately this isn't really the case in many of the vids here which is a great shame considering they are otherwise almost all great examples of how amateur content can look.

The bottom line? If you like your european (and some argentinan) amateur models in different situations then this is certainly for you.

Oh, and keep a watch out for cross sales (which are an opt in though.) Though by now you should all be watching out when you sign up for sites anyway!

04-07-10  06:43am

Replies (2)
Visit Cum On Wives

Cum On Wives

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Wide selection of videos and pics
- Good download speeds
Cons: - Much looks non-exclusive
- Content doesn't appear to be all amateur (known pornstars are in the sets)
Bottom Line: So, what is the site?

Billed as being run by "Rebecca" a swinger wife from Florida, the content is all "submitted" by visitor and site members.

Now call me cynical, but if me and my wife (also swingers) submitted our content then we'd expect something in return, there's no evidence (although I can be corrected) that any consideration is offered in return for the submission.

Not only that, but I rapidly came across content of pornstars. So either our webmistress hasn't researched the internet and sex industry or doesn't bother to check what "she" is willing to upload and sell to others.

At best this is copyright breaching by sheer ineptitude, at worst this site is one of those despised by those who work hard and at great expense to create their content only for it to be lifted by an opportunist. I do not know which applies here, although I have my suspicions.

The content itself is just as advertised, sets of 50 single cumshot pics in various positions of various quality, and videos of varying quality (well it is "submitted" stuff.)

Bottom line? The best I can say about the site is that it is a TGP that charges you to use it. Sorry, but you really need to get things together here.

04-07-10  06:34am

Replies (0)
Visit TAC Amateurs

TAC Amateurs

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Fairly extensive range of content
- Good cross section of different women
- No DRM
- Good d/l speed
Cons: - Navigation
- Network design
- Range of recent content
Bottom Line: TAC, is a network of amateur porn stars. Basically women who could live next door to you who upload their own content.

As such you can find different and at times refreshing content in different situations ranging from cute sets up to bukkake gangbangs.

But (and this you'll know if you read other reviews of mine) I'm heading rapidly to my biggest set of bugbears with amateur portals and many porn sites in general.

The webmasters at TAC are sorely letting the side down. They appear to be afflicted by the same level of laziness or apathy that is sweeping through porn sites 3yr old+ across the whole of cyberspace.

The design is tired, navigation is infuriating thanks to quite possibly the worst breakdown of categories that I have ever seen, no tags or a search function!!!! That's abysmal.

The individual sites vary in quality according to age and willing of the models so I'll not get too bogged down with content and instead stick with the appeal of the network and management.

There are very few updates for a network style of site, this is because I can find very few newer models. And I think I know why; and it points straight back to the design and implementation of the main portal.

If me and my wife were to launch a swing site we'd probably want to shelter of a network such as TAC as we are no webmasters by any stretch of the imagination.

But we wouldn't in a million years choose TAC to host our content. It looks neglected, disinterested and don't feel that we would be able to promote our work enough.

MANAGERS OF TAC, hear your public speak! Until you modernise your portal you are stopping content providers from signing up and keeping your revenue down. You have the potential of a great network, but not until you get your arses in gear and breathe life back into your project.

03-09-10  10:52am

Replies (0)
Visit ChickPass Amateurs

ChickPass Amateurs

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Huge Collection of material
- Proper amateur work, very natural with no visible known porn stars
- good download speeds
Cons: - Very poor navigation
- Search facility is more basic than a Jungle toilet
- inconsistent material
- Can't decide if the site is value for money or not
- Updates are nothing to write home about
- X Sales. Sign of a con artist, not a good way of building my trust!
Bottom Line: If you are looking for amateur (sometimes user submitted porn) then this is certainly a place to entertain for one subscription period.

It is generally passable and for those who like their amateurs then it will keep you entertained for a while.

I won't go into individual "stars" due to the way that the portal is structured and will instead take an overall view of presentation and content.


I grow tired of portals and sites that are stuck firmly in their "pre-2005" type design and layout. It is lazy and insulting to those of us who pay good money to use your sites. PLEASE will you start modernising!

Design - poor and confusing. They appear to have tried to make it simple and have instead left it with a bizarre structure that is confusing, even to someone who's seen hundreds of porn sites.

Navigation - a hatefully basic search facility where you can click on "tags" but cannot exclude and results are limited when committing to a genreal search. Please sort it out, a tag cloud and improved search function isn't that difficult to magic up.

Content - inconsistent and varied. Of course you would expect that with an amateur site, but some are directed by a fairly professional team yet are still inconsistent. How does that work? If the webmasters offered hints and tips to the models then submitted content would very much improve to those who aren't sure.

Value for money - this I'm really struggling with. They say you get what you pay for in content, but I'm a little pissed off that the design and navigation qualities of the site make me NOT want to look in the first place.


Chick Pass is in bed with TAC Amateurs and is very much the poor relation. This is intended in reference to the state of the site not the content. If I'd known that a site would put me off visiting it then I wouldn't have visited in the first place.

Models of Chick Pass, make your voices heard. This is your revenue that the bone idle webmasters are costing - the portal needs investment and modernising, badly!

Webmasters of Chick Pass. Please stop insulting those who invest in your business and crack on with the much needed work. If your portal was easier on the eye and to navigate then your result would have been closer to the one that TheBestPorn offered (which I bitterly disagree with at present).

03-07-10  04:53am

Replies (0)
Visit Nadine France

Nadine France

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Original and Exclusive content
- Fairly easy navigation
- Broad range of material (within niche)
Cons: - It is soon to be retired (so get in while you can)
- No .zip downloads
- Older Vids have poor quality
- Older pics have poorer quality
Bottom Line: Nadine France is basically a site dedicated to a natural exhibitionist who takes a great deal of pleasure in documenting her perversion for others to see.

It appears to be a site that has endured a lot of longevity with updates going back to the beginning of the millenium.

From the very basic site design to the quality of some of the material, I should be quick off the mark to offer criticism and perhaps not a score so high.

But, it is so radically different from other sites in the same niche that you quickly warm to it and focus on the quality of the content which is remarkable.

Remarkable for one reason. This site (and its star) do it because they enjoy it, not because a photographer has offered them a quick buck for getting their tits out in public. And this stands the site apart from the rest.

This is amateur reality porn of the highest order. There is imagination in the shoots (you don't get the same old poses recycled as much as in other sites) the varying locations are mindboggling, from laboratories, to museums, to airports, to bars and the list goes on. And the list of action goes from solo flashing to couple action through to gangbangs (although the majority is solo)

Nadine is a natural exhibitionist who is showing her lifestyle to the world and it is a refreshing sidestep from the mediocrity of exhibitionism out there.

I do have criticism (after all it wouldn't be balanced.) The quality is amateur (but as an amateur site then this is expected) but I would hasten to observe that as an amateur site, pricing it as a pro site is a little cheeky.

And it is a shame to let a site that is soon to be retired miss out on some of the great potential that it had (and still does) to develop.

The bottom line: if you have a taste for amateur exhibitionism then you'll love Nadine France. Just make sure you get in before she takes the final steps of retirement and consigns a simply brilliant site to the great server in the sky!!!

10-25-09  11:18am

Replies (5)
Visit UK Flashers

UK Flashers

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Content appears original
- Fairly easy to navigate
- Can use download manager
Cons: - Videos poor quality
- Complete vids not available
- Updates very few and far between (doesn't appear to be much new at all)
- Basic design
- Content is poorly directed
Bottom Line: I have a biased view when it comes to my porn (anyone who doesn't needs professional help imho) and when it comes to sites that rely on pics as much or more than vids it is about the quality and eroticism.

Exhibitionism can be very erotic and not something that has to "hit you in the face" with its bluntness. Unfortunately for UK Flashers, it falls sqaurely into the category of "blunt" in its approach.

Before I get onto the aspects of quantity, I'd like to look at the quality of the content, mostly as it is what is sticking out most to me.

Many of the models are not actually models by trade (yeah, obvious to many that they are working girls, but there are still those out there who believe that they are simply models trying to break into the industry.)

Whilst the models will have a concept of poses etc, a majority of the work and direction is carried out by the photographer. The photographer used for this site appears to have a complete lack of imagination (or interest) and the results are the same poses with the only variation being the location.

As for the poses themselves and the camera angles used? Unflattering on the models to say the very least, amateur in production, completely lacking in eroticism (many are plain seedy.) It's as though a bored 18 year old has gone out with his dad's camera, collared a few girls and led with the direction, "Show us yer gash!" There are user submitted sites out there with more professional content than here!

Harsh? Maybe, but combined with so few updates, a basic and tired design and layout and vid quality from early dsl days, this is a site that I'd struggle to recommend for even half the price that I paid.

10-25-09  11:01am

Replies (3)
Visit Sammy4U


Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: - Great real unscripted porn
- Good selection of vids and clips
- Navigation reasonable
- Good selection of scenes / situations
- Excellent restrained use of extra stars
Cons: - Very few recent updates
- x Selling
- more focus on selling other sites than concentrating on own
Bottom Line: So, as a fan of swinger porn (as a swinger myself it is always a pleasure to watch) it was inevitable that sooner or later I would darken the doorstep of Sammy4U.

All in all the site achieves what it sets out to do and it is completely evident that the site is put together by a team of people who know what they are doing, and more importantly, enjoy what they are doing. Anyone who's been a member of some of those faceless generic porn sites created by a geek just hoping to make some money by raiding the porn libraries will know EXACTLY what I mean by that.

The problem that many solo sites suffer from has shown its face in Sammy4U........ mainly updates.

Now, as a human being and not a robot, it is of course to be expected that Sammy won't be out banging away all day everyday, but in the time that I've been a member updates have been infrequent with more focus on twitter updates and stories rather than the key galleries and vids that are why so many of us join.

Granted, there are updates to the "freebies" section, but I really don't count this area as the content is quite different from that of the main site and not the reason I joined.

The content is absolutely fantastic, no complaints from me there!

It is a shame that there isn't more otherwise the score would have been beyond 90.

09-11-09  06:23am

Replies (0)
Visit Public Flash

Public Flash

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Models seem to know what they're doing
- Site created by people who understand the niche
- Good range of models / situations
- Appears natural (not forced or heavily scripted)
Cons: - Photos cannot be downloaded in .zip format
- Vids have to be watched/downloaded in clips only
- Appears to be no recently update photo sections
- Average number of shoots
- Get impression of recycled content
- Some content non-exclusive
- Site needs some work to bring it up to the standards that other sites have adopted as they have evolved over the years.
Bottom Line: As a brand new user (not a former site member who's returned) this content all looks new to me, although the odd shoot with 1999/2000 imprinted on it is a bit of a give away with a lot of video quality and a few other artefacts in the background.

If you are a previous member, my advice, stay away there is a very good chance that you've seen all this material already and would be wasting your money reinvesting. This is no Met-Art when it comes to purity of archiving.

For new members though; I'm glad to say that the site is what it sets out to be, with a broad section of models and the producers make the most of the fairly limited number of variables that you can have in public exposure.

However, the site does then begin to let itself down in its presentation.

The design of the site tells you that it has seen little updating to code etc in the years that it has been live. Navigation is reasonable with a rudimentary gallery for each section.

Picture and vid quality then begins to show the age of both the site and shoots, and the lack of .zip downloads for photo galleries and only being able to view vids as clips leaves the site out there with other turn of the millenium businesses that have failed to move on. It is a shame really as with a few basic updates and more shoots this could be a great site that is already aiming well at a niche category.

Overall quality of shoots (other than viewing quality) is good, although it is bizarre that on some shoots where a model has clearly been out for about an hour there are only about 12 pics???? With basic flashing, maturbation, public participation and even oral sex/facials so plenty to go round and the site producers know exactly where to be aiming (unlike some sites who aim for a niche and completely miss as they've no idea or interest in it themselves, so well done there.

My view. Not bad; with a bit of work it could be great, but not bad.

09-10-09  03:19am

Replies (3)
Visit All Over 30

All Over 30

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Good Variety of Content (types etc)
- Good range of models
- Not a one trick pony
- good image and video quality
- No DRM
- No Download Limits
- Images in .zip option
- Newer vids have variety of formats
- Fantastic layout and organisation
Cons: - Some non exclusive content
- The video watermark is appalling
- er............ nope, I'll give up on that one
Bottom Line: If you've read any of my other reviews, you know it takes a lot to impress me. Well, here's a site that has.

The layout and organisation of the site makes it easy to navigate around and find exactly what you are looking for, be it a particular model, situation, type of nipple (I love that!) So, it is a site that is well designed which is always a fantastic place to start.

AS the site has developed over the years it has evolved and is making what appears to be continuous improvements which makes it stand out against some less able competitors.

There is a good range of models (by that I mean age, look etc) and there is a very good range of situations that they are in.

As an Englishman I must find fault, and I have found one. The watermark for the videos is terrible. I agree, mark your property out to prevent piracy, but at least be discreet.

Apart from that, a highly recommended site if you like your women older. Top of its class.

08-05-09  06:07am

Replies (0)
Visit Real Sex Pass

Real Sex Pass

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Large collection of models
- Good niche content
- Real feel
Cons: - PRICE
- Quality of many videos (see more in the "bottom line")
- Poor quality of sites
- Too busy trying to sell you other content rather than focusing on improving their own
- The "bonus" content is a nonsense, it is a cheap advert.
- Production quality
- Attention to detail (none)
Bottom Line: OK, so it looked expensive when I saw it, but I reasoned in my own mind that as the sites have been up for a while then there'd be a lot of content.

But I found there to not be a huge amount of content......... let's put this into context, I'm a member of MetArt, and there appears to be at least 4 updates per day, you'd be lucky to see that in a week here. And that is when my doubts began to settle in. And then I went through the sites individually and content.

They focus on the reality of the situations, which is good. They fail to plan, not so good.

I appreciate and accept that "reality" porn hsould be a little more raw than fully scripted, but the works of the people behind these sites has gone to show that the whole lure of reality porn is completely lost if you fail to plan a single part of an event other than the event itself. I'm completely insulted at the thought of being charged so much for such poorly organised, shot and edited footage. It smacks of being shot from the point of view of a pretty creepy voyeuristic pervert. Yes, those of us who buy this content tend to be voyeuristic perverts anyway, but at least in the real world we could make a better job of it.

As a Brit, I'm always glad to have the opportunity to get British porn (it would appear that the Americans and Eastern Europeans currently have the market cornered) but this site goes to show exactly WHY the Brits don't have any porn on the world stage (only a few big name stars who fled the UK to find competent production teams.)

And the more I watch I begin to realise that unless you don't have an accent, british porn stars should not be allowed to talk.

Bottom line? Bitterly, sorely disappointed and ripped off.

For all that I hoped it would be, it turned out to be poorly organised, poorly shot, appallingly edited and abysmally displayed.

The score may seem a little harsh, but I'm basing it very much on the price I was charged for access.

For the quality of the content, it isn't worth half the price that I paid. IF the price was much lower, then the content review would remain the same although the score would be higher.

My advice, spend your hard earned cash better somewhere else.

07-24-09  08:41am

Replies (5)
Visit Real Squirt

Real Squirt

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Does exactly what it says on the tin
- Enjoyable content
- Natural feel (the performers are relaxed in what they are doing and look like they want to be doing it)
- Variety of locations, additional characters and situations.
Cons: - Although Kream (central star) is very sexy and good at her work, it would be nice to others play a central role.
Bottom Line: I should point out that this site is part of the "Pornstar Network" so there are currently (Feb '09) many more sites to cater for other tastes that you have free access to.

But, I've focused only on the site to which I subscribed.

Overall, it is a solid site. Fairly easy navigation, good content and hits the mark.

Of course, there is perhaps more that can be done (name a site where there isn't more work to be done!!!!) and in the case of Real Squirt it centres around Kream.

As sexy a lady as she is, it would be nice to see more from others as well.

Bottom line? Not bad, not bad at all.

02-21-09  08:42am

Replies (1)
Visit British Doggers

British Doggers

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Features outdoor activities.
Cons: - Non exclusive content
- "British" is inaccurate in nearly all sets.
- It isn't actually about dogging!!!!
- I don't expect a site to which I am giving money to have ads!
- They are recycling their own content from 4 years ago.
- Poor pic and vid quality.
- Appaling site layout and navigation.
Bottom Line: Before now I have been able to offer a fairly balanced view of porn sites and have points of merit as well as critique. With British Doggers though, disappointed doesn't even begin to describe my experience.

So, I'll start with the positives. It is a site that features outdoor activities of others.

Previously being a member of this site, I decided to pay it a re-visit to see what the modern content looks like.

And......... it's exactly the same content that I saw 4 years ago recycled.

It is not actually about dogging (I would recommend that the site creators take a look at just what dogging is, or look to Killergram for tips.)

It is recycling content from the turn of the century (and some looks like it is from before.)

The bottom line - it is the first site that I have ever subscribed to where I have cancelled my subscription on the same evening.

This content was fresh in 2004 - maybe it is time that British Doggers closed its doors for good?

If you are looking for dogging in the meantime then I'd recommend that you look elsewhere, you won't find it here.

02-17-09  07:19am

Replies (0)
Visit MetArt


Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: - Extensive collection of sets
- Excellent video quality
- Good choice of pic quality (recent galleries 36 MP+)
- Good range of photographers
- Excellent quality of models (although everybody will have their favourite.)
- Simple navigation
- No DRM
- Good search function
- Good download speed
- Sticks to its principles
Cons: - Model bios could be a little more detailed
- Perhaps the general theme of the videos could move away from the shoot environment?
- Larger sets are repetitive (almost identical pics one after the other)
- Splitting a single shoot over 3 or more sets is a bit of a con.
Bottom Line: Will it get your dick hard? Well, if you are a red-blooded hetero man (or bi/gay woman) who appreciates the beauty of teen glamour modelling, then YES, it will.

Will you be cracking one off to it? Well, if you are of a very limited sexual experience, maybe, otherwise no.

Art is the best way of describing it. As a site it really does celebrate beauty of the female form (although in a very biased way) and you will spend a lot time simply staring (and probably wishing that you had these girl's number!!!!!)

You will come away with a renewed perspective of how beautiful women are.

Be warned though, if you are looking for something to wank off to, you are in the wrong place!

01-16-09  03:21am

Replies (1)
Visit POV Fantasy

POV Fantasy

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Does what it says on the tin
- Good general quality of models
- No time wasted in pointless interviews
- Part of a larger collection of sites
- DRM Free
- Fairly good download speeds
- .zip pic downloads
Cons: - Navigation pretty poor
- Pic sets are an after thought
- Infrequent updates
- Tempters for "Non- Exclusive" sites
Bottom Line: Considering the price (discount through TBP) perhaps I shouldn't have expected so much?

Whilst the site is exactly what it says it is and does achieve its aim in a roundabout way, it could be more.

The average update is weekly (though the saying does go that you get what you pay for.)

The navigation is basic but workable, the site is let down in the end by content (few updates) and treating the pic galleries as an afterthought (although if vidcaps are available these tend to be very good)

01-16-09  03:12am

Replies (0)
Visit 5-Guy Cream Pie

5-Guy Cream Pie

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Easy Navigation
- Wide Range of video scenes
- Access to 9 other sites
- Good quality videos
- Good range of models
- Appears to be exclusive content
- No DRM
Cons: - Few pic galleries
- Pic galleries don't have enough "money shot" content, they try to be met art with the model!!!
- Older videos split into 2 parts
- Newer Videos have interviews with all actors
Bottom Line: It is definately a niche area and to an extent well worth an investment.

But, for a professional site the scenes look too amateur. And this isn't in a good way, they just look poorly organised.

As for the interviews, perhaps these could be consigned to another part of the site..... I'm not that bothered about what the women do etc and I couldn't give a shit about what the men are upto!

It has the potential to be a good, if not great site, but they really need to look at how they organise their shoots (positions, better camera operators etc) because until then it will just carry on looking like a student party shot by the geek who's dad gave him a camcorder for Christmas.

01-16-09  02:13am

Replies (0)
Visit Killergram


Status: Current Member for over 2 months (at the time of review).
Pros: - High quality videos
- Features several under-utilised niches
- Gives names of models
- Regular updates
Cons: - No model bios
- None-exclusive content
- Picture collections poor
- Navigation can be confusing
Bottom Line: The Killergram collection aims squarely at British niche porn.

It achieves what it sets out to do (entertain and titillate) with a collection ranging from that most British of pastimes, dogging through hard-fi, cream pies, street hookers and good ol' glory holes.

This site has it all for many of your perversions out there. And let's face it, there's no more dirty a slut than a British one!!!!

Bottom line - highly recommended. There are aspects to improve upon, but not bad, not bad at all

09-29-08  11:16am

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Visit Amateur Sex Outdoors

Amateur Sex Outdoors

Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: - fairly extensive level of content
- good video quality
- easy to navigate
- .zip download pic sets
- good download rate
Cons: - non-exclusive content
- extensive duplication across sister sites
- pic sets are more solo models (perhaps rename amateur exhibitionism outdoors)
- no real effort made in site structure (generic and faceless)
- comes across as Met Art's poor cousin!
Bottom Line: As a niche site it caters fairly well to outdoor sex, if that's your thing.

Nearly all vids are hardcore action, and of a good quality. But the content is not exclusive, and this fast becomes apparant if you have had memberships to other sites.

The webmasters also copy and at times recycle content to make things appear fresh, which is pretty insulting.

All in all, not bad, but certainly nothing special.

07-08-08  01:20am

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