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Visit Ariel's Blog

Ariel's Blog
Reply of Drooler's Reply

Many thanks for the heads up on eurobabeindex.

www.eurobabeindex.com is a great resource. I hate to think of all the effort that some people used to make it. Would warp my mind to try to cover all those web sites checking out their favorite models.

Seriously, that is one great index, with the model's aliases, a nice photo to identify her, and the web sites she appears at.

There's also the linked forum thread for the model, with pics and links.

Could easily spend weeks or months looking through this site.

11-18-08  10:39am

Visit Ariel's Blog

Ariel's Blog
Reply of Drooler's Review

Nice, informative review.

Just a side note: If you like the model Ariel: Two of the best photosets I saw of her were posted at Met-art and Metmodels.

The Met-art set was posted 2005.01.04, named "Presenting Gabriela", by Magoo.

The Metmodels set was posted 2006.07.22., named "Fresh", by Magoo.

Ariel was named Gabriela at both Met-art and at Metmodels at that time.

She currently goes under the name of Ariel A. at Met-art.

I don't like the way Magoo colorizes his pictures. I like more lifelike, realistic color tones on the model.

But Ariel really looks like a yummy young girl-next-door in these two photosets, especially the Metmodel photoset. Like you said in the review, the expressions on a girl's face can change a photo from boring to interesting/attractive or vice versa.

She's a sweet, sweet girl, I'd really like to bite into (In my dreams).

More recent photosets of Ariel at either Met-art or Metmodels do not compare to the earliest sets. Glaring hair color, excessive makeup, whatever, she is just not presented as attractively as before. Is there some technical reason why a girl with red hair is more difficult to photograph so that her hair does not look like a dye-job?

11-16-08  09:06am

Visit Erotic Beauty

Erotic Beauty
Reply of jd1961's Review

I believe the reason met-art removed some "Lolita" sets was for legal reasons.
The main photographer for met-art in its early days was Grigori Galitsin. He also provided pictures to Domai.
Later, Galitsin worked with Petter Hegre to set up an erotic website, and then Galitsin set up his own erotic websites.
Galtsin has had legal problems in recent years. In 2006 Galitsin was put in jail in Russia for his erotic photography.
His wife was also arrested and put in jail in 2006, released, then put in jail again. His wife was the model named Valentina at met-art and named Val at Domai.
Her photosets have all been pulled at met-art and Domai.
As far as I know, Galitsin is still in jail in Russia.

11-14-08  02:48pm

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