Delete the comment if you want. Doesn't much matter to me.
This was the first time I came across the (AT) substitution for @.
I don't usually send many email messages to adult sites I join. The PU site is an exception, if my posts are considered emails.
Maybe I should join a computer club to pick up details on using a PC. I learned to use a PC by reading some books and trial and error.
Is this message considered email?
I personally get a small number of spam emails (6-10+) each day, but consider that part of the price of the email service.
So it was a mistake to post the email address for support at justteensite?
I've never posted publicly the email address of any person, as far as I know.
I'm more into softcore.
But I saw "The Story of O" when it came out in the 1970s, and enjoyed it.
Also saw "Emmanuelle" around the same time.
They were rated X, I think.
By today's standards, they would be softcore, in my opinion. They were nowhere near as explicit as the hardcore porn that is being put out today. They were quality movies that were highly erotic.
Squirrel, you write a nice, detailed review.
Lots of good details to give an overall impression of the site.
Also, you add a bit of class to the PU membership, with your English way of talking. I always admired/respected the English accent/words you Brits talk with.
I'm not a tech boffin, but I too will try to throw in some tech numbers, just to make other members happier with my reviews.
I'm not a member.
purrfectgirls site seems to have just started in Nov. 2008.
Seems to have 24 models so far.
Probably tiny content, for pix and vids.
One model, Eva, is absolutely yummy.
I suggest waiting for site to add more content before you join.
Sex Asian 18 definitely worth a look. Great review, and great find.
Wish I had the time and money to look at these great sites.
My take on erotic:
Eroticism is a state of mind. Sure, there's a large physical element, but if the mind is not engaged, the body won't react on its own. Erotic versus porn? That's mainly a distinction in the mind as well. Personal tastes, don't you know. Playboy back in the 1960s and 1970s fought a lot of legal battles because the magazine was classified as porn. The magazine is still considered porn by many people. How many people at PU would consider Playboy as porn? My guess is few to none, they would consider Playboy as softcore erotic, if they had to classify it. Or more likely, as softcore dull.
CCBill is considered one of the most reliable billing agents for porn.
If you have any membership problems you should first contact the site you joined. Problems logging in should be handled by the web site you joined.
If you can't get satisfaction from the web site, then you should ask for a refund from CCBill.
I belonged to Hegre-Art with a 1-year membership, and I never had any problems logging in.
But maybe there was a temporary server problem.
If your log-in problems persisted over several days, I hope you were able to get a refund thru CCBill.
I selected the once a month option.
Actually, if the poll refers to an adult movie that is 1 hr 30 minutes (or approximately that length), I've never downloaded any adult movie that long. I have downloaded short adult clips, mainly free clips.
I did join 1 adult site with hardcore movies, but the moves were well under an hour, and I was a member for 1 month. Did not enjoy the movies, thought they were trash.
I really enjoy softcore pics, tho.
I'm a fellow photo lover. I don't mind airbrushing, as long as it's not excessive. What's excessive to me is when I have trouble recognizing the model from the picture.
Interesting as a strange/funny fact:
Karolina Kurkova is one of the world's highest paid models.
She models for Victoria's Secret.
When the absence of her belly button became news recently in late November, Kurkova's agent reported that "she's not an alien".
The reason her missing belly button was not noticed in photographs before is that in the past, she has had a belly button airbrushed in.
She is currently 24, and made an estimated £2.3 million last year.
Not my favorite model, but definitely a great-looking chick. With or without a belly button.
Monahan, we've had a lot more years of Republican presidents than Democratic presidents since Lyndon Johnson.
Lyndon B. Johnson (Democrat),Richard Nixon(Republican),Gerald Ford(Republican),Jimmy Carter(Democrat),Ronald Reagan(Republican), George H. W. Bush(Republican),Bill Clinton(Democrat),George W. Bush(Republican)
I think it was more the changes in the country as a whole and the development of internet that led to the changes of:
1- full frontal nudity in Playboy and the emergence of the Hustler style magazines during Nixon,
2- full insertions displayed in men's magazines during Bush 2.
Nixon was a Quaker, and I seriously doubt he believed in any rights of porn.
Bush #2 is a Methodist, who said, "I believe that God wants me to be president."
Bush #2 believes in freedom, as a young man he was supposed to be wild, but as president, he is supposed to represent family values (which don't usually include the freedom of porn).
Porn is now a multi-billion dollar industry.
Larry Flynt and Hustler spent many years in the courtroom fighting obscenity charges. At least two cases went all the way to the US Supreme Court.
Hugh Hefner and Playboy also spent years fighting obscenity charges.
Most Democrats and Republicans believe in family values, which does not include the right of porn.
"Laissez faire" free market types do not normally extend that protection to porn. It's true that Democrats are supposed to be more anti-big-business than Republicans But any Democratic or Republican politician who stands up and says the US public has the right to enjoy porn is the exception. It's the US court system that has backed the right to adult entertainment, not the US legislative or executive branches.
With an outgoing Bush and an incoming Democratic party administration, I would have guessed the US government would be more relaxed on the porn industry.
That's just my gut feeling, I certainly have no hard facts to back it up.
But you're implying that it's the financial strength of the porn industry that influences government control. I would have thought it was the other way around. If the government wants to, it could crush the adult industry, because few porn companies have the money or desire to fight government lawsuits.
I like your thinking. I was trying to select more than one choice in the poll, but the poll mechanism does not allow that.
I've seen very few sites where a real loyalty program offers a better deal for remaining a member. Instead, most porn sites (and other types of businesses) offer a better deal (price) to potential subscribers than they do to existing subscribers.
(I'm not including the type of "loyalty programs" where the longer you remain a member, the more sites you have access to, or the more areas of a site you have access to.)
That has always bugged me. I figure if I am an existing customer, I should be treated better than a potential customer (in price of a subscription/membership). But that's not the way it works in the real world.
Once they start to lose business, they could then reduce prices as well as cut back on new content. Very few businesses spend more money on the business when profits drop. In theory, by spending more money on the business you would gain market share. But few businesses operate that way in the real world.
Drooler, thanks for quick response on the pricing of averotica site.
You must live on the East Coast, or else you are a night owl like me. Lol.
I'm thinking of rejoining Just Teen Site for 1 month.
Haven't been a member of Just Teen Site since early 2006, and they've added a lot of pics since that time. Also gives me a chance to see the vids at Just Teen Movie.
I've read your review of Just Teen Site, and looked over the models.
I still have the photosets of Just Teen Site I downloaded back in early 2006, but the site was small back then, and it's definitely worth a second visit for me.
Drooler, did you get a special price at $24.95 for several months' membership to averotica?
If yes, can anyone else get that price, or a discounted price for averotica?
Current prices for membership at the site are listed as:
Monthly: $29.95
3 months: $49.95
6 months: $99.95
Pornusers shows a 1 year membership at $99.95, but the averotica site itself shows a 6-month membership for $99.95.
Mr Fountain, nice to meet a fellow softcore teens fan.
In my opinion, metart is the best in class in softcore teens:
-quality of gorgeous young models
-quantity of gorgeous young models
-quality of photosets
-quantity of photosets
-low annual membership of $99
There are other worthwhile sites that come close, that I've joined.
I've been at 5 out of 13 of the sites you've reviewed. I enjoyed them all.
Metmodels is metart lite, as Hondaman noted:
-Similar quality as metart, but much lower quantity in terms of models and photosets.
-Metart updates with 4 photosets per day.
-Metmodels updates with 1 photoset per day.
-So the difference in quantity will only get even bigger over time.
-(Metmodels is actually a sister site of Metart)
For the same price, Metart wins over Metmodels hands down.
Join Metmodels once a year with a monthly subscription, where you download all the photosets/videos that you haven't seen yet.
I'm more into pics than vids, because of bandwidth and hard drive storage concerns, but I can't help falling in love with the pics of these gorgeous girls.
I took my mother to see "Out of Africa" and "The Color Purple" when they were playing together at a movie theater in 1986.
Out of Africa won 7 Oscars.
The Color Purple was nominated for 11 Oscars.
The movies were supposed to be excellent, but I was bored out of my mind.
I kept going out to the lobby, and smoked half a pack of cigarettes because I was so bored.
That was when it was still legal to smoke in theaters.
I've been having problems coming up with a sensible scoring method for a site. But after examining your mathematical model, I realized you deserve a "Professor of Scoring" badge.
If there is no such badge, Pornusers should give it to you anyway.
You hit it exactly when you say, "a 98 (rated) site for one might be the epitome of boredom for another."
That's why I am quibbling about the value of a score.
I've seen pay sites rated 90+ I would not want to watch for free. Either the models don't appeal to me, or the action is a real turnoff. Personal taste (site content) is more important than ease of use (site layout).
I want a site that's easy to use. But more importantly, I want:
-great looking models.
-lots of high-quality pics or vids
-a price that I think reasonable (based on content)
Still looking for the perfect site. In the meantime, I enjoy window shopping.
Main factors for me to join a site:
-how attractive are the models
-how many models are there
-quality of the pictures
-quantity of the pictures
-(not really into DVDs or videos, takes too much bandwidth, too much space to store on hard drive)
I am trying to get value for my porn dollars, but the main factor is how attractive are the models.
Anyway, I wish you would write some site reviews. You seem to have extensive experience with porn.
Even if I don't agree with your personal tastes (which I don't really know yet), I think it would be interesting, sometimes entertaining, to read your thoughts.
I really have enjoyed reading some of the reviews at this site, not just for the information on possible sites I might join, but also for the humor and insight.
As a bonus, if you write reviews and get points, you have a chance to win a few dollars/pounds/euros in the weekly drawing.
I like the review of Old Spunkers. Clean, easy to understand, lots of details.
What I don't understand is the score. I have a hard time figuring out how to score a site. I've only done 3 site reviews. 2 of the sites I scored at 75, and I like the sites, think they are worthwhile joining, even if you only join for a month to download whatever files you want to keep (Domai and Glamdeluxe).
One site I scored 97, because its got massive content, lots of great models, lots of quality photosets, and a low annual price of $99 (Metart). That's the best value I've seen for softcore teen.
But you give a score of 68 to a junk site.
What counts is the overall impression of the site, which you make clear. But I wonder how useful these scores are, even as a general guide. People really need to read the complete review of a site, and not just look at the score as a major factor.
I wish I had a more objective way of scoring a site, because I don't think a score means very much.
On the other hand, I'm also glad we can score any way we want, because I wouldn't like to be bound by some formula that Pornusers developed for scoring.
Patience is a virtue.
One I've never enjoyed.
Try sitting in a chair waiting in the emergency room for 6-8 hours before you see a doctor.
Maybe I will achieve patience once I get to heaven.
But the older you get, the more you wish it was like the old days. You're right about Met-art and the 404 files.
I didn't think that was funny, until I saw your comment. Now I really understand why they say, "Misery loves company." I'm glad other people are just as frustrated as I am. Lol.
It really was a simple pleasure, looking forward to the Met-art updates, and clicking on the photosets to see how good they were. Served fresh and hot off the server. Now it's better to wait until the next day, to avoid the dreaded 404 file syndrome.
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