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Visit Mature Erotic

Mature Erotic
Reply of messmer's Comment

If there are no zip files on the site, you could probably use a software program like BlackWidow (nonfree), or a freeware version of the same type of program, to download your picture sets.

Glamdeluxe had no zipped files of its photosets when I was a member. So I paid for BlackWidow to download the photosets. Downloading individual pictures took a large amount of time. After I paid for BlackWidow, I found there are free programs that are supposed to do the same thing, and a couple of those programs are highly rated.

12-13-08  09:43am

Visit Playboy's CyberClub

Playboy's CyberClub
Reply of 4nic8's Review

I used to read most of the Playboy articles, as well as look at the pictures. So I know at least 1 person was reading those articles. Haven't seen an issue of Playboy in many years, but back in the 1970s, when I was subscribing, I really did enjoy the articles, as well as the reviews on music, films, books, etc.

I do admit, however, the main interest was in the pictures. Especially the centerfold section.

12-13-08  07:58am

N/A Reply of Vegas Ken's Poll

I fall in between once every few months and once a year. Always belong to at least 1 site, but the total number of sites I am a member of varies.

12-13-08  07:25am

N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Poll

Personally, I think if the PU members are going to take the results of this poll so seriously, and the PU staff members as well, the poll should never have been posted.

Even tho only 3 people out of 36 voted they had written 1 or more PU reviews without actually joining the reviewed site, I think the reaction of the PU members was to view those unknown voters with suspicion and distrust.

We really have no way of knowing whether the voters who voted they wrote a review without being a site member were stating the true facts, or whether they were being cute or provocative.

At least 1 PU member, Pinche Kankun, appears to have disabled his account because he feels the PU members no longer trust him.

12-12-08  10:12am

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

Attitude, nice body, pretty face, nice voice all add to appeal.
How much does nice voice count? In most vids I've seen, girls are either moaning or quiet. When the girls do talk, for most, it takes away from the illusion of what you're looking for. Most girls are not chosen for speaking ability, but for willingness to perform and then body and then maybe looks.

12-09-08  01:47pm

N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Poll

I don't care if content is non-exclusive. There'a a ton of porn I have't seen before, and probably never will. I'm more concerned with quality and content of the porn. Do they have gorgeous girls? Are the pictures worth viewing?

12-09-08  01:39pm

N/A Reply of pinkerton's Poll

Fake acting is a bummer. But's it's what you get in many porn videos.

Fake moaning, groaning, by the girl (mainly) and the guy. Can anyone believe the girl is so aroused when the guy just barely touches her, that she is already on the verge of orgasm?

12-09-08  01:08pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

I don't really hate toys, but I think it's better not to have them.
More of a dislike. I'm not that passionate on the subject.

I'm more interested in how gorgeous/sexy/erotic the model is.

12-09-08  12:54pm

Visit Walter Bosque Art

Walter Bosque Art
Reply of jd1961's Reply

Thanks for responding so quickly to my question.

What Bosque emailed sounds reasonable.

As far as not accepting Visa for payment, probably a financial reason. Each credit card company can charge differently to business they are dealing with, and Bosque apparently feels Visa would charge his company too much for the transactions.

It's not simply a financial transaction from member to Bosque's site, but there might be currency translations as well, and that could get expensive.

(Just guessing.)

What really burns Bosque is they not only stole his membership money, they also demanded 2000 euros to install the billing service on his web site.

The gall of some of these thieves is amazing.

I read where some of these Internet scammers in Africa justify their thefts by saying they are only taking a small amount of money from people who can afford to lose it.

12-09-08  12:26pm

Visit Walter Bosque Art

Walter Bosque Art
Reply of Drooler's Review

Drooler, your personal favorites at this one site include 17 different models.

How many porn favorites do you have?

I am guessing enough to fill a small telephone book. Lol.

12-09-08  12:09pm

Visit Walter Bosque Art

Walter Bosque Art
Reply of jd1961's Comment

Seems like your email quote was cut short.

Did you have any comment/opinion on the email?

I'm surprised there is not a lot more fraud in porn, because there is fraud in commerical businesses, and you would think that porn, with a lot of very small businesses, would have an even bigger problem. Can a small businessman in South America afford to sue someone in Germany or Spain? What would be his chances of collecting anything?

12-09-08  12:02pm

Visit Just Teen Movie

Just Teen Movie
Reply of Denner's Reply

Thanks for positive feedback. I read your review before I did mine, did not want to just echo what you said, so I hope I added a little to what you already reported.

When two people are reporting on the same site, I expect at least some common agreement. Unless the reviewers are totally opposite in type.

Specific site score, for me, is subjective. I don't calculate scores by the grading methods of TBP, because I have no idea how to do that kind of cold calculation. My score is a gut feel or how much I like a site based on what I see (content quality + content quantity + site ease of use versus price).

I actually joined Justteenmovie for the Justteensite, which I belonged to back in early 2006. I wanted to get updates on the huge amount of updated pix and vids at Justteensite. When I belonged back then, the site was small, and I only downloaded a small number of photosets. Now they are a mega-site.

12-07-08  11:02am

Visit Just Teen Movie

Just Teen Movie
Reply of Tree Rodent's Reply

Thanks for positive response.

Another annoying feature of the videos that I left out (because of space limitations on the review) was the poor sound track on many of the videos.

They need a new music editor for the videos. The music track on most videos detracts from the video; and the music track volume needs to be set much lower.
Unless you mute the sound completely, it is difficult to turn the stupid music soundtrack down enough on the playback software to a soft level that is not disturbing. Have to go into your PC
"control panel/sounds and audio devices" software to adjust the sound volume. Then, if you play a DVD movie afterwards, you then have to readjust the sound level for the DVD movie.

12-07-08  08:51am

N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Poll

There is very little value in writing a fake review of a porn site. There are also plenty of idiots out there, who can get their kicks from doing just about anything, no matter how senseless. When I read PU reviews, whether I think the reviews are informative or detailed or not, I give the benefit of the doubt to the writers, and I believe the reviews are honest. That's my opinion and attitude.

12-07-08  12:43am

N/A Reply of messmer's Reply

My vote goes to messmer for best reply:

"My Christmas wish list: no toys, no silicone, no tattoos, no piercing, no talking camera men."

I wish to add really gorgeous models, high quality pix and vids, good, unobtrusive sound track, good lighting, natural skin tones, good acting or believable emotions.

12-05-08  11:38am

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

Geez, doesn't anyone appreciate good old fashioned sex?
Or how about 2 girls together, without toys?
You get a bunch of people together supposedly having an orgy, it's hard to focus on 1 or 2 people in particular. Warm bodies by themselves don't really do it that well.

12-05-08  02:52am

N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Poll

I don't drink too often, but why not lift one or two glasses in honor of freedom of choice? Sounds good to me.

Where do these PU members come up with these polls? I remember prohibition from history classes, but who pays attention to that today? Actually, I remember prohibition more from the Eliot Ness TV series back in the 1960s, and the movie about Eliot Ness with Kevin Costner in the 1980s.

12-03-08  06:04pm

Visit Teenrotica

Reply of Khan's Reply

Please believe me, I understand the staff puts a lot of effort into making P-U and The Best-Porn the best it can be.

I was not trying to criticize you or the staff-owners in any way.

I was just commenting-saying that the prices of some of these sites change a lot, and that some kind of active link might be useful to automatically update the current price.

But I don't know programming, so I don't know how easy-difficult that would be to put on The Best-Porn site.

I, and almost all the members of P-U, do appreciate the effort you have put into making PU and The Best-Porn useful and valuable sites for us. (We also like the lottery, even tho I have not won anything yet. But I hope to keep trying until I do win.)

As for regional pricing, until you informed me in a previous post, as I already said, I was not even aware there was such a thing.

I'm not a newbie in porn, but what I do not know is enormous.

12-03-08  03:14pm

Visit Teenrotica

Reply of messmer's Reply

Listed price at the site is: $29.95 US for 30 days recurring.
Listed price at the site is: $39.95 US for 30 days non-recurring.

TheBestPorn lists price as $24.94 US for 30 days recurring.

But TheBestPorn price is not a discounted price (at least no indication that price is discounted).

So the price might have changed since it was listed at TBP.

The prices at many of these sites change a lot, and you really need a dynamic link to keep up with the price changes, if you want to stay current (and then you need to list the discounted price from TBP as well, if there is one).

As far as model Stefany, she looks way past her teenage years. But many sites advertise "teens" that are way past that age. These sites sell youth, not truth. We all know that, even if we don't like admitting it to ourselves.

12-02-08  07:27pm

Visit Teenrotica

Reply of Khan's Reply

I only started looking at this site sometime in November, 2008, so there are a lot of posts I haven't read.

I haven't read about regional pricing.

I'm a US citizen. When I took a trip to some European countries, at some places, I was aware that as a tourist, I was being charged a higher rate than local citizens, for the same items, even though I was paying in the local currency.

Which I did not think was fair. But I couldn't do anything about the price difference I was charged. I was not the only one being charged a higher rate. All the people in our tour group were charged the same rate (except for the tour guides, who also got a lower rate).

12-02-08  06:20pm

Visit Teenrotica

Reply of Denner's Comment

Isn't there some way to pay in US dollars even if you live in Europe?
I live in US, and have paid in foreign currency for some transactions with a credit card. The credit card company (I think it was mastercard) charged me an additional 3% above the conversion rate. And the conversion rate was not as good as that quoted on Wall Street (for major financial transactions), but that still seems better than the rates that are being offered to you for Euros.

12-02-08  05:54pm

N/A Reply of williamj's Poll

GND = Girl Next Door
(from Google search)

Help with Porn Abbreviations, Slang and Industry Lingo

12-02-08  07:39am

Visit Hegre Art

Hegre Art
Reply of hondaman's Reply

I looked at the traffic rating site you mentioned.
There has been a large drop-off over the last 6 months in viewers for the pornsites I checked:

For most of the sites I checked, the traffic dropped around 50%, which is a huge percentage. These porn sites must really be hurting.

This is related to the poll that surferman started, asking, "Do you think the current financial recession will make porn providers change the quality or price of their sites in any way?"

This is real proof that the porn sites have lost a huge amount of business over the last 6 months.

Over a 1 year+ period, the traffic dropoff has been even worse, in some sites as much as 66%.

Met-art has around 5 times the traffic of Hegre-art, so I guess subscribers do recognize the better value of Met-art over Hegre-art.

12-01-08  11:49am

Visit German Goo Girls

German Goo Girls
Reply of Toadsith's Comment

What review are you talking about? Please be more specific. Lol.

I found the review of German Goo Girls by RipRap to be very original in its use of the Cons section. Wish I had the brains and artistry some of these PU posters have.

I vote "No" on DRM, as well.

I think RipRap was emotionally scarred by his DRM experience, which I can understand.

11-29-08  07:31pm

Visit Just Teen Site

Just Teen Site
Reply of Drooler's Reply

I've read articles about PC security, most of the technical details I did not understand. But I've read that just visiting some infected sites (without downloading anything) can infect your PC. Also, if you buy a brand new hard drive from a major disk drive maker (Western Digital, Seagate, whoever), the hard drive (or maybe it was the software that comes with the hard drive) can be infected before you even open the box to install it on your PC.

I try to keep all sensitive financial data off my PC.

I also run firewall, anti-virus, and anti-spyware, but there are geniuses out there who can get past any simple safety measures I am running.

11-29-08  09:20am

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