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Visit Wild On Cam

Wild On Cam
Reply of malikstarks's Comment

"It's really a shame but indicative of many sites that go away from what made them stand out and provide an essential value."

Ever think of the possibility that they transitioned to what they are now because that's what's getting them more subscriptions?

05-28-17  07:56pm

Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network
Reply of pat362's Reply

Yep it's back to 29.95. No thanks BBros, I prefer to pay for sites with content I like b/c it's the "right thing to do", but it's 2015! No site should be more than $15-20 when the current internet climate makes it so easy to get all of the content for free ... and I'm not talking about pornhub or some other streaming site. I'll keep supporting three of the other major networks that have enticing rates for us peer review aficionados as well as two smaller international networks that I love.

12-31-14  11:16pm

Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network
Reply of pat362's Reply

That is extremely odd, it now shows up for me too. The join page looks different than normal though (including opening a new browser and just trying to join without clicking through PU) which is slightly disconcerting, but it is interesting nonetheless that the offer came back. Maybe they do read these sites ...

12-30-14  12:40pm

Visit Cum Louder

Cum Louder
Reply of benmar51's Comment

Benmar, did something happen to your card after joining, or are you just posting what you found by googling the company? If it did happen, what exactly occurred? You left that important part out.

I've joined CumLouder before as well as many many many other sites over the years. I've never had a credit card problem whether I used epoch, ccbill, cgbilling or any other independent one some of these sites use. I've even joined some sites that PU and TBP said that wouldn't do business with for vague reasons. Always make sure you read the important part of the terms and uncheck and presales and you should be fine, regardless of the biller.

12-28-14  09:05am

Visit Woodman Casting X

Woodman Casting X
Reply of rearadmiral's Review

Regarding the language, do they use subtitles?

05-22-14  01:25pm

Visit Exploited Teens

Exploited Teens
Reply of rearadmiral's Reply

Do they still actively update at all?

05-06-14  05:06pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Pregnant tits are just ... nice

02-26-14  06:42pm

N/A Reply of skippy's Poll

There's one site that I love other than this one issue: it times out after a certain amount of time and requires you to re-login. Each time you're logged in, the url's have a "captcha" like quality that is distinct and changes with each login - so it's not as easy to plug the .mp4 address into Quicktime (I prefer to open the videos that way and then save as opposed to just clicking "save as" on the webpage)

01-14-14  09:52pm

Visit Backroom Casting Couch

Backroom Casting Couch
Reply of rearadmiral's Review

Good review, I;ll probably join soon. Another casting site you may end up liking is Czech Casting, part of the CzechAV network. 3 month long member so far as I've also gotten into the casting genre recently. They have a bunch of content, but it's all in Czech -- thankfully they have subtitles.

01-05-14  07:56pm

Visit Cathy's Craving

Cathy's Craving
Reply of pat362's Reply

Cathy still updates content as she meets fans pretty regularly to film shoots. She keeps the schedule of where she will be and how you can meet her for the shoot on her website, and it stays current which tells me they're still filming content.

01-03-14  08:10am

Visit Brazzers

Reply of Marcus's Reply

Brazzers is another one of those companies that has gotten so big that they add content to their members page without making it 100% obvious that if you click it you will be charged a membership for it. For them, a few complaints isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things.

I still have Brazzers and am just wary of what I click. Haven't had a problem yet, but I can see how some may end up clicking the wrong thing.

01-03-14  08:06am

Visit Backroom Casting Couch

Backroom Casting Couch
Reply of Tree Rodent's Comment

Epoch overall is always a better experience for me. I'm just upset they deleted the "shop" page where you could browse every epoch client and sign up directly from epoch for whatever membership you wanted.

That said, how is this site? I noticed no reviews from anyone in over a year, but I'm finally interested in taking the jump. Curious if it's worth it at the 24.95 price point

12-27-13  09:07pm

Visit DogFart

Reply of slategrey's Comment

I agree, a good network. Very big collection of content as well, more than you'll get through in a month.

01-23-12  11:23am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I'm kind of a fan of the huge nipples, I can't lie

01-05-12  11:34am

Visit Facial Abuse

Facial Abuse
Reply of uscue's Comment

Nevermind, I think I'm thinking of MeatHoles

12-22-11  12:54pm

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

Actors as in men or all people in the business

11-23-11  11:29am

Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network
Reply of atrapat's Reply

Thanks much!

11-12-11  03:42pm

Visit VideoBox

Reply of petefountain's Comment

I still use the old version ... haven't gone over to VB3

03-30-11  09:57am

Visit Dancing Bear

Dancing Bear
Reply of FZKK's Reply

Wait a minute. So you're saying the site doesn't actually have a "download" option on their videos, but rather you are saving the flash files that are encoded?

12-30-10  12:21pm

N/A Reply of graymane's Poll

I'm in my 20's and don't remember my first time. Bad memory I guess, or maybe at the time I didn't view it as special enough to lock down in my memory bank

12-16-10  07:37am

Visit Lap Dance Gone Bad

Lap Dance Gone Bad
Reply of rearadmiral's Review

Yeah like one of your cons states, i doubt this site ever updates again. When eight of the scenes they are touting has Hailey Paige (deceased for years) and Alyssa West, I know it's living in the past.

12-13-10  12:02pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

If the average penis was 12 inches, you would then have women that wished they had a man with a 16 inch penis. It's all about wanting something bigger than everyone else.

10-16-10  11:27am

N/A Reply of graymane's Poll

Whatever she's interested in talking about ... that's the easiest way to getting with her

10-06-10  10:40am

Visit Desperate Amateurs

Desperate Amateurs
Reply of Yariana's Reply

Thanks for the quick reply. Yeah I watched a few of the previews just now and the site look really good. I will probably go ahead and try joining today or tomorrow to see what it's all about. It was either this or the Glass Mannequin sites, but I think I'll like this one better.

Another reason why previews help sites as opposed to the limited previews I see on some other sites. I probably wouldn't have joined before watching the previews.

09-09-10  12:28pm

Visit Desperate Amateurs

Desperate Amateurs
Reply of hodayathink's Comment

I don't know where TBP got their info, but the price I see for joining is $19.99

09-09-10  10:35am

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