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Visit VideoBox

Reply of Denner's Reply

It's what their members want - or at least the vocal ones - whenever there's a scene that doesn't include anal, there's always very highly rated comments complaining about that.

12-22-09  07:07pm

Visit The Black Alley

The Black Alley
Reply of GCode's Comment

I have the same issue with this site as I have with their other site, Pier999, which is that ALL of the pics are heavily lacquered.

So they get great hot models, have them in hot outfits and hot poses, and then, for my tastes, ruin it all with the lacuering of their pics.

I want to see real skin tone. I find it very frustrating to see that being erased by their treatment of their pics. If that doesn't bother you, this is a very good site - and has the archives of Asian4You, (I hope I have that right), which also lacquered all their pics.

12-22-09  07:04pm

N/A Reply of nadiencendia's Poll

I put "It depends", though I lean toward "getting better" - perhaps I should have flipped a coin.

How is it getting better? HD-quality - being able to see gorgeous women in such great detail is very cool - both for vids and pics, the better sites are presenting awesome material.

Accessibility - pretty much whatever you want is out there and quite accessible. When I first looked at porn, I could either wait for something to come to Pussycat Cinema or go to an adult book store. Now, whatever you want is accessible from your seat in front of your computer.

Where things are going south a bit is that some sites are getting more cookie-cutter, as per my criticisms of Babes.tv, SexyBabes.tv, Babelicious, etc. They've given up on trying to be anything other than a shell for licensed material - probably like radio stations that decided it wasn't worth it to be local & unique and decided to be an affiliate of a national corporate broadcast.

So that just means that porn consumers have to have their radar out to see which sites are changing for the worse and to let other consumers have a heads-up.

12-22-09  07:25am

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

Being as I'm old enough to have gone to PussyCat Cinemas for a number of years, it's been-there, done-that for me - and I've got no great desire to repeat the experience. I like watching porn in the privacy of my own abode, where, quite frankly, I can masturbate without fear of being busted like Peewee Herman.

12-21-09  04:57pm

Visit Eve Angel Official

Eve Angel Official
Reply of Denner's Reply

I tend to like the 3-month deals since it lowers the monthly cost. I just went for their 3-month deal fairly recently, though, so I'll probably pass on this one - but it's a good deal for people like me that gravitate to 3-month joins on an ordinary basis.

12-19-09  03:12pm

Visit J Sex Network

J Sex Network
Reply of mbaya's Review

Interesting perspective. I've found this site to be among the more varied of the Japanese adult vid sites, given that they have the softcore photo sets and vids as well as the most popular censored adult vids as well as the uncensored stuff.

There are a number of sites that I've seen around that post their stuff in scenes. That seems more like a ripoff to me than a site that posts the entire vids, but then I've never been downloading enough stuff to breach their download limits.

As far as download managers, it was a very helpful customer service guy at this site that first encouraged me to use a download manager when I was having slow downloads.

12-18-09  07:57pm

N/A Reply of asmith12's Poll

Actually, Monahan, those phone sex things are still going - were really popular & lucrative for a period of time in the mid-80's or so. A friend of mine in LA wrote scripts for them for a while.

That's LA for you.

12-18-09  07:50pm

N/A Reply of GCode's Poll

I 3rd Monahan's term, since Twisty's often paints their pics to an infuriating degree for my tastes.

At the same time, when I see sites post pics of completely untreated pics, I'm not very turned on, since harsh lighting can make the girls look like they're ready for a police line-up or something.

I remember Alex at ALS Scan wanted to demonstrate the amount of treatment that they do and he used a pic of petite Latina Kat as an example. Due to being freshly-shaved for the shoot, her pussy had horrible razor-burn and other "issues" that were not in the least attractive and they had taken care of that with the treatment of the pic - they hadn't done much more than that and I think that they're one of the best sites because of that.

I think I've talked about this before, actually, but I also like the very minimal photo-treatment of solo-girl site photographers like Phil-Flash and Spunky, who is most well know for his work with Kate's Playground. They mainly deal with what they want to deal with in their lighting with very little photo treatment as compared to other adult photographers, and their pics have a lot of erotic power as a result.

Some solo-girl sites use cheap auto-treat software that gives all of their pics a lacquered look and takes all the eroticicm away.

Holly Randall frustrates the fuck out of me with her heavy painting of her pics - be a painter or be a photographer, I scream at my monitor. Make up your mind!

Nubiles.net is another site that gets it right for my tastes. They're certainly posting treated pics, but they're not painting them heavily and they're not lacquering them in an art-less way.

As a fan of hot erotic pics, this is a topic that I could go on about for a long while.

I want to see the models, I want to see what they look like, I want to see why the photographer thought they were hot in the first place. I don't care how skilled their photo-shop guy is - he should go photo-shop pics of dolphins and wheat fields and leave the adult photography biz to people that want to see hot women looking like hot women.

12-16-09  07:12pm

N/A Reply of Denner's Poll

I'm a cheap sob generally, so few sites that don't give me the opportunity to get a $20/mo price will get me to join, though I'm certainly willing to do a multi-month join to get that price.

If a site is more than that price, they'd better be bringing it in terms of both quality and frequency of updates.

I feel quite ripped off if I join a site and they aren't updating.

So give me a decent price & a decent rate of high quality updates, be honest about what I can expect and deliver what was promised and I'm happy.

12-15-09  06:39pm

Visit VideoBox

Reply of Denner's Reply

OK - so you can upgrade a few ways - when you join, you can choose premium channels - and they'll make very clear what the costs are. If you're looking at a scene in a Premium channel and click "Download", there will be a pop-up that will explain exactly what the costs are and you have the option to close the pop-up or to click through to the upgrade with the costs as specified, or you can click on "Upgrade Now" banner in a premium channel and you will get a pop-up describing what the costs are - and again you can choose to click through to upgrade or close that pop-up.

In every scenario, I believe that they're doing a good job of spelling out the costs with little risk of charges that catch a member by surprise.

12-14-09  06:12am

Visit Babelicious

Reply of anyonebutme's Reply

"The recent photos at 1000px, might be that's the only resolution they got from the photographer who sold them the sets. Who knows?"

Check out the photoset posted at SexyBabes.tv yesterday - posted in a larger size 2 days earlier by Twisty's

So the people that SexyBabes.tv had only 1 resolution available to them but they made a higher resolution set available to Twisty's?

I doubt it.

I think that the people that run these sites just don't care to spend the extra money to make sets available in multiple resolutions anymore. I don't think they care about much at all in regard to these sites anymore.

12-12-09  05:42pm

Visit Babelicious

Reply of Denner's Reply

Yeah - look at Babes.tv before and after the re-design.

Before the re-design, their updates had a definite personality. They were either glamour with a particularly debauched feel to them or gritty, like their awesome Jade Hsu updates - way past her prime, but still compelling and very sexy.

After the site re-design, what have they posted that couldn't be posted on a million other sites?

12-12-09  07:12am

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

Porn is performance. I like porn performers that understand that it's a performance, so, yeah, playing to the camera in a sexy way is definitely a good thing.

12-12-09  06:52am

Visit Babelicious

Reply of Drooler's Reply

Yeah - exactly - and why I say "They stopped caring, so should you."

It's the same thing at their "premium" site, Babes.tv, which is posting the same mish-mash of licensed available-anywhere crap as the other sites.

And they've stopped updating Dreambabes.com, Eurobabes.com, etc - while leaving on the Sexybabes.tv "Bonus Sites" page that "Many of these sites are updated daily while others are updated once per week." DB and EB were both sites that had updates that had a different personality than Sexybabes.tv - and that's what's gone completely from these sites is any hint of personality or any indication that there is anybody in the company running these sites that's doing anything other than telling the company that they're licensing from - send us this many photo-sets this often - and then posting them.

I disagree with the comparison with Nubiles. I know that you don't like the direction that they have gone. I actually think that Nubiles are putting up a lot of good stuff and they clearly care about what they are doing - they're not running their site on auto-pilot as these people clearly are doing.

12-12-09  05:50am

Visit VideoBox

Reply of Denner's Comment

I joined the EA upgrade and I thought that VB did a good job at making it clear exactly what I was doing when I did it. I believe that it would be difficult for a non-upgrade VB member to be sucked un-knowingly into an upgrade with their current set-up.

12-10-09  05:40pm

Visit In Focus Girls

In Focus Girls
Reply of Drooler's Reply

And very little of that in the last year

12-10-09  05:33pm

Visit ALS Scan

ALS Scan
Reply of mr smut's Comment

It's far from my fave ALS Scan material (that would be their Caribbean trip stuff), but I love Tanner and she looks great here. I'm glad that they are doing more different stuff and it's fun to get a BTS of a glamour-porn site shoot (Tanner's doing a shoot for ClubSandy.com in this scene).

12-09-09  09:28pm

Visit VideoBox

Reply of Denner's Comment

I'm afraid that I've never downloaded anything in standard to compare - since I move my files to DVD, I get the largest ones that I can, figuring that they are the best available quality - I'm happy with the quality that I get from VB

12-08-09  06:44am

Visit In Focus Girls

In Focus Girls
Reply of MargulisAZ's Comment

I'm not a member at this point. I got sick of the increasing photo-shopping, though I like their concept and their babes. But fisting - very rare. There might have been 1 fisting scene added in the last year - their usual fare currently is a hot babe showing off her bod, stripping and masturbating, most often outdoors with all natural sounds.

12-07-09  06:45am

Visit Naughty America

Naughty America
Reply of hodayathink's Review

Excellent review - and I completely agree with you about the live shows being worth spending time talking about - including Live With Lauren. I assume that most of the regulars there are watching from their jobs. I only get a chance to see it if I'm home sick of something. I've got a wicked crush on Lauren - both for her looks and her personality.

She's actually directed a number of scenes, in addition to playing other bts and administrative roles, so it's much more interesting to have her in that position than it would be if they had just hired someone new to be the host - all of the NA staffers, including the live show mods, motorboatme and Sandy and quite cool people, from what I've seen.

12-06-09  09:16pm

Visit J Sex Network

J Sex Network
Reply of knave69's Comment

Yes, this site has the widest range of Japanese adult material, pics and vids, presented in the highest quality way, of any site that I've run across - actionjav.com comes in 2nd - their advantage is very consisted 5 dvd/day updates, while jsexnetwork is more quirky in their updates - and actionjav.com has no uncensored vids.

12-06-09  09:08pm

Visit Naughty America

Naughty America
Reply of fiou's Comment

I've been enjoying my Naughty America membership - as much for the live shows as anything else. I checked out the speed issue with mixed results.

I tried downloading the new Anna Marie Rios vid - didn't work at all - errored out. I tried downloading the Charmane Star vid that was released yesterday - not using a download manager, it's coming through at 515-525 kb/sec. I can't complain about that.

12-04-09  06:11pm

Visit Nubiles.net

Reply of crackman's Comment

Different tastes - this site is moving higher and higher on my list of sites. Why? They're getting better and better at finding models that look like they're enjoying themselves and they have a refreshing - and increasingly rare - lack of photoshopping on their nice big lovely pics.

11-23-09  07:57pm

Visit In Focus Girls

In Focus Girls
Reply of williamj's Reply

Yeah - agreed - I got bored when they started having too much photo-shopping in the pics, but it's a really good site - very consistent with hot women posing, stripping and masturbating - sounds good to me!

11-23-09  07:55pm

Visit Suze Randall

Suze Randall
Reply of Denner's Reply

FYI - the Lupe Fuentes set went up 11/19 - and it's a good one!

11-22-09  06:01pm

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