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Visit Femjoy

Reply of Mr Fountain's Comment

Be careful, Mr Fountain - on the second page of the Join page, it clarifies that it REBILLS AT $34.95, NOT AT $19.95!

08-27-08  07:58pm

N/A Reply of Cybertoad's Poll

Think about all the nameless hotties that have done scenes that you can't remember as soon as they are done and then the ones that stick with you for a long time - and I think you'll agree that it's all about the attitude. Of course having a bod AND an attitude are an unbeatable combo.

08-25-08  10:14pm

Visit Reality Kings

Reality Kings
Reply of shooterbo's Reply

Hmmmm - nope, don't see it - oh, well.

08-21-08  06:49am

Visit Reality Kings

Reality Kings
Reply of shooterbo's Comment

Where are you seeing this? I don't see this deal at all.

08-20-08  09:51pm

N/A Reply of roseman's Poll

I've seen many webcam shows at sites such Adriana Sage's and Phil Flash and Karen Dreams - they can be damned hot - even the tease ones, as Princess Blueyez - actually those tend to be more fun than the gyno cam shows where it's just a dildo going into a pussy for long periods of time. I was all excited when Sandy Summers started doing dildo cam shows until I saw my 3rd and found myself much more bored than when she used to chat and tease and dance and work at exciting us in all kind of unique ways. I probably wouldn't join a site that was just a webcam site, but having it be part of the site is certainly fun.

08-20-08  09:50pm

N/A Reply of Vegas Ken's Poll

Here's the way I look at it - short trailer that doesn't show much probably equals cheap-ass site.

Nice long, generous high quality trailer probably equals a higher quality site.

I think that generally holds true, though probably not 100% of the time

08-16-08  12:48am

Visit Reality Kings

Reality Kings
Reply of Julian4's Review

I tried it for a month - it's got some good stuff, for my tastes, We Live Together, Pure 18 are probably the best parts of the network.

I found major problems having the site recognize my username & password in IE - I'd log-in OK but if I were surfing the various sites within the network, very quickly I would hit a spot where it would need me to login again and NOT recognize my username and password.

I found their e-mail Customer Service to be pure shit. They sent me a single canned response over and over. I was able to maintain consistent access using Firefox, but I really don't care for Firefox much. I won't be sticking around more than 1 month.

A site that has great stuff but where access is a pain in the ass is a site that is a pain in the ass, in my book.

08-14-08  09:03pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

I can't say that all that many softcore models do hardcore well - Amy Reid, Oh yeah!!, Sunny Leone, uhhhh, not really, but if I'm hot for a model, I'm pretty thrilled at hearing that she didn't some hard stuff - whether I'm thrilled when I actually see the material is another story altogether.

08-14-08  08:56pm

Visit Third Movies

Third Movies
Reply of wiild1's Comment

You do indeed get access to Black Ice as well as ZTOD if you join Third Movies.

The one con that I see in this deal is inconsistency of updates.

There are times when new DVD's are added every couple of days and there are times when new DVD's aren't added for a week or more.

08-10-08  09:46am

Visit Flashy Babes

Flashy Babes
Reply of exotics4me's Review

Cherry Petite fans can also check out her recent work with ALS Scan - very hot!

08-09-08  06:43pm

Visit Karup's PC

Karup's PC
Reply of MargulisAZ's Reply

One thing that is a nice change is that they no longer do that thing that ATK Galleria does where each day's post is in a specific category - now they mix it up - some models, some lesbians, some girls with toys, some teens, etc - it makes each day's posts more exciting than before when you could be "ehhh, I don't like that category"

08-06-08  06:32pm

Visit DP Fanatics

DP Fanatics
Reply of apoctom's Comment

With all the controversy over when reviews can be made for free access to a site, the more important point here, in my opinion, is that they stepped up to do something to try to make you happy, in fact they gave you two choices, which definitely qualifies as good Customer Service and I agree that's worthy of a comment here.

08-06-08  06:59am

Visit DP Overload

DP Overload
Reply of apoctom's Review

To my mind, it is the network that makes these secondary sites worth joining. Everything that you are saying is true about their false advertising - but when you factor in the network sites that are included, some of which are pretty dang good, then it's not such a ripoff at all.

I joined Mandy Is Kinky a couple of months ago and have quite enjoyed the network sites, although more of them are ceasing to update. Still, I just did a count and after 2 months of membership, I currently have access to 27 sites that are updating and 10 or so that are not. That's a lot of material and the vids on the better sites are not bad at all and the pics are even better.

Anyway, just another 2 cents thrown in, for what it's worth.

07-28-08  07:09pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I don't have a clue what you all are on about - lol

I'm a simple man - give me hot babes on a screen, if they look good, I'm happy.

07-28-08  06:18pm

Visit DP Overload

DP Overload
Reply of apoctom's Comment

Details? What is so bad about it, aside from the suggestion that you don't care for their definition of DP? Ugly performers? Poorly shot vids? Site doesn't work?

07-26-08  11:25am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I only read them when they pertain to sites that interest me - otherwise, no. A lot of times the comments and the responses to comments have a lot of info - but if it's not a site that interests me, I couldn't care that much.

07-22-08  10:30pm

Visit We Live Together

We Live Together
Reply of badandy400's Review

TBP price is $17.95/month for Reality Kings, which includes this site - good stuff at Pure 18 and Cum Fiesta as well, in my opinion - and 8th Street Latinas has some nice stuff too

07-21-08  10:29pm

Visit Adriana Sage

Adriana Sage
Reply of exotics4me's Review

I haven't been a member for quite a while, but I used to be and Adriana is a jewel - her webcam shows are great, if you can get to see them. She likes chatting with her fans, likes it when her fans talk dirty to her and seeing her fuck herself with one of her huge dildos while going "Ai-yi-yi-yi-yi" is very hot!

07-20-08  08:02am

Visit ATK Exotics

ATK Exotics
Reply of Drooler's Reply

Obama has his "porn and personal responsibility - what it means for the economy and national security" speech scheduled for February 2009.

07-20-08  07:57am

Visit Euro Foxes

Euro Foxes
Reply of Wittyguy's Reply

Agreed - and Shap, I certainly wasn't implying any dishonesty on the part of Twisty's - as I said, it's perfectly legitimate for Twisty's to establish niche sites using your existing and new Twisty's content - as someone who values TBP and want them to be as accurate as possible in describing listed sites.

07-17-08  07:56pm

Visit Eve Angel

Eve Angel
Reply of exotics4me's Comment

I've been making this point for quite some time about this site and the Mya Diamond - I consider the people that run these sites among the most dishonest on the net and have been saying so as loudly and repeatedly as possible.

Have problems logging onto their sites and you better have the persistence of a demon because you'll need to follow these fucking thieves to every possible place and scream loudly in order to get them to ever respond.

Look at Freeones.com and you will see dated 2005 material for Eve Angel and Mya Diamond that was then re-posted as new. The people that run these sites are operating dead sites and just recycling the material.

It's nice material if you haven't seen it before but there hasn't been any new material posted to either site for a good long time - to figure out how long, one could figure out from the samples posted at Freeones.com approximately when the sites actually started, compare that to the earliest currently available and then you'll know how much was cut off from the beginning to repost as new.

It's not that hard to figure out.

07-12-08  04:41pm

Visit Super Glam

Super Glam
Reply of IKnoPorn's Review

Damn - I tried to warn you in my comments in the other review - the update rate of this site is just ridiculously poor.

07-07-08  09:46pm

Visit Private.com

Reply of runefist's Review

I've checked out this Freeones.com deal and it's kind of a mess. On the first "Join Now" page, it refers to a price of 9.95/month whether you are in a country that uses euros, US dollars or British pounds. Then when you go past that page to the Epoch.com page, the price changes to 9.95 euros for 1 month, recurring at $24.95 euros/month, which is a LOT more expensive than the deal first promised. I've e-mailed Private.com. It will be interesting to see if I get a response.

07-05-08  07:51pm

Visit Sex And Submission

Sex And Submission
Reply of BostonPJR's Review

I think Kink.com is putting the "I did this intense stuff consentually and enjoyed it" disclaimers as a way of protecting themselves legally. It would at least be more difficult for a jury to find them guilty of brutality or whatever charges some DA wanted to bring against them if they saw that, in the end, the performers were hugging and smiling.

07-05-08  04:34pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I've written before that I won't review a site until I've been there for several weeks, but that's not a standard for PU and I believe that there are numbers of people that write reviews for sites that they have been members of for only a few days.

If a reviewer is open and accurate about their membership and the membership is recent (the thing that burns me is when I see reviews of sites where the person hasn't been there in months), then I think it's OK. It's more info being shared, and that's the whole point, no?

07-04-08  07:43am

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