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User : tangub (0)  

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Visit Monika's Dreams

Monika's Dreams
Reply of tangub's Review from Denner:

It's a heads up here, I guess - tangub - and thanks for that.
This site and a couple of other solo sites at this company has been up for years - (see company info)
And the 72 score seems very fair, very fair indeed - since these sites apparently have not updated for a very long time:

Bottom line: It's great and about time they go for bonus sites

08-31-11  08:45am

Visit Pretty 4ever

Pretty 4ever
Reply of tangub's Review from otoh:

tangub, another good review, of a site that's caught my eye, thanks! Although there are a few featured at PP, I've yet to subscribe to one of the sites that focuses on East European models, and may try one sometime. Based on your recent reviews, though, it's more likely to be MPL Studios - but have yet to find one that strikes me as genuinely erotic. I note from Denner's recent comment that you are planning to join Watch4Beauty; I will look forward to that review!

08-30-11  11:51pm

Visit Pretty 4ever

Pretty 4ever
REPLY TO #1 from Capn: (tangub's Reply)


Much as I expected then :0/

Thanks for that, tangub.

My quest continues.....

Cap'n. :0)

08-30-11  09:32am

Visit Watch 4 Beauty

Watch 4 Beauty
REPLY TO #2 from Denner: (tangub's Reply)

It's sometimes hard to be rational when you preview/join a site...

08-29-11  03:42am

Visit Figure Baby

Figure Baby
REPLY TO #9 from Capn: (tangub's Reply)

That is why I regard it a start to the rot.

Cap'n. :0(

08-24-11  01:24pm

Visit Figure Baby

Figure Baby
REPLY TO #7 from messmer: (tangub's Reply)

I can put up with masturbation videos, tangub, because I still consider them to be softcore, even though many don't. What frustrates me is when subscribers to a softcore site keep clamoring for more hardcore contents and then get it. This has ruined many a formerly good site for me because it made a lot of their updates worthless to me.

08-21-11  11:07am

Visit Ariel's Blog

Ariel's Blog
Reply of tangub's Review from slutty:

hey tangub, just curious the site is called Ariel's blog - yet there is no blog? Sort of funny. Nice review.

08-21-11  01:37am

Visit Digital Desire

Digital Desire
Reply of tangub's Review from Capn:

I may give it a whirl, but I know from your review there will be two things that will irritate me.

The lack of zips on smaller pic sizes & more importantly the mis-sequenced photos.
I know that one will really grate! :0/

An informative review. Thanks.

Cap'n. :0)

08-17-11  11:08pm

Visit Figure Baby

Figure Baby
REPLY TO #5 from Capn: (tangub's Reply)

I have to say, I agree entirely!

Cap'n. :0/

08-17-11  09:18am

Visit Little Mutt

Little Mutt
REPLY TO #1 from BradlyH: (tangub's Reply)

Yes, they have increased in size, I can get ones that are 1600x1067, but they are usually just close up shots. All sets very, Small to large. Like i said in my review i would love an option to choose what size i would like to view the material in. I found the older sets are a smaller, which is the case in most sites that are a bit established.

I wouldn't let that minor con discourage you, if you were on there back in 2007 i think you would defiantly like it now because of how much content must have been updated on the site and the larger pictures.
I'm spoiled anyways, i usually View in 4000 pixels.

Erica Ellyson is what first brought me to that site :)

08-11-11  12:15pm

Visit ALS Scan

ALS Scan
REPLY TO #4 from rearadmiral: (tangub's Reply)

Thanks tangub. I'm not a big fan of the fisting and peeing either. That's a bit strange for me to say that because in other contexts I do have a bit of an interest in those. I think that here it seems a little out of place in that the site is more about glamout than raw sex. But these things on ALS Scan don't get in the way of the scenes and they certainly don't detract from the site.

08-07-11  01:08pm

Visit Digital Desire

Digital Desire
Reply of tangub's Review from otoh:

Great review tangub - and you beat me to it, mine is impending too. I'll try to come up with a different angle on it!

08-07-11  09:23am

Visit Digital Desire

Digital Desire
Reply of tangub's Review from rearadmiral:

This looks like an interesting site. It's probably too artistic for my tastes, but I did check it out and like what I saw. Many of the models are very attractive. Thanks for the review.

08-07-11  08:16am

Visit LSG Models

LSG Models
REPLY TO #2 from otoh: (tangub's Reply)

Thanks for the reply, tangub. I'm still not quite sure about the site, but for the price it's perhaps worth a try, I'm still keen on some of the models... but there are a couple more in the running too (which brings me to another comment). Your review was, as ever, most helpful :)

08-02-11  03:37pm

Visit Lingerie BBW

Lingerie BBW
REPLY TO #13 from messmer: (tangub's Reply)

Pro "streaming only" and anti zip? This would stop piracy and excessive use of bandwidth alright but not everyone is tuning in to a site from the office or do streaming only because their wives might come across their stash! :-)

To me the most outrageous remark was that he considered collectors to be leechers! Ah, well, can't argue about someone else's perspective. That's how he sees it.

07-29-11  03:30pm

Visit MPL Studios

MPL Studios
REPLY TO #6 from Capn: (tangub's Reply)

I think you are probably right there! ;0)

Cap'n. :0)

07-29-11  02:02pm

Visit MPL Studios

MPL Studios
Reply of tangub's Review from otoh:

Another great review, tangub - of a site which has been on my possible list for a while. I'd kind of dismissed it as a bit too met-art-y, and perhaps the models a bit too young (I usually prefer girls at least in their mid-20s); but am still a bit tempted by your mention of public pics and racier videos than MA. Download restrictions are a bit of a PITA; I doubt I'd hit them, except for the lack of manager support; I tend to use DTA to queue downloads for overnight.

07-28-11  07:27am

Visit MPL Studios

MPL Studios
Reply of tangub's Review from gaypornolover:

Wow, now that's what I call a review! Very comprehensive - there's no question I can think of you haven't answered in full - but you manage to capture the spirit and "feel" of the site too which is most important. Well done!

On a seperate note, I am impressed with the way they responded to your complaint but still not very impressed with their download limits or the fact they didn't make it clearer in the first place. Still, they did rectify it and that kind of good service to customers is so rare on porn sites. Most of them seem to forget you are a paying customer!

07-27-11  08:42pm

Visit MPL Studios

MPL Studios
Reply of tangub's Review from lk2fireone:

Excellent, well-written review.

07-27-11  12:09pm

Visit MPL Studios

MPL Studios
Reply of tangub's Review from Capn:

A very fair review of a site that you found somewhat frustrating. :0)

07-27-11  09:32am

Visit Bella Club

Bella Club
REPLY TO #1 from blayce: (tangub's Reply)

They do offer a Paypal payment option - that should be fairly safe.

07-26-11  01:14pm

Visit Lingerie BBW

Lingerie BBW
REPLY TO #7 from messmer: (tangub's Reply)

Just took another look and don't know where the heck I got the seven weeks .. they actually wrote it might take up to two weeks. Apologies!

07-26-11  12:00pm

Visit Lingerie BBW

Lingerie BBW
REPLY TO #4 from messmer: (tangub's Reply)

CCBill might do that to me yet, tangub, even though I stated that asking for a refund was a first for me and that I hoped that it wouldn't count against me.
Oh well, if they should refuse me in the future there's always Epoch. :-) BTW, CCBill told me to expect a 6 - 7 week delay with the refund but seeing that they are usually quite reliable I trust them to stick to their promise.

07-26-11  11:43am

Visit Naughty Alysha

Naughty Alysha
REPLY TO #4 from NaughtyAlysha: (tangub's Reply)

We actually have two tours for the site... one that ends in CCBill only and one that ends in Netbilling with a CCBill option. The difference is the CCBill only is for our affiliates... if you are sent to our site from one of our affiliates, it ends in CCBill only. If you come to our site by typing the URL directly, or click to our site directly from Google, et al, then you'll end up at our Netbilling / CCBill join page.

Either way, whether it's a type in or through an affiliate, you have the option of joining with CCBill.

Hope that explains...

07-19-11  10:07am

N/A REPLY TO #21 from elephant: (tangub's Reply)

Cool and interesting to know that they also had hardcore movies there, yeah metart and mplstudios are very good sites and top photography, hope one day they do a Japanese one of similar sort.

07-14-11  12:58pm

*Message rows highlighted in light orange are replies to replies.

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