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Reply of
Your News
You should read the KayTBuffs review of SexArt that you're paying $150 for, the bottom line is a copy and paste of the BatorAly review of Gender X immediately below it. Something fishy going on here. Does nobody read or check submitted reviews anymore?
01-17-24 01:35am
Sex Art
Reply of
KayTBuffs's Review
Wow amazing, you even won $150 for this sham review, and your alias BatorAly also won another $100 for the original review of Gender X whose bottom line you copied and pasted here LOL. Clearly the PU admin just dish out raffle tickets these days without even reading or checking the submitted reviews. This site has become a joke.
01-17-24 01:31am
Sex Art
Reply of
KayTBuffs's Review
Hmmmm seems you've screwed up here. The bottom line appears to be about a site called Gender X not Sex Art. And coincidentally it's word for word identical to the BatorAly review of Gender X immediately below it. Does this mean that KayTBuffs and BatorAly are the same person using 2 accounts to scam the raffle for double prizes?
01-10-24 06:23am
Panty Amateur
Reply of
HairyPotter's Review
I also love this fetish but there's no way I would ever pay $30 for a site without pictures.
09-17-23 11:12am
Nubiles Porn
Reply of
HairyPotter's Review
And yet other's who have reviewed this site claim they also had access to Nubiles.net so this still seems very hit and miss whether you get access or not. Since Nubiles.net is the only site that interests me I make sure I always join direct via that site to be certain of having access.
01-11-23 03:38am
Porn World
Reply of
avgazn86's Review
I used to love the DDF Network for the high quality solo photo sets on sites like 1 by Day and DDF Busty but I see no sign from the site tour that they still produce any of this type of content now so I can't see myself ever going back again, it just looks like every other run of the mill boring porn site now.
10-25-22 02:43am
Adult Time
Reply of
Wraith0711's Reply
I guess the admin doesn't check in very often these days since the site is basically dead now for most of the month apart from a couple of days before the raffle drawing when there might be a handful of reviews. It amazes me that this site manages to keep going on the amount of activity there is these days.
10-11-22 03:01am
Reply of
PU Announcement on 03-14-25
Thanks for your kind words LKLK. I hope to get back to writing some reviews at some point. At this moment in time I haven't actually subscribed to any porn sites in around 18 months as up until a month ago I had literally been working 7 days a week for 18 months with only Christmas day off so limited time for the things I enjoy. Being self employed my business took a financial hit during the pandemic and lockdowns which racked up some debts so been working hard to clear those and get myself back to where I was before covid. Hopefully I can ease off a bit now and get back to the things I enjoy. Hope life is treating you well.
09-20-22 03:17am
Reply of
PU Announcement on 03-14-25
I think what he's actually done is mixed up the names and put Pinkerton instead of Pink Panther, Pinkerton has no reviews this month so far.
09-14-22 05:22am
Adult Prime
Reply of
Edmund05's Comment
The main payment processor here is VXS Billing which is a long established biller in the adult business for many years. I've used it a few times over the years when joining some of the individual sites in Adult Prime such as Club Seventeen (Club Sweethearts) before Adult Prime existed. I've never had any problem with them regards cancelling or unauthorised charges so I would suggest you're pretty safe here. If you have any doubts I see you can also use Paypal to join here which is an option I would always use where it's available.
08-17-22 04:02am
Private School Jewel
Reply of
GoodNamesTaken's Review
She was certainly a classic beauty and it's a shame her content has disappeared but you could probably find most of it online for free if you know where to look.
07-13-22 07:03am
Erotic Beauty
Reply of
LKLK's Review
I remember having that $1 membership, must have been 2014 as that is the date on my Erotic Beauty folder but even at that price I got bored and cancelled it after 3 or 4 months. This site has fallen a long way considering it was updating two photo sets per day back in 2012. At two updates per week it's a site I would now only join for $10 once every 5 to 10 years so even $1 a month seems expensive now for this site. I guess I could justify a membership soon as I now have nearly 7 years of content to catch up on.
02-10-21 01:31am
Twistys Network
Reply of
PinkPanther's Review
Wow, a hard hitting exposé from the PinkPanther revealing the truth about the demise of the once great Twistys Network which certainly wouldn't be apparent from the one page click anywhere and straight to sign up site preview. One can only hope as many people as possible see this review before wasting their money signing up expecting to find all the classic content. I had been tempted to join a couple of times recently by cheap holiday deals but in the end wasn't prepared to risk my credit card with their scam biller. I'm just glad I downloaded and kept all the classic photo sets I wanted from the Twistys, Blue Fantasies & Anette Dawn sites before they sold out to Mindgeek.
01-17-21 04:59am
Watch 4 Beauty
Reply of
Mark123's Reply
That's probably the issue then if you're using an older computer, it's probably struggling with the higher bit rate videos. I found the bit rates varied quite widely on the 1080p videos at W4B from around 8k to 13k. I remember when 720p hd was a relatively new thing back around 2006 or 2007 my old computer used to crash every time I tried to play one.
01-16-21 10:29am
AT Kingdom Network
Reply of
Wraith0711's Reply
I couldn't see myself paying $50 for the whole network, the sites are just too big with too much content and I simply wouldn't have the time to justify paying that price. They're always sending me emails offering 2 of their sites for $30/month but I would be much more likely to join if they just offered me one site at a time for $15.
01-16-21 07:48am
Watch 4 Beauty
Reply of
Mark123's Comment
When you say about playing back the videos are you referring to streaming them online within the website or playing them back on your computer or device after downloading them? I don't have a great deal of technical knowledge regarding these things but this is just an observation from when I had a membership at W4B a couple of months ago. I noticed that the videos here had a much higher frame rate and bit rate than most other websites I've had memberships at, the frame rate was 59 f/s and the bit rate on some hd videos as high as 13k which made for some very large file sizes. Most other sites I've had memberships at the videos usually have a frame rate of around 25 to 30 f/s. I really have no idea if the higher frame rate makes much difference but my observation was that their videos were some of the sharpest crystal clear videos I've ever seen or downloaded. I personally had no problems with the playback of their videos either online or offline but I guess it's possible someone with a slower internet connection could struggle to stream their hd videos due to the higher frame rate and bit rate.
01-16-21 07:38am
AT Kingdom Network
Reply of
Wraith0711's Comment
I guess it was just temporary, seems to be ok my end now. They do seem to suffer more technical problems than your average paysite, I was plagued by them last time I had a membership.
01-07-21 12:04pm
Fake Hub
Reply of
Trump2020's Reply
I agree, I like those confirmation emails for joining and cancelling. These days if a site doesn't use CCBill or Epoch I won't risk my regular credit card. If I do take a chance on an unfamiliar biller I will use my prepaid card on which I never keep a balance of more than $50. That prepaid card also comes with an app where I can instantly block the card if a renewal date is due and I have any problem cancelling. Twistys used to be one of my favourite sites but I haven't joined for over 10 years. It was an independent site with a good webmaster who used to be active at PU responding to reviews, comments, complaints but they sold out to Mindgeek (Brazzers) years ago and I simply refuse to give my credit card number to their dodgy billers.
12-20-20 12:59pm
Fake Hub
Reply of
Trump2020's Comment
Thanks for the warning, I was tempted by a Christmas deal for Twisty's Network at $7.99 but when I saw it's Probiller for the payment I backed out. I think Twisty's also operate the pay extra for downloads scam as well.
12-19-20 02:27am
Reply of
Your News
Thanks for the win, much appreciated especially this time of year. I assume you'll note my location as UK as you replied to Pinkerton earlier in this thread? Thanks again.
12-03-20 06:35am
Wet And Puffy
Reply of
exotics4me's Reply
Sorry to hear you're having a rough time at the moment. Hope you all come through it. Best wishes.
11-28-20 05:14am
Wet And Puffy
Reply of
exotics4me's Review
I'm surprised at your comment in the cons that the scenes are not dated and you don't know if they're updating. One only has to look at the site tour to see that they are updating once a week on a wednesday and the network as a whole 15 times a month, exactly the same as it was last year when I had a membership and reviewed it.
This latest batch of reviews seem rushed, much shorter than your usual and way below the standards we've come to expect from you.
11-28-20 02:40am
Petites Parisiennes
Reply of
Supervert's Reply
That's good to hear, CCBill are usually pretty good in that respect. I hadn't realised Pretty Parisiennes was still an active site, in fact I thought it had closed down at one point. I've not been a member there since 2011. It would be great to see an up to date review if the site comes back online.
11-25-20 01:03am
Petites Parisiennes
Reply of
Supervert's Comment
I see the site is still down a week later, disgusting really if you have a paid for membership. You should ask the billing company for a refund if you haven't already done so.
11-24-20 08:07am
Nubiles Casting
Reply of
LKLK's Reply
Thanks for the advice and for taking the time to reply. I guess when I sign up I'll do it via Nubiles.net just to be certain I get that site as it's the main site of interest. Probably be next month now as just signed up to Penthouse 3 or 4 days ago. Hopefully there will be some good deals around next month in the run up to Christmas.
11-24-20 12:52am