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Visit Ass Parade

Ass Parade
REPLY TO #5 from marcdc1: (Marcus's Reply)

Excellent points. Like I said in my opening remarks. I surprised they do this. I don't think I'm that savvy of a customer (lord knows I've maid plenty of mistakes in my time). It seems to me they'll lose more in bad reputation then they'll ever gain with these practices.

03-29-13  08:47am

Visit Ass Traffic

Ass Traffic
REPLY TO #1 from martinlongbow: (Marcus's Reply)

here is the problem. when i sort the websites by anal niche, the highest scored website is the one that was not updated for years. obviously when someone who does not know looks into that , they will think it is the best anal site. however, sites like anal teen angels, or bwb are way way better than. so either give them higher scores and take this one out.

03-20-13  06:43pm

Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network
REPLY TO #2 from HollyJz: (Marcus's Reply)

You are right its a big scam !

05-16-15  02:36am

Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network
REPLY TO #4 from rearadmiral: (Marcus's Reply)

Thanks for the comments.

I agree that the upsells are what causes the site to lose a lot of credibility. But the baffling thing is that they don't need the upsells. They have an incredibly good product that sells itself. And the problem that many report with the upsells is that you don't even get a warning that you're heading into extra-cost territory. I didn't experience that. The one add-on I did buy was clearly an extra cost.

04-20-14  06:35am

Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network
REPLY TO #1 from MiztaBlu: (Marcus's Reply)

Its pretty common these days, but IMO, there is shadier shit that can happen, and if you read my Brazzers review when its posted, youll know what I mean.

01-08-13  12:47am

Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network
REPLY TO #5 from BubbaGump: (Marcus's Reply)

Well, this business makes it easy to do this. First of all, due to the sensitive nature of the material, a lot of consumers don't want anyone knowing their business. They are therefore less inclined to run to the bank to complain when they get ripped off. I believe some vendors will capitalize on this. I think that is the risk a consumer has to accept if they want to subscribe to online vendors in this arena. Eventually, you are likely to run across stuff that is not on the level.

I am going to say something here that might rub some people the wrong way. There is a pink elephant in the room that a lot of people know is there but few will admit its existence, especially the manfuactuers and producers. The Pink Elephant is this--Porn is going to involve a number of individuals who are not the most noble of characters when it comes to their approach to commerce. Some players will be tempted to stretch the limits and see how much they can get away with.

I certainly am not saying that everyone in the business is like this. But the anonymity I mentioned, the sensitive nature of things, etc is going to be a magnet for shady practices by some players. Most people in the industry I suspect will just look the other way, not wanting to rock the boat or police others.

01-06-13  12:28pm

Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network
REPLY TO #3 from BubbaGump: (Marcus's Reply)

Well, I noticed that when the upsells started last year, they began with just advertising them on the main page when you log in. The upsells then started showing up as scenes within specific site pages. If you click the scene and view it, you now have a monthly subscription to whatever site it belongs to. I was careful not to do this, but the way they it is structured, I can see a lot of people out there wondering what those extra monthly charges are on their credit card.

The thing that is scary is that there is no warning that you are about to subscribe. I intetionally signed up for the culuneros site because I wanted to add it. But when I clicked the scene link, there was no warning, no info about what was just charged, etc..It just went on as business as usual, but I could now access the site.

The monthly charge for the site was the same as the bangbros main site. So if people are not carefull or have twtichy fingers on the mouse, they are going to get popped and without warning that you just signed up for a monthly subscription.

The site planners probably said, 'Hey, not enough people are falling for the red pre-checked cross sell when they signed up. Let's mix the cross-sells in with the galleries and menus.'

Regarding actual content, I think what they are doing is just breaking off a lot of content that would normally appear at bangbros and creating new sites that you have to sign up for. For example, at culluneros, a lot of the models appear at bangbros but it looks like they saved a few scenes for this specific site. So if you are into that model, you would want to view the scene. There is nothing wrong with this strategy itself. It's the way they go about it that is dirty pool.

01-06-13  08:54am

Visit Barbi Sinclair

Barbi Sinclair
REPLY TO #3 from marcdc1: (Marcus's Reply)

Well I was hoping I'd hear back from brandisinclair but so far I've got nothing. I figured I'd let everyone know the situation. If they do get back to me i'love ya! Update this otherwise you can assume my email to them went unanswered.

10-11-12  12:05pm

Visit Barbi Sinclair

Barbi Sinclair
REPLY TO #1 from marcdc1: (Marcus's Reply)

I'm not sure exactly (but I will try to get you an answer).

I spent the better part of my month's membership looking at the rest of the network and didn't get into a deep dive of Barbi until my membership was about to expire (obviously based on my review I will be rejoining soon). Also, I'm now really sorry that I saved the best for last :(. (That said MandyTyler.com was also really good)

I think there's an update once a week but I will report back when I have a better answer.

Hope this helps.

10-07-12  01:47pm

Visit Bella Pass

Bella Pass
Reply of Marcus's Review from Cybertoad:

Great review, I liked the site until I saw no zipped photo. I can never justify download picture to picture in today internet. Sites should make it easier not harder and zipped photos systems have been used for 10 years. If they ever zip it ?? I may join.

03-11-13  08:50am

Visit Bella Pass

Bella Pass
Reply of Marcus's Review from JamesDavid:

Thank you for the review Marcus!

To address a couple points you mentioned, we are going to stop offering wmv in the future, based off a survey we did of members and also looking at the data in our sites regarding what people download most. WMV is barely used it seems as it once was, mp4 is more compatible with all OS's. We're not removing older wmv fils, just not creating new ones. In addition this also means faster file creation, more room on server for more files etc.

We're in the process of adding a new site that is a large scale multi model site that will debut in the spring of this year. It will feature everything form girl next door types to hardcore photos and videos.

As for Bryci's hardcore that she and I are filming.. we're new to it so we wanted our first few videos to be somewhat voyeuristic. We did this because we were still adapting to going in this direction and let's face it.. not every day one does this. We are not a major porn studio, nor do we want to be perceived as one. We are two people running it all, well.. I run all of Bella and Bryci helps with her site of course. So when we decided to go into HC, we felt it was best to be us, not try and follow other people's examples. We bring the camera and put it down and then go have fun, filming it. We have no interest in having others film us, or having multiple cameras filming, it's just us two having fun.

That said - we will be getting a lot more daring moving forward. We plan on doing pov style, as well as other styles. We're inviting our members into our sex life basically.. so far, so good. :)

Thanks again for the review!

03-10-13  03:56pm

Visit Brazzers

REPLY TO #2 from uscue: (Marcus's Reply)

Brazzers is another one of those companies that has gotten so big that they add content to their members page without making it 100% obvious that if you click it you will be charged a membership for it. For them, a few complaints isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things.

I still have Brazzers and am just wary of what I click. Haven't had a problem yet, but I can see how some may end up clicking the wrong thing.

01-03-14  08:06am

Visit Bryci

Reply of Marcus's Comment from JamesDavid:

Thank you Marcus!

It was incredibly unexpected for us. We walked the red carpet, we had nine nominations in total including best new studio and both Bryci and Katie Banks were nominated for an award for best site. I wish both could have won they work so hard!

The new network will surpass the current network in ways I can't explain other than WOW FACTOR. We hope to go live with the new version of BellaPass (and all sites within) in mid to late March, **finally** after almost a year of building, planning, rebuilding, revamping etc.

We're also adding three new sites in the next month to BellaPass so we'll be at 15 sites and then, through 2017 we hope to add another 10-20 sites.

All included when a membership to any of our sites is purchased. We're far from perfect but we're trying to give members something they love, something they want to come back for and most of all, a good value.

Thank you again for the kind words!

- James and Bryci

01-23-17  04:21pm

Visit Bryci

Reply of Marcus's Comment from JamesDavid:

Marcus - not sure why you're having issues with download speed, I can pull things down over 1 meg per sec from the server. The box is set up to see how many concurrent connections are in place from the user and limit if needed. This stops a user from opening ten streams, each at 1 m/sec sort of thing and eating bandwidth like crazy.

We also changed things a little so it is now 20% savings when someone rebills. We've added a mulit model site, bellapixels.com for free for members and starting next week it moves to daily updates.

As for Bryci content, video wise - 95% of all future video updates will be hardcore as she'd rather do videos with me than with herself (her words). Hope this makes some people smile!

11-07-13  11:37pm

Visit Bryci

Reply of Marcus's Review from RustyJ:

So no zips's because they get pirated and it's no problem that they are a huge PITA to download individually since nobody cares about them anyway?

Makes no sense on at least five different levels :|

04-12-13  08:58am

Visit Bryci

REPLY TO #26 from Capn: (Marcus's Reply)

Bit of a cheek, is a gross understatement.

It is an outright rip off!

Cap'n :0(

04-12-13  07:49am

Visit Bryci

Reply of Marcus's Review from Capn:

I'm done here.

I'll let others draw whatever conclusions they like.

Cap'n. :0)

04-11-13  04:26pm

Visit Bryci

REPLY TO #20 from Capn: (Marcus's Reply)

I think that is worth docking the score by at least 15 TBH

Cap'n. :0/

04-11-13  04:07pm

Visit Bryci

Reply of Marcus's Review from Capn:

Gotta say I am a bit surprised you didn't spot the regional pricing issue, especially given your location.

Cap'n. :0/

04-11-13  10:04am

Visit Bryci

Reply of Marcus's Review from Capn:

For a photo collector, No zips = no subscription

These days no-one is going to download photos individually.

Allowing a custom zip feature may reduce the likelihod of piracy.

Cap'n. :0/

04-11-13  09:43am

Visit Bryci

REPLY TO #6 from RustyJ: (Marcus's Reply)

Oh, I guess I read your review too hastily ;)

04-11-13  05:15am

Visit Bryci

Reply of Marcus's Review from RustyJ:

This is among the sites that make me say: If she ever goes hardcore, drop me a message ;)

04-10-13  11:54am

Visit Bryci

REPLY TO #3 from JamesDavid: (Marcus's Reply)

People can right click images to save them, the thumbs don't open as jpgs, they open on their own page for those that like to do the slide show thing (which surprisingly is a lot of people) but on each page, if you right click any image, they're savable.

I do agree, a lot of work for those that want to save things such as every single pic.

Upside though - very limited piracy. Most of the 'site rips' out there are from some newb that went to bryci.org and saved all the 15 image promo images, thinking those are the full sets. Ah well. :)

As for the sad fans- I guess we all want to believe the fantasy sometimes. I think 99% of guys get that it's entertainment and then 1% think - whoa. I have a shot here. Bryci mentions me on her blog all the time, we've been together 7+ years but maaaaybe if this one fan is extra nice, he'll win her over.

/knocks on wood.

haha.. I should be careful, I'll jinx myself! I figure fuck it, A for effort. Anyone that thinks they can sign up and the model will fall in love with them, fuck yeah man, go for it. Why not? :) (but fyi to the 1% reading - Bryci is off the market - we're married)

Again, thanks for the kind words. We're huge fans of Chica, as well as Wifey from Wifey's World. We were just watching some Wifey vids yesterday actually. Great vids!

04-09-13  11:29pm

Visit Bryci

Reply of Marcus's Review from JamesDavid:

Thanks for the kind words on your review. Yes, bryci does her blog herself, she does pretty much everything with her site. I handle updates etc.

yes, we stopped doing wmv network wide as of March 2013. Simplest reason? We asked our member based and we had over 90% say mp4 over wmv. So if we can help members get what they're after, we're happy to help. wmv is sort of a lost tech it seems, mp4 is playable regardless of OS where as wmv is windows only.

Hardcore wise - we're scared shitless! ha! We're trying though - we're having more and more fun as we go. We love what Wifey and Hubby, Chica and her man, even Rachel Aziani and Buzz have done before us for years. We thought we'd join the ranks and start having more fun as well. So far, we've had a handful of guys be upset because they felt they had a shot with Bryci (not sure why) but that happens with solo models on occasion. Almost everyone is happy and we're happy to oblige!

As I had said before as well as in the faq for the bella sites, we don't do zips because when we did, our content was pirated like mad. We stopped offering zips and it went from all over to hard to find. We still get the odd people pirating us, that happens but we stopped the majority of it photo wise anyway.

I can think of many solo models that offer zips, and I can get those zips for free all over - so why pay for their sites? I don't agree with that mindset but this is what happens. This is our job, so we're going to want to make sure we're not being ripped off, that's all it is.


04-09-13  05:06pm

Visit Bryci

Reply of Marcus's Review from Cybertoad:

Nice review, sucks they do not zip pics.

04-09-13  03:09pm

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