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Visit Wow Girls

Wow Girls
REPLY TO #7 from slutty: (elephant's Reply)

Yes it is curious why it is listed under a different company, it even says they use the Lioness site thing that Deisel does. I imagine it is either a new site they haven't added to network yet, or someone ripped off their site format (as with orgasms.xxx and x-art).

04-30-12  10:02am

Visit Wow Girls

Wow Girls
Reply of elephant's Comment from otoh:

This style of site is winning me over to G/B material a little... but although this particular site looks good, it focuses on teens a little too much for me - I prefer to see models who look a little older.

04-30-12  12:59am

Visit Wow Girls

Wow Girls
Reply of elephant's Comment from Denner:

It is a Diesel site ....see my earlier comment:

Some material seems kind of exclusive for Wow Girls, but then again there seems to be some shared with other Diesel Media-sites....and again in general: I feel those Diesel Media sites speculate in opening new sites again and again where you get a little here and a little there - but if you want all ....you'll turn out poor....

04-29-12  09:57am

Visit Gapeland

REPLY TO #3 from pat362: (elephant's Reply)

I'm not thrilled with their update schedule but as a long time member
who only pays 10$ a month then I find it really hard to complain about the slowness of their updates. Of course I would cancel my membership really quickly if it ever slowed down more. I don't mind paying 10$ for the way it is now but less updates would defenitely make me run.

04-29-12  09:27am

Visit Lez Cuties

Lez Cuties
REPLY TO #5 from pat362: (elephant's Reply)

21sextury is always tweeking their network and I think this is just their most recent one. It wouldn't be so bad if you could at least access all the lez cuties scene on their preview page but you can't and that's where the problem is currently.

04-29-12  09:25am

Visit Wow Girls

Wow Girls
Reply of elephant's Comment from tboy:

yeah someone else asked this recently, wowgirls isn't part of the current diesel access network :(

04-29-12  06:35am

Visit Wow Girls

Wow Girls
Reply of elephant's Comment from Drooler:

I have the same question as Slutty does, but "Wow" is right about the girls. They're simply AWESOME. Guerlain (Raisa at Errotica-Archives), who is currently the covergirl, is another extremely hot babe there -- among others!

04-29-12  02:40am

Visit Wow Girls

Wow Girls
Reply of elephant's Comment from slutty:

Is this a Deisel site? It looks really similar, why isn't it listed with their others?

04-29-12  02:33am

Visit Hegre Art

Hegre Art
Reply of elephant's Comment from PinkPanther:

You might be getting a distorted idea of the length of the vids. For instance, one of the coolest areas of the site is their massage section - and the vids there are quite lengthy. The newest one,which looks absolutely beautiful and VERY erotic is 53 minutes long.

Their "film of the week" uploaded on 4/17/12 was 9 minutes long. The previous posted vid was almost 8 minutes long, etc.

I agree with the other comment that the heart of the site is the photo galleries, but their vids are actually quite good and unique, unlike a site such as MET Art where, unfortunately, the vids are mainly good to cure insomnia.

04-25-12  05:53pm

Visit Orgasms.xxx

Reply of elephant's Comment from otoh:

Elephant, this site is on my radar too, and I just checked the other billing processors available from their join page. Epoch is also £24.95, but Segpay seems to let you join at $24.95.

For now I've signed up at Joymii so won't join here just yet - but agree that the material looks good and the $ price is realistic.

04-25-12  01:54am

Visit Joy Mii

Joy Mii
REPLY TO #5 from otoh: (elephant's Reply)

Sadly no feedback from them, elephant. However, I did somehow manage to subscribe at $19.95! I don't know how, I tried again and the CCBill form showed me $. After subscribing, I tried again and it was back to £. YMMV...

04-25-12  01:51am

Visit Lez Cuties

Lez Cuties
REPLY TO #1 from Ergo Proxy: (elephant's Reply)

Oh, thanks, really appreciate the info!

04-25-12  12:08am

Visit Hegre Art

Hegre Art
Reply of elephant's Comment from Ergo Proxy:

Maybe the movies are some sort of "making of" from the shootings? I think one should join Hegre for the photos though, the movies are only a bonus.

04-23-12  04:57am

Visit Joy Mii

Joy Mii
REPLY TO #3 from otoh: (elephant's Reply)

I'm figuring/hoping it's a mistake - when at the Femjoy joining page, not only does it happily offer me the $19.95 price, it also offers (actually pre-checks :|) Joymii @ $15 - or the equivalents if I change to £.

Still no reply from the webmaster, though...

04-17-12  10:10am

Visit MetArt

REPLY TO #6 from Khan: (elephant's Reply)

I'll look to see if there's a way I can move it. If not, no biggie. Just thought it'd mean more if it was with the site's listing.

Followup - thread moved

04-17-12  08:06am

Visit MetArt

REPLY TO #4 from Khan: (elephant's Reply)

Guys, you may want to continue this discussion on the SexArt listing page https://www.pornusers.com/review/sexart/
... rather than keeping it under MetArt

04-17-12  07:36am

Visit MetArt

Reply of elephant's Comment from Abel Semen:

It seems pretty good so far but is a little short on content right now, which is to be expected I guess.

It's especially short on boy-girl hardcore - two photo sets out of 32 (one of which couldn't really be called "hardcore"), one non-series film out of 19, and nothing in either of the "original series", as far as I can see. I'm hoping this changes in a hurry.

The mean quality of what's there is VERY high (the fact that most of it isn't B/G hardcore notwithstanding), but right now, if your tastes run in a Met-Art type direction but more hardcore, you're better off at, say, X-Art or PassionHD. (Or orgasms.xxx if you also prefer your women a little older, I suppose.) Much more stuff plus law of averages equals more stuff you'll like despite the average level being maybe a little lower. In time, this will change and sexart is going to be really awesome sooner or later, I predict.

04-15-12  06:58pm

Visit New X Positive

New X Positive
REPLY TO #8 from Denner: (elephant's Reply)

Take a look at the later inputs - not sure about the exclusive or not...Like you, I've been around for years - and I certainly have never seen some of my fav models in some of these scenes before...but, well..

04-09-12  12:25pm

Visit Squirting Virgin

Squirting Virgin
Reply of elephant's Review from Stas RC:

Hi! Many thanks for your review!

04-08-12  11:40pm

Visit MetArt

Reply of elephant's Comment from slutty:

Sounds interesting, although I would hope they can manage to do it a little more erotic than MetArt is, at it has a tendency to be a bit overly 'arty' at times.

04-08-12  10:56pm

Visit Cum Squad

Cum Squad
REPLY TO #1 from dextro: (elephant's Reply)

The Slime Wave thing is a little weird, but the rest of the Tainster site looks great. Their Webmaster replied to another one of my comments, so I'm hoping the older scenes show up in the near future. They need to get to work. :)

04-08-12  10:09am

Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network
REPLY TO #4 from pat362: (elephant's Reply)

True but someone else mentioned that you can get it for 10$ if you happen to be a bangbros member so that might be an incentive to join bangbros if you aren't a member. of course only if you enjoy their type of porn.

04-08-12  08:33am

Visit Anal Angels

Anal Angels
REPLY TO #5 from BadMrFrosty: (elephant's Reply)

Thanks for that, I knew I had seen this stuff before. I'm still not totally sure if its exactly the same as on other sites or if its just similar in style/girls. Might be worth a join to find out.

04-08-12  12:31am

Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network
Reply of elephant's Comment from exotics4me:

No, they have it as an addon site. As a current member they are offering membership to it for $9.95.

04-07-12  05:01pm

Visit Anal Angels

Anal Angels
REPLY TO #4 from lk2fireone: (elephant's Reply)

I am surprised by how cheap the licenses are for the photos and videos.
For a couple of thousand dollars, an individual could start his own porn site. The content would not be exclusive, but you could have a nice selection of models in photosets and videos.

04-07-12  01:48pm

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