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Visit Shemale Strokers

Shemale Strokers
REPLY TO #4 from GCode: (malikstarks's Reply)

Oh my, I totally misunderstood you I think. Plus, I want to add that I was not trying to argue and I know I stated that term in my response; I think I should have used debate instead. Also, I was just typing out a really long reply because I was extremely bored at that time and after re-reading it I think I came off as a bit harsh.

In regards to the price change, I am quite mad considering the site is maintained and shot by only one videographer/photographer and the site design is strictly amateur. However, I guess that's the huge advantage to the site as well because if you love Sammy Mancini's work then you will love the site, hands down. This is because a lot of other sites in this realm feature work done by a lot of videographers/photographers and you may only like 1 or 2's work.

You are right that both of these sites you mentioned probably do have more solo content available. I actually like Shemale Club a bit more when it comes to TS content because of the great ratio.

Don't get it twisted as far as knowledge, it appears that you have quite a bit yourself and I would not take what you say with a grain a salt :) One of my favorite things about Shemale Strokers is that he is revamping old videos and making them better which a lot of sites don't do. On top of this, he is adding new ones in better quality as well. However, I would never go so far to say that even his best videos that are considered 'HD' can compete with the two sites you mentioned in terms of video clarity. Sammy really needs to learn to encode cleaner or get a better camera. I think if he could get videos to look like Club or Yum, he could compete a lot more.

You mentioned Rodney Moore sites, is this a in the TS niche? I am always looking for suggestions these days on some sites to join. Be the way, thanks for your insight and replies! I love discussions with other PU's and I apologize again if I came off as arrogant or malicious :(

12-30-09  06:36pm

Visit Shemale Strokers

Shemale Strokers
REPLY TO #2 from GCode: (malikstarks's Reply)

Yes but the price was at $24.95 which means this site was $10 less than those sites for a long time. However, being $5 less is still better than going up to the price that the other two sites that you mentioned. But, there is something one has to realize when it comes to this site and both Shemale Club and Shemale-Yum.

Shemale Club specializes in all aspects of content and therefore should be a site that has a large variety of content when it comes to overall types of scenes. Argument: Shemale Strokers (please read the name of the site?) is a solo shemale site only featuring full masturbation to cumshot scenes and any other content you are getting from this site is considered bonus material. Therefore, of course Shemale Club is going to have hardcore and more/better of it. So, basically there is no basis for an argument when even comparing these two sites. Yes, both contain TS models but the vision of the sites are completely different. Basically, that's like going to a site like Met-Art and expecting hardcore scenes.

Shemale-Yum: The guys at grooby bring TS models from mostly the Americas and that is what basically Shemale Strokers does. Plus, I can see where many would like to compare this site and Strokers because of this. However, Shemale-Yum has a different vision as well. This site features TS models but attempts to range the material by including many different types of shoots which may include masturbation scenes but also just stripping, hardcore, lesbian, and fetish. But, Shemale Strokers is once again a site dedicated to just solo masturbation scenes. However, I think Shemale Strokers is one of the only sites featuring these types of models that does it right. You know you will get interviews, stripping, masturbation, and a climax (cumshot) during each video while Shemale-Yums solo scenes are a lot more scattered. So, I see where the sites are more closely related to each other but I'd say they are still different in many ways.

I do understand in a way where you are coming from and I agree the price going up is a bit unsettling. However, the site is still cheaper than both those sites. Plus, the new videos are like 100% better than what was offered before and the director gets these models to do a lot of kinky shit that most sites featuring solo material do not do which is probably the largest reason to join this site. But, I'd say both Shemale Club and Shemale-Yum are definitely premier sites in the TS niche; I just think all these sites being in the TS niche is the only major comparison one can make.

12-30-09  02:49pm

Visit Karup's Older Women

Karup's Older Women
REPLY TO #9 from messmer: (malikstarks's Reply)

Hey malikstarks, I was tempted a few times but after taking their tour I found too many models that did not qualify as "older" (at least in my eyes) so I never bothered to join.

11-23-09  08:09am

Visit Brazzers

REPLY TO #24 from asmith12: (malikstarks's Reply)

Thanks, calculation follows:
51min 16sec = 3076 sec
4,675,992,829 bytes = 4,675,992,829 * 8 bits = 37,407,942,632 bits
So we have average bitrate = 37,407,942,632 / 3076 = 12,161,230 bits/sec, or approximately 12MBit/s . It is indeed HUGE (Asstraffic has about 8MBit/s); on the other hand, higher bitrate does not always guarantee higher quality, so it's a pity that Brazzers don't have an HD sample for public download, so everybody could compare their quality.

11-17-09  08:16pm

Visit Brazzers

REPLY TO #22 from Khan: (malikstarks's Reply)

As an aside ...

You may want to do a search in our forum for "bitrate". There have been several threads that touched on it, including:

11-17-09  08:13am

Visit Brazzers

REPLY TO #19 from asmith12: (malikstarks's Reply)

If you can tell me (for the same file) it's size in bytes (megabytes, gigabytes) AND it's length in minutes, I can easily calculate it's bitrate. Thanks in advance.

11-17-09  12:50am

Visit Brazzers

REPLY TO #17 from asmith12: (malikstarks's Reply)

> They do take up alot of space 4-5 GBs
Do you know what kind of bitrate they have? Or at least can you tell how long one single file is (in minutes) and how large it is (in gigabytes)?

11-16-09  01:55am

Visit Brazzers

REPLY TO #14 from asmith12: (malikstarks's Reply)

> Brazzers if brighter with much richer color textures.
With AssTraffic colors already being IMHO vastly oversaturated, I can't say it's a good thing if somebody has even more saturated colors.

> Put it this way, I have a very powerful computer that plays the
> Brazzers HD smoothly with no problem at all, but if I try to fast
> forward a scene it will not let me do it, the video freezes. No
> other HD porn has ever given me that problem.
And you see that "video freezes" as an ADVANTAGE for Brazzers?? No comments.

11-15-09  10:04pm

Visit Brazzers

REPLY TO #11 from asmith12: (malikstarks's Reply)

> As for Ass Traffic, it is a site that I was vaguely familiar with before but had never had an interest in membership. Now after having had a look they do indeed shoot vids in 1080p so it probably does match Brazzers offer from that standpoint.
Thanks for comment, but did you REALLY compare Brazzers stuff with Asstrafic HD samples (I think they do have HD sample for free)?

> legitimate beefs with the Brazzers model that I do agree with. First if...
VERY FIRST, they MUST tell RIGHT ON THEIR HOME PAGE that all the HD they're telling about on their home page (like "NOW IN FULL HD" and "Join now and embrace the future with the best HD experience") will NOT be available for the price they're asking for. Do you think THIS kind of stuff (telling user "Join now and embrace the future with the best HD experience", and THEN, when he clicks there and 'Joins now', PAYING them money they're asking, to ask MORE for this very 'HD experience' they've just promised and he just paid for") is fair?? This is CHEATING (or MISLEADING advertisement AT THE VERY LEAST), and IF I would join them because of HD they advertise, I would FOR SURE ask my bank to revert transaction.

Is there a chance of them stopping this kind of CHEATING of THEIR OWN USERS? I don't think so, unless they will get hit by reversed transactions because of it (which I hope for).

11-12-09  10:11pm

Visit Brazzers

REPLY TO #8 from asmith12: (malikstarks's Reply)

1. Are you sure their stuff is really better than HD from AssTraffic? I doubt it (and AssTraffic is NOT charging anything extra for them, and DOES provide good download speeds).

2. WHOLE 100% of your reply is EXACTLY what their support / webmaster would say in reply to user ranting about their newer policies (ESPECIALLY passages like "if you still want to get the HD vids you have two ways to do so. Purchase the credits, or remain a member for 6 months."). Rather strange, isn't it?

11-12-09  05:01am

Visit 50Plus MILFs

50Plus MILFs
REPLY TO #10 from messmer: (malikstarks's Reply)

To me there is one huge flaw when it comes to All Over 30, their picture sets have become monotonous to me. In their forum others complained about the same thing: The transition from clothed to naked was too quick, with most models only wearing blouses (sweaters)- no bras. Jeans, skirts - no panties, or nylons, or garter belts.

That means the faces may change but each set becomes a copy of the one before it. Take off two, three items of clothing and the rest of the set is an anatomy lesson. When I left, the webmaster had just decided to send some of the photographers on an underwear shopping spree. Wonder how he made out.

As to my wide ranging tastes .. I can't stand sameness and get easily bored. Heavens only knows where I'll end up! :-)

11-04-09  04:04pm

Visit 50Plus MILFs

50Plus MILFs
REPLY TO #8 from messmer: (malikstarks's Reply)

Yep, I'm the "intrusive watermark" hater! :-) And I'm doing fine with Anilos and All Over 30, I usually subscribe twice a year. Aunt Judy's disappointed me a bit last time I subscribed but not because of their watermark. :-)

11-04-09  03:17pm

Visit 50Plus MILFs

50Plus MILFs
REPLY TO #6 from messmer: (malikstarks's Reply)

I would happily take you up on your 40 something mag suggestion, malikstarks because their material is right up my alley but sample pictures of theirs found on the usenet always dissuaded me from subscribing because their logo was so intrusive, bright yellow in a very conspicuous spot that's hard to ignore. Or am I thinking of a different site? I no longer subscribe to the usenet so I haven't seen any recent pictures.

11-04-09  01:57pm

Visit Extreme Ladyboys

Extreme Ladyboys
REPLY TO #1 from GCode: (malikstarks's Reply)

At the time of my review and membership, the type of Ladyboys that were used were not nearly in the prime as I felt the models from the main site were. Plus, the male models that were used were quite over the top in my opinion; with a guy who huffed and puffed too much and a guy wearing a latex suit while having sex. During this time, the focus of the models were primarily femboys and borderline crossdressers which are not my main fortay when it comes to model selection. While I know this is my opinion, this was the reasons why I did not give the site as much kudos as I did as the other sites within this company. But, this was over 6 months if not almost a year since my membership, so things may have changed since then. I will truthfully say as well, that shemale content involving hardcore is not my primary concern when it comes to shemale content and I may have bias as well when it comes to that as well.

However, I can say the sites within this company have some of the most crisp, great lighting, and wonderful quality when it comes to both the videos and photography. If you do want this, I can vouch for the site being great in this category. Plus, as with my concerns stated above, there are some great models here and content. But, I think the overall model selection was not superior and the male selection for hardcore was borderline horrendous that it swayed me away from the site.

One thing I can say, a 79 is actually an above average score for me and I do think the site is good. If you have anymore questions/concerns, I can go back and take a look at the content I have and give you more insight. Thanks for the kind words as well.

11-03-09  07:05pm

Visit Brazzers

REPLY TO #1 from pat362: (malikstarks's Reply)

I'm one of those rare surfers that dreads the arrival of HD. MY ISP provider has a 100GB download limit per month. Any downloads above that amount is very expensive. I didn't mention much in my review about the HD. I don't have an issue if a site rewards it's long term members with it. The main reason why the site didn't get a higher score is because far too many of the performers have implants.
I wouldn't mind a better balance of normal and fakes.

10-30-09  06:05pm

Visit 50Plus MILFs

50Plus MILFs
REPLY TO #3 from messmer: (malikstarks's Reply)

Had company for two weeks, so I'm just getting around to subscribing to this site sometime later on today. Review will be coming! :-)

10-22-09  01:04pm

Visit Facial Abuse

Facial Abuse
Reply of malikstarks's Comment from james4096:

Maybe it's just a matter of taste. Most people probably can't get into this site and a few others will find it totally offensive.

I felt bad after seeing some of the scenes. Some of the scenes are abusive and they probably crossed the line with the girl, but that wasn't the worst part. It's sort of sad that these women(the majority who wouldn't do this in real life) are willing to do this for money. Yes, a lot of women can get into rough sex, maybe a little hair pulling, being called a slut and being slapped on the ass while being fucked hard. Then you have the women who are into truly being dominated, these are usually your S&M chicks and they are unmistakable. IMHO most of the girls on this site are just able to handle extreme scenes if the pay is right. I don't believe that these girls particularly enjoy what goes on. This site is for us sick perverts.

The girls are not fucked up because they let guys choke with them there cocks until they vomit and then have it poured over their head. They problem is that they feel that is the best or only way to make a living.

10-17-09  11:40am

Visit Facial Abuse

Facial Abuse
Reply of malikstarks's Comment from mbaya:

I basically agree, but---. I have been a longtime fan of the sex here, but not necessarily the abuse aspects. My point in my review was that the videos have changed focus in 2009. Yes some get off on being abused, but most of them here apparently do not. While some have shot videos for other sites in the network, most do not. Point B, most of the second or even third videos were made on the same day. This is stated repeatedly on the videos. The temptation here is obviously money, but what is also true is that they sign all the contracts in advance of filming. After the abusive video, the rest of them are relatively easy for the girls. I don't think that proves that the girls are not pushed beyond their limits. My final point is that in most 2009 videos, the models are visibly pissed and say so. When a model says stop, they don't. They may be coached to a degree, but you do see a LOT of very genuine reactions that this is more than they can handle. One thing mentioned on the site quite often is that the videos are real, sometimes very real. They are proud of their well deserved reputation as the most extreme site on the net. In the last year, there has been an evolution on this site away from the erotic. I am very much into this kind of video, so if I feel it is too much that means a lot.

10-15-09  09:27pm

Visit 50Plus MILFs

50Plus MILFs
REPLY TO #1 from messmer: (malikstarks's Reply)

Strangely enough that's what I did, malikstarks. Not only does Firefox clear all cookies when I shut it down but I used CCleaner as well before I tried again. Don't know what happened there. I must try again and see.

P.S. Yep, was just offered the $ 19.95 deal!

10-03-09  07:12am

Visit Blacks on Blondes

Blacks on Blondes
REPLY TO #1 from Wittyguy: (malikstarks's Reply)

That's good to know. I haven't been a member there in years because they jacked the price. Looks like I'll have to put it back on my list of places to check out again.

05-13-09  11:39pm

Visit Goth Rock Girls

Goth Rock Girls
Reply of malikstarks's Comment from GCode:

Yeah after visiting the preview on this site it's totally Halloween style goth girls. I found this out when I rented a lot of DVD's awhile ago that the authentic stuff is only found a few places (which PinkPanther says). Most people think to just put a woman's hair with some bright color and a nose ring equals punk/goth...mpmffg


03-23-09  11:16am

Visit Goth Rock Girls

Goth Rock Girls
Reply of malikstarks's Comment from Goldfish:

Yeah, they look really similar to the school girls on Innocent High.

03-22-09  07:44pm

Visit Goth Rock Girls

Goth Rock Girls
Reply of malikstarks's Comment from PinkPanther:

One of the funniest comments I've ever seen on this site, for sure. You want authentic, go to Suicide Girls or Gods Girls - this site seems to be going for "pretty" girls playing Goth Rock Girls - which seems like a hot thing to do.

Please post a comment or review if you join and let us know about updates - the preview looks quite hot.

Actually, the more discouraging thing to me is if you go to the Exxxcel web site to see "all" of their updates, it shows that the most recent update to this site was 2/06/09 - 1 1/2 months ago - bleeeahh!

03-21-09  07:51pm

Visit Scoreland

Reply of malikstarks's Comment from NMC2008:

I am sorry but they can still kiss my ass.

08-16-08  06:43pm

Visit Ghetto Gaggers

Ghetto Gaggers
REPLY TO #1 from badandy400: (malikstarks's Reply)

This really does seem like a once a year kinda site. The updates take a little while to come in so it makes it hard to justify paying even the $20 a month for the amount of new scenes you get in a month's time.

Me personally, I like to download and keep forever! You never know when you will want to see that scene again and it would be a shame to have to download another 1.5 GB to get the same thing again. The only trouble with this is that it can get rather expensive!

08-09-08  07:42pm

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