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Visit In The Crack

In The Crack

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Outstandingly beautiful models.
- Gigantic, colossal, mammoth (see thesaurus for more) amount of content. Site has been active since 2001.
- Fidelity to what they do. I don't know of any other site that has started with a mission and stuck to it as unwaveringly as ITC. My last join was in 2008 and even their front page has remained the same. Pristine, expedient, and efficient.
- Highest quality video, streaming and download. Dimensions offered for the latest vids are up to 3840 x 2160 at 3043 MB. When I click on this option, I get this message:
"The demands of 4k video (3840x2160) are very high. This technology is somewhat ahead of it's time and the great majority of viewers will not be able to play it..."
So I take the 1920x1080, which is crystal clear for me. I think I'd need a better pair of eyes to even be remotely interested in viewing the higher def vids.
- Zips for all pic sets. Dimensions are 1800x2400. Plenty big enough, unless we're in a biology lab.
-No crappy music!
Cons: I was going to give the site a 99, but thought about it, and decided an 89 was more correct, because despite the fact that I think it's one of the best sites available for the kind of entertainment it provides, it could "improve" I think by stretching its horizons and being more creative. I suggest having the models DOING something more often, rather than just shuffling and clicking about on their heels on those amazing floors, or in those incredible outdoor environments. I dunno: do some cleaning, dishes, paint the walls, change a light bulb, rearrange a book shelf, fold some laundry, change a tire, make a Quiche Lorraine, hang some drapes, prune a palm tree, write a libretto, paint a picture, hang pictures, dust, write some memos, iron some shirts, do some plumbing, install a battery, clean the pool, split an atom — Something, besides just swiveling, swaying, sashaying and making me feel like a creep while I stare at every inch of their perfectly lovely beautiful girly bodies.
Bottom Line: 35 USD for a month's access to all this content is highway robbery. And what I mean by that is, we are robbing THEM. If you have an up-to-date machine or device, you can get 35 dollars worth of adult entertainment here in about a few minutes.

It would be fair if they said, "look, you give us the 35 clams, and you get 24 hours to take what you can from us, then you're done. You want more, you gotta pony up some more dough."

In 24 hours, with a good connection and/or PC or device, you could get, in one day, what you would have paid thousands of dollars for not that long ago.

My personal, subjective score for this site would be a 100, but I don't think that would fly with the owners of THIS site, or with my fellow PUsers. The 89 is my objective score, since I actually DO think they could be more imaginative and get the models to do other stuff besides what they currently do.

My bottom, bottom line is: this is the best value on the Internet that I know of for the kind of content that I like. My downloading speeds have been ridiculously fast, and I've had no problems at all.

09-14-15  11:16pm

Replies (3)
Visit VF Academy

VF Academy

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Navigation simple, haven't had problems.
- Part of a network now giving you access to four sites.
- Very faithful to the panty/flash/upskirt/uniform niche.
- Nice looking British models, mostly blondes, maturer looking, nothing teeny-boppery.
- HD vids offered, corresponding to each photo set.
- Zipfiles for all photo sets, max size (see bottom line). Also three choices for pic size in browser.
- Regular updates, though not terribly frequent.
- Members may leave comments and ratings.
- My download speeds varied quite a bit, from as low as 400kbs to as fast as 1mps.
Cons: These will be subjective cons here for the most part, except for the first:

- Search function useless. I searched for white cotton panties and got all sorts of mismatches in return.
- Panties tend to be mostly those big, sheer things that you can see right through. That doesn't seem collegiate to me. I want rugged, impenetrable, industrial strength cotton or nylon that makes the "prize" all but unobtainable to my greedy little mitts. These blond beauties should be wrapped up tight and their virtues guarded against such little pervy weasles as myself.
-My major complaint is as it is at most sites: Why the hell must every single solo model video be about the girl masturbating? Watching a girl frig herself has no affect on me, I must confess, and I can never sit through an entire video. The focus of an upskirt/panty/schoolgirl/uniform video should be on how those awesome cuties turn ME on, and they should not devote all of their time in showing us how much they turn themselves on.
Bottom Line: Anyway, a join at this site gets you full access to VintageFlash, Pantyhosed4U, and VintageFlash Archive. All in all there is an abundance of high quality content to go through.

The vids at VF Academy come in four choices:

- mp4 320x180 for ipod and cellphone
- SD Wmv 540x304 1300kbs
- HD Wmv 1280x720 3000kbs
- streaming at 1500kbs. You can also get a short preview.

The HD vids look very impressive, take a good long while to unfold, and contain no cheesy music; the models talk to you and tease while they strip, and finally straddle a desk and get themselves off. There are also several lesbian vids which are highly erotic. And this is by no means softcore. These ladies really get into it with one another.

The photos are downloadable in zipfiles, and all the pics I've extracted thus far from VF Academy are big, at around 2090x1400.

The photo sets are well edited and the resolution is tight as a drum.

Very highly recommended four-site package with plenty of content for the money!

You guys sure are stingy with your points! I can't see giving this package anything less than a 95.

06-03-11  11:11pm

Replies (4)
Visit Panties Pulled Down

Panties Pulled Down

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Zipfiles for photo-sets
- Very faithful to the panty niche
- Mostly attractive, maturish-looking models in solo strip and faux-lesbian sets, office-girl and college-girl uniform.
- Decent amount of content, fast loading, good speeds.
- Sets are well edited and usually go from full-clothed to total nudity.
- Not too heavy on toys.
- Search utility offered, but is strange and I didn't use it.
- Model list.
- Seem to update pretty steadily.
- 2 options for vid download: WMV or Ipod.
Cons: - Daily limit for downloading zips. The first time I've encountered this. I didn't count but I did not download many before I was cut off. I am not aware of a limit for videos. I took quite a bit and was not cut off. Will update if this changes.
- Smallish pics for 2010: 803x1200.
- Videos are advertised as HD, when this is NOT the case. Vids ranged from 768x576 to 960x540, 1000 to 3000kb.
- Vids are limited in scope. Girl teases and talks to camera, winds up masturbating, tugging and playing with panties, same old same old.
Bottom Line: I have two scores for this site: my objective score is the one I posted. Subjectively, I would give this site a 95 for photo content alone, even though the vids are negligible.

I have a wicked, unstoppable panty fetish, and I tend to like old school knickers: full-sized, full-back, cotton, nylon. This site is HEAVY on cotton, and HEAVY on white cotton. So Messmer, bear that in mind! Over the past couple years they have moved towards more modern, "sexy" panties, like thongs, g-strings, lacy things, satiny things. This is not so good for me but may be great for others. The farther back you go through the archives, the more into white cotton and granny-ish style undies you get.

For the bra-lover, who should exist in all of us to some extent, there are some lovely bras here, and some lovely things that go inside the bras, though there is also a near-toxic level of silicone. The Brits seem to be really, really into fake breasts.

I gave this site a low score because I don't want to mislead my PU friends, and I try to keep my personal kinks and preferences in check, realizing that most men cannot stand the kind of skivvies I like; realizing that most men hold them up as objects of contempt and ridicule.

That being said, kudos must be given to the photogs and the editors of these sets. They are very well presented and offer choice views of the precious undergarments in question. Shame on them for not moving into higher res photos, however. I don't need gigantic pics, but at least fill my screen here in 2010.

Those concerned about nudity: this is NOT a non-nude site. Nudity and graphic views of the generative organs are in most sets, though this is NOT Simonscans or In the Crack either.

Subjectively speaking: Panties Pulled Down is my favorite site for panty photo content. Objectively speaking, DO NOT spend your money here if the sight of white cotton panties turns you off. You will be sorely disappointed, and maybe even angry.

And do not come here for video content. It's hum-drum in that regard.

09-16-10  04:16pm

Replies (2)
Visit Saint Paul Girls

Saint Paul Girls

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - 130 models currently, pic sets and vids for each varies widely. Some have as few as 8-10 sets, one model has over 200.
- Models are predominantly from Sao Paulo, Brazil: exotic, beautiful, and exclusive, though many are euro models seen on other sites.
- Site has several hundreds of high quality vids, with many (at least half if not more) at 1920x1080. Vid content ranges from mild solo strip to masturbation to b/g hc.
- Most (perhaps all, I haven't checked all 130 models) pic sets have accompanying RAR files, like a zipfile.
- NO music tracks, and hardly any talking in videos. Girls take whispered cues. Minimal male intrusion.
- Newest pics go as high as 1440x1900. RAR files often have bigger pics than seen in the browser.
- Webmaster was immediately responsive, extremely polite, and helpful. Like someone you've known for years. I was impressed.
- Regular and plentiful updates. This guy is BUSY.
- Blu-ray section, which I haven't gotten to yet.
Cons: - My biggest issue here is that the videos are accessed via text links. You have no idea at all what the content of the vid will be. No previews, no vidcaps, nada. All vids are viewable solely by downloading to hard-drive.
- No search functions.
- Browsing for pics to save as opposed to taking the RAR files is a chore. First, you have to click each pic individually in order to get the larger size, and when you get the larger size, it is named "fx". All of them, except for some newer ones.
- Some of the sets are huge, 15 pics per page, often extending to twenty or more pages. Without the RAR file, you are forced to do a lot of work clicking and re-naming.
- Pic sets could use some editing. Many pics are the same except for minute differences.
- Navigation can be confusing across the network.
- Many of the older pics have circular watermark in center.
Bottom Line: First of all, the TBP review here is in dire need of updating. It doesn't take the hi-def vids into account nor give any idea of the size of the network.

A join at St. Paul Girls gives you access to 4 other partner sites: g18spot, g18HDTV, girls18, and 18club. g18spot contains the Autoindex, a jump-station allowing easy access to all of the photo content. There are over 500,000 pics so far. g18HDTV contains the vid content, and there are 723 HD vids available. It is staggering to say the least to look at the list of text links. Some of these files are well over a gig. However, you are flying blind as far as content. You have no clue what the videos will be. So far I've seen mostly solo tease, heavy on masturbation but minimal toys, and one Boy/Girl hc scene. Bear in mind I've only taken about twenty vids so far. All you know when downloading is the name of the model.

Bottom line is simply this: this guy, named Greg, has a motherlode of excellent material on offer, but with only text links for the vids and no categories or search funtion, your feeling at coming at the material is a kind of hopeful hopelessness. Those with short term memory loss: good luck! Some organization, via categories, vid previews of some kind, and search function, would have earned this site a score in the high ninetees from this user.

The models are sometimes breathtaking and the photography is excellent, though there are quite a few blurry shots. The environment is warm, tropical, and WET. Water, water everywhere, gentleman, pools, showers, baths, what have you. I will also say that one of the masturbation vids I dl'd was among the best I've seen, with the model, the gorgeous Ariel, seeming to be shy about it but genuinely getting off.

I would highly recommend the site to those who enjoy exotic models, on the young side, and who enjoy soft photo content. Those video-lovers out there will have to bear in mind the mystery factor when it comes to text-link only video files.

The site has a daunting amount of material, but you will almost certainly experience a good deal of frustration when approaching it.

04-27-10  01:47pm

Replies (3)
Visit 18 Pussy Club

18 Pussy Club

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Good-sized archive of attractive Euro models. I counted 262 models, some with several sets.
- All pic sets zipped.
- Pics of average to good quality, ranging from 821x1232 to 1067x1600.
- Fair amount of average-quality video, both hc and solo, with solo prevailing. All vids I dowloaded are 720x480.
- Member forum.
- Model list and various option for viewing it.
Cons: - Dead site. Last update 9/08.
- No search function.
- Ads for other sites on every page, with every click, slowing things down.
- Bonus feeds are the usual junk which only serve to remind you that you are not at a top-end site.
- It seems the majority of models do not have any vids.
Bottom Line: Yet another Euro-babe site which features some really cute girls in hum-drum, run-of-the-mill pic sets and vids. I was lured to the site via TGPs because I enjoy the cutesy, skinny-girl look, though I must say this gets boring pretty quickly here. The teeny-bopper factor is in full swing, with stuffed animals in a high percentage of sets and teeny-ish settings. A few of the solo vids featured the model playing with a stuffed animal on her bed throughout.

That being said, there is plenty of hc here, but nothing interesting and nothing to get excited about.

I wish the owners of dead sites would say as much on the welcome page. It is dishonest to claim that updates are coming soon when this is clearly not the case. I also wish that bonus feeds would disappear. They only reinforce the sense that you are not in Pornville's upper strata. Even more bizarre is the promise of *more* feed junk accruing with longer membership, which is insane being that a week here or less will be all that one requires to take everything on the site proper.

For young-looking, skinny models, in more or less teeny-style, you will be much better off at Nubiles, or YoungPorn. This is just anemic, characterless product for the most part. Not to impugn the models themselves, who have nothing to do with the site producers' laziness and lack of effort.

Unless you really have a penchant for cute, skinny euro-teenies in little cotton undies, don't bother.

12-14-09  04:43pm

Replies (0)
Visit J Sex Network

J Sex Network

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Updated: 11-18-09  09:13pm  (Update History)
Reason: Lowered score one point. They need to zip more of the sets.
Pros: - Gorgeous models, with very few exceptions.
- Excellent photo archives with highly professional, polished sets, ranging from cutesy to glamorous.
- Tons of full-length hardcore videos, offered in single files, often with a choice of servers.
- Many sets are zipped, but most aren't.
- Search function is serviceable.
- Navigation is okay, but could be improved.
- Large Urabon photobook archive.
- Large amateur photo archive.
- Large cosplay/panty-fetish archive, some 10,000 pics.
- Several nice softcore vids, but wish there were more.
- Updates come at a good pace.
- AV models are pure class, from head to toe. Very few tats, very few fake breasts.
- The photography is sometimes sublime, and the photogs deserve special notice here.
Cons: - Material is not exclusive. Saw a few Graphis watermarks, and many sets were at Idols69.
- Mosaics in vids and photos. I did not take away from the score because of this, as it's a legal issue in Japan, but mention it because some, if not most, regard it as a serious negative, and I must admit it is a bother in videos.
- Photo archive navigation could be improved, made uniform. There are too many formats, and often, with only a forward arrow to guide you, you have no idea how long the set will go.
- A few more strip/tease vids would be nice, to leaven all that hardcore.
- Download limit. Though I can't imagine why 15 gigs would not be enough for a single day.
Bottom Line: Obviously the mosaics are going to be a problem for many people here. It's been discussed at length at PU and for the most part I side with jd1961 that since it's the law in Japan it would be pointless to hold it against them. That being said, I find the HC vids are a bit bothersome to watch at times, though the eroticism is usually still very high.

It deserves mention that the Japanese seem to be keen on the reverse gang-bang theme, which I find very erotic. There is one vid featuring ONE male with ONE HUNDRED women. Holy crap. If that isn't a fantasy to reckon with, I don't know what is.

The pics are censored at this site also, but I don't find this a problem. The models are spectacular and the sets are varied and beautiful to look at, even if they aren't always titillating; but oftentimes the girls are so stunning - and the sets and wardrobe so high-class - it's exciting just to see them naked.

Besides, some of these JAV models are like higher life forms to me. I realize this is totally subjective.

Pic quality and size vary to a great degree. Some are small, as in the Urabon and Amateur pics, and some of the Gravure pics are big, up to 2000+ on the big side, though these seem to be fairly rare.

I don't care for hardcore porn, but I took a few of the uncensored Maria Ozawa vids and was surprised that I could watch and enjoy them. The eroticism was high and the sex was sensual and non-aggressive, though I will admit that a great deal of the other videos here seem to veer quite decidedly towards the darker, or simply weirder, side of sex and sexuality.

Most of the vids here seem to be 640x480, so we're not talking HD, but they look very good to me. Bitrates must be higher than what the Windows info-balloons are telling me.

Thus far I'm having a great time, and this is one of my all-time favorite sites. My staggered first-impressions have been tempered quite a bit, but I'm still impressed, and I'm far from bored. If I wasn't so in love with Japanese models I would probably not be as happy here as I am, so bear that in mind.

I **highly** recommend this site to anyone who likes JAV models, but if you have a problem with mosaics, don't join. The only reason I didn't give this a score in the high 90's is because of the fact that the material is non-exclusive, and because of minor nav issues.

11-14-09  08:22pm

Replies (4)
Visit LBFM


Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: - A lot of material up. 100,000+ photos of 400+ models and over a thousand video clips (See cons about clips), some in HD. Newer pics go up to 1277x1920, but the majority of them are smaller, at around 960x1280 and lower.
- Attractive models.
- Navigation easy enough.
- Fairly regular updates.
Cons: - Much of the material seems to be non-exclusive. Saw most of their schoolgirl sets on Schoolgirls Asia (same company), and a lot of the sets featuring what appear to be Thai models have appeared elsewhere.
- No zipfiles.
- Vids come in small one-to-two minute clips, making them useless.
- Site has an amateurish look, not re the models, but the design. Ugly purplish background all through.
- Toy-obssessed.
- PU user mentions something about a DL limit. I wouldn't know because to DL one gig of video here in one day would border on masochism.
Bottom Line: Two major drawbacks to this site are the lack of zipfiles and the fact that the vids are broken into tiny bits. The ones I saw averaged at 5 megs. I'm sure the HD vids are much larger, but I didn't bother with them, since I can't play 1280 anyway.

First, the lack of zips is a deal-breaker here, since the photo sets are often very long and padded out with multiple shots offering hardly any variation. Don't let the high pic count fool you. Most sets could be trimmed by fifty percent without losing anything.

Second, there is no good reason to break up the videos into tiny bits, except to frustrate the customer and greatly diminish enjoyment of the site.

Also a problem here is the depressing feeling of looking at young ladies who are simply trying to earn money. I end up feeling sorry for them more often than not. There is virtually no personality or charm exuding from this material, at least from my perspective. My impression from what little HC I looked at is that the performers are merely doing a job. Passion seems to be zero.

I would recommend the site if 1) photo-sets were edited and more varied, and zipped; and 2) videos were offered whole instead of being broken up.

Unless you are really into South-east Asian models, I would say skip it.

11-08-09  03:15pm

Replies (0)
Visit Idols 69

Idols 69

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Overall, the most beautiful models I've seen on any site, bar none.
- Virtually no tats or fake breasts (I have seen none thus far).
- Tons of video content, and plenty of picture content, all excellent quality. Pics avg. at 850x1215, some smaller, some larger; HQ vids are usually 720x480, various bitrates.
- All pics zipped. Even vidcap-sets from videos are zipped.
- Three video DL formats: low, medium, high.
Cons: - Pics are named by number, same for each set, causing the need to re-name if you are not just taking the zipfiles.
-Pics open in new window, causing the need to contantly close it out. No nav features to avoid this as far as I can see.
- Vids dwell too much on groping, molesting, and too many vibrators, toys.
- Categories sometimes useless. I clicked "handjobs" for instance, and saw no handjob related pics or vids in what came up.
- Video is censored, though there is an uncensored section. The vagina is blurred out in the pictures also, as is all penis/penetration. Anus is okay (pictures of, not penetration), however. Hmm. I guess because we've all got one. But mine's not nearly as cute as the ones on these ladies, and I bet yours aint either.
- Pics are not being updated. If they were, I would remain a member indefinitely.
Bottom Line: I don't have enough characters to do justice to the jaw-dropping beauty of these models. I know it's a subjective thing, but I find myself just totally blown away by these girls, devastated sometimes. Part of this is due to the excellence of the photographers. The Japanese are the best at this, hands down.

Pic sets are non-linear and keep interest by showng the girl in various dress, settings. By and large the over-all atmosphere is sophisticated and decidedly non-trashy. This is NOT trailer-park porn, and these are not amateurs.

I've only downloaded a handful of videos, but if you are into a woman being brought to orgasm, especially by a plethora of vibrators and gadgets, then you might want to give this site a go. The girls are either very good actresses or they are genuinely getting off. It seems like the latter to me, though since these are pros, anything is possible. I haven't seen enough vids to give a comprehensive assessment of them, and please take my comments in that light.

After having surfed the adult web for eight years, and having looked at thousands of different types of models, I can safely state at this time that my dream girl is Japanese. I can't say enough about how beautiful the models here are.

Apologies for this mostly subjective review.

10-22-09  06:16pm

Replies (0)
Visit Boob Study

Boob Study

Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: - Naturally-busty models, including some stunners
- Lots of content up
- Zipfiles for pics
- Zipped pics up to 1200x1800
- No navigation issues
- Good, clear video (640x480, 2000-3000 bitrate), though not HD
- Not heavy on toys or masturbation (con for most, probably)
Cons: - Pics in browser are smaller versions than the ones in the zipfiles
- Many vids in small chunks rather than single files
- Needs more variety of action in solo vids: too many long periods with model doing nothing but playing with her breasts.
- Someone has a tooth-brushing fetish, which is a tad strange. Many models shown brushing teeth.
Bottom Line: All in all, this is one of my favorite boob sites, and I've tried a great many of them. Most of the solo vids are silent, meaning no music and precious little blather. Some find this a con, but it's a major plus for me. I also have to say that this site features some of the sexiest women in this genre, like April O'Neil, Holly Webster, Petra, and the amazing Alina. Not to mention Arika, who might not have a beautiful face but is sheer perfection from the neck down.

There is not a great deal of HC here, but there is some. All I took was solo content. Still, I ended up with 27 gigs of video and 10 gigs of zipfiles. There is a good deal of variance in pic size, going from smallish to 1200x1800. Most of the sets I've extracted look very nice.

I would venture to say that most guys would find this site too tame, and maybe a tad silly. There is a monotony in what the models are actually doing in the vids: lots of tooth-brushing, showering, and continuous auto-booby-squeezing. For sites like this to be more interesting to the average perv as far as solo content, we need to think of getting the models to engage in a wider variety of activities. I love to watch beautiful women do mundane things so this actually isn't a huge problem for me.

I will probably join again in about six to nine months to get the updates.

09-24-09  10:00pm

Replies (4)
Visit DDF Busty

DDF Busty

Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: - Top-notch videos in multiple DL options.
- Top-notch pics in variety of sizes.
- Zips for all pic sets.
- Beautiful, professional models.
- Picture sets are well-edited, not fifty shots of same pose.
- Vids can be sampled in streaming format, with two quality options.
- Model index.
Cons: - Navigation is a bit odd. You can't get to video content without seeing at least the first page of the accompanying picture set.
- Pics are hyper-glamorous, with models in full make-up, and pics seem touched-up. This could be a pro for some.
- Not a huge amount of content for the price.
- Older pics are smallish.
- Some vids contain cheesy music.
- Set backgrounds are often unappealing, with some highly questionable "art" on the walls.
Bottom Line: A lot of websites could stand to learn a great deal about customer service by perusing the DDF site. User-friendly features abound, such as pics and vids in a variety of formats, and streaming video for sampling the video prior to download. The streaming feature alone can potentially save on tons of frustration, boredom, wasted time, and wasted disk space.

I haven't seen a site with more video options. Various levels of quality in WMV, DivX, and Quicktime, plus low quality mpeg for slow connections. I opted for the 2026k, 852x480 WMV, since I can't view a bigger size, but this was very satisfactory.

The picture sets are very well-done, well-edited, and come in two to three sizes, and all zipped. My tastes do not tend toward the glamorous, and I actually prefer amateur models, but objectively speaking you would find it hard to beat this site for what it offers.

A site like this, which is willing to put in the extra work in order to make things more convenient for paying customers, makes me wonder how some of the truly lame competition can survive for very long.

I highly recommend this site, particularly for those who have a bent for busty models, but even for those who don't.

01-19-09  02:23pm

Replies (6)
Visit Teens in Wet Panties

Teens in Wet Panties

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Fair amount of content up, including some 400 videos.
- Very attractive models for the most part.
- Wide variety of undies: from thongs to grannies.
- Navigation OK.
- Vids are mostly of good quality, with choice of mpeg or wmv.
- Pics are of fair to excellent quality.
- True to the panty-fetish niche.
- Plenty of extras like live shows, streaming video, contests, stories, polls, etc.
Cons: - Zip files do not work. Every one I tried to download returned a "file invalid or corrupted" message.
- "Forum" link leads to an error page.
- Pics in sets are put up out of order. Example: pic #3 might be on the last page.
- Lots of non-exclusive pic sets seen all over Netville, including Nubiles, Paul Markham, etc.
- Too many categories, and too much cross-over among categories.
- No search utility, no model index.
- No response from webmaster, after several days.
- Last pic update: 11/5. Vids update more frequently.
Bottom Line: This site is more for people with a panty-fetish than the person who enjoys seeing women in their drawers, which means the panties are an object of interest in and of themselves, which means we see them sniffed, sucked, licked, worn on the head, and inserted into various openings (guess which ones). The main theme seems to be the idea of a woman being turned on by her own panties, and her own excreta, which seems a bit silly to me. I never met a girl who was excited by her own panties, but then I've led a sheltered life.

That being said, there are many good pic sets here, although by and large I found them to be too long, cliched, and boring. Pic sizes are mostly OK, ranging from 863x1300 to 1450x963. Many old pics are very small. Inconsistency is a problem here.

I was very impressed by a few of the vids, but mostly bored silly, as the majority of them are uninspired and typical masturbation fodder with panties as the central theme. The lesbian vids are more interesting. Bitrates ranged from 1500 to 2140 on the high-end. Older vids are of considerably lower quality. As with the pics, inconsistency was a problem for me.

Both pics and vids are sorted into several categories, but there are too many of them, and sometimes only a negligible degree of distinction between one and the other.

None of the zipfiles work. I emailed the webmaster and am awaiting a reply, as well as left a message at the site. This greatly reduced my enjoyment of the site. For some reason, many pic sets are put up out of order, causing a sense of randomness and discontinuity, we well as tedium.

This site is near the top of official TBP reviews for panty sites, but there are many sites which are superior and yet are way down on the list, such as LV Panty and Panty Freek. I'll put this down to the fact that my tastes are probably much different than most. My two favorite panty sites are not even listed here.

This site could be improved by better organization of content (more categories doesn't necessarily mean better organization) and conistency of quality. A non-responsive webmaster is also a major problem. The zipfiles have not worked since I joined several weeks ago.

I would recommend this site to people with a fetish for panties, but not necessarily to people who like to see women in their skivvies. There is a major distinction between the two, or at least there is for me.

12-01-08  11:23am

Replies (4)
Visit Village Ladies

Village Ladies

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - A fair amount of nice pictures.
- Site is mature and contains nothing sleezy or trashy.
- The basic premise of the site is good.
Cons: - A large percentage of the pics have been moved into a separate archive, which requires a separate membership.
- No videos.
- No zip-files.
- Small pictures (avg. 600x800 up to 749x1123), of fair to middling quality.
- Very small thumbnails.
- Pages load slowly.
- Sliding sidebar which moves as the scroll-button is moved. Very annoying.
- Some models in dire need of a dentist.
Bottom Line: Woody Allen opens one of his films with an old joke: Two women are at a restaurant and one says, "the food here is lousy.", and the other replies, "Yeah, and such small portions."

That joke applies pretty well to Village Ladies. For instance: I could complain that a considerably large percentage of the pictures have been moved to a separate archive which I can't access; but at the same time it would be silly to complain since ninety percent of those pics would do nothing for me anyway. But complain I will, hence the reference to Woody's joke.

As soon as I entered the member's section, disappointment and tedium ensued. First, no zips. Second, the thumbs loaded slowly and were so small I could hardly make out the image. Third, I clicked on one link in the model's index and was taken to a page which invites you to join a separate site where the older pics are now stored. On return to the model's index, that link was now yellow (visited) as were all the links to sets I would not be able to access. The sudden over-abundance of links to sets I could not access was somehow insulting, as if a joke had been pulled on me.

While beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder, I found *very few* attractive models here. There's nothing wrong with being homely, but if you agree to being photographed, and to having those photos featured on a site where people are paying to obtain access to those photos, and if the intention of those photos is sexual titillation, then you should be prepared to hear some unflattering comments. Unflattering comment follows:

If you have broken teeth, missing teeth, gray teeth, or brown teeth, keep the smiling to a minimum, visit a dentist, or re-consider posing for adult pictures. This comment refers to some of the models, not all of them, of course.


This site has been online for a number of years and now costs more than a lot of premium sites. If you have a yen for less-than-glamorous mature amateurs, Aunt Judy's is a much safer bet than this.

Read Duke's review (TBP reviewer). He does a lot less pussy-footing than me, and his five year old review needs precious little updating.

11-11-08  03:01am

Replies (7)
Visit G Queen

G Queen

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - High volume of videos.
- Vids good quality.
- Frequent updates.
- All models are shaved (this could be a con for some).
- Pics are very nice, what few there are, though not big: 900x1350 on the high end. Many are much smaller.
- Masturbation vids are some of the best I've seen, if you're into that.
Cons: - If you access the English version of the site only, there are approximately 370 pictures. If available pics are rotated, as happens on some Asian sites, I will update review.
- Music tracks on many videos are a definite negative.
- Site frequently caters to what I will call the "girl unwilling/uncomfortable" fetish, which I find disturbing and offensive at times.
Bottom Line: The Japanese version of g-Queen, which you can access by manipulating the URL in the address bar and re-entering username and password, contains roughly 60 full picture sets (almost all NOT zipped), while the English version contains less than 400 pictures altogether.

The videos available seem to be the same in both versions. There are about 100 models with three to five vids each, and these are each separate episodes, often with different costumes and settings, rather than one long vid broken into bits.

These are not hi-def vids, but are nice enough. They come in at an average of 2000k, 640x480. The videos are lengthy, sometimes up to fifteen minutes. Music spoils most of the videos wherein a particular model is being introduced; but masturbation vids do not seem to have the music track - though I've only downloaded about a dozen of these.

There is one video featuring a beautiful model getting herself off on the edge of a glass table. This is hands-down the most erotic masturbation vid I've ever seen. Other masturbation vids seem genuine and quite graphic. Bear in mind I am no afficianado when it comes to masturbation videos.

I'v seen a few vids where the model is being poked, caressed, and digitally stimulated by an off-screen male. The models often feign discomfort and unwillingness, sometimes in a histrionic fashion, sometimes more subtly and convincingly. In either case it does nothing but bother me.

One video features a girl giving head to and then riding on a clear plastic dildo protruding from a male's open fly. This was erotic and strange, in a mostly good way. I have yet to see a straight girl-boy sex scene, though if I do I will update this review. There are 45 lesbian videos on offer.

The main thing to remember is that g-Queen is all about shaved girls, and these girls are made to appear almost uncomfortably young and naive. Also remember this is mainly a video site.

I would* recommend this site to video lovers who like Asians and are into tease/masturbation scenarios which take a long time to unfold and are DEVOID of anything street-oriented. Innocence and cute-ness are the order of the day.

Decidedly NOT recommended for picture lovers.

*The above recommendation applies only if you are willing to shell out about twice the price of the average adult site subscription. The truth is, g-Queen is way over-priced for what is on offer.

11-07-08  11:25am

Replies (2)
Visit Karup's Hometown Amateurs

Karup's Hometown Amateurs

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Huge amount of content, both pics and vids.
- Zips for photosets.
- Search engine
- Model rating system, plus section for highest rated models and sets.
- Pics viewable in two sizes.
- Hard and softcore content separated.
- Several updates per week.
- Navigation is good.
Cons: - High-res pics offered but at 1500x1000 they are still a tad behind some high-end sites.
- Most softcore vids seem to begin with an interview/chat session, which is a negative for me. Would rather have interview sessions separate. This is a minor nit, of course.
Bottom Line: Karups HA is undoubtedly one of the best sites going, with amount of content vying with just about anyone at this point. To give you an idea of how much material there is here: in the softcore video section alone there are twenty-four vids per page, and there are seventy-one pages. The photo sections are just as impressive.

That aside, the site has all the bells & whistles one might expect at a premium site, which I listed in the cons. The drawing point for me is the photo archive. Though I could be wrong, it looks to me like a few well-known photographers had sets here in the old days: Toby from ATK, and Donovan Philips from DonnysGirls, to name two. If I'm wrong on this I'd be very surprised.

The newest vid I downloaded is 640x480 and shows a bitrate of 2683k. Newest pics come in at 1500x1000, which is nice, but 1600x1200 would be even better. Once again, a minor nit.

This is one of a small handful of sites which I have stayed with for a second month. Even with a fast connection it would take a long time to collect it all, and then you'd be very busy indeed.

Anyone interested in adult media would be remiss not to sign up here at least once. I seriously doubt that many people would find it terribly disappointing.

10-20-08  09:54am

Replies (0)
Visit XX Cel

XX Cel

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Fair collection of very natural busty models.
- Zip files for pics.
- Total fidelity to niche. The site is about breasts and nothing but breasts.
- Excellent picture quality.
- Excellent editing of photo-sets.
- A few beautiful pregnant models. This could be a con for some but why simply baffles me.
Cons: - Several models are much too large (all around, not just breasts) for my tastes. This is a purely subjective con and for some it will be a pro.
- Breast-sucking videos are useless. This is also a subjective con. No hairy faces in the way of the good stuff, please.
- Videos are hit and miss as far as quality both physically and esthetically.
- Amount of content, and number of models, needs to grow.
Bottom Line: This is one instance where one's subjective tastes will certainly factor in to how one responds to the site and how one rates it.

For instance I would rather not see so many large women, but some guys will want more of them. Some men will love the inclusion of pregnant women, as I do, but some men will find this a turn-off. And finally, some guys might actually like to see another man suckle away at a big pair of breasts, but to my mind unless this occurs during an actual sex scene it's less than useless. It's obnoxiously useless.

And once again we have a website wherein the vid section is not up to par with the photo section. As for specs, these vids are all over the map. For some reason I am seeing higher bitrates in vids with smaller dimensions. For instance, one vid is 720x576, 764k; another is 640x480, 1339k; and a third is 320x240, 1519k. Could it be that the VLC media player is innacurate, or is this a normal thing? In my experience it is not normal.

Be that as it may, the content of the vids is also all over the map. There are far too many tit-sucking vids; some vids have cheesy music set to them; some are tediously long and some are dreadfully short; and still others are dynamite, as is one featuring a young pregnant model named Lucie. There are a few lactation vids. One I looked at showed nothing but the model squirting milk. That got boring after about ten seconds.

As for the photo-sets, I believe they are some of the best in the genre, or any genre. The pics are mostly 1600x1064, though some are smaller, and Cel has a definite skill in this area. The sets often contain more than a hundred pics and yet they are nicely edited so that you don't get fifty shots from the same angle. Even though it's a breast-fixated site there is total nudity and plenty of spread shots as well as awesome booty shots. I would put Cel in the top 5 percentile in regard to pictures. And for those of us who like our monitors crammed full with beautiful female goodness, Cel makes optimal use of the landscape format.

Bottom line: if you are primarily a pic collector and like big breasts in a softcore format, I believe you will find this site a decent value, although there is not a huge amount of content up.

If you are into hardcore, forget it. And if you are coming here mainly for the videos, you might want to save your money this time around.

10-17-08  05:47pm

Replies (5)
Visit My Cute Teens

My Cute Teens

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - A lot of content up.
- Decent mix of cute European models.
- Seems to update regularly.
Cons: - No zips.
- Majority of pics in photo sets are named identically: "DSCN0001- etc.", causing extra work re-naming.
- Many vids are not high quality, some very low quality.
- Site has a very "generic" feel to it.
Bottom Line: I guess somebody ought to do a review for sites like this, though it's easy to see why no-one here has ventured to do one thus far.

I have no complaints about the amount of material on offer here. There are loads of pic sets (60+ pages with app. 10 sets per page), and app. 120 vids. Some of the vids are broken up into sections.

There are some very good photo sets here, if one is willing to look for them. Pic size varies: 1200x1600 on the high end, 1000x750 on the medium, plus many sets with smaller pics. There are also some high quality vids, 2000+k, 640x480, but the bitrates go as low as 359k in the older vids.

The problem here is organization. While the pic and vid sections are separate, hard and softcore content is mixed together in both, and there are no search options. Pictures are divided in two sections, "exclusive" and "other". Sets come ten per page with a thumbnail link and a brief description. The vid section offers a long list of text links, each link being a brief description which takes you to a thumbnail giving some idea of the content, and there is only one option available for DL. The content of the videos left no impression on me. Same old-same old.

By and large this site will induce boredom almost instantly. It has a strong generic stamp and possesses no real personality or any defining characterisic apart from its "teeny-ness" which is strongly reminiscent of Club Seventeen and other euro sites. It comes with the usual plethora of bonus feeds which add nothing to its value.

Spend your money elsewhere.

10-13-08  09:52pm

Replies (0)
Visit Sonia Dane

Sonia Dane

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Very faithful to the lingerie niche.
- Very classy, adult site.
- Lots of content with Lingerie Pass membership.
- Sonia is a classy, elegant, attractive, mature lady who obviously enjoys what she does.
- Many pics will make old-school undy lovers happy.
Cons: - Video section is a mess in many ways, see bottom line.
- Pics are small: 480x640 to 1024x737.
- Downloads speeds were consistently slow, averaging 160k per sec.
- Pic sets are arranged all on one page, and it takes a while to load.
Bottom Line: I have mixed feelings about this site. One one hand, it's extremely classy and mature all around, with nothing tacky or sleezy about it, and for an old-school panty/lingerie fan like me, it is sometimes the best in that genre; on the other hand, I can't help wondering why the physical quality of the content is not up to 2008 standards, why, in fact, it is barely up to 2003 standards; and why, after being online so long, are there all of 16 video clips available, and why, oh why, is the quality of these clips so dismal?

Sonia has a hair over 200 sets up, and with older sets you are looking at pics as small as 480x640, Newer sets offer bigger pics, but still not great, at 1024x737. These people are obviously not hard-up for money, so why continue to sell low-to-moderate quality content when upgrades are almost certainly possible?

Vids: I counted 16 video clips, ranging from 2 to 8 minutes in length, on Sonia's site proper. The newer clips are stream-only and cannot be downloaded. Older clips can be downloaded, but there is no reason why you should bother. One vid I checked was WMV 320x240, 889k; another was a Quick Time vid which was absolutely unwatchable because the quality was so bad. Additionally, I had many problems waiting for the vid page to load. I have a fast connection and all other sites hum along fine, but Sonia's site is slow in general, and excruciantingly slow in regard to the vid page.

A definite plus here is Sonia's guest model section, which now includes 46 models, each with her own little sub-site. Some of these models have upwards of 70 sets, but a good deal have only a handful. By and large there is some excellent, tasteful stuff on offer, but, as with Sonia's site, the pics are small, small, small. Some of the guest models have vids, but these are relatively few.

This site, meaning Sonia's in particular, has the potential to be one of the very best in the panty/lingerie niche, and in fact it's quite ubiquitous in the lingerie/panty newsgroups and is generally highly regarded; but the site itself doesn't live up to its implicit reputation. To go from merely average to exceptional, all this place needs is some serious improvement in the *physical* quality of its content. The strictly aesthetic quality of the content, mind you, is absolutely tops.

Final thought on the vids: either offer something worthwhile or drop them entirely, please. There's nothing wrong with being a picture site.

08-29-08  08:17pm

Replies (0)
Visit Abigail 18

Abigail 18

Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: - Abigail is bee-yoootiful.
- 5 bonus sites, yielding a good amount of content for price over-all.
- Abigail's tush.
- Good pic size (1700x1200 in newer sets)
- Abigail's breasts.
- Abigail's knee-caps, ankles, and spinal column.
Cons: - No zips.
- Videos are negligible.
- Sets are dreadfully monotonous.
- Most of the best pics are available at various TGPs for free.
- The site is anemic and seems to be strictly a commercial endeavor.
Bottom Line: My falling for this site was the result of developing a hopeless crush on Abigail and hoping - against all reason and totally contrary to experience - that I would be delighted and swept away once I got inside. This did not happen. I was mainly interested in seeing her videos, which, unfortunately, are nearly useless. Note: if you read a review of Abi's site at Porn Inspector you'll see that they claim the vids come in at 2620k and are 720x480! This is totally untrue. I didn't save any vids but I believe they are about 1100k tops and are not as big as PI claims. Not only that, the vids I checked are set to cheesy "music" and if there is any other audio it is drowned out by this semi-organized series of sounds which is sometimes, and purely for the sake of convenience, refered to as "music".

The pics, at least in newer sets, are decent (1700x1200 app.) and with 80 or so sets there are plenty of them. Unfortunately, not much effort was put into making the sets varied or interesting beyond the fact that a beautiful girl is in them. Cutesy is the order of the day, and the sets follow a predictable pattern: fully clothed, lift shirt, remove shirt, take off shorts, kneel, tug panties and show crack, show more crack, show full tush, fully naked.

The pics are soft and only rarely do you get a decent glimpse of Abi's precious peach, but that's alright since we all know what it looks like anyway, and besides, soft is what I was expecting.

There are five bonus sites on offer, all nearly identical to Abigail's: Lovely Anne, Lovely Irene, Erica's Fantasies, Jenny Reid, and Lovely Tera. All these girls are knock-outs, particularly Jenny Reid, but I simply couldn't get too excited over any of the material, for the simple reason that a good portion of it is available for free all over Netville, and the videos are mostly short, mid-quality yawnfests.

This, folks, is pure product with little or no personality. This network of sites is a money-making enterprise and while I have no problem at all with capitalism, I would like a wee bit more originality, more character, for my money, more high-end content, and less cookie-cutter material. Thanks.

P.S: Abigail is truly gorgeous. She deserves better.

08-29-08  07:30pm

Replies (1)
Visit In The Crack

In The Crack

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Lots of content available.
- Beautiful models, mostly professional.
- Videos are top-end and can be downloaded in different sizes (you can view specs in guest tour). Fewer options with older material.
- Zip files for pics, in medium or large.
- Photo quality is superb, often simply stunning.
- Detailed descriptions for each video.
- No DRM.
- Search function for type of vids you want to see.
- Lots of options for how you wish view each pic set.
Cons: - Site borders on fetishism on two accounts: anal and watersports. Way too many pee-pee videos.
- Sometimes the camera angle is disorienting and downright annoying. Even stupid at times.
- That "fish-eye" lens thing can be silly and makes all the models look like Jennifer Lopez with butt-implants. Not that there's anything wrong with a big ass.
- While downloading, you can't open any of the pictures. Haven't tried to DL 2 vids at once but that's probably disallowed.
- Speculum shots are pretty much useless, as far as I can tell.
Bottom Line: Ever imagine what it might be like to have Eve Angel park her delectable keester on your face? Well, this place will give you a pretty good idea. As someone else said, this site is all about ass. It's ass directly in your mug, for extended periods of time. It's a flea's-eye view of the female anus in all its pursed and pleated glory. Oh, and let's not forget the vagina. You can see that too. Proctologists and gynocologists could use these clips for reference purposes. Did you ever wonder what a girl's pancreas looks like? You just might get a view.

While it's decidedly ass-obsessed, there are plenty of beautiful breasts to see as they are lathered, oiled, and bobbled. Personally, I could watch Alexis Love and Eve Angel wash their breasts for a good long while. I'd even offer to help if their hands got tired, seeing as I'm such a gentleman.

As for pics, I don't know of any site that offers such crisp, close, detailed photography of the female plumbing system. If you like pics of women from the ground up, or if you like to imagine what it would be like to be a beautiful woman's chair, this place is for you.

I don't know what else to say that hasn't been covered by the others. While I have nits in particular about the sometimes dizzying camera angles, and the sometimes puerile fixation on pee-pee, they are negligible when compared with the benefits of a membership here. I have a pic of Eve Angel winking at me on my desktop.

You can see her eyes too.

07-18-08  03:41pm

Replies (2)
Visit Brandi Belle

Brandi Belle

Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: - Site is original and unusual.
- Brandi is very cute.
- Multiple DL options.
Cons: - It might not be fair to state it here, but the trial is a rip-off.
- For every (or nearly every) vid there are links for vidcaps and "pictures". The "pictures" link simply tells you that there are no pictures available. Why do this?
- Brandi is sometimes too deadpan, too nonchalant, which makes her appear bored.
- The male participants often leave very much to be desired. They are sometimes dead bored, ugly, sleezy, or crazy.
- Vid quality (640x480/1048k) should be improved, since this is a video-only site. Vid caps are a negligible feature.
Bottom Line: I went into this site with high hopes, since I like the multiple-girl on one guy approach. The first vid I downloaded featured a tall skinny guy with big glasses getting "molested" by four or five girls in a shower room. It took at least half the video for the guy to even get it up, and he seemed totally uninvolved through-out, resulting in a complete waste of time. In another video we watch Brandi jerk some overweight guy off for about ten minutes and at the end the guy finally announces he can't come. Another complete waste of time.

I ended up downloading about twenty videos before getting bored with this site and abandoning it long before my sub expired. For this kind of thing to work well, you really need somebody like Peter North or Hubby from Wifeysworld, because, let's face it, what good is ten or twelve minutes of willy-yanking without a doozy of a climax? It's like waiting for an hour and a half in a fine restaurant and having the waitress bring you a Big Mac and an order of fries.

On the plus side, the best vid on offer features Brandi and another girl, who take turns exploring one another's naughty bits. And in case you haven't seen it, Brandi has one of the most plump and delectable naughty bits I've seen to date.

I wouldn't recommend this site except to handjob, femdom, and CFNM enthusiasts, and even then I wouldn't be surprised if they were disappointed.

07-07-08  09:43pm

Replies (0)
Visit Full Bush

Full Bush

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - A lot of content on offer.
- Several good pic sets.
- Zips, but see cons.
Cons: - No browse features, zero, nada (see BL).
- Small pics: 684x1024 is about the largest.
- Site is still updated, but with sets dating from 2004. This is bullshit.
- Zips for each page within sets instead of all in one. As these sets are dinky in size this is also bullshit.
- Vids look lousy in mpeg or in wmv format, and are sliced into three minute bits. Can't tell you the bitrate since my Realplayer program died and Windows media player doesn't indicate it.
- Some sets are also from Aunt Judy's.
Bottom Line: Here's the kicker, folks: On the tour you get search options: you can look at the list of models, and/or search by letter. On the member's page, however, you get nothing of the sort. All the member's area offers is a single page with a giant list of text links for both pics and vids. Good luck if, like me, you were planning on searching for the work of a few photographers whose work you admire, or for a few particular models you've always liked.

What possible reason could there be to include search options in a guest tour and leave them out in the site proper? This is just plain stupid. Stupid or lazy. Or both. Okay, both.

To add insult to injury, the site is updating with material that is at least four years old, as far as I can see, and the material is NOT high quality. Some sets have been imported from Aunt Judy's and, I would guess, from other company sites as well. Not much effort has been put into this site and it is far too expensive.

Some of the material is good enough that I would recommend a membership IF:

The welcome page sold the site as an unsearchable and dead-plain archive of older and sub-par material, and if the price were cut in half. Short of these two things, Full Bush is pretty much a waste of time and money.

05-30-08  09:44pm

Replies (0)
Visit Teen Charms

Teen Charms

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Gorgeous, often downright stunning, models.
- Lots of content: nearly 100,000 pics and over 300 vids (but see BL re vids).
- High quality pics on newer sets.
- Zips
- A few vid DL options.
- Easy to navigate.
- Very tasteful site.
Cons: - Site has been dead since 3/07, but the homepage hasn't come to terms with this. What happened? Why do this?
- Video is negligible, unfortunately, since these models deserve better. No sound on any of them, though they say all vids have sound. Could be on my end.
- All zip files simply named "images". Creates work, particularly for those of us with no short term memory. Did I mention I have no short-term memory?
- Way softcore. This is in the con section for those who might be expecting sterner stuff.
Bottom Line: I ransacked Teenstars and am about half-way through Teencharms. I got a two-fer deal and am not disappointed, except for the crappy videos. Lucky for me I'm a pic collector, or I'd be very diappointed indeed. Some of these vids show a bit-rate of 450 or so Kbps. Now how useless is that in 2008?

I don't understand why they put up two sites instead of just one, except as a means of drumming up revenue. There is no difference at all, thematically or technically, between the two. Not that they share content. They don't.

Basically (and don't you hate people who start a sentence with that word?) this site has value in that there are over a hundred drop-dead gorgeous girls presented in tasteful, often artistic, picture sets of good to excellent quality. Some girls might not be Vogue material as far as their faces go, but I have yet to see one who wasn't a masterpiece from the neck down. Bear in mind, these are mostly 18 year olds, and they've got plenty of time to fill out. I like a full-bodied woman as much as the next guy, but I also love slender young ladies. I can't help it, I just do.

Thing is: these people need to re-do their homepages and take down the false advertising. And they should have offered good videos or simply stuck to being a picture site. Teencharms is a high-quality picture archive and not much more. The girls and the photographers get a 99.9999999, but the webmasters and the negligible vids draw the score way down.

Recommended for the pics.

05-16-08  10:25pm

Replies (2)
Visit ATK Natural & Hairy

ATK Natural & Hairy

Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Tons of content.
- True to the hairy niche. But see BL.
- Zips, but see cons.
- A few, but limited, video DL options.
- Good search function as with all ATK sites.
- Soft and hardcore content separated. This is an excellent advantage if, like me, you are sick of toys and/or masturbation stuff.
- Models run the gamut from 18 to nearly elderly, and from gorgeous to homely.
- Newer vids are offered in one big chunk rather than the standard 3 minute slices.
- Pics can be viewed in a variety of sizes. This is good for people with slow connections.
Cons: - Zipped sets broken into several bits. This is too much silliness and simply not worth the trouble.
- Pic size, on newer sets, seems to be app. 1000x1500 max. ATK has lagged in this area for a few years and it makes me wonder why.
- I would like to enable plain image links and have this work throughout my entire session without having to select that option for each set. This is an annoyance.
Bottom Line: I'm a huge fan of ATK and have been at the hairy site about four times, even though I'm not really into hair. As with all of this company's sites there is a spectacular amount of content on offer, and enlisting a long list of photographers keeps the material from devolving into a boring sameness which is the bane of a lot of other sites.

I have no problem with the "natural" niche at all, but this site borders on fetishism, as some of these models are so hairy they look simply preposterous. This being said they do keep the "scary hairy" models in a separate section.

I think the quality of the material needs to match the quantity of it at this point, but this is not happening.

The newest vid I downloaded (4/08) is 640x480, 1048 Kbps. It looks fine but not nearly as good as a great many other sites which are moving into HD. Some of the vids show higher bit rates - often significantly higher - but when played there is no significant increase in clarity or quality. I can't play the Quicktime vids (for some reason) but the file sizes for those are only a few megs larger than the WMV files, so I somehow doubt that the quality is much better.

As for pics, 1000x1500 is a good-sized pic but many sites are going much larger. The main strength here is the variety of photographers. Alexander B's material alone would be worth the price of admission. His sets are just stunning sometimes, even if the models aren't.

Recommended, but the quality could (should) be improved.

05-16-08  09:41pm

Replies (3)
Visit ATK Premium

ATK Premium

Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: - A lot of content up, both pics and vids.
- Zips.
- Very attractive models for the most part.
- Good navigation, categorization (solo/artistic/etc..), search function, ala ATK style.
Cons: - ATK has always had a somewhat confusing way of organizing the vid section, and this site is no exception.
- Emphasis is decidedly on the glamourous/artsy side of things which makes the 'A' in ATK kind of non-applicable here.
- Pic size decent (avg 1000 X 1500) but still not where it should be for a "Premium" site.
- Vids look decent (avg 640 X 480, 1200-2000+ kbps) but not as good as they should for a "Premium" site.
Bottom Line: I've been to all of ATK's sites and Premium most recently. If I had to live with only one of their sites to the exclusion of all the others, Premium would be my last choice. Why is this?

Well, what we like and don't like is a subjective thing. Two things that were always appealing about ATK were Amateurs and/or Teens, which is what the 'A' and the 'T' in 'ATK' abbreviate. At Premium, the models are hardly amateurs, and despite whatever their average age might be, there is an atmosphere of maturity present which steers quite clear of "teeny-ness" in most of its usual guises. Not that this is a problem necessarily, but it does seem like a bit of a turning away from the original mission of this company.

The impression I get is that this is ATK's contribution to the genre of classy, artsy nudes made popular by sites like Met Art and Hegre's. The women are beautiful and the settings equally so. For me this makes for a certain sterility as far as the libido is concerned, which impacts ninety-five percent of why I purchase subscriptions to these kinds of websites.

While I like the more intimate aspect of some of the videos, I found a few which seemed to show nothing but a model getting her make-up applied or her hair done. I suppose some might like this (and I wouldn't mind at all for a minute or so), but it was too tedious for me. On a positive note, some of the lesbian scenes were among the best I've seen.

Recommended, but with reservations.

04-15-08  09:35am

Replies (0)
Visit Teen Stars Magazine

Teen Stars Magazine

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: - Beautiful models
- Good to excellent picture quality
- Models are proffessional, or at least appear so to me, and are very good at what they do.
- Lots of material up.
- Zips for all pic sets.
- Very tasteful over-all.
- Ethel and Martine: practically worth the money just for these two beauties.
Cons: - Site has not updated since mid 2007.
- Video quality is pretty bad, and there is no sound in any of the vids I downloaded.
- Vids come in one minute to minute and a half snippets, making them next to worthless.
- Several models stay fully clothed. Not even a kini or panty-shot from them.
- For the casual browser or for the guy who doesn't want entire sets, each pic opens in a new window, causing more work. All hail the back button.
Bottom Line: I got Teen Stars and Teen Charms in a two-fer deal for 29.99, but I've been busy with Teen Stars thus far to the exclusion of the other site, which I'll look at in the future. I want to say first off that these are some of the most beautiful girls going. If you have a thing for young-looking, skinny, leggy, drop-dead-gorgeous girls, this place is ace. It's neck & neck with Nubiles in that respect. But-

The site is dead, and the video on offer is negligible, so what we have here is basically a large picture archive. If you're not a pic collector, and if you're not into softcore - at times extremely soft - then don't bother. I'm having a pretty good time because I'm a pic collector and the scarcity of tats, toys, penises, hair, and flab keeps all my neurons firing happily away.

Pics range from smallish, from 2003, to very large: 3500 on the big end. You don't get the kind of clarity you do with other places, and the emphasis on the portrait-format makes me wonder what the point of having a huge picture really is. Note to webmasters in this niche: landscape, landscape, landscape. While the site is mostly softcore with an artsy bent and a touch of glamour, plus cute in spades, there is some total nudity (pink), and toys, but not much.

I wouldn't call the site a rip-off, but they should either downplay the presence of vids or offer better ones. Since the site is dead, maybe they should just remove the vids, lower the price, and continue as a good picture archive.

04-14-08  04:40pm

Replies (1)

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