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Type Site - Score Feedback / Review Date
Visit Hegre


Status: Was a member approx. 4 months prior to this review.
Pros: -The superlatives mentioned in the reviews of others still apply.

-All flesh without exception observed by me are filmed by highly competent lensmen. I wouldn't blink if we learned this site is their side business to teaching cinematography or shooting high-end commercials.

-Watch more than four or five massage scenes and unless you are already a licensed physical therapist, you're gonna learn something.

-As of 15 Feb., six mth m'ship discounted at $49.95, one mth at twenty.

-776 scenes claimed.
Cons: -Poor pagination. Clicking on a section leads to near endless scrolling.

-Pop-ups for cam sites.

-Roughly 85% softcore or lesbian.
Bottom Line: -Let me confuse the issue by saying my grade of 90/100 is a rating given in regards to other soft core sites. Yes, there are a number of scenes of male/female interaction but these are of a relatively small number. To me it remains a softcore site. Hence its a 90 when compared to Domani,Met-Art, et al.

-Nowadays I've run across too many sites where the physical beauty is not the main hiring criteria. Where looks takes a back seat to circus grade dexterity, humiliating and unconventional sex acts. I'd rather watch a 9.5/10 masturbate than a woman of uncertain pulchritude engage in double anal.

-Even with current discounts these scenes certainly won't raise the pulse of someone whose tastes runs more towards legalporno.com. For me it remains difficult to assign value to the more esoteric verges of pornography.

02-16-19  03:04pm

Replies (0)
Visit Private Classics

Private Classics

Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Pros: -Photo sets from the 1960s and '70s display a playfulness, a carefree approach to hanky panky only possible in a HIV free era.
-1st month is under 21 bucks with PU's discount.
-Ah, memories: For those of a certain age, Private XXX magazines were the first taste of hardcore. VHS was still years away.
-Attn youngsters: see what postal inspectors used to devote thousands of work hours to intercept.
Cons: -Tagline .."..since 1965." yet the oldest videos only date to the late 1980s.
-Eye-watering, mind-boggling, erection-softening effect of clothes, hairdos, household interiors & infrequent shaving from the 60s and 70s.
Bottom Line: By the late 1980s, Private was on the cusp of cranking out a steady flow of hardcore films with high production values often filmed at exotic locations. To get to that future, Private had to shoot sets that, while not in the same league as say 'Deepthroat' or Playboy, kept the studio lights on, the staff paid. These are the results.
As stated the oldest vids date only to the late 1980s. That's my guess as none carry the production year. Obviously porn stars are desired when fresh then less so as they grow shop-worn then face a transition period when they are either snicked at or admired for their locked in an era appearance. IMAO the gals featured in this 1986-9 stuff have a way to go, dare I say ten years?, before they can be considered hot or even retro by today's audience.

04-08-18  05:01pm

Replies (0)
Visit Lust Cinema

Lust Cinema

Status: Was a member approx. 4 months prior to this review.
Pros: -Unique format: audience participation. Details in BL.
-Careful attention to believable dialogue and real-world, non-motel room settings.
-Peopled by unknowns.
-Wide range of sexual activities
-Sizable % of directors are female and/or former performers. Your Significant Other will appreciate.
-The Xconfessions section of the site claims actual couples are hired. If true, they appear to make up just under half of performers. 'Couples' available in search. Own a large room? Host a screening!
-Several ethnics on display. I believe there's two Roma.
-Under eighteen bucks per month via pornusers.com
-Maybe its acting, but everyone appears to be having a grand time.
-Some scenes are just as I like them: women loud as a drunken Irish bee hive.
Cons: -One DVD release a week.
-Some descriptions are in French or Spanish.
-For those into gonzo, your succor will be small.
-Male homosexual acts appear in a handful of vids presented as hetro. This is not counting the six or seven which are fully male and described as such. I’m assuming this is an enormous road block for some viewers.
Bottom Line: Idea wise, the porn world has been in arrears. Thankfully, in the xconfessions section, members can submit written sexual fantasies, which if okayed by founder Erika Lust, are farmed out to various directors.
Neat, huh? Those that don't make the grade but are still considered somewhat exciting are posted.

Despite the relatively small output, I admire Lust trying to make a go at this. Lust entered porn in the late ‘90s and, I'm happy to report, received a thorough grounding in wickedness.

For those feeling soiled by owning, say, twenty gigs of bestiality, shot without a tripod inside a badly lit storage shed with beauty impaired performers, here's a chance to add class to your stash. Your estate executor will appreciate it.

12-03-17  10:40am

Replies (1)
Visit Dorcel Club

Dorcel Club

Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: -Relatively inexpensive compared to other Euro sites.
-Good age range: 20 to 50 years old with the average running from late 20s to early 30s.
-Few tattoos compared to their American counterparts.
-Thankfully, few size one types with most gals in the pink of health. No one appears trashed by dissipation and intemperate living.
-The three main attactions for myself: European locations, euro models in general and Anissa Kate in particular. Here, she appears in 54 scenes. Drool.
Cons: -Files labeled MP4-HD-720P always downloaded as unreadable FLV files in my dozen tries.
-Most pre-2013 stuff is only available in an MP4 of 240. That's only acceptable if they are hosting files from 2002. This would be deal breaker at any other site or at least a score of just 50 if I wasn't determined to mine the Anissa Kate files.
-A lot of enhanced tits by second tier clinics.
Bottom Line: I enjoy viewing porn that doesn't hail from porn central, the San Frenando Valley. As an American, I find overseas locations and women quite exotic. That said, there's maybe a dozen US women on display. Even if you haven't been overseas, many scenes have that feel, that air of being outside the US.

05-21-17  04:17pm

Replies (0)
Visit Mexican Lust

Mexican Lust

Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
-Models appear to be exclusive. Just my guess.
Beautiful Latins abound. Not a guess.
-About as raunchy a site to be found from conservative, catholic Mexico
Cons: -Maritza Mendez, the site's originator and flagship model appears in only hardcore pics not videos, a major disappointment. This home-wrecker with a staggeringly hourglass figure and bedroom eyes was my reason for signing and I am still hot under the collar as her image is thickly scattered across the preview pages. I can't be the only one who feels taken.
-Top shelf women are paired with only paunchy men with length-imperiled penis.
Bottom Line: With exceptions, models are of two types: Barely out of their teens, small or flat chested & open to lesbo and anal. The second batch runs late thirties to nearly fifty, usually with big boobs and ass, often wearing a mask.
Worth a multi-month membership? No. Single month? Yes, for lovers of Hispanic women.

02-16-13  07:22pm

Replies (0)
Visit Teen Sex Movs

Teen Sex Movs

Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: -Just one Andrew Jackson a month with PU discount
-Few of the tattoos & fake tits now obligatory of mainstream US porn starlets.
-Young women banged by young men, not men old enough to pass as their dads.
-Site nav is simple, clean.
-A host of fresh faces.
-I don't recall any music. Hallelujah!
Cons: -Locations are stiflingly provincial, filmed at various somnolent hamlets in Eastern Europe. Adrift in a perpetual economic gloaming, the lads and lasses drinking bathtub liquor from their best, least chipped glasses. All but three or four women appear in jeans & sneakers.
-Many scenes are shot without much technical finesse. Dialing the camera's ISO to 1600 won't compensate for the lack of proper lighting.
Bottom Line: My sole reason for membership was to see sexual hanky-panky between young people of similar ages. Here, TeenSexMovs succeeds with roughly two-thirds of the action. Am I the only voyeur officially freaked out by mainstream porn's zillion scenes of 20 yr old girls pounded by 45 yr old men?
Does the PU membership know of similar sites? Write in as immortality awaits!
The apparent lack of anyone else in the room besides the performers and the cameraman lends an air of spontaneity.
Rawness of production values wears after 20 or 30 scenes. They don't own a tripod or more than one lens. Blankets are nailed to walls for backdrops. My guess: the closest the cameramen came to formal training was the day they drove past the front door to the Prague Institute of Cinematography. They didn't stop.

11-18-11  10:54am

Replies (3)
Visit DDF Network

DDF Network

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Hundreds of models.
-Few fake tits.
-The men keep their mouths shut (No 'You like that prick, huh baby" Or 'Yeah, suck that nut sack')
-Lots of updates
-Near-flawless production values.
Cons: -Eighty-five or ninety percent of 'Hot Legs and Feet' is devoted to feet.
-'SexVideoCasting' has no vids. When the word 'video' appears in a site's name, I assume there's more than photos to download.
-DDF Network sports roughly the same number of Black/Asian/Hispanic women you'd expect to see at a Idaho gun show or on a roster of Vermont GOP members.
-Many older scenes are spread over 10 to 14 clips.
Bottom Line: -A major disappointment considering the stellar reviews others have posted.
My machine's AVG warned that Handsonhardcore is riddled with spy ware and phishing.
-Clicking on the vid tab of older scenes at EuroGirlsOnGirls leads to SapphicErotic which is not a member of the DDF Network. That's an unacceptable crock of bait and switch. Examples? Scenes involving Nelly, Adela U. and Layla.

01-16-11  06:54pm

Replies (12)
Visit Club Sandy

Club Sandy

Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: -No DRM or DL limit
-Acres of models (To include sites that are also part of 21Sextury)
-Four daily updates.
-Grade A search: 40 or so categories, everything but blood type.
-Commentary free camera work. I can't over-stress its important to me.
-Sandy herself, a dime among nickels, is HOT. Notable for her quite earthly horizontal romps, delightfully filmed. She and some of her stable mates are the kinda women whom would send the Dali Lama over the edge.
Cons: -Some sites are no longer updated.
-Concolorous makeup for all.
-Minor sign-in woes. Issue resolved once I logged in with ClubSandy's parent site 21Sextury.
-Serious vid stability issues: roughly one in seven refused to start or played in skips and/or out of sync sound. A major distraction, worth a 15 point subtraction from score.
-Many models beauty-impaired.
Bottom Line: -Three of note: Dirty Orientals, Sex City Asia & My Horny Asians. As with other sites devoted to this Race, the gals are banged only by round eyes.
-Twenty three hundred gals on display, many as performance-driven and glorious and desirable as to be found at any other site. That said, the lower decks of 21Sextury hold too many moon-calfs. Incredulous horror or galvanic shock awaits the viewer of the site's bottom 15% of models. Perhaps their recruiter needs a prolong spell at his oculist? Women whom share at least three of the following: Broken nose, pancake ass, dark circles, flat chest, asymmetrical eyes, severely wrinkled face, drug-addled expression, these gals could be character studies for Hieronymus Bosch. If they had to be hired, the site shoulda brought in some former dancers or retired porn stars to teach 'em deportment.

04-16-10  11:50am

Replies (0)
Visit What Boys Want

What Boys Want

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Updated: 07-11-09  08:18pm  (Update History)
Reason: An update to my intital review of 4 mths ago, see 'bottom line redux'.
Pros: -The elephant graveyard of amateur porn.
-Majority of clips have sound.
-Low price.
-Good international mix: just 33% of members are US citizens.
-42,000 movies & 938,000 pics as of 1 March 09.
-Peer review is fair and critical: out of 11K fuck pics, 190 are rated four or more stars on a scale of one to five. Just 38 of 7046 BJ clips are considered worthy of four or more stars. Other site contents are too often rated stellar, the porn version of grade inflation.
-No zip files.
-Low res: the number for an average picture sounds like a good golf score. 173 party clips occupies just 1.22 GB. The 597 for beach requires all of 3.92GB. So clarity is rough, almost never good enough to judge eye colour or fordyce spots.
-Search is horrific. More on that in BL.
-Watermarks are of a set size, so it appears large on too many clips.
-"To ensure pics and or movies are not randomly tagged and abuse, we ask you to have at least 250 postings before you can tag." Hence the lion share of images lack tags.
-Many vids are 10 to 20 seconds duration. The camera pans left to reveal a taunt, lithe, naked homewrecker fisting herself... "Now we'll see something.." I think, not without satifaction, and the clip ends. Ugh.
Bottom Line: This daedal maze would be time consuming even if the search was flawless. Its not. The huge number of images are slotted into a few sections: stripping, dance, facials, etc. These can be search verge to verge by tags or duration. In theory ya can hunt down the top rated 200 of any section, but the best of cute/sexy reveals the same 11 vids. The highest rated 200 fuck pics generates just 66 finds. Two emails to support generated a stock boilerplate response that their tech section is working on the problem.

So...what do boys want? Here its lots of bjs performed by bottle blond females on men who keep their shirts on. No safe sex. Big on threesomes so long as the 3rd person is female. Open to any Race so long as they are White.

This is the site if non-pro smut is your thing & if ya have the hours to devote to its thousands of pages. Dividing the wheat from chaff will probably give me carpet tunnel.
Some great examples of non-pious proclivities reside here but I'm guessing a multi-month m'ship will be require to run them to earth.

The bottom line redux: I'm adding this short ct four months later: this remains the best girl-next-door site, even with the flawed search feature.
Perhaps one pic in every 400-500 is that of a pro model. A good number of Ashley Juggs fotos have slipped in under the radar, but otherwise the site does a class A job of rooting out the non-amateur stuff. I've yet to stumble across any flick that I suspected was from a pro site.
The Euro has gained a bit in value and last month's tab was $14.03. My 1st mth of m'ship was appox twelve bucks.

03-02-09  12:02pm

Replies (5)
Visit I Feel Myself

I Feel Myself

Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: -All other masturbation oriented sites fade to a pale pink in comparison.
-The Female orgasm, not a phrase usually associated with porn, is on full display.
-A host of fresh faces. Does anyone claim to have seen these gals elsewhere? Other than its non-nude sister site beautifulagony.com
-Most lose themselves to their pleasures, others stare straight into the lens. Some of each group generate yells and groans that are klaxon-loud. I dare say the building has no mice.
-During the post-orgasm, the sensation overload leaves some barely ambulant as good sex is a gentle cathartic.
-While some don't get naked, I enjoy the slow undressing of those that do. Many begin by rubbing thru their garments & this may continue for some time before blouse, bra and panties are removed at leisure.
Cons: -Understandably, a vid only site, as moans/groans don't translate well to pics.
-Some updates are merely a previously released scene now shown at a wider crop or via another camera.
-Perhaps two gals old enough to have bought a beta tape. The rest are just past legal age.
-The home page naviagation links are squashed into a small area. I clicked into wrong sections thru out my m'ship.
-Its a one-trick pony site: the desire to film big O's reaches something not far from mania.
-Concolourous sets.
Bottom Line: -This is one of the tiny number of porn sites whose members aren't 98% male. Don't write that your sexy wife is devoted to Abbeywinters.com or the latest female conquest really grooves to your old downloads of Jeanna Fine fuck-fests. No, I'm guessing this is one of a very few with a sizable m'ship of single females who tracked it down on their own accord. Others would be adultfriendfinder.com and, maybe, hegre-art.com
-If your idea of perfect porn is non-plot fucking conducted at breakneck speed, hup-two-three-four! then you won't incur an erection. If you prefer women being fucked into the floorboards, so hard she ends up with a nosebleed or concussion, this site won't raise your blood pressure.
-A reminder of what gets many women off: fully half don't finger themselves internally, the dildos are small-ish, I don't recall any anal probing. Judging by the twitches and moaning, any desire for cock is a passing velleity compared to the yearning for mons venus stimulation. Gentlemen, take notice.

02-16-09  04:53pm

Replies (4)
Visit Orgy Max

Orgy Max

Status: Was a member approx. 4 months prior to this review.
Pros: -For certain fetishes like watersports or clothed intercourse, this is one of the very few locations offering quality work. Many fetish sites remain didactic bores.
-Women devour cock: many are veterans of Czech cathouses where they received a thorough grounding in wickedess.
-'Drunk Sex Orgy' has little drinking but lots of big group action that's well staged. Often outdoors with big casts. Ditto for 'Mad Sex Party' other than its mostly done indoors.
-'Pissing in Action' Well, jeepers.. where to begin? The non-pious proclivities on display are like nothing I've seen before.
-The oldest vids of each site were badly shot by someone who was (my guess) working his johnson with the other hand. But the vast majority of flicks are top-notch productions regarding focus, lighting, sound, close-ups of facials, et al.
-I'm not a cruel person, but I did enjoy seeing some women in 'Party Hardcore' become drunk as sailors.
Cons: -"13 sites for one low price." Well, no. Two haven't had a new posting in many months while 'Fully Clothed Pissing' is simply vids from 'Fully Clothed Sex' with five to ten minutes of watersports tagged on.
-Not a single vid in English.
-Episodes are usually broken into four chunks. Because of...
-Big file size, often 400 to 800 megs per episode.
Bottom Line: I've signed on for one month durations three times over the last three years. If you are a returning member, the old name Euromax.com, has been retired.
'Party Hardcore' remains my favourite of the lot with its lengthly prologues as the male strippers do their damnest to con boozing babes into casting off tops or performing BJs. I'll guess I'm the sole American reviewing this site who cares for the plot development. So many of us prefer gonzo style, but I won't hold it against you. PH is the closest thing I've come to true reality porn. The majority of the gals are not in the business, at least judging by the reactions when the strippers finally unveil their wangs: its like the hen-house at feeding time or the elephant scene in the opera Aida. I believe its an open bar for those attending. That's why the noise level equals a drunken Irish beehive. Admission is free with the understanding that the whole operation is being filmed. Clearly the gatekeepers let in only those within a set age and weight range. My guess: if you bought 8-tracks, you're too old. If your belt is equal in length to your height, you're not getting past the bouncer.
Despite being a motor mouth, I can't describe what it is about (some) pissing vids that push my button: that its the ultimate facial or an act of complete submission? Maybe I'm just a bastard. What induces a woman to perform for a watersports site? Is the money that good? Piss may be better than penury, but I suspect most were at the end of their tether when they agreed.

01-21-09  09:41pm

Replies (9)
Visit Danni.com


Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Heaps of content
Daily updates
Well lit, sharply focused photography
Easy site to navigate
Wide range of bodies from flat chested to F cups, boyish frames to hourglass figures.
Top talent on display: Ashley Juggs, Jelena Jensen, Aria Giovanni, Bettie Ballhause & Danni herself.
Cons: Of the appox 30 videos viewed, five
or six crapped out one-third or half-way thru.
Others, mainly from 'In bed with Danni', have an echo.
Expensive for a softcore site.
Bottom Line: Its not gonna be your cup of tea if the titles you normally pursue are "Throat gaggers, Vol 69" or "Rectum Wreckers".
The 'In bed with Danni' interviews, conducted naked by both parties, have an air of spontinanity absence in the vast majority of porn. Maybe they're superior actors fooling hayseeds like me but I found the interviews with
super-hot Ashley Juggs and Monica Mendez pleasant
listening. I joined to see one talented MILF
called PennyLynn, whose images I've found offsite with the danni.com watermark on each. But a verge to verge search failed to locate this 40-ish model. (Not to be confused with a younger gal with the same moniker also on the site)

01-10-09  02:30pm

Replies (6)
Visit Busty Romina Lopez

Busty Romina Lopez

Status: Current Member for over 6 months (at the time of review).
Pros: -G cup Romina has a just arrived from the farm, I've-never-done-this-kinda-thing look refreshing to porn purveyors used to jaded American tramps.
-First nude web model from Paraguay! (My guess).
-Her chum Paola, seen in nine or ten sets, is a hottie with an even bigger bow.
-Low renewal rate.
-No attempt to hide rolls of flesh.
-Many sets shot outdoors in glorious South American sunlight
Cons: -Roughly two-thirds of the videos have fair to middling sound.
-When the gals speak, the lanaguage is strictly Spanish with a very few sporting English subtitles.
-Lopez's looks are a few rungs down the beauty ladder compared to sites I normally pay for.
-No hardcore.
-Romina and Paola attempt some tit kissing & grabbing, but clearly they don't know what they're doing. Very awkward.
Bottom Line: Not for those desiring Met-Art grade models or Scoreland style web design. Photography is from the aw-shucks school with themes like bra fittings, jump rope, strip tease, oh let me rub that lotion on you. No DP here. Best photo sets are those of Lopez sporting lots of make-up. Usually not my thing, but the stuff softens her mannish features.

09-03-08  02:21pm

Replies (5)
Visit J Sex Network

J Sex Network

Status: Was a member approx. 3 months prior to this review.
Pros: -Fast downloads
-Well designed site
-Some fetishes are unknown in US porn
-Lots of updates to an already big back catalogue
-Top shelf video quality
Cons: -Costly
-The Nippon fetish for humiliation is on full display, as is generational sex.
-Waif type dominates. No Salma Hayek bodies here.
Bottom Line: Two months here, but I'm no expert: my sole interest in joining was to see Maria Ozawa videos. They have 'em in spades: 31 so far. While I looked at other women, that half-Japanese, half-French Canadian homewrecker devoured most of my time.
An air of creepiness taints many shoots given the number of men twenty years older than their partners.

05-26-08  02:44pm

Replies (0)
Visit Tara Radovic

Tara Radovic

Status: Was a member approx. 6 months prior to this review.
Pros: -Very low price.
-Sultry Tara is the bee's knees.
Non-nude photos of trips to Paris and Denmark are a nice travelogue.
-Always changing hair colour is her trademark.
-Site focuses on her 38Ds, but the ass and legs are also model-grade material.
Cons: -Touring the site today revealed no new photo sets since I was a member circa 2004.
-The few videos are of poor quality
-No hardcore
-Some photos are poorly lit.
-Rustic site design.
Bottom Line: Nothing here that would make you want to choose a renewing m'ship. One visit will do. Just one sexy gal with a great pair of ta-tas.

Update: According to lanasbigboobs.com, TR left the site in '06 to continue her education full time but recently has returned to nude/ glamour photography part-time as Eva Svobodova.

05-25-08  09:36am

Replies (0)
Visit Jelena Jensen

Jelena Jensen

Status: Was a member approx. 6 months prior to this review.
Pros: -Easy site to roam
-Good locations, sets, photos.
-This 5'10" vixen is the premier combination of legs/bust/butt/facial beauty with no one feature overwhelming the others.
-Several scenes shot sans makeup and labeled accordingly.
Cons: -Dull lesbo scenes. All except those with pal Aria Giovanni, appear forced, little chemistry. She and the others are clearly hetros just going thru the motions.
-Some outfits she strips from are just plain goofy.
Bottom Line: A fine example of a seemless solo site that can hold the viewer's interest until he's screened every last gallery. If you are sick to death of bottle-blondes with underfed size one frames, then you have crossed the River Jordan. I'm glad its not hardcore: Nearly all partners would be several rungs down the ladder of beauty.

05-25-08  08:39am

Replies (1)
Visit Ultimate Surrender

Ultimate Surrender

Status: Was a member approx. 6 months prior to this review.
Pros: -Some models perform with spunk, devoting much energy into their time on camera, be it wrestling or screwing.
-Pre and post-match interviews were a hoot.
-Everyone is breathing hard & sweating by the end of each clip. Lots of legit sounding gunts, groans and moans.
Cons: -Sex loses some spark when its always occuring on that hard floor.
-The site had five Black models, all of whom had their clocks cleaned by their White opponents. I know the outcome is rigged but how about some variation to this theme?
-The location has the same charm as a Greyhound bus station.
Bottom Line: Certainly an acquired taste, the single malt whiskey of the sapphic porn. Download limits dulled my m'ship experience, but I am led to understand these speedbumps have been revoked.

05-24-08  08:11pm

Replies (0)
Visit BangBus


Status: Was a member approx. 6 months prior to this review.
Pros: -Filmed outdoors in brillant Florida sunshine.
-Sound is surprisingly good for being filmed with hand-held gear.
Cons: -Not a reality based site...or are they really trolling the streets for women, offering $ and within minutes are doing the dirty on camera..without vetting for legal age?
-Gynophobic camera operator's comments sets the standard for misogyny.
Bottom Line: Addresses of repeat subscribers should be posted in their hometown newspapers. If U are watching these vids with the sound off, hey, more power to ya, you're doing nothing wrong. Otherwise, the degrading remarks flow so easily from the male cast, that it can't be defended as 'just an act.' No, its true behaviour on display in all its woman-hating glory. Am dumbfounded at the number of reviews that found this place to be the cat's pajamas.

05-24-08  06:12pm

Replies (0)
Visit MetArt


Status: Was a member approx. 6 months prior to this review.
Pros: Top of the line glamour photography...this ct from someone whose been working as a photographer for 22+ years. Some shooters used their real names...try to find that on an American site.
Cons: With notable exceptions, models tend to be under-fed, size one types.
Just a few non-Whites featured.
Bottom Line: Remains The Site for soft-core.
Not for those searching for ethnic flesh.

05-23-08  05:20pm

Replies (0)
Visit Mad Sex Party

Mad Sex Party

Status: Was a member approx. 2 months prior to this review.
Pros: Orgies with plots: the wedding reception, the recording deal celebration, ladies night out, etc.
Refreshing after viewing the gonzo-style of US porn.
One of the few sites offering orgy scenes shot outdoors. I'd guess about one fourth of their scenes are outdoors, a strong preference of mine.
Cons: The same 12 or 13 guys appear...now I'm watching for the women, but they still need to flesh out their male ranks.
All hardcore is by adult stars: visit the companion site 'PartyHardCore' to see (mostly) amatuers swapping body fluids.
Bottom Line: No longer modestly priced now that the dollar is worth peanuts compared to the euro. Some of its sister sites, 'Fully Clothed Pissing' & "Pissing in Action' should not be watched directly after a full meal.

05-23-08  03:32pm

Replies (0)
Visit Pissing in Action

Pissing in Action

No Review.
05-23-08  03:07pm

Visit Land of Venus

Land of Venus

Status: Was a member approx. 6 months prior to this review.
Pros: Her real first name is posted in the bio's newspaper clippings (Or did when I was a member, circa 2004).
Venus has a world class, ripped body that makes most men stare without apology.
The site has branched out considerably since I left, with some models posing, others in hardcore action.
Cons: When I signed on, nearly all pages were devoted to its namesake: Venus, former military brat and winner of bodybuilding and wrestling trophys during her late teens. Lots of fake tits on display and the monthly price tag is too steep. Venus remains an alluring doll, but others here have gone too far down the bodybuilding highway, leaving outward hints of feminity several exits back.
The site has been up for 11 years but still has a raw, just thrown together look by a webmaster with limited experience.
Bottom Line: For a select crowd desiring bodybuilders getting fucked or posing nude in (mostly)non-glamorous settings.

05-22-08  08:59pm

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Visit Casey's Cumshots

Casey's Cumshots

Status: Was a member approx. 6 months prior to this review.
Pros: One of the first of its type online.
Cons: Formerly known as 'Kingdum Kum', this site has appox thirty gals being splashed by liters of baby batter. Most appear to be under 25 with lots of skin art.
Hasn't been updated in at least two years. Profit from my mistake by not signing up: fake wangs spurting fake cum. No Sound! Like the previews I've seen of the recent 'Freaks of Cocks', these wee-wees are never seen full length, the faceless dude always cups his balls blocking our view of the tubing, the pump, the supply of cornstarch and water.
Bottom Line: Don't do it.

05-22-08  08:44pm

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