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Visit Bryci

Reply of Marcus's Comment

Thank you Marcus!

It was incredibly unexpected for us. We walked the red carpet, we had nine nominations in total including best new studio and both Bryci and Katie Banks were nominated for an award for best site. I wish both could have won they work so hard!

The new network will surpass the current network in ways I can't explain other than WOW FACTOR. We hope to go live with the new version of BellaPass (and all sites within) in mid to late March, **finally** after almost a year of building, planning, rebuilding, revamping etc.

We're also adding three new sites in the next month to BellaPass so we'll be at 15 sites and then, through 2017 we hope to add another 10-20 sites.

All included when a membership to any of our sites is purchased. We're far from perfect but we're trying to give members something they love, something they want to come back for and most of all, a good value.

Thank you again for the kind words!

- James and Bryci

01-23-17  04:21pm

Visit Bryci

Reply of vipguy's Reply

three new sites as of Feb 1 (area)

1) is a hardcore couple well known on Chaturbate - these two *FUCK*. haha. They're crazy, we love them

2) A Bella from the past is making her comeback... hot. blonde. big boobs. Shouldn't be too hard to get that one. ;)

3) A well known porn star we've shot with in the past is joining our network of crazy :D


Then March 1 through Dec 2017 we're adding another 10-20 sites.

Our goal is to create the Netflix of pornsites. More bang, less buck :D

01-09-17  12:30pm

Visit Bryci

Reply of vipguy's Reply

thx man! I try for faster than 5 hours, but I'm currently building three more sites to push live when we're back from Vegas - so Feb 1 area (so Jan 28-Feb 6th area) a lot is going live :D

01-09-17  12:19pm

Visit Bryci

Reply of vipguy's Review

Glad you liked the site!

Daily download limit-

You had noted a 20 gig download limit for a day's use. It was 20 gigs about a year back. We bumped it to 30 gigs daily back then, and we have far less people hitting the limiter now. =)

Solo sites not updating-

The BellaPass Network is comprised of 12 sites. There are three solo sites that are archive din that group, Ava Dawn, Talia Shepard and Hunter Leigh. Everything else is still active/live although to be fair, BellaPixels and BellaNextDoor have not been updated due to lack of server space.. the new Bellapass launched in April 2017 with everything back in place.

Wasn't sure why you didn't like the search functionality. You're the first person since 2009 to mention it in a not so great light. Most people love it.

In the end, we're happy you like what we're doing! We're getting better, year after year. Best part of the network is that with one membership to any of our sites, you get fill access to all the sites.

Bryci.com KatieBanks.com CeceSeptember.com JanaFox.com IslaWhite.com AlyssaReeceXO.com TaliaShepard.com AvaDawn.com Hunterleigh.com BellaPixels.com BellaNextDoor.com and of course, BellaPass.com

01-09-17  10:14am

Visit Bryci

Reply of jkd83's Reply

I responded to your email, showing you are not blocked and were not blocked due to anything on our side, or your side but more than likely a data corruption in your username when readded by ccbill or a miscommunication in the entry of your city name because our software verifies users are genuine to the best of it's ability cross referencing card addresses. I manually readded your username so your access should be fine, I tested it myself and it worked as it should.

We do try and go above and beyond for our members, sadly sometimes we have to deal with someone that genuinely broke the rules and attempted a massive site rip. (you didn't do this, not remotely close, you didn't trigger any of our protocols)

These people often cry foul and go to boards to make us out to be the bad guy, but alas.. part of the biz. Glad you're back with us. Let me know if you need anything.

05-16-15  10:38pm

Visit Bryci

Reply of jkd83's Comment

Your comment made me curious so I went into my email box..

searched for your date/time issue where you said you emailed me on May 11 @ 6:26..

http://i.imgur.com/RGnyjNy.png is a screen cap of my email box showing May 9-13 and yeah.. nothing from you. Not sure if your email is going through or getting lost, but point isn't me saying you're full of shit. I doubt that is the case. I can't see someone posting this drawn out story if they're full of shit. I trust you're a member that doesn't have access. I just wanted to show that as I said, no, I didn't get it.

Side note.. here's a guy that emailed me last night out of the blue.. note that it was well beyond regular business hours but i stayed up and fixed his issue.


again, we do our best for members, but if we don't see your emails, there's not much we can do.

As for you emailing ccbill and them telling you they contacted me, we don't talk with ccbill regarding member issues. Reason being that 9/10 members that get their accounts suspended are harmless errors where too many ips are used etc. We resolve quickly. That 1/10 though, downloaded using a site ripper and rather than contact us, they go to ccbill to try and get around us to get access again to continue their rip. (not claiming you did this, so no confusion, merely explaining why ccbill doesn't have access to fix member issues)

email me at jdbella392@gmail.com as a work around since bellanetwork and bellasupport from you are not getting to me if you'd like me to look into your account. Cheers

05-16-15  05:00pm

Visit Bryci

Reply of jkd83's Comment

Sorry you had issues with our site. We're not some company with a staff, it's me. Just me. I help many people weekly get access or fix their issues. Often when someone emails me they simply typed their user/pass wrong or they got their account suspended for 24 hours through hitting the 20 gig daily limit, and then it's fixed automatically.

If your isp has ip issues or you keep getting a new ip, yes, you'll be locked out and I'll need to unlock you. I have no idea who jkd83 is though, and I went into both emails for bellasupport and bellanetwork and zero are outstanding. I'm not saying you didn't email me, but again, I don't have any outstanding... so perhaps email me again?

The past two weeks we have been moving, which if you follow either Bryci or myself on twitter you'd know this, which would def. explain a timely response being not as likely as usual. Still, check my twitter feed and you'll see a guy messaging me and I helped him get sorted within 10 minutes last night... so no, we're not someone that will ignore you.

As for your fraudulent business practices... you're wrong, and honestly.. that claim is hilarious to me. We don't have anyone trying to get my attention in either email box, but you emailed both or so you say. For all I know you use aol so things don't come through as they should.

We have thousands of members accessing daily, that have no issue. So yes, your account got tagged because of something on your end. I am happy to help you sort it out, but you never tried to reach me that hard or you'd be sorted out now like others before you. You never emailed Bryci or she'd have forwarded it to me.

It's fun though when people go into boards and create drama and throw around sentences they don't understand like "one could argue that they have fraudulent business practices".

You got your account tagged. Don't claim we're the bad guy when we didn't tag your account.

Side note - CCbill also isn't tech support, they have zero to do with our site so emailing them does nothing. They process for us, that's it.

05-16-15  04:39pm

Visit Bryci

Reply of Marcus's Comment

Marcus - not sure why you're having issues with download speed, I can pull things down over 1 meg per sec from the server. The box is set up to see how many concurrent connections are in place from the user and limit if needed. This stops a user from opening ten streams, each at 1 m/sec sort of thing and eating bandwidth like crazy.

We also changed things a little so it is now 20% savings when someone rebills. We've added a mulit model site, bellapixels.com for free for members and starting next week it moves to daily updates.

As for Bryci content, video wise - 95% of all future video updates will be hardcore as she'd rather do videos with me than with herself (her words). Hope this makes some people smile!

11-07-13  11:37pm

Visit Bryci

Reply of PinkPanther's Comment

Thanks PP!

We also removed the regional billing which I know many dislike (I understand why of course) so the price is exactly as advertised, no matter which site!

Honestly, we stepped back and looked at what networks cost in our arena. There aren't any network passes for $25, let alone $20 so we thought - let's try this and see what happens. If people are happy, we're happy!

Thanks again for spreading the word!

06-17-13  09:32pm

Visit Bryci

Reply of slutty's Reply

Douche attitudes?

Whatever man. I was crystal clear as to that we don't offer zips and I even went into why, you kept whining and moaning. you did this, I didn't.

Don't start trying to flip this into a you're a douche comment. Seriously, grow up already. The biggest laugh in this whole thread has been you moaning about things you can't have, even though you've not and never have been a member.

I've been polite, wishing you well and saying I hope you find what you're looking for - you just keep being a pain, for what reason - I have no idea. The fact that you bring up download software, and now torrenting, tells me you're most likely one of those tools that posts site content. I've learned over 17 years running sites to trust my instincts, they have yet to be incorrect.

Neat thing here I hope you've learned - sites don't take shit from random trolls on forums. If you think we jump through hoops to get memberships, you'd be incorrect. We have fun, we do what we do and guess what? Each week we have more people happy than the week before. In four solid years, we have outsold ourselves week after week. I guess we're doing something right after all.

Last time I respond to you, if you keep trolling I report you for doing so. Sound fair? You go your way, we go ours. I hope you find a site that suites your needs.

04-17-13  09:24pm

Visit Bryci

Reply of slutty's Reply

Wow. What part of if a site doesn't do something you do not like, move on do you not grasp? Not being to be combative? I've already explained this inside out and as I said, nothing has or will be changed. Yet you keep going. Not sure what you feel is gained? Here we go again. this time I'll try and make it easier to understand.

Zips don't matter to the majority of members.

I can say this with authority, based on 17 years experience running websites. It's not even 10% of the member base that actively downloads zips when they are available. Again, I can say this from a place of knowledge, not opinion. Sad thing is, in the 10%, you get assholes that post your content for free.

Bella Network isn't the first network I have owned/run and we didn't offer zips in the other networks either. There are a ton of large networks that don't offer photo zips. They do fine, their content isn't mass distributed. The content that is available in zips, all over the place for free.

When we removed zips, nobody said anything, nobody cared, cancelations didn't rise etc. The world didn't end basically. Again, nobody cared. In four years - FOUR people have emailed asking what's up.

I know this rubs you the wrong way, and this next line will upset you, but my job isn't to make you happy.

Yes the customer (albeit not you) is important, but the buck doesn't stop with the customer. The buck stops with the product itself, same as any supply/demand example. Customers will come for what is being sold and the customers that don't like what is being sold, will leave or not come at all. Again, FOUR people in 4 years. Do I think it's a big issue like the non members here are claiming? No, not in the least. For them it is, obviously. Photo collectors I am guessing, or traders for all I know.

My job is to make the GIRLS happy. I can deal with 1 in 10 (if that) customers being pissy and not signing up because we don't have zips. I wish them well and hope they find something they like elsewhere.

I can't deal with 1/1 girls being sad because her content is mass distributed for free so she quits. Keeping the model happy FAR outweighs keeping 1/10 people (actually lower than 1/10 but I rounded up for ease of example).

Now seriously slutty, you're not a member, you clearly don't like that we don't offer zips, so why are you still bitching/moaning? Are you trying to have a conversation on a closed topic? Sorry man but it's pretty much a dead topic. Not an option, never will be an option etc. Thank you for playing, game over - type of thing. Hope I was clear enough this time and best of luck finding your dream site.

04-16-13  10:16pm

Visit Bryci

Reply of hodayathink's Reply

Sorry if I wasn't clear, I can see how it sounded that way.. my bad. :) What you said 'The policy on photos means that people who prefer photos to videos aren't going to join in the first place".

In regards to our site at least, that's not correct from our experiences. Photo fans love what we do and they join, and rebill. I am sure there are some that don't stay, I don't mean to suggest they all stay/rebill - lol, that's not how sites work anymore. We do have a high rebill rate though which to me, suggests we're doing something right. Again, not perfect, but right enough for most.

We're know for our photos over videos 10 to 1 easy as we don't promote with videos. That's changing a bit now that we've gone to hardcore.. people are taking note of screen caps etc it seems. (go figure)

Like I said, barely a handful in four years have been unhappy regarding lack of zips. Truth be told, I wish we could offer them, because to me, it's a value added service for sure. Can't please everyone I guess. thanks for taking the time though to add your thoughts on it all.

04-16-13  12:52am

Visit Bryci

Reply of hodayathink's Reply

That's not correct actually. Sorry to be the bad guy - but it's been over four years that we have not offered zips. The only people bitching about it - are in this site.

I have had three people ask, ever, in four years. Sure, some others perhaps looked for zips and then cancelled. I agree with that as well, the customer should be happy in what they get fior their money. The issue becomes - is the customer realistic about hat their membership buys them or is worth?

For example - how many times you join a site and the photos are small, blurry, they consider high res to be 1200 pixels or something. They consider "HD VIDEO" to be 1280x720 and while technically - that is HD... ummm.. it's not 1920x1080. I have joined solo model sites myself where you get inside and the girl has 30-40 sets and each set is some webcam set of 20-30 photos.

We are not competing with large pro sites in the least. We offer large images (up to 4000 pixels) as well as higher res HD videos. We offer steady updates and some of the girls cam from time to time as well. Not all and not always on a set schedule, but they post when they are going to do it.

We offer a more personal experience than the majority of sites out there, or so our members that have stayed with us and rebilled for 4 straight years tell us.

i'm not liked because I'm blunt. I'm an asshole at times and I don't buy into the mindset 'the customer is always right'. The customer can be wrong, just as I can, just as anyone can be. We don't bend the network to what someone tells us we 'have to do'. Instead we laugh at those people and do what we want to do instead. At the same time, I get respect because I work my ass off for my members. It's not uncommon for someone to follow me on twitter and see me working through ti 8am the next day, sleep for three hours, start again. - It's just Bryci and I running the entire network. I run 98% of things, she handles the things I ask her to jump in on. We're far from perfect, and I don't always respond as fast as I'd like. I didn't even know some of these responses were here - thus why i am going apeshit crazy now :) We do try though, which is more than I can say for most network/sites out there I have been a member of.

It's easy to mass purchase content, slap up a site and offer zips. No girls to be sad their faces are all over the net for free. Nobody to answer to. that describes most multi model sites pretty close. Not all of course.

We're having fun, we have a higher rebill % than many sites out there. i can be outspoken and I have enemies for being Bryci's husband. By default "that guy is a douche" is the safe comment It's funny, but I don't take it to heart. I'm anything but. I pay my taxes, I helped buy my Mom her house, I donate to the SPCA regularly and and ask anyone that knows me, including any of the girls that work with me and they'll tell you I'd give them the shirt off my back. Be true to yourself and others will appreciate it - is all we do.

04-16-13  12:16am

Visit Bryci

Reply of RustyJ's Reply

We will always shoot photos, they're fun to shoot. :)

04-16-13  12:03am

Visit Bryci

Reply of slutty's Reply

So let me get this right - I say we don't zip images and you come in and acuse us of punishing members? Then you go on to say how there are ways to site rip etc? Ouch :(

I posted we had a survey and 80% of the members said videos are more important than photos. Not at any time say photos do not matter, I said videos matter more or photos don't matter as much and sorry if it upsets you, they don't.

I'm a professional photographer, I've been fortunate enough to shoot for Penthouse magazine in the past - you don't think it bothers me that photos don't matter as much? lol Of course it does man. I love photos!

if you were to look up the surveys in PornUsers - this exact topic has been covered and the same result was found. Videos matter more. Sorry to be the bad guy here.

How many guys you think fap to photos versus videos? (very few according to all the surveys)

Piracy happens no matter what the site is. There is always a way to save things, mass distribute them if someone decides they want to do this. Zips make it easier.

I respect you disagree but that's the great thing about the internet. There are tons of sites out there, you'll find one that makes you happy. I hope you find what you're searching for.

04-15-13  11:56pm

Visit Bryci

Reply of tangub's Reply

Sites like that etc will always have zips sets because their models are paid models that are not exclusive and available in several sites. With most multi model sites though - it's bought content from a photographer that sells X amount of licenses to anyone buying. Zips don't matter because there is no girl to become sad or feel exposed when her content is being traded for free.

I respect you love zips and they matter to you and others as well but that doesn't change the fact that we don't offer them, and never will, regardless of how many people are upset. It's our site, not theirs. If you were a nude model online, you'd feel *very different* on the topic, I can assure you.

Often, customers don't grasp how things are run behind the curtain. You see tits and ass and assume the ladies have no feelings or thoughts on things. This is where Bella is very different from almost every network out there because we treat the ladies like ladies and they make their own decisions. (we don't make them for them) We're not going to zip hotos and have tons of free video content for tube sites like many others do when what it translates to is the model feeling more exposed because she's being given away and traded on boards for free (thanks to zips being downloaded and posted from no-moral members that feel the need for a ^ 5 is more important than respecting a model's rights). We don't put out either (zips or free video samples) and the model doesn't get traded the same way as those sites that do have those things.

Guess what else not having zips everywhere does? it keeps her relevant and in high demand. If anyone can get Bryci on any number of multi model sites - is she as popular as if she's not everywhere? Penthouse is the only place she's had content published, I photographed her for Penthouse magazine last year (Oct 2012 issue).

Photos matter, as I said.

Please look up the word "context". :) You're not quoting me completely there are you? I said the majority of people chose videos over photos. Surveys done here in PU show this as well, look them up. We had our own surveys done and they told us the same thing, 4 our of 5 people rank videos as more important but this doesn't mean we're stopping doing photos. As I said before where you misquoted me, photos do matter - but videos matter more.

But hey, thanks for staying on context and posting an ad for another site in a Bryci review. Very classy of you, indeed.

04-14-13  12:40pm

Visit Bryci

Reply of tangub's Reply

I never created the profile saying United States and no apologies necessary. :)

I respect that regional bothers you, but again - ccbill sets those rates based on market flux to protect the webbies from assorted fees that occur when we get chargebacks, fraud etc.

A shame we can't make everyone happy, some people just need to be heard. So sorry if I wasn't hearing you. I know that's frustrating when that happens.

04-13-13  03:18pm

Visit Bryci

Reply of tangub's Reply

Why can't people read? Seriously. All you're doing is going in circles. What I said to Capn, applies here as well.

I'm not a US based website.

I have already covered why we have regional, what regional is and why others use it. I have pointed out to you that we're not CCbill and we don't set the rates. I have pointed out that ALL BANKS WORLDWIDE buy into market fluctuations and adjust their rates accordingly.

If you have an issue with the way CCBill sets things, call CCBill. I am not CCBill.

04-13-13  02:58pm

Visit Bryci

Reply of Capn's Reply

Call any bank. Any. single. bank.

Market flux happens daily. Why should I pay again if someone's dollar is failing on the world economy? The site, not the economy, is the bad guy here? Yes, this makes perfect sense.

Rates are set based on averages and these are adjusted throughout the week based on bank rates. Again, call any single bank.

How are you not aware of market fluctuations in banking/global economies? It's not like this is a new thing. We didn't invent something, it's been there all along and as a webmaster, we have a choice - get hit with the extra fees when a dollar dips, or a chargeback comes in, fraud comes etc (5-10 times daily) or, chose the average rate so we're protected. The only difference here is we tell you about it ahead of time. Most sites just work it into the cost on the merchant end.

Sorry it's upsetting to you.

04-13-13  02:14pm

Visit Bryci

Reply of Capn's Reply

No, actually that's not why. Thanks again for your positivity. :/

Bank rates fluctuate, they always have, they always will. Feel free to call your bank and ask them about market flux. :)

04-13-13  12:36pm

Visit Bryci

Reply of tangub's Reply

Not sure if you're aware of this - but we (the sites) don't set the rates. CCbill sets the rates based upon bank rates and fluctuations in bank rates that occur daily/weekly. The rate changes as the market changes. I am not sure how often they modify things, again, we are not ccbill.

CCbills' own explanation on their site:

"Because the market fluctuates daily, we update the CCBill Recommended Ratios on a regular basis. If you click the Accept Regional Pricing button below you are accepting today's CCBill Recommended Ratios"

I view it like this -

If you have a dollar bill from America, and you go to Canada or Spain - is it still worth a dollar? No. Why not? Market fluctuation. Perhaps in the USA your dollar is worth a dollar, but in another country, it might be worth more, or less. Regional pricing accounts for the averages and sets them accordingly.

04-13-13  12:34pm

Visit Bryci

Reply of Capn's Comment

Weird getting a negative post from you Cap'n - you seemed to positive in the replies you left earlier in Marcus' thread. (sarcasm, you said nothing positive to be honest - you merely complained about something you disagreed with, even after it was explained in that thread and had previously been explained in other threads as to why. Maybe you were having a bad day, not sure - if yes - I hope it got better.)

So you don't get you way regarding zip sets, you come and try a smear campaign with misleading information? Do you not read things or are you in the practice of misquoting?

"Advertised price $16.62 = £10.79"

Actually the exact wording says "Membership prices from $17.83 per month!"

If you buy a one year membership ($213.95), divide that by 12, you get $17.829 - which when rounded up is $17.83. Exactly what the page says. :)

So while you don't need to say anymore, you might consider reading. :)

04-13-13  12:22pm

Visit Bryci

Reply of Capn's Reply

Alright fine, one more go around. lol

It's not a stonewall attitude.

You don't get your way so we're stonewalling you? Not quite. It's our site. We run it the way *WE* want to run it. Same as any business, if you don't like the way something is, you leave.

We don't offer zips. That's it. Pretty straight forward.

As for Regional pricing, as with zips, if that troubles you - move. on. already.

there are reasons we and other sites do this, and no, you don't get a vote or opinion. If you ran a site yourself, you'd understand that every single day things fluctuate. Bank rates, chargebacks, fraud, bandwidth from assholes that attempt a rip etc. So yes, some sites including ours compensate for this.

When you visit a store do you complain about the % on the dollar? When you do - do you notice they don't care and they keep doing what they do for their reasons? What happens next? You leave. I'm not sure why you feel sites have to explain every aspect of why they do this or that. We don't. :)

Move on and find a site you like. Simple. :)

Again, best of luck in your travels. I hope you find what you're searching for.

04-11-13  04:24pm

Visit Bryci

Reply of Capn's Reply

"No point in doing photos then."

haha okay then.

"With the rip-off regional pricing, it was academic anyway!"

Again, positivity wins the race.

"Best of luck getting any photo collectors."

We don't need luck, but thank you for your well wishes, very nice of you.

We have thousands of happy members and guess how many complain about not having zips? Less than 0.01%.

Photo collectors go to most sites, see that site's "high resolution" is 1200 or 1500 pixels. (our free promo content is 1500 pixels for crying out loud) Then they see us slamming out 4000 pixel content and where do you think they'll sign up?

The simplest advice is go somewhere your personal needs are met.

Best of luck in your travels, I'm done replying to you if all you're going to do is attack. Man up. If you don't like something, move along and find somewhere you do like. How this is not common sense, I'm not sure.

04-11-13  04:13pm

Visit Bryci

Reply of Capn's Reply

We will never offer zip sets of any kind, for any user.

If you're after zips, there are several sites for you that will keep you happy. Best of luck in your travels.

04-11-13  03:54pm

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