""The daily download limit is 30000 Megabytes (30GB) of data, network-wide.This includes all content streamed or downloaded as with any data plan. If you go over this limit your membership will be suspended for 24 hours.If you download 30 gigs per day for several days in a week or your usage looks like a pattern of site ripping, we reserve right to terminate your membership for site ripping or suspend you for a longer term than 24 hours without warning. If you are caught site ripping/mass downloading or sharing your password, your membership will be terminated."
From your email to us:
" think I'm going to give a very bad review from my experience with bellapass in all the different medias and browsers. I already had to deal with the download limits which is very annoying and I didn't complain.
But now, I just can't access the member page at all, because my internet provider change once a year my public IP. And I didn't receive a refund. Nor did I receive an answer from my mail... This a dishonest and intolerable attitude and derserve a very bad review. If I don't get an answer tomorrow I will write all my reviews about what I experienced on bellapass"
This email was on CHRISTMAS DAY. Do you understand many people/companies are away from work over the holidays? Many companies do not resume regular operations until January 6th/7th.
You said: "I already had to deal with the download limits which is very annoying and I didn't complain." -
This tells me you new of the terms of service. Yet in the exact same section of the terms of service where it is written about the 30 gig limit... there is also text telling you "If you download 30 gigs per day for several days in a week or your usage looks like a pattern of site ripping, we reserve right to terminate your membership for site ripping or suspend you for a longer term than 24 hours without warning."
You write in threatening us with bad reviews because you're a customer that can't read rules and gets angry when he doesn't get his way over Christmas? I looked your account up, curious what the server decided to do here...
You hit the 30 gig limiter on: 11/30/19, 12/01/19, 12/02/19, 12/04/19, 12/05/19, 12/08/19, 12/09/19, 12/12/19, 12/14/19, 12/17/19.
You signed up November 29, for $10 because of black friday... so you pay 1/2 normal rates, get access to 15 sites and then abuse us day after day almost. Over 18 days, you hit the 30 gig daily limiter 10 times.
You didn't get an email response because of holidays, but also, this wasn't a conversation. You were a terrible member.
Since you are threatening us with claims that are ridiculous, should I perhaps contact CCbill with server logs and show them what you do to sites you join so they can protect those sites by banning you from joining in the first place?
""The daily download limit is 30000 Megabytes (30GB) of data, network-wide.This includes all content streamed or downloaded as with any data plan. If you go over this limit your membership will be suspended for 24 hours.If you download 30 gigs per day for several days in a week or your usage looks like a pattern of site ripping, we reserve right to terminate your membership for site ripping or suspend you for a longer term than 24 hours without warning. If you are caught site ripping/mass downloading or sharing your password, your membership will be terminated."
From your email to us:
" think I'm going to give a very bad review from my experience with bellapass in all the different medias and browsers. I already had to deal with the download limits which is very annoying and I didn't complain.
But now, I just can't access the member page at all, because my internet provider change once a year my public IP. And I didn't receive a refund. Nor did I receive an answer from my mail... This a dishonest and intolerable attitude and derserve a very bad review. If I don't get an answer tomorrow I will write all my reviews about what I experienced on bellapass"
This email was on CHRISTMAS DAY. Do you understand many people/companies are away from work over the holidays? Many companies do not resume regular operations until January 6th/7th.
You said: "I already had to deal with the download limits which is very annoying and I didn't complain." -
This tells me you new of the terms of service. Yet in the exact same section of the terms of service where it is written about the 30 gig limit... there is also text telling you "If you download 30 gigs per day for several days in a week or your usage looks like a pattern of site ripping, we reserve right to terminate your membership for site ripping or suspend you for a longer term than 24 hours without warning."
You write in threatening us with bad reviews because you're a customer that can't read rules and gets angry when he doesn't get his way over Christmas? I looked your account up, curious what the server decided to do here...
You hit the 30 gig limiter on: 11/30/19, 12/01/19, 12/02/19, 12/04/19, 12/05/19, 12/08/19, 12/09/19, 12/12/19, 12/14/19, 12/17/19.
You signed up November 29, for $10 because of black friday... so you pay 1/2 normal rates, get access to 15 sites and then abuse us day after day almost. Over 18 days, you hit the 30 gig daily limiter 10 times.
You didn't get an email response because of holidays, but also, this wasn't a conversation. You were a terrible member.
Since you are threatening us with claims that are ridiculous, should I perhaps contact CCbill with server logs and show them what you do to sites you join so they can protect those sites by banning you from joining in the first place?
Thanks man - what's funny.. we don't encode at monster bitrates because most people are cell or tablet users, so a 1080p file as an example is usually 50o megs to 1 gig area, our 4k stuff is rarely past 1.5 gigs unless long, then it's 2 -3 gig.
We do get people caught off guard because they got pumped about downloading as much as possible, I get it totally. Getting mad at a site or model though, with zero email to the staff asking what's up.. that's where I was confused I guess.
My wife Bryci and I are friends with the Madisons - great people, you're in good hands man!
Bait and sitch? How so? You in your own words said you liked something on another site, and you were sad it wasn't on her site, a completely different domain than the one you saw the contemn on? Did I understand that right? :/
On the outside tour of Katie's site it shows literally every single thing inside BEFORE YOU SIGN UP. Any user can click categories on Katioe's tour and go niche by niche throug the site, or go that longer rtoute... click photos or videos and see everything from March 2010 through today. Almost ten years of content, all for 19.99 and then the end user also gets access to 15 other sites as well at no additional charge.
Myself personally, if I went to Iwantclips or C4S and I saw a clip, why would I assume it's in her official website? If you make an assumption, don't blame Katie your assumptiuon wasn't right. Why would anyone assume this sort of thing? A *ton* of models don't put all theirt contyent in their website. Some is very fetishy, created entirely for clip sites. That said, her entire archive is visible before signing up, so your assumptions aren't her, or our fault.
As for Bandwidth... 30 gigs daily limit isn't strict. There is mention of them in the listed terms of service BEFORE you sign up, just like literally every single adult site online. Most sites, including RK have a 10-15 gig limiter except when you reach it, your speed becomes throttled or drops off, that's what most sites do. We allow full speed up tyo 30 gigs and maybe 1 person is blocked for 24 hours every 7-10 days if that?
Sounds like you have seriously unrealistic expetactions my friend. I hope you find what you're after.
"i completely agree with your review here. more users need to be made aware of how poorly users are treated on the site."
Are you sure you're being fair here? I'm almost certain you're not telling the complete picture. Rather than not going into things here again, let's keep things in context.
You are correct for now.. but in the background right now we are building BellaPass V2. It's incredible.
It will launch in April of this year if all goes to plan.
What's coming?
Also, we're increasing our image frequency and sizes. Many love our photos but as Ursaminor pointed out, our weight is def behind video because we polled members and here's what we found..
That said, we miss doing photos so we're going to do a photo update weekly again and more so, in the new BellaPass network. Bryci.com and Katiebanks.com photos move to 6500 pixels as largest possible download size, with smaller options also available (4000, 2500, 1000)
We're also changing the way our videos are streamed, *MUCH* faster now, with multiple sizes and options, fully mobile compatible in every way. We have a twin hexacore, 64 gig with quad SSD drives used JUST for video encoding and streaming in the new network. We invested heavily for our sites, because the members requested more speed, better streaming.
We do ask our members and although a fraction speak up, it still gives us a ballpark idea of what people think.
Also, side note - KatieBanks.com is now hardcore. She jumped last week and as always, when someone signs up for Bellapass or any individual site, be it katiebanks.com, bryci.com, anyone really.. you get the entire network included for the same cost. no upsell, no surprises.
Network also rebills cheaper and from time to time we offer 33% off deals.
We're not perfect by any means, but we keep trying to be better. Yes, some people get busted for site ripping or being jerks and then when I cancel their membership, they take to interwebs to try and get even. I have emails from people threatening me if I don't let them back in, after I catch them hammering the server day after day to the point of a $400 upcharge in bandwidth... all for that guy's $25 membership fee? umm.. no thank you.
This wasn't Ursa's case mind you and he still hasn't emailed me with his username so I even know he was a legit member. Not saying he wasn't, but it's strange to me that others email in and their issue is resolved fast, same day usually if not next but he was 'cancelled for traveling'? Still makes no sense to me. I'd love to look more into it and help him if I am able to.
I am glad you like the content we create. Thank you for the kind words.
I have tried to explain time and time again when someone gets suspended, why. It's rare someone takes it personal, but sure, sometimes we've had a hard day. How dare a site do this to *ME*! I get the angry email.
We have software on the server, two pieces specifically.
One watches for ip patterns and when a user reaches a certain number of ip addresses associated with their account, it is suspended. The second watches for bandwidth issues and suspends someone 24 hours if they pass 20 gig in one 24 hour period. Many sites employ this same software.
There is no email sent out, that is not an option for the software.
IP issues are isp issues, they are not anyone's fault (usually) but that doesn't mean the issue doesn't happen. A user emails in, like everyone else and it's fixed. I deal with 5-10 of these per day, not once been told I have attitude when solving someone's problem though.
As for your complaint - if the server suspended you when traveling, that's clearly an ip issue. Again, the amount of ip's you are allowed in your account was passed, so it suspends you to prevent password sharing/trading. I myself travel often for work, and I myself have had my own account stopped because the ip threshold was passed. I go in, restore the account and it works. The photo/video links stopping, again is the software. You passed X amount of ip's, so it stops giving you content.
You seem to take these occurrences personally, but it's software stopping a random account that passed a software rule (ip threshold), nothing more.
I don't think you're a dishonest reviewer, but if you had written into us, the issue would have been fixed, like others. Same thing others do and ccbill can vouch for us on that. If you've been a member for 2 years, you know the ip thing happens, and you know it's fixed easily, and quickly.
I gave you attitude? Could you perhaps give me your username for the site so I can pull this up and see what you're referring to? I respond usually the way I am treated. Again, email example above and I can post hundreds more to back it up.
Porn is a very personal thing. People that are happy don't seek our boards to post they are happy. It's almost always when someone is angry or they are trying to seek revenge. We have thousands of rebilling customers every month, why would I want to stop you from being a happy member and rebilling? That makes no sense. Software noticed more ip's than normal. It suspended you, that's all it was. :)
In all honesty I am sorry you had a negative experience but the things you posted, are synonymous with ip issues and these are easily resolved. If you email in your username, your ip address, both of which are asked for on our support link at the bottom of every Bellapass site.. then we help you because you've helped us with the info to help you.
There is no 'live and learn' here and I don't retract anything I said, i stand by it, firmly. When someone gets suspended, there is always a reason behind it. Sometimes the reason is, as i said, site ripping or server abuse and 1/1000 admit to wrong doing. Everyone is always innocent it seems, which is stupid. If you mass download and get suspended, you know why. This isn't rocket science. lol
Same *exact* thing had happened to me many years ago. Did I wrote the webbie complaining or go post a bogus I did nothing wrong post in a forum? No, I owned my mistake and admitted to it. We all get carried away, no big deal but don't act innocent, you got excited over boobies, we all do. lol
The guy in question that started this, we never received anything from him the first time, and ccbill as well confirmed this. Kind of hard to fix an issue if you don't know what the issue is. :) Once we did communicate, even though he'd cancelled, I restored his access and comped him time well above what he'd paid for to enjoy the site. :)
Webmasters aren't bad guys, but we do deal with assholes from time to time. (this guy was not an asshole to be clear, he was fine). Just funny how many armchair quarterbacks are quick to jump on the side of someone without knowing anything other than what they've read. I don't go posting opinions about MetArt because I've never been a member. Seems pretty straight forward. :)
thanks for the kind words though PP, glad you like the site/network. We're working hard and Oct 1 we flip to 4K across the board. Bryci is already 4K but shortly.. Katie, Talia, Aleah and Cherry are all 4K as well. Go big, or go home. :)
I just responded to you - as I said before, i have no record of those emails but I did receive your two you just sent. The others must have been inadvertently deleted thinking they'd been resolved, I checked trash and they're not there.. so sure, I'm confused.
Regardless, as I noted in your email i replied to you with, showing screen caps, you were not blocked on an ip level but the server did tag you because your hit count was 4 times the average in a short window of time which it took as site ripping. Your numbers fall on the line for me, so I wasn't convinced that was the case (so we're clear, I'm not accusing you of anything) - I restored access, and added a full month as our way of saying sorry for the oversight and downtime.
I appreciate we're not for you moving forward, but you did seem to enjoy the site so have some free time on us. :) Best of luck Longjohn!
It's strange to me that you say 10 days with no response yet when I check my mail folder, both in fact, my personal james@bellanetwork.com and support@bellasupport.com , there is nobody left unattended.
The last person that wrote in, yesterday, he had hit an ip threshold due to his isp flipping his ip, I resolved that 7 minutes after he wrote in.
I'm not calling you a liar so we're on the same page, it's just strange is all. not sure where you wrote, or what happened, but our 76% rebill ration would show, we do more than go above and beyond for our members. Sorry you somehow slipped through the cracks, that is never an outcome any site wants.
I'm still curious what happened here though, if you have the time or want, perhaps try emailing me and carbon copying the other address with your username and ip address from Bella so I can see what took place? If not, I understand. Cheers.
I just changed our download limits to make them more reasonable for people, although still, we get maybe one person per week tagged.. but still. I thought you'd want to know.
20 gigs per 24 hours, if suspended, it's a 24 hour suspension.
Nobody likes rules on sites, including me but they are a necessary evil.
Although, I totally understand the common sense though regarding jumping into a thread when I know zero about the case and attacking the webmaster and their product. Oh wait, they were defending a stranger they don't know if lying or not. PU as an affiliate account has members with us that have been rebilling for years. That points out to me that yes, we're doing well for our members.
This guy with the problem, I stand by what i said. No clue who the guy with the issue is, and ccbill has no record of anyone saying anything, so at this point, I question where he emailed or submitted his request for help at all. It's not my job to babysit people, sorry to the anyone reading this getting butt hurt. If you respect the site you join, you stay a member. If you attempt things you shouldn't, you get removed. Simple math.
I offer help to those that need it and often credit them a free month for down time, so I'm not going to just sit back while someone roasts us for something we didn't do. Sorry this got blown out of proportion Khan!
Once again, and I am not sure if you're not great at reading or what but I was clear in my first post that this may or may not apply to him. I was clear that I did not know him specifically or what his issues were.
Would you like me to quote it or can we scroll up? Seriously man, making shit up to try and sell your case is sad.
I was clear as to why we have limits, and why people are suspended. You on the other hand, a non member came in hurr hurr hurr and got all pissy when it has zero to do with you. Again, let me be clear since you have issues reading, zero to do with you.
If he had emailed me twice as he said, he would have had a response, just as others have had before him. Exception being, as I said, if he emailed me outside business hours or for all I know he emailed the wrong place. I never saw his emails so I can't speak as to what happened. Again, for the umpteenth time, lol, I didn't see his email, nor do I know who he is.
I don't know how many ways I can say the same thing, so enjoy your troll session. :)
Sigh. Context is an important thing, you should consider it when replying. You should also attempt not to put words in one's mouth unless they said them.
I never said anyone's concerns or questions are or were stupid. If this was the case I'd never respond to anyone and well, I respond to everyone that writes in. If you write me after you got caught mass downloading above and beyond the rules and claim innocence, or you've shared your password with your buddy six states away and again, claim innocence, you'd have me smile and say no worries? I appreciate people dislike rules, i dislike them too but my job isn't you, or him, or even her. My job is everyone. I keep the box running smooth, and if that means having the server remove someone that is abusing it, then that is what happens.
We don't have ridiculous bandwidth rules, ours are more slack than some of the larger networks out there (such as Reality Kings as an example). Also worth noting out of our entire member base, less than .01% get tagged with these guidelines so they must be doing something right.
The quote you pulled is from our old network regarding being banned for 48 hours, then 10 days is outdated by more than six months. The ToS was changed some time back, as noted here: http://bellasupport.com/help/terms/ not sure what you read?
What does ripping a site even mean? It means hammering the site using software to mass download or que everything, this slows down the site, the server, everything. if you think you buying a membership means you can do that, you're wrong. Most networks have security to prevent this, otherwise you'd have insanely slow or failing servers. If you need examples, I'd be happy to help.
Nowhere is it said you can't download every video, but yes, you still have to stay within the guidelines and again, most every network has these. This means you can download XX gigs per day, day after day until you're drive is full or you run out of content. If that runs into month two because there is too much content, then that's your choice as to rebill or not.
>>Yeah, some sites do suck. But I could name at least 15 networks that offer access to multiple sites with daily high quality updates for the same price. You are really not that special.
No, you can't. Read what I said, please use context.
If you're talking about porn star networks with girls you can find anywhere, then yes, you can but even still, most don't offer images at our size or videos at our size.
Feel free to name one network that offers 8 or more sites with no added fee that have exclusive penthouse/playboy/hustler models with 4k and 1080P (not 1280 hd) and years upon years of content of this size, all for $24.95 that rebills 20% cheaper? Again, take note, we don't charge for extra sites, we include them.
We catch bad guys, we don't sugar coat things, we don't kiss your ass and we don't ask that you kiss ours. Sorry if that troubles you, I hope you find the best sites for your needs. Cheers!
You make presumptions and decisions based off the less than 0.01%?
If 99.9% never have issue and love what we're doing, and one or two people get caught and then cry out to the public because they're so hard done by and innocent etc.. that makes us the bad guy here? Alright.
If you had any experience running a network of sites, you'd know that it is impossible to please everyone. Thus, we don't try. We do what we do for us. We create the content we want to create, we don't kiss ass of anyone, nor do we ask that anyone kisses our ass. We stand up to people that try and take advantage of us and that bothers some of the people. Sorry it ruffled your feathers.
I wish we could have no limits or issues. I also wish people didn't site rip or steal content and create torrents. Still, it happens. Sites have to protect themselves against malicious users, regardless of your opinion. All sites do this, I'm just saying it out loud and in doing so, that gives you a face. A target at which to voice your displeasure on the topic. I get it.
Read the reviews we have, people love what we do. As for you saying you'll never join, that's cool, I hope you find a site you enjoy. Still doesn't change the fact that if someone is busted doing something and then comes into a board and tries to call us out, we're going to defend ourselves.
For what we offer, compared to what we charge.. sorry, but there simply isn't another network offering this level of quality or updates or exclusivity for this price. $24.95 for access to all our sites, zero upsells for our other sites because they're all included, videos in 4K and 1080P (1920 x 1080, not that 1280 x 720 and calling it HD stuff). Photos ranging from 4000 pixels down,, where most sites offer 1500-2000 and call those 'high res'. We rebill 20% cheaper at $19.95.
Sure I can go to Videobox or other sites cheaper and get assorted porn, but not in this quality, not this exclusive and these aren't real girl next door types, they're porn stars. None of our ladies are porn industry for hire types.
We have regular girls that have appeared in Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler as well as other exclusive college girl types. We're not the best, we're not the worst, but we're good at what we do and we'll keep on doing it.
12 gig per 12 hour is the rate, which means 24 gig per day.
As point of reference, reality kings is 10 gig per 24 hours.
We get maybe one user suspended every 4-5 days for a day for going over, and 12 hours later, they're back. Exception of course, is when someone tries a full out site rip.
We have simple and straightforward server guidelines, much like all most sites do. Someone gets caught doing something they shouldn't by the server (not a human) and is removed and that makes us bad?
You seem to think this means I hate my customers? I never said that, but thanks for yet again, trying to put words in my mouth. I said that the customer is not always right and that's common sense. Anyone that has ever works customer service on any level knows this.
We have a large user base of happy members that never have issues, and have been rebilling for over 5 years with us. We go above and beyond for our customers both in taking care of them, and content creation.
We love our customers, which is why they keep signing up, and keep rebilling. This user is not the first to be suspended, and he won't be the last. Same as almost any site, if you break the guidelines, you are suspended or removed. Why is this so hard for you to understand?
Read the last paragraph where I very clearly state this may or may not apply to him. Bottom line is, and this goes to you, or him, or everyone. When you join a site, you can't do what you want. There are guidelines, sometimes they are more relaxed than others.
We don't have our hands full, we just don't pretend to be something we're not. We work, business hours. We don't work, when we're not working. Just because someone signs up, they don't own us or get us 24/7.
I respond to emails that come in in a timely manner, but 9/10 issues can be resolved if someone takes the time to read the support site. Every aspect is covered there in fact, from limits to mass downloading, canceling etc. Every aspect of the original post was answered in fact, on the support site, if read. So I'm supposed to stop my life because someone is too busy with theirs to read something they agreed to when they signed up? 99.9% of members don't have issues, so the .01% the server removes must be in the right? ummm.. nope.
I don't take the position the customer is always wrong, but many times, the customer *IS* wrong and they clue in after getting removed by the server.
I didn't suspend this guy. the server did, because something happened to have him outside the allowed guidelines the server runs with. Server rules are cut/dry, it's not personal, it's a machine.
I don't know who he is, or what the issues were with him as I said. I have been doing this for 18 years, and in that time.. it's weird how many people that get busted site ripping or sharing their user/pass don't admit to breaking the site terms.
Many customers would tell you, the server suspended for this or that, they contacted me, I saw the issue, resolved it and they've been with us for years since. I'm not the antichrist you're making me out to be but if it makes you feel better making assumptions, enjoy.
Some sites suck, and you get shitty low res content, bad videos or they split updates over 2 or 3 or 4 weeks. part1, part2, part3 crap. We don't do that. we bring great content week after week for multiple girls and we don't ask that you sign up multiple times. These are exclusive girls, not porn stars that can be had if the price is right by any webbie. So yes, we do run a tight ship and yes, if you're on the outside looking in, you did something wrong. Sorry that bothers you.
The ToS covers everything, including how to cancel and if you get suspended, you need to cancel. The exact thing happened to me years back, I got nuked for downloading many videos I liked from reality kings.. they have a strict bandwidth guideline as well. I got mad, how dare they! Oh. Wait. It's in the terms I agreed to. Right in front of me. Well damn, I was wrong. Lesson learnt.
Without server rules, sites fail and are slow. Some people get mad and that sucks but it doesn't make the guidelines any less needed or valid for happiness and more importantly, speed for all members.
It's fun how people that do wrong doing are always innocent. :/
We don't have ridiculous rules, we have bandwidth limits like all sites do. Go sign up for Brazzers, or Reality Kings, same thing only they stop you much earlier. If you're using site ripping software, the server stops you. In our ToS that are plainly listed on our sites, that you agree to before signing up, it clearly states our guidelines.
They were fine when you signed up but now that you got busted they're ridiculous? Alright. As for you being billed, again, read the ToS, we have zero to do with your billing. When YOU sign up, it is up to YOU to cancel, Again, same as all websites.
It is not my job to alert you when you screw up, it's your job to read the site guidelines and stay within them. If you get suspended once, you're back in 24 hours *unless* you were trying to site rip and that leaves an unmistakable footprint of pageloads/hit counts
You can feel angry, and I'm sorry that you do but we have thousands of members that are fine, happy, and never have an issue. It's obvious you had an issue but the server stopped you, not us. Question then becomes what did you do to warrant it?
I don't know who you specifically so what I have said here in response may or may not apply to you. Server stops people for reasons though, that much I know. There are two of us running Bella, we're not some monster porn company so no, we're not going to respond to you right away. Sometimes an hour, other times 2-3 days. If you were site ripping, what is there to discuss? Tell you so you can say you weren't when the server logs don't lie? (again, not saying you were, just recounting how nobody is ever guilty of trying to mass download and when caught, they're ever more innocent and they'd never do that sort of thing etc)
https://support.ccbill.com will refund your last month, but if you haven't shuit off your account, I'd suggest doing so. Again, plainly listed in the terms of service, if you'd read them. :)
To address a couple points you mentioned, we are going to stop offering wmv in the future, based off a survey we did of members and also looking at the data in our sites regarding what people download most. WMV is barely used it seems as it once was, mp4 is more compatible with all OS's. We're not removing older wmv fils, just not creating new ones. In addition this also means faster file creation, more room on server for more files etc.
We're in the process of adding a new site that is a large scale multi model site that will debut in the spring of this year. It will feature everything form girl next door types to hardcore photos and videos.
As for Bryci's hardcore that she and I are filming.. we're new to it so we wanted our first few videos to be somewhat voyeuristic. We did this because we were still adapting to going in this direction and let's face it.. not every day one does this. We are not a major porn studio, nor do we want to be perceived as one. We are two people running it all, well.. I run all of Bella and Bryci helps with her site of course. So when we decided to go into HC, we felt it was best to be us, not try and follow other people's examples. We bring the camera and put it down and then go have fun, filming it. We have no interest in having others film us, or having multiple cameras filming, it's just us two having fun.
That said - we will be getting a lot more daring moving forward. We plan on doing pov style, as well as other styles. We're inviting our members into our sex life basically.. so far, so good. :)
Renna was with us up until last week. She just gave birth and simply didn't have time to do her site and cam, be a Mom, wife etc so she chose to retire her site. We respected this completely. She's an amazing woman and we wish her all the best!
Hunter will have videos added shortly - We bought her site from her old webmaster, and some of the formats weren't compatible with our system so we had to make changes.
We are adding some multi model sites shortly (in Feb and March) that will feature hardcore photo sets and videos.
"I guess I could say I'd like to have more content. But that's kinda cheap. I always want more contents. LOL."
2018 into 2019 was a tough year for us, my wife (Bryci) was diagnosed with Celiac disease and she fought with being angry about it, being sick more than she wasn't etc. We didn't film near what we wanted in 2019 and yes, we stopped doing hardcore for more or less the entire year. One of the things about Celiac.. it screws with your brain. Makes you angry, it's like someone else is driving your life and you're a passenger. (her words) She's made youtube videos about this if curious.. go to youtube, search "ourbellalife" and you'll find out channel. Not sure if I am allowed to link here. =)
We just started shooting hardcore again, and B tells me she wants to shoot weekly again, really have fun like we used to so things will be back to normal. The site started in 2009 so there is 11 years of content in there for $19.95/m and in addition, extra content from all other sites so although I understanding wanting more... ha, we're doing the best we can for now. :)
"more use of dildo instead of real thing than I would have gone with"
We started hardcore in 2013 at Bryci's request because she told me she didn't like filming with toys. She kept doing dildo vids etc for years but she stopped in Jan 2019 because she simply had enough. She doesn't enjoy dildos basically, and she calls the shots for her site 500%. The solo videos, she would shoot them herself, tripoded. Not sure if she'll return to toys or not, I have learned the hard way to say never say never. lol. So maybe she will? Can't say for sure, I'll pass this on to her though.
"(old stuff) sometimes spotty lighting. It's rare and unavoidable in a pro-am site."
I hear you on this! Lighting is always an issue because we want to be in the moment and amateur more so than pro. We have large windows so we try for daylight more often than not. It's getting better for us! :)
Again, Marc, thank you for your review. It's appreciated!
Could you tell me, the other sites on the network with solo models that the whole site is dedicated to them on average how many updates do they tend to have?
We are also adding 3 new sites in February.
The impression from the preview pages I got was not many but maybe i'm wrong.
We update 12-25 times per week usually. We were majority 4K (and smaller versions) for videos for close to three full years, but less than 1% of people download 4K videos so we are putting more weight behind 1080 now as again, less than 1% of the entire member base download them. We'll still do 4K, just not every update. This is the same as Naughty America, Brazzers etc. Not every update is 4K.
Hope this helped :)
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