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Legal Porno (0)

rearadmiral (0) 03-28-17  03:09pm
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Download speeds bad and getting worse

Legal Porno is probably the most expensive site I go to regularly on a per scene price. As many of you know, LP doesn’t use a normal subscription model but instead you buy ‘tickets’ and cash those in on scenes. There aren't many sites like LP and I’ve been a fan for a while now but in the past six months they’ve had a really annoying issue: download speeds.

I have a 300MB connection and with most sites I can see in the low 40 MB/s for downloads. While I can see short bursts at 12 MB/s with LP those usually fall off to 1 or 2 MB/s pretty quickly. These past few days I can only dream of those numbers. I bought a scene recently and have yet to be successful downloading it because I’m getting download speeds around 300KB/s.

For the prices this site charges you’d think they could bring their servers into the 21st Century.

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Msg # User Message Date


lk2fireone (0) I don't mean to be picky.
But have you confused MB/s with Mb/s?
MBps stands for Mega Byte Per Second
Mbps stands for Mega bit Per Second.

My guess is that you have a 300 Mbps connection.
Which is very fast.

The fastest connection I've heard of, from a cable company, is 500 Mbps.
For a number of cable companies, the fastest they offer is around 100 Mbps.

( 1 MB = 8 Mb )

(I'm talking about consumer connections. Business connections are different.)

03-28-17  09:23pm

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elephant (0) Yeah they should be the fastest site going for their price. I contemplated joining the site only last weekend, but changed my mind, its just too expensive I feel and they price themselves out of the market for most porn users. I'd be willing to spend say $100 to download everything I wanted but this ticket thing is just annoying, especially when the tickets are now seen as getting some up to 6, it leaves so few movies for the high price.

The site could and should be the top porn site out there if done at a set price, so many more people would buy, that said they'd then have to upgrade servers again.

03-29-17  02:57am

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #1 - lk2fireone :

You're right. I just ran a speed test and I got 311 Mbps, which is obviously quite different from 311MBps. I didn't know the difference until now. Thanks for pointing that out.

I just did a test and downloaded a scene from Evil Angel and IDM showed I was getting 40 MB/s. It took maybe 30 seconds to download a 1.68GB scene. I thought that maybe I was capped at downloads but I now see that if I'm getting 40MB/s that's probably much closer to my capacity than I thought.

Thanks for shedding some light on that for a non-tech guy.

But... I get 40MB/s from Evil Angel and get less than 1/40th of that from Legal Porno. I'm still mad at them!

03-29-17  02:40pm

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #2 - elephant :

Upgrade their servers again? That implies that they've done so in the past! With these speeds it is as if they have an old Atari as their server.

With LP, I'm willing to overlook their quirky ways because there isn't really anyone else like them out there. I even overlooked their requirement that your account had to be verified but at least they've dropped that now. As for pricing, it doesn't happen often, but there are some scenes that can hit near 8 tickets. I realize this is supply-and-demand, but the scenes with A-list American models tend to be priced the highest.

03-29-17  02:43pm

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #4 - rearadmiral :

It's not a big surprise considering that they pay American performers significantly more money than their European counterpart. That said I think they are getting to the point where they will have a harder and harder time hiring new performers. It used to be that DAP's were only every few videos but they must have quickly discovered that this is by far their most requested type of scene because these days it's in almost every one of their videos. Call me crazy but I don't think European models are anymore interested in getting two guys to shove their huge dicks in their anal cavity.
03-29-17  03:35pm

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #5 - pat362 :

Amen to that! LP is becoming a bit of a circus these days.
03-29-17  03:56pm

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EverNight (Disabled) REPLY TO #6 - rearadmiral :

If you use Free Download Manager the speeds will be fine.
04-23-17  07:19pm

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #7 - EverNight :

I use Internet Download Manager. The last scenes I downloaded were over the weekend and there seems to have been an improvement.
04-24-17  04:06pm

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mbaya (Disabled) I joined toady and am getting speeds that are just awful. I have a slow internet download connection, but am getting less than 25% of even that.
05-05-17  06:23pm

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #9 - mbaya :

That's my experience too. I downloaded a few scenes today and while the download speeds have improved a bit they are still far lower than I'm used to seeing on other sites. If I wasn't such a fan of what LP puts out I'd quit them forever. But the fact that they make great porn keeps me coming back.
05-07-17  01:00pm

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