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What is the best decade for porn?

Type: General

Submitted by Amanda (0)
70s 4% 1 Votes
80s 19% 5 Votes
90s 0% 0 Votes
00s 15% 4 Votes
Present 54% 14 Votes
Other (see reply) 8% 2 Votes

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26 Votes Total

Dec 31, 2017

Poll Replies (13)

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elephant (0) Without a shadow of a doubt for me it was the 00s,I took it for granted back then but it was awesome and I still look at mostly old stuff as opposed to new stuff, now its seem all about how glammed up a model can get and a competition to see how many tats a model can get, most porn is shot with generic white backdrops and directed pretty much the same porn by numbers, lot of the rawness, natural, spontaneity is long gone. I didn't struggle to decide which site back then as there was loads of great sites producing great hot porn, all at the top of their game.

In 2018 I'd love to see some sites go back to basics and shoot without doing models up with tonnes of makeup and shoot without all these perfect lighting and backdrops, too polished for me.

01-01-18  02:34am

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Jay G (Disabled) Now.... best photography available. Old stuff had wonderful classics, but looking at it now is like looking at an old videotape...... fuzzy, blurry images that once were great, no longer so much so.
01-01-18  04:10am

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Drooler (Disabled) The quality and speed of the media at the present time is what makes the present decade the best.

Just the same, there's too much tattooing, and even more emphasis on the gonzo style, to the point where even some softcore content has a rougher edge to it.

Fortunately, there's still enough of the "kinder and gentler" stuff available.

As for the tattoos, they're a fad. The girls and guys who've gotten carried away with it are going to look quite ridiculous as soon as the current "fashion" has run out of time. And that's how it is with fashion.

01-01-18  05:26am

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skippy (0) POV and, of course, Virtual Reality didn't exist a few years ago. Those two things have transformed porn into a much more personal experiance for the viewer. The sheer volume of porn today means that there are also genres for every taste from traditional to literally whatever you are into.

On the other hand, I agree with Drooler about the extremity of sex today. (I admit I had to look up Gonzo and apparently not all dictionaries agree on what it is...). Some things, like anal sex, have become way too common on mainstream sites. I agree that the white background thing is annoying, but it seems to be passing. Tattoos? It is a generational (and partially socio-econimc) thing that, unfortunately, will always be more acceptable for younger generations than for older ones. But the tattoo industry has grown tremendously in the past two decades and probably won't go away any time soon.

...I digress. Quality, quantity and variety today are generally better than ever.

01-01-18  07:14am

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merc77 (Disabled) The late 80s and 90s saw a decline in porn as the VHS took over filmed porn. Everyone could get into the business and quantity was over quality.

There are many sites out there that are crap, but there are also some really good ones. Add to that the HD videos and other options we have without leaving our own home. Times have changed for porn.

01-01-18  09:56am

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pat362 (0) I picked the 80's but that's mostly because that is the first kind of porn I watched and the kind that I enjoy the most. That said the kind of lesbian porn that got shot in the early 2000 is superior to anything that came before and often what gets made these days.
01-01-18  10:03am

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Onyx (In-Active) I wish plastic surgery didn't exist, but otherwise it's hard to argue that the cost, quantity, and diversity of what's available today isn't better than its ever been.
01-01-18  11:34am

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rearadmiral (0) I think we're living in a Golden Age of porn. High-speed internet has changed everything. I have access to virtually anything I want in the comfort of my own home. I don't need to go to the porn shop and risk having a busload of neighbours drive by as I exit with a VHS tape. Canada's porn laws are still pretty draconian so stuff like what Kink.com sells online would never make it across the border in a physical format but now I can subscribe and download what I want. And storage is so much easier now. If I had the porn collection back 20 years ago that I do now it would fill my basement. Now it is a couple of dozen external drives in a locked briefcase.

Having said that though, I have really fond memories of when I started to be a collector, which was in the early-to-mid 1990s. I've been able to source a lot of my favourites from that time online and while the resolutions are crappy I still enjoy them. And unlike my entire collection which is backed up, some of these treasured titles are double-backed-up.

01-01-18  11:43am

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mr3633 (0) From my perspective, current product quality is by far best. Storylines, camera angles, resolution, instant availability (I.e. internet). The best part for me is simply the amount of variety (type of porn) and the larger number of performers in the industry.

I will say my favorite all-time performer is Shanna McCullough (80's/90's). I really wish she performed with the technology/standards available today.

01-02-18  06:02am

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pinkerton (0) For me the 90s stuff from studios like Private was my first sustained exposure to porn, I loved all the euro babes in stockings doing photo-shoots, I'd love to have seen them also done as proper video scenes but have to content myself with the behind-the-scenes videos of those photo-shoots.
01-05-18  07:23am

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Wraith0711 (0) The best era IMO was mid 80's to early 90's. Best studio at the time was VIVID and a couple of my all time favorite stars Kobi Tai and Asia Carrera were tearing it up. A lot of others that would take to long to list. Best movies not just gonzo random scenes.
01-08-18  05:28am

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Homegirl (Disabled) I would say the best porn is right now.
05-15-20  11:08am

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toady (0) The 1830s!
06-21-21  08:11am

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