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With the wider acceptance of more ornate and better quality tattoos, has your attitude them changed?

Type: Niches

Submitted by skippy (0)
Nope. Generally hate them. 40% 17 Votes
Nope. Generally like them. 14% 6 Votes
As long as they are decent 14% 6 Votes
I like them more than before 10% 4 Votes
Depends on the girl. 14% 6 Votes
Other (Comment) 7% 3 Votes

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42 Votes Total

Jan 9, 2019

Poll Replies (12)

Replies to the user poll above.

Msg # User Message Date


skippy (0) For the most part, I enjoy 2.5 categories of porn. The first is softcore with unbelievable, young, generally untattood pro models like Met Art, MPL Studios, Watch4beauty and Femjoy. The second is POV and VR stuff where beautiful women are pretty much tasked with paying attention to the viewer and getting him/her off. The .5 category is this niche of beautiful women that you don't see anywhere else because they have tattoos. Many of them have beautiful, intricate, amazing, sometimes body covering tattoos. There are thousands of these women, with body types as diverse and as spectacular as anything on the sites I listed above. I've been a member of the strictly softcore and social-network site SuicideGirls off and on for years, but the site has changed since a relaunch and everything about it has improved. If you are curious, the SG thread on reddit is fairly representative of the images there, but the site is much more than just images. I humbly acknowledge that this is all about a middle-aged guy fantasizing about beautiful women that are more badass than anything I could ever handle, but, hey, isn't that why many of us are here? :-)
01-10-19  08:26am

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pat362 (0) While I dislike them. Many of my all time favorite models happen to have at least one tattoo but if they didn't have any then I would still like them and in some cases. I might like them more.

Unless you happen to be someone who loves tattoos on women then I suspect most of you would prefer not to see any ink on your favorite model.

01-10-19  03:52pm

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pinkerton (0) I'm happy with small/discreet tattoos but when larger areas of a model's body is covered with them then it's a turn off, as are tattoos that are "in your face", for example, tattoos above the breasts or on the small of the back.
01-11-19  03:11am

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lk2fireone (0) Don't like tattoos. On men or women.
Especially on women.

01-12-19  12:26pm

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rearadmiral (0) My preference is for no obtrusive tattoos but I also like some models that have large tattoos so I can't claim to be dogmatic about the issue.
01-13-19  06:18am

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sonofzog (0) REPLY TO #1 - skippy :

I had forgotten about SuicideGirls for some reason. Maybe I used to occasionally see them on Tumblr, which I dropped. At any rate, you reminded me about them and I checked out their website. There's a tour of sorts that supposedly has 200 photos (I'm pretty sure I didn't see anywhere near that many). They are all very attractive girls and a lot of them aren't photographed with dense ink, but the thing is a few of them are staggeringly beautiful. I do love the usual glamour sites, but some of these models make MetArt models look just a bit shabby. Of course, I'm perfectly fine with tattoos in general and also a big fan of perfect, unadorned complexions. People who shudder at ink would do best never to check out SuicideGirls.
01-13-19  08:21am

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Wraith0711 (0) To me it all depends on the tattoo. I'm going to mention names but am in no way body shaming any one, just using them as an example. Very poorly done tats like the gun Alina Li had are a huge turnoff as are any gang tats. Professionally done tats like Gina Valentina's left thigh tat are gorgeous. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and when you get into the whole body artwork like Bonnie Rotten then it becomes (and I'm speaking for myself only here) hit or miss. For me, it depends on the artwork.
01-20-19  07:39am

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hikaru (Unverified) wat's about?
02-09-19  06:19am

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mbaya (Disabled) REPLY TO #8 - hikaru :

Sounds like a troll.
02-11-19  10:08am

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AssWorship (0) Absolutley hate tattoo's on girls. In fact I can't think on one pornstar who looks better with them. I want to see the girls skin not some scribble/doodle. There's more than few pornstars who I used to think where the best but have now completely ruined themselves by covering themselves in nasty ink. Sleeves are also one of the worst, they're just nasty.
02-22-19  06:29am

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superjank (0) I generally don't mind them as long as the person isn't covered head-to-toe or have all skulls/spiderwebs/etc.
07-21-19  11:43am

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Homegirl (Disabled) I hate tattoos.
03-30-20  12:26pm

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