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Visit TS Seduction

TS Seduction (0)

Shen (0) 01-23-19  04:25pm
Rookie Badge TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: +Substantial catalogue of around 600 videos
+Although filmed in 1280x720 the quality is crisp and more than sufficient
+Great video lengths ranging from 30+ minutes per shoot to sometimes an hour
+Fantastic download speeds
+Images are easily downloadable via zip, fairly good quality, also in folders which make for quick and easy transfers
+Ability to rate and comment on shoots
+Ability to favourite videos, build and browse your own "My Kink" library
+Ability to favourite models and can be notified as soon as they drop a shoot
+Ability to download specific scenes in a shoot, very useful if you’re interested in certain scenes and not others etc
+Search bar on top means you can search from any page quickly
+Shoots contain plenty of tags
+Scenes are well produced with unique, dynamic filming - sound is also great
+Great selection of models that are drop dead gorgeous and can generally act well
+Fills obscure niche where transsexuals dominate and almost always top the male
Cons: -Update rates have slowed down to roughly two updates a month
-Though video lengths are great, a large amount is consumed by the storyline over actual sex anyway
-Low quantity of photos per shoot, 25-40 images which is much less than before, look like vidcaps so some are blurry
-Image zips are sometimes missing photos, look at image previews below the shoot and check if they're in the zip
-Confusing search interface, model index set up differently from search bar
-Site is occasionally glitchy
-Model profiles no longer show any stats like height or penis length as before
-Tagging system can be poor, tags like "creampie" are sometimes not used making fans miss out on rare content
-Doesn't mention bareback or condoms on tags, can't filter through either
-Reuses a lot of the same models
-Latest shoots (last six months) are a bit drab and mild, lacking ideas
-Scene download feature is pointless - more recent updates have two separate downloadable scenes compared to four to six before
Bottom Line: Over the years, legendary TS Seduction have produced some of the best transsexual porn on the internet period, featuring storylines and scenes shot like no other. Elite, entertaining and sexy they’ve made it all. I have enjoyed many videos over the years and still do now. But, and it pains me to say this, it is very apparent right now that they are past their prime. Years ago they were bustling with amazing content left, right and centre but the update rates are beyond slow now. Two shoots a month doesn’t sound disastrous at first but then consider you get around 26 shoots a year then it starts to hit home. Update schedules play a significant role in determining the quality of a porn site and in TS Seduction’s case, this is the main culprit here and it will surely put off some newcomers. All my other issues pale in comparison to that one. There has been a lack of new models over the last year too so returning members won’t be blown away by anything fresh or exciting. I am also not impressed with some of their recent practices such as discontinuing model stats.

To conclude, I do recommend TS Seduction but only if you want to browse through their enormous library and stream/download older shoots. The current rollout isn’t like it was before, so memberships aren’t as appealing especially long term. Keep in mind how expensive the membership is as well, so getting other sites with the subscription is more invaluable than ever.

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Review Replies (5)

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Msg # User Message Date


lk2fireone (0) Welcome to PU.
An excellent first review.
Very impressive.

01-24-19  12:17am

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mbaya (Disabled) Welcome to PU. This is an excellent review and I hope you write many more.
01-24-19  02:16am

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Shen (0) REPLY TO #1 - lk2fireone :

Thank you for the warm reception. I am very new at this sort of thing and hope to get better as I gain experience.
01-24-19  05:45pm

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Shen (0) REPLY TO #2 - mbaya :

Many thanks and I will try my best.
01-24-19  05:46pm

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spank1 (0) great review!!...for past 3 years have kept my membership to kink.com which encompasses tsseduction. every 4th of july they seem to have a 100 buck a year subscription. i spend 1000=1200 month on cam site so any jerking off elsewhere seems to save me money:)
01-25-19  08:03am

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