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Bangbros Network (0)

Roberto281 (0) 03-04-19  08:56pm
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Do they still bill you for sites not ordered?

I haven't joined this site in years because of the deceptive billing. Here's the scam they used to do: you join bangbros. You see the bangbros pic and vid sets but you also would see pic and vid sets displayed that were NOT included in the bangbros subscription. These out of plan sets are displayed on the screen just like they are part of your subscription, but they are not. And you have no way of knowing that till your credit card gets billed. If you clicked on any of these sets not in your subscription, they would use your credit card info from the site you did buy to bill you for other sites that you didn't buy. There was no warning or any indication at all displayed on the sets not included in your subscription. Are they still doing that?

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Shen (0) I'm gonna cook up a review for one of their sites soon but as far as I'm aware they label these other sites as "Unlock Now" down columns on either side while you scroll down in the Members Area. Also, every time you login, they take you to this gateway where they plug their other sites as ads with an "Unlock Now" beneath it - they put a "Continue to Members Area" link in smaller print right beneath it. My guess is they purposely made it small so users may accidentally click on something they don't want - to get around this I bookmarked the Members Area so right after I log in I click on that to take me straight to the Members Area. I'm not sure if this is different from before as this year was my first time signing up to BangBros. I'm coming up to 2 months on the site soon and so far no deceptive billing although I have to add I have a good eye for this sort of thing. Also, you have to pay $5 extra per month to enable 4K if you're into that. I hope that when I cancel things go smoothly but something tells me that it won't.
03-05-19  07:55am

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marcdc1 (0) REPLY TO #1 - Shen :

Thanks for updating that Shen. That still seems awfully shady to me. I want porn sites to make a buck. Hell it’s the only way they’ll stay in business. But come on! Don’t try to be a cheat!!
03-05-19  10:29am

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Shen (0) REPLY TO #2 - marcdc1 :

No problem marcdc1 and I wholly agree.
03-05-19  02:11pm

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rearadmiral (0) REPLY TO #1 - Shen :

Thanks for posting this update Shen. Like Roberto, I've avoided BB because their site was like a minefield. One wrong click and you were charged for a site you didn't want.
03-06-19  01:11pm

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Shen (0) REPLY TO #4 - rearadmiral :

No problem and that's understandable.
03-07-19  01:53pm

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exotics4me (0) I don't have any problems with them but I do use a prepaid card. Their customer service will respond at times. They are the ones that told me to use a prepaid card. You can get the cards online for a $5 fee from giftcards(dot com). If you find a promo under $10, the added $5 isn't too bad and unlike some sites, their billing processes prepaid cards. There are some sites that reject prepaid cards, especially those using CCBill.

You can also use any prepaid/gift Visa/Mastercards you have. I only know about those from having a credit card that rewards members with points that can be traded in for a "Debit" card. I pick up about $100 a year in rewards on it and use that for sites that are questionable in their billing practices.

03-09-19  10:22am

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exotics4me (0) The edit time limit caused me not to be able to edit.

The old workaround still works, I just tried it. Sign up like regular. When you enter your information make sure to miss the CVV Code and the expiration date. It will say your bank rejected the purchase and ask if you want to use a secondary biller. It is currently Epoch or Paypal through Epoch. That makes it a lot easier to fix if you run into problems.

Canceling is still tricky but their customer service told me it is just bad programming. If you go into your account within the members area you will see what Bang Bros packages you are registered for. If you just joined Bang Bros with no add-ons, it will be the only one listed but if you joined any add-ons those will be listed too. You have to cancel each one. They have a button on each to cancel so it's not too difficult. This was supposed to be a way for a member to retain their access to say an add-on package without having to pay for the main site and any other add-on packages.

03-09-19  10:40am

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