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Visit Brazzers


Brazzers's owner accused of publishing child porn

A december 4, 2020 New York Times article entitled "The Children of PornHub" suggests that Mindgeek, the owner of Brazzers, allows child porn to be published on its tube site Pornhub. Very disturbing. Here's a link to the article.

12-24-20  07:21am

Replies (1)
Visit Trans Angels

Trans Angels
Reply of Shen's Comment

What a scam! Thanks for the heads-up, I was just about subscribe.

03-13-20  08:44pm

Visit Mylf


Automatic signup for some other site

There's some tiny type at the top of the sign-up page that is actually a drop down. If you don't click on it and deselect the preselected line, then you get an automatic sign up to some other website for something like $30 a month.

10-27-19  05:12am

Replies (0)
Visit Mylf


Complete Scam

The 7 sites are NOT included with membership. Its the BangBros scam: you see tons of sets but everyone you click on says you have to join another site for more money to see the set. I looked at two sets there were maybe 20 pics in each set. They were airbrushed like pics in some cheap magazine. Not even worth looking at. Ads on every page. Total disappointment.

10-27-19  05:01am

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Visit Facial Abuse

Facial Abuse
Reply of mbaya's Reply

The two extra sites were Ghetto Doorway and Hardcore Doorway.

08-11-19  05:15pm

Visit Facial Abuse

Facial Abuse

Billed for two other sites I didn't join

Signed up and got a confirmation for the site and also got a confirmation for two other sites that I didn't sign up for. Contacted support and they claim I signed up for three sites and they won't do anything about. Must have been some sort of hidden pre-check because I read the sign up page carefully to guard against this kind of deception. Great, so I bought one site and get triple billed for two others I don't want and didn't knowingly buy.

08-09-19  06:15pm

Replies (3)
Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network

Do they still bill you for sites not ordered?

I haven't joined this site in years because of the deceptive billing. Here's the scam they used to do: you join bangbros. You see the bangbros pic and vid sets but you also would see pic and vid sets displayed that were NOT included in the bangbros subscription. These out of plan sets are displayed on the screen just like they are part of your subscription, but they are not. And you have no way of knowing that till your credit card gets billed. If you clicked on any of these sets not in your subscription, they would use your credit card info from the site you did buy to bill you for other sites that you didn't buy. There was no warning or any indication at all displayed on the sets not included in your subscription. Are they still doing that?

03-04-19  08:56pm

Replies (7)
Visit Elegant Angel

Elegant Angel
Reply of yujin's Reply

Yes, Yujin, it does appear that clubelegantangel.com does have some of the older elegantangel.com videos. The problem for users is that clubelegantangel.com represents itself as "elegant angel" in its advertising creating the impression that clubelegantangel.com is in fact elegantangel.com when it is a totally different and inferior site. Elegantangel.com is a high quality site with lots of new high quality vids while clubelegantangel.com has only a tiny number of newer vids most of which are far inferior to elegantangel.com.

10-03-18  08:40pm

Visit Elegant Angel

Elegant Angel
Reply of yujin's Reply

Thanks Yujin,

There is something very odd going on with this website. The email advertisement I received is from "Elegant Angel" That's the site I signed up for. However upon closer inspection, the email links to "clubelegantangel.com" which apparently has some of the same videos as elegantangel.com but very few, especially the newer ones listed on elegantangel.com It appears that there are two separate sites that use a slightly different name. Very tricky. I would hope the webmaster could respond and explain what's going on.

10-01-18  05:51pm

Visit Elegant Angel

Elegant Angel

The site's gone strickly fraud

Years ago this was a really hot site. Its not now and it has degenerated into fraud. The preview pages still look hot but after you pay your money you get a totally different website of doggy old vids. Here's where the fraud comes in: the preview pages show some hot vids like Jasmine Jae in Oil Explosion 2 but its not even listed on the site. You only find out after you pay. There are still some good vids from 5 or 10 years ago and if you've never been a member, that would justify joining for the highly discounted offers floating around, $5.00 per month. If you've ever been a member though, the site doesn't make sense because all the stuff in recent years is rally bad. The studio does have some good stuff but its on other sites, not this one.

09-28-18  08:01pm

Replies (4)
Visit Life Selector

Life Selector
Reply of HughJarse's Comment

In my experience, any site that involves the purchase of "credits" instead of full site-access, inevitably turns out to be a really bad deal. The use of the "credits" system heightens the essential problem with the purchase of porn: you can't see it until you pay for it and once you pay for it, if you don't like it, you are screwed. This problem is minimized with the purchase of full-access to an entire porn site -- even if you don't like many or most of the scenes, you hopefully will find something that you like, thereby justifying the purchase price. With the purchase of credits you never get to see what you are buying before you pay for it and you get only a limited amount of product with each purchase. Take evilangel.com, for example, it has thousands of vids and pic sets, most of which I don't care for but because of the huge selection, I almost always find something I like every time I join. If I had to pay per vid for the stuff on evilangel or any other big site, I would end up paying for tons of vids I didn't like.

06-02-16  10:09pm

Visit DDF Network

DDF Network
Reply of tangub's Reply

The identifiers they use for blocking are the users credit card number and email address. So just get a new free online email address, and if you have another card, or can get your bank to issue a new one (old one is lost?) you will be back in business. They don't use name as an identifier for blocking.

04-30-16  01:17am

Visit Brazzers

Reply of mediafan's Comment

Yes, and its not just the new sets. Brazzers removed the screen caps from the entire site, including the prior sets that already had screen caps posted, without prior notice to their customers. And its a big loss because sometimes the screen caps were better than the regular pics, they often captured the action beautifully and were more exciting than the posed pics. Pornographers are some of the worst businessmen on earth. It takes little effort to make and post the screen caps and it adds lots of value for the customers but most sites don't do it. If they would just look around the internet at how customers are using their product, lets say tumblr or imagefap or anywhere they would see users making their own screen caps which are sometimes wildly popular judging from the number of downloads on tumblr, for example. But yet the producers either won't make the effort to add this value or like Brazzers, stop adding it. There are published reports attributing the financial collapse of the porn biz to tube sites and other free postings but that's not entirely true, its their own lack of attention to what their customers want.

03-11-16  08:33pm

Visit Assylum.com

Reply of bibo's Comment

Does the site have pic sets and if so zips?

03-08-16  09:42pm

Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network
Reply of bill20's Reply

The virtual cards are a great idea: a unique card number issued for a one time use. Bank of America has them but you can only use them via your regular card. The most ideal situation to access this well documented scam site would to use a pre-paid debit card with a very small amount of money on it which also has the virtual card element, that is a unique card number that can only be used once. A few years ago there was such a debit card, don't recall the name, but now I don't think there is any pre-paid debit card that issues unique card numbers for one time use. I would caution against using any regular card with this site, they billed my account even months after I cancelled and as others have documented, if you subscribe to any of their sites, you get a screen that shows vids for all their sites and if you click on any of those vids you are automatically signed up for each extra site for $30.00 per month without any warning or notice so you won't even know to cancel it until after the charge for the unintended site hits your credit card account.

02-26-16  06:43pm

Visit Brazzers

Reply of elephant's Reply

For extra protection, you can get a pre-paid visa card, like green dot, at many convenience stores, and use it for internet billing purposes only, reserving your traditional credit card for use with trusted vendors only i.e. not porn sites. They charge about $5.00 per month service fee for the pre-paid cards. If you get in a bad situation with improper billing by an internet vendor, you can cancel the pre-paid card without interfering with your traditional card.

02-07-16  08:10pm

Visit Sperma Studio

Sperma Studio
Reply of mbaya's Reply

Sorry, mbaya, I was referring the the TBP rating and accidentally typed 85 when I meant to type 82. Your rating was 85 years ago and it might have been realistic back then but TBP is rating is 82, in a review dated just days ago on February 5, 2016. It just doesn't make sense that a site that has primarily been re-posting the same material for years with very little new stuff would be so highly rated especially considering the site's technological limitations.

02-07-16  08:02pm

Visit Sperma Studio

Sperma Studio

How does this site rank an 85?

How does this site rank an 85 when the highest user rating in the last five years is 65? Yes, it did have some good content years ago but not now the updates are very limited. And the sites download functionality is completely crippled. The zips don't work and the video download speed is abysmal.

02-05-16  08:50pm

Replies (2)
Visit Brazzers

Reply of jebediah13's Comment

Welcome to the world of internet fraud! Porn sites are being devastated financially by all the free posts available on the tube sites, tumblr and the like so they resort to increasingly deceptive sales strategies like pre-checked sales of unwanted items and time-consuming cancellation red-tape to generate revenue. None of this BS exists outside the world of internet porn. When's the last time you ordered a frying pan from Amazon and got a toaster that you didn't want because of a pre-checked add on? Never. Its not just Brazzers, all the sites do it, in one form or another. I wish they would be as creative at making porn as they are in coming up with ways to scam their customers.

02-05-16  08:44pm

Visit Mano Job

Mano Job

Extremely Slow Download Speed

Download speed is running 100 to 225 kb/second, which means a video that would take 1 to 2 minutes to download on a normal site takes 30 minutes to over an hour to download on Mano. A large portion of the material is at least 5 years old. Apparently, the site reposts old sets as if they were new. Considering the speed problem and the limited amount of new material, this site isn't really worth bothering with.

12-30-15  06:08pm

Replies (1)
Visit Blacked.com


How does Blacked.com compare to BlacksOnBlonds.com?

Anyone that's subscribed to both sites: how does Blacked.com compare to BlacksOnBlonds.com? Blacked is $30 with no discounts available. BOB lists for $30 but it has discounts for $20 and it is a network site with hundreds or maybe thousands of pic sets and vids with a variety of settings and themes. The girls on Blacked are very hot but judging from the previews only there's a sterility and monotony to the sets. Every set looks like the last just with a different girl. BOB has older and not as hot women but seems wildly filthier. I'm only getting one of the two sites, so let me know of any advantages to either site.

12-23-15  06:29pm

Replies (5)
Visit DDF Network

DDF Network
Reply of Ace DDF's Reply

DDF webmaster, you should not talk to your customers like that. The guy had a bad experience with billing for a porn site, which is not exactly an uncommon experience. Regardless of who is right or wrong, the site took his money and did not give him what he expected, which also happens everyday in the world of porn site billing, so he's a little ticked-off. You could have used this as a way to fix a bad customer experience and publicly demonstrate to a lot of other customers how upstanding your business practices are and you blew it by responding like a noob.

11-27-15  08:00pm

Visit Evil Angel

Evil Angel

Streaming only, no downloads, ads on every page

I just re-joined evilangel to see Kianna Dior's latest vid. Its streaming only. I also checked Lex Steel's latest and its streaming only too. The pic sets are smaller than they used to be and there are ads on every page. What a shame.

11-05-15  11:29pm

Replies (4)
Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network
Reply of mbaya's Reply

and how is it that Epoch prevents these scammers from double billing?

10-12-15  06:27pm

Visit Evil Angel

Evil Angel
Reply of ievi's Reply

Are you implying that screen caps cannot be zipped? Like any file, screen caps can be zipped. The site has chosen not to post zips of screen caps for its own reasons, not because it is technically impossible or even difficult to do.

10-05-15  07:33pm

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