Wow Girls (0)
Status: |
Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Pros: |
-Large amount of site contents.
-All 3 sites (All Fine Girls, Wow Girls, Wow Porn) have a decent amount of content: both vodeos and accompanying photosets.
-The catalog of models is excellent: The girls are teens. They range in looks from attractive to exceptionally attractive. That is one of the main strengths of the site. The quality of the models.
-Most of the videos and photosets are shot professionally: good camera control, good lighting, good sound control.
-Many years ago the quality of the photo sets were like medium- or low-grade screen shots. But they upgraded the quality of the photo sets years ago, and while the photos are not MetArt quality, they are good quality. Except I wish the quality was even better, because most of the models are attractive to very attractive, and you want to see them close up and personal.
-Secure login and secure member pages. They use HTTPS. |
Cons: |
-Easy login. Many sites are now using captchas before you can enter the site. Wow Girls does not. With cookies enabled, login is simple and easy.
-No download limits.
-No streaming limits.
-Videos and photosets download with the names of the models and the title of the set or video.
-Most videos can be streamed or downloaded in 480p, 720p, 1080p.
-Videos can also be split into scenes for streaming or downloading, if you want to focus on the parts you find interesting.
-Pre-checked cross-sale on join page. Standard for porn sites.
-Vendo is the billing agent. Not as well-known as CCBill or Epoch. Some PU members have complained that cancelling is more difficult with Vendo than with CCBill or Epoch. However, I've never had a problem with Vendo, after using them for many years.
-Most photosets offer you a zip file in 2 definitions: 1000 px and 2000 px. I wish the sets were even higher quality, because these girls are cute to gorgeous. |
Bottom Line: |
-Wow Girls updates with one new video or photoset per day.
Wow Porn has recently slowed to one new video or photoset every 5 days.
Apparently, the AllFineGirls site stopped updating around May 2018.
It's hard to say exactly when, because of the site layout.
The current membership structure means if you join any one of the 3 sites, you get access to all 3 sites.
When I look at the update page of All Fine Girls, it seems to show the site is updating.
However, that is misleading.
The updates shown are actually from the Wow Girls and Wow Porn sites.
I emailed customer support, and asked if All Fine Girls is updating, and if not, when the site will start to update.
Customer support replied that All Fine Girls is not updating, there is no current plan for the site to start updating again, but the other two sites (Wow Girls and Wow Porn) are updating.
Under the current membership structure, membership in any one of the 3 sites gives you access to all 3 sites, and the Wow Girls and Wow Porn sites update regularly.
So you get a huge amount of content at all 3 sites, plus fresh content from the 2 Wow sites.
But there's no way to estimate how many videos and photosets the All Fine Girls site holds. There is a listing for the updates, but since they show content that belongs in the other sites, you can't distinguish what content is specific to the All Fine Girls site, and what content is from the other 2 sites.
I'm explaining this confusion in detail.
Under the current membership plan, if you join any of the three sites (All Fine Girls, Wow Girls, Wow Porn), you have access to all 3 sites.
Formerly, membership in All Fine Girls only gave you access to that site: You did not gain access to Wow Girls or Wow Porn until you remained a member of All Fine Girls for 2 months. So if you joined All Fine Girls under that membership plan, on the update pages for that site, you would see lots of updates, but you couldn't access them until you were a member for over 2 months. Which you wouldn't understand unless you wrote to customer service to find out what the problem was.
Edit: under the current structure, it seems that the distinction between the different sites is becoming blurred.
The model Lena Reif has 17 sets (video + photoset) at All Fine Girls.
The same content is found at Wow Girls.
The same content is found at Wow Porn.
I don't know the specific mechanics of how the 3 sites are set up, but from this example, it appears that they are posting content to a server, and all 3 sites have access to at least some of this content.
Which makes for easier maintenance of the sites, I assume.
But it blurs the distinction between the sites, if at least some of the content appears at all 3 sites.
You can log in to any one of the 3 sites, and access the same content for the model Lena Reif.
The same is true for the model Lady Bug.
She has 17 sets (video + photoset).
The same content can be accessed at each of the 3 sites: All Fine Girls, Wow Girls, Wow Porn.
The same is true for the model Aina.
The same content is posted at all 3 sites.
It appears that, in essence, the 3 sites have been merged into a single site, although they are still being marketed as separate sites.
Membership in any one of the 3 sites, under the current marketing plan, gives you access to all 3 sites.
The URL address of the 3 sites is different from each other, but the content at each site appears to be the same content.
-Navigation can be poor.
Try to find the hot link for customer support. It's almost hidden.
The hot link for customer support is at bottom of each member page, in tiny letters.
However, in spite of those glitches, all 3 sites are basically good to excellent sites:
-The catalog of teen models range from cute or attractive to gorgeous.
-The videos are professionally shot: good camera-work, good lighting, good sound control.
-The photosets are nice: Not poor screen caps, from years ago. I assume they have some software program that makes good quality screen caps. I wish the quality was even better, because most of the models are cute to really attractive. But the photosets are still worth collecting.
-The have zip files for the photo sets in different definitions.
The three sites (All Fine Girls, Wow Girls, Wow Porn) used to be part of the Diesel Access network, but they dropped that name, and even though the 3 sites are currently marketed under a plan which offers access to all 3 sites, All Fine Girls is listed as under one company, and the Wow Girls and Wow Porn sites are listed under a different company.
I'm giving the Wow Girls site a score of 95. This is because, under the current membership plan, membership in any one of the 3 sites gives you access to all 3 sites, which means you can watch a huge amount of teen hardcore of very cute girls.
And if you catch one of their holiday special discounts, the price becomes even cheaper. |
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