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Wraith0711 (0) 01-13-20  06:00am
Rookie Badge  Talk Back  Comments  Pollster  Top Monthly User  Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Updated: 01-17-20  05:59am  (Update History)
Reason: New vital information in the cons area
Pros: 1. Awesome content
2. Top shelf talent
Cons: 1. No model index
2. Severely restrictive (unmentioned) 30GB daily download limit.
3. Latest videos by date looks like entire network is updated with maybe one video a month.
4. Navigation is a pain, pretty much have to go site by site and then scene by scene.
5. If data limit is hit then you have to wait 24hrs and submit a account reset form and be given a new user name and password
6. Time does not reset at a given time, if you download 29.5gb at 7:20am then you have to wait until 7:30am the next day to download again.
Bottom Line: This site has some pretty awesome content but is in serious need of an overhaul. There is no model index at all. A previous review said you could open a scene and click on a models name to bring up her scenes, I found this to be untrue. Going by site by site they have their scenes listed with no model name, after you click on the scene it then will give her name.

Now for my biggest con. There is a ridiculously restrictive daily download limit of 30GB. This is not mentioned anywhere. When you offer 4k quality videos this is a crazy small amount. the 4k videos are upwards of 10-12 gb in size so only 3 videos a day! Plus if you hit this limit you have to request a account reset to continue to download. This is unacceptable. Why doesn't it reset after 24 hours like every other site with a limit?! Look, I get the bootleg concerns but this is punishing the people who choose to be a customer and actually pay for your content and I am a firm believer in supporting my favorite studios/producers by buying dvd's/blurays and memberships. I collect scenes of my favorite models and download three sizes: 720, 1080, and if available the 2160. Yes I am a 4k snob, I download the 720 for my tablet. So today I think I hit the limit at just TWO VIDEOS! I don't know if they ban people for multiple infractions but I will update this review if this is the case. It's sad because this site has just fantastic, amazing, outstanding content.

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Review Replies (2)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


LKLK (0) "Yes I am a 4k snob".

Maybe you can send a private email to Freddie, asking for a new membership badge for 4K members.


Better yet, start a new thread, asking for all PU members to vote on the 4K membership badge.
(The PU staff seems to be hit-or-miss on updates to the PU site.) If there is heavy PU membership support for the idea, that would be cool. Even though I don't own any 4K equipment yet. It might incenticize some of us to upgrade our equipment, if we could get a new PU membership badge.

01-13-20  07:36am

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #1 - LKLK :

Lol in all seriousness, the download limit is SMALL. There should be an unlimited membership option, I honestly would pay for it. Issues like this is why premium site are dying. Having to request your account be unblocked is also so unnecessary, other sites just do it automatically.

As far as the 4k badge I don't see how that would work, how would you "earn" that badge? My tv is 4k only because my old dinosaur tv finally died, even the little cheapie's are 4k, I ended up getting a 55" LG that doubles as an excellent second monitor.

01-13-20  07:47am

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