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Visit Fame Digital

Fame Digital (0)

Wraith0711 (0) 06-14-20  08:29am
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Need a current member to ask a question

Hello, hopefully a current member will see this post and answer a question for me. A favorite long dead site of mine lesbo101.com is redirecting to famedigital.com. Is the content here? I've looked through the tour and don't see any of their stars or videos listed but I know some tours are limited on what is shown. Thank you in advanve to anybody who answers.

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LKLK (0) I am not a member of lesbo101.

I am a member of Adult Time.

I think FameDigital still exists as a separate network. but it's also a channel in Adult Time.

I was a member of Fame Digital about a year ago.

If you enter the Adult Time member area, and do a search for lesbo101, what is returned is: 'No result found for "lesbo101"'

If you do a search for Fame Digital, you are returned hits for Fame Digital, White Ghetto, Peter North, Transsexual Roadtrip.

However, the search function at Adult Time is kind of clunky, and does not work very well.

So lesbo101 videos might be buried in the Adult Time network.

The old Fame Digital included a number of hardcore sites.
Silvia Saint
Peter North
Rocco Siffredi
Devils Films
Silverstone DVD
and plenty of other hardcore sites.

So those sites might be buried in the Adult Time network, as well.

Just guessing, I figure your chance of accessing the old lesbo101 content is slim, if you join Fame Digital directly, or join Adult Time directly.
You can check tube sites, which often have condensed versions of some videos from other sites. That would be your best chance of finding some content from the lesbo101 site, but you would only get a small number of hits, and the quality of the videos might be sub-standard, from what was offered at the original lesbo101 site.

Bottom line: redirecting from a dead site to a currently active site is a marketing ploy. There's no guarantee you will find the old dead site content at the currently active site.

06-14-20  11:23am

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #1 - LKLK :

Thanks for the reply LKLK. It's just curious that when typed in lesbo101.com redirects to famdigital.com which doesn't make sense as to my knowledge it was owned and produced by doghouse digital. I just got off of a customer support live chat and she had never heard of the website and had no clue as to why it was redirecting to them. At least she was honest and admitted she was stumped rather than telling me to join and find out. She even gave me a huge discount code for the trouble.
06-14-20  11:51am

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Supervert (0) I just checked, and all the other old Fame Digital sites are still there - Low Art Films, Silverstone, etc., but no Lesbo101. I just checked Doghouse too, and the content's not there either. I'll email their customer support later and see if they respond. Brazzers has some content that's on their dvds, but not on the site, which vexes me. I hate it when sites do that.
06-22-20  06:11am

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO # - :

Thank you sir for your reply. I did email the customer support and she told me honestly she had no idea why it was doing that she had never heard of the site before. That’s high marks in my book, flat out admitting they have no clue rather than tell me to join the site and see.
06-22-20  10:22am

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