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Trump2020 (0) 01-04-21  08:48am
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Downloads :/

Dang, just skimmed through Aly's review and saw the 15 vids/week limit. What in the world is going on with these sites nowadays. They used to have a 60GB a day limit, which is rough enough with 4k vids going for 8-11gb each on their site, now they only allow about 2 vids per day. Lame. This site is gorgeous but c'mon Kelly and Ryan, dont get stingy on us. I know you're trying to keep people from signing up for a 9.99 monthly deal and then downloading every single video on your site for 10 bucks. I get it. But at least just charge more for downloads and make the limit bigger, or no limit even. 2 vids a day, gosh i cant get over that, thats so bad, its almost like downloads arent even allowed. If there arent downloads then im not interested in these sites. Idc how good a site is, Im just not interested in "unlimited streaming". If i want streaming then i just go to a tube site. Severely limiting downloads or not alloowing them alltogether just makes you another tube site, shame.

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Msg # User Message Date


LKLK (0) I mainly agree with your ideas.
Except that more and more sites are limiting downloads.
So we just have to get used to it.

But thanks for pointing out the new downloads limit.
Useful to know.

01-05-21  03:02pm

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Wraith0711 (0) piracy is hitting these sites hard. Some people have nothing better to do than hack and rip these sites and post on bootleg sites for free. A while back I saw a site (the guy that runs cock ninja studios on clips4sale tried to open his own paysite) that had been hacked bad, I mean from the admin side of it, and all the video descriptions were replaced with "fuck you porn is free" . EVERY! SINGLE! ONE! Fucking kids don't think they have to pay for anything any more!
01-07-21  06:54am

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