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Visit Her Sex Debut

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Wraith0711 (0) 07-05-21  12:14pm
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Treasure trove of Russian stars

I stumbled across this site today and it is a gold mine of very hard to find scenes deleted from 18onlygirls/younglegalporn/allfinegirls.

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Msg # User Message Date


LKLK (0) Looks like a nice site.
Sorry to keep harping on price, but membership is not cheap.
You would think that with old content deleted from sites, they would give you a bargain rate.
But I guess they think that if you want to view or collect this older content, you are willing to pay full price.
Mainly, I try to get full value for the dollars I spend.
So I will pass on this site, even though there are some videos I would like to see.

07-11-21  05:50pm

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #1 - LKLK :

I always google sitename + discount and almost always find one. I paid $20 which isn't bad at all. Even if it was full price it is a site I have never joined befofre so it would be worth it just because I don't have any of it.
07-12-21  04:47am

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LKLK (0) REPLY TO #2 - Wraith0711 :

A very nice trick.
I will try to remember it and use it in the future.
Thanks for the tip.

07-12-21  07:24am

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #3 - LKLK :

Your welcome. Sometimes you get lucky and get 50% off or a one year subscription for the price of a 3 month sub. I am a firm believer in paying for my porn but do so in this way. I very rarely pay full price. There are a few sites dedicated to porn site discounts, daily deal and so on. Hope this saves you some $$$
07-12-21  08:54am

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LKLK (0) REPLY TO #4 - Wraith0711 :


I sent you a private email through the PU internal email system yesterday.

Check your inbox, spam box for the offer.
The offer is good, no conditions apply.

If you don't want it, just send me an email through the PU internal email system that you don't want it.

Or you can reply to this post, saying "No thanks."

I just want to know that you read the offer.


07-15-21  07:39am

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #5 - LKLK :

I honestly never got an email from you, I checked spam folder too. It's all good though, I was already a member when I posted the comment. Thank you for taking the time to share that offer Sir, it is greatly appreciated. That private email service is glitchy, it's 50/50 if anybody gets them.

Lol I joined this site for ONE video! The Video was Isida (Lilo) and it is the unedited 80 minute video that was deleted from young legal porn a decade ago. It's only 720p but beggars can't be choosers as this video is freaking rare. There is a dvd with a heavily edited 20 minute version out there that I did find and buy but I love the 80 version. I'd love to find the original 1080 HD 60 fps version I lost when I knocked my dam external drive off my desk!

07-15-21  09:32am

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LKLK (0) REPLY TO #6 - Wraith0711 :

Send me your name and email address and I will send you $50 through PayPal.
I won the $300 prize yesterday, and want to share the wealth, in a small way.
Consider this an early Christmas present from the PU site.
No risk, no obligation.
Since the PU internal email service is so glitchy, send me the email to:
fakesharen009 (the at sign) yahoo.com.
Name and email address are required when sending cash through PayPal.

If you don't want the cash, just reply to this post, by saying: No thanks, not interested.


07-15-21  09:46am

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #7 - LKLK :

I just sent you an email through the system Sir and just in case to your yahoo address too
07-15-21  09:51am

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LKLK (0) REPLY TO #8 - Wraith0711 :

I sent $50 at 5.13 pm PST today, 7-15-21.
Turns out you don't need a person's name.
All you need is an email address.
Not sure how this works, how you will get the money.
Let me know if there are any problems.
Because I figure they are going to charge me for the transfer, so what the heck.
If nothing else, it was worth it to see how this works.
Do you receive a check that you can deposit?
I don't see how you can get cash, from an email address.
But maybe there's a way.
But maybe I can figure out a way to send an Amazon gift card, in the future.

Have a great day.

07-15-21  05:30pm

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LKLK (0) REPLY TO #8 - Wraith0711 :

I got your email at my Yahoo email address.
But the PU internal email system is unreliable.
I never got any of your emails from the PU system.
And you never got my email from the PU system.

Maybe PU will fix their email system one day.
In the past, I've send emails through the PU system, but most people never got those emails.
And there was no automatic notice the emails were lost, and never delivered.

Most email systems will notify you if an email was not delivered.
But not the PU email system.

07-15-21  08:29pm

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #9 - LKLK :

Thank you very much! it's in my paypal account. I looked at how to send money within paypal and without paypal and they both say they do not charge for it. Again Thank you Sir!!
07-16-21  04:01am

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LKLK (0) REPLY TO #11 - Wraith0711 :

I'm glad it went through so quickly.
And that you explained how you got the money.
I couldn't figure out how you would get the cash or credit, since I didn't include your name in the instructions, only your email address.

There can a small charge for sending cash/credit through PayPal, depending on how you do it.

If you want to send actual cash for pickup, there was a charge of around $5.50 or so.

But to send credit, unless you knows the bank account number or something, which I don't want or need to know, there was a charge of $1.50.

Thanks for checking.
Consider the $1.50 my personal gift to you.
The $50 came from PU, for your contributions to the site.

07-16-21  07:22am

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Wraith0711 (0) REPLY TO #12 - LKLK :

Again thank you very much sir
07-16-21  09:06am

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