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Visit Nikki Benz

Nikki Benz (0)

atrapat (0) 06-04-08  01:44pm
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Rebilling explained

++ EDIT ON 2008-Jun-06 ++
ccbill's reply: it's a regular monthly membership. "'12 times' means is that you would have to resubscribe after a years worth of service"
Default ccbill option reads "$29.95(USD) for 30 days then $29.95(USD) recurring every 30 days 12 times" (notice the trailing 12 times). If I don't get it wrong, you are in for a $359.40(USD) 12 month subscription if you don't cancel during the first month. I've checked other sites that use ccbill and none has the "12 times" final part in their rebilling text.

Anyway, just a reminder to keep on double checking what you sign up for even if it is through ccbill. I rarely rebill so I usually sign up for ccbill sites without paying much attention to rebill fees as the part before the THEN is usually my only fee. Never imagined this type of rebilling was remotely possible.

Absolutely no complaint regarding the current content. The site was relaunched recently (April 2008) but it seems to have the content from the previous site. New content is mainly candids from her recent travels and a weekly glamour gallery (both OK for me). Lives up to tour promises of updates, model diary and message board. Message board has replies by Nikki Benz herself that she'll consider shooting all types of rarely seen content of her exclusively for the site (anal, bbg, interracial). We are talking Nikki Benz here so if the site eventually offers this rare content (currently doesn't) may be worth checking often, even rebilling.

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badandy400 (0) WOW!!! I have never seen that either. A good number of places offer a 12 month or so deal, but it is usually half price or something, Videobox and Playboy do this. But to charge full price for every month, and to make 12 months mandatory is a bit extreme.

Thank you for a hell of a good warning! This site is going on my shit list!

06-04-08  02:44pm

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atrapat (0) REPLY TO #1 - badandy400 :

Looks like I got it wrong. Sorry about misleading you too :( I asked ccbill and they said that it's a regular monthly membership which you can cancel at any time; "12 times" only means that you would be rebilled UP TO 12 times so you would have to sign up again after one year. Weird rebilling (why not make it just "recurring"?) but not sleazy.

I've edited my initial comment to include ccbill's reply.

As I said in my initial comment, no complaint about the content. I'll add that it's quite well organized. As the rebilling is not a real issue, I'd still recommend it to anyone interested in Nikki Benz.

06-06-08  01:57pm

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badandy400 (0) REPLY TO #2 - atrapat :

Oh!!! That is not so bad. I wish they would make it shorter though. Like 3 months and then have yo go to ccbill and press renew or something. This would take care of the problem of forgetting to cancel and thinking you did for 2 years and $600 later.

Thanks for update and correction!

06-06-08  02:12pm

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