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Visit The Training Of O

The Training Of O (0)

asmith12 (0) 09-24-08  04:10pm
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Rating calculation problem?

PU says that rating for TheTrainingOfO is 94, but there are only 2 reviews, one is 95, and another is 90, so I expect it to be 92.5. Ok, I know that there are ratings and so on, so I went to "Feedback History" and found that's it's 92.5 there. So it's 94 on site page, and 92.5 in "Feedback History". Not that it really matters much, but which one is correct?

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elonlybuster (0) It's most likely from the users who just do the rating without posting a comment or review.
09-24-08  05:54pm

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badandy400 (0) A few weeks ago PU staff sent use a newsletter. The newsletter explained that as a review gets older it becomes less of an impact on the scoring of a site. So if a review was a year old it would not be weighted the same as a review that was three days old.

The point is that an old review may still hold some merit, but the newer review would be much more trustworthy (assuming all else equal) than the older one simply because the older one can not account for any changes over the last year or whatever.

This change was made at the same time as they began to allow us to update reviews. Which is nice because many of us like to revisit sites every six months or whatever. Now we can keep everything a little more up to date.

It was a good catch, so this proves that you are at least half paying attention. You can read about these changes on the bottom of the homepage in the news section. I believe it is the most current newsletter.

09-24-08  06:17pm

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asmith12 (0) REPLY TO #2 - badandy400 :

I've read that, but shouldn't it also be reflected on "Feedback History" page? Click on "Feedback History" link - it shows very detailed calculation (obviously aiming to explain how the rating was calculated), but end-result is DIFFERENT from the rating shown on the main page.
09-25-08  04:19am

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badandy400 (0) REPLY TO #3 - asmith12 :

This is something that perhaps you should talk to Khan about. The one review was a year old and thus does not count as much toward the final score. You are correct though, the feedback history page is not showing everything.

Here it is:

The old review is a year old, thus it counts as 25%
The newer review counts as 100% still

Newer review score times 4 plus the older review score and divide all by 5 since there is five parts to the score. Much like calculating a students GPA

470/5=94 ---the displayed score

I hope this helps a bit. They do need a line on the feedback page to count the number of older reviews.

09-25-08  10:37am

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asmith12 (0) REPLY TO #4 - badandy400 :

Thanks for explanation; as for talking to Khan - he reads it anyway (to approve), so if he agrees it's a problem, he will probably fix it sooner or later.
09-25-08  11:40am

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Khan (Suspended) REPLY TO #5 - asmith12 :

As mentioned, there are several factors that go into the score. I have asked the tech guy to look at it as to why the score isn't the same on both pages. My guess is, one page is using the new system and one is still using the old weighting of scores. But that's a guess. He'll be able to tell if it's a glitch and fix whatever is needed.

Thx for the heads up.

09-25-08  12:28pm

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asmith12 (0) REPLY TO #6 - Khan :

Sure, no problem, I just was a bit confused about different numbers on different pages :-).
09-25-08  01:22pm

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badandy400 (0) REPLY TO #5 - asmith12 :

I do not usually look to much at the scores. I feel that at times they are weighed one way or another too much by people who are biased either direction.

Hopefully he sees his name and says "hey thats me!" I guess it really is not a big deal though, I did not even know the feedback history page was there until you mentioned it.

Anyway, glad I could make it make sense for you.

09-25-08  02:33pm

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asmith12 (0) REPLY TO #8 - badandy400 :

Sure it isn't a big deal, but as a perfectionist I prefer everything to be in order :-).
09-25-08  02:42pm

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badandy400 (0) REPLY TO #9 - asmith12 :

Haha. Dont worry, I am sure they will get it fixed for you. I am not a perfectionist, shown very easily by more porn collection organization. I have stuff scattered everywhere, although it is betting a little better. I guess I am usually more worried about getting my stuff to work right and when I see something little at a free site I do not put much worry on it. Of course if I had all my stuff in order I might be more willing to give others a hard time! :)
09-25-08  02:47pm

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Jay G (Disabled) REPLY TO #2 - badandy400 :

While it sounds like a great idea it reminds me of my algebrqa classes. My head hurts. LOL
03-04-09  08:39am

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