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Visit ALS Scan

ALS Scan (0)

xbigvmanx (0) 10-30-08  12:52pm
Rookie Badge  Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (1), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Updated: 02-09-09  08:52am  (Update History)
Reason: Add more detail content to the review
Pros: Helps Charity Big Thumbs Up
Great Quality
For the small titty fisting, shaven, pissing fetish
Cons: Not a lot of girls
Content probably can download everything in one month with cable.
Different movie formats
Bottom Line: By Chance I received a coupon that allowed me to purchase subscription for 19 dollars per month. I thought about for a few days and when I received another e-mail that it will expire for 2 more days so I went ahead and took the plunge. Now about 8 years or so ago I went used to have subscribed to this website. After 8 years later a lot of changes has occurred from my absence and a lot of improvements as well. First of all, lets talk about all the good on this website. All their galleries have been re-mastered or in the process of being re-mastered. No longer are there any 2 minute clips but large clips, a lot of their recent stuff are displayed on HD format. Girls are beautiful with a barely legal look to them. Great use of themes like fisting, smally titty, shaven, pissing fetish. This is a website after my own heart.
As for the bad there are a little over 230 girls each with their own galleries or movies. There are about 10 or so group galleries where the modes take a little trip to some tropical foreign country like St John or Jamaica and have a photoshoot there. I guess my one complaint is with a fast cable connection you can download the entire website in less then a month. The movies are done in four different formats which are mp4, avi, wmv, and divx. So if you have a good DVD type software like nero then you SOL if your computer can't play some of the formats.
All in all I still highly recommend this website. It holds a special place on art, quality and its donation to charity. I have also noticed that ALSDVD is no longer updating their website so I think they are now trying to consolidate their videos to Alsscan. I guess it would make sense since a lot of their videos are starting to show up on the mothersite.

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Review Replies (12)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


badandy400 (0) You can download everything in one month! :)

As you are a current member, can you tell me more about the site layout? I was a member several months ago and it sucked, but I know they were working on it.

10-30-08  01:00pm

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xbigvmanx (0)
REPLY TO #1 - badandy400 :

I can't really change your opinion if you think its not a good purchase. No I am not a member anymore and like you its been a while since I last joined. But I am considering coming back to it just to so I can download the movies as well as the new photos. Other then the layout what did you not like about it?
10-30-08  01:07pm

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badandy400 (0) REPLY TO #2 - xbigvmanx :

Your review states you are a current member! You cant say you are a current member if in fact you have not been for several months, that is very misleading (that is your cue to fix that in your review).

It is a site i will rejoin in the future, they have a lot of good videos and great looking girls. The navigation is the only real issue I had.

I posted a full review of this site, so you can read that and get my take on the site as it was as i was a member. Keep in mind that the site was changing while I was a member.

10-30-08  01:20pm

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xbigvmanx (0)
REPLY TO #3 - badandy400 :

OOO my bad. I didn't read that portion of the current member or previous member thing carefully. Thought it meant something else. Don't worry I changed it to what it is. Thanks for the heads up.
10-30-08  01:29pm

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badandy400 (0) REPLY TO #4 - xbigvmanx :

Not a problem. Half the time I write reviews the site yells at me because I forget to set that and have to go back and do it so the review goes through.
10-30-08  01:31pm

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PinkPanther (0) REPLY TO #1 - badandy400 :

You say that you were a member several months ago and you thought that the layout sucked - if that's the case, you wouldn't see any improvement. If you were a member over a year ago and were looking for some improvement, there has been considerable. They stopped taking vids off the network - they all stay up except for bonuses, which are for limited time only.

They also changed the layout so that all pic sets and vids can be accessed under the model's name.

They also put the polls in their own section, so if there are any open polls as to which older sets they should upgrade first or which sets of new models they should release first, you can find them easily and vote rather than e-mailing Alex.

I love this site, so I just want them to keep on going - and upgrading as the technology gets better, which they are very committed to.

10-31-08  11:24am

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Monahan (0) REPLY TO #6 - PinkPanther :

Any update? I'm thinking about doing a one month enrollment and doing a drain of all the good stuff if that's still possible.
03-08-09  12:24pm

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PinkPanther (0) REPLY TO #7 - Monahan :

They have updates every day. I'm not sure what in particular you are referring to?
03-08-09  08:45pm

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Monahan (0) REPLY TO #8 - PinkPanther :

By "update" I was referring to your comments in October about tech improvements they were working on.

Are things better now? Worse now? Or about the same as they were back in October? Are they doing a good job on upgrading older content? Etc.

03-08-09  11:17pm

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PinkPanther (0) REPLY TO #9 - Monahan :

They're continuing to upgrade older content. Their new vids have a download option of 1920 X 1080 HD WM. There's nothing that gets worse at this site, in my opinion. It continues to be my favorite site. You can learn a lot about what's there by using their tour, which is pretty detailed & extensive.
03-09-09  07:06am

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Monahan (0) REPLY TO #10 - PinkPanther :

I have gone through their preview site several times. Having been burned in the past by terrific preview sites where the actual site is not even close to the promises, when I read the comments and reviews for ALS written earlier I got the feeling that there was some hesitation by others. You, on the other hand, sounded enthusiastic so I put ALS on my long term list to consider again in spring 2009.

That's why I asked if the updating and improvements you reported were continuing.

Clearly they have a first class site and clearly the time is right to sign up.

03-09-09  09:10am

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MargulisAZ (Suspended) I'm not really a fan of this site any more but I will say they do have a lot of content, that's for sure.
06-04-09  10:27pm

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